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Social anxiety disorder symptoms can vary. Some individuals may only suffer from a specific fear such as eating or drinking, speaking, or writing if others are around or watching. Some people have a fear or going to the bathroom in a public restroom. Other people are fearful in all social situations and are never comfortable.
The normal daily activities that most people take for granted are so horrifying and worrisome it can be physically debilitating. This illness can cause people to miss work or school if they fear they will have to get up and be seen or noticed. Many persons with social phobia may have problems with relationships and can find it very difficult to meet and keep friends. Even when the person has friends they may not be able to enjoy going out with them or being with them in large crowds of other people who might be less known. Five of the most common symptoms are:
* Blushing often in social situations.
* Profuse sweating when anxious.
* Trembling when approached or spoke to.
* Nausea as anxiety increases and possibly vomiting.
* Extreme difficulty talking.
This disorder affects approximately 5.3 million American adults with men and women being affected equally. Social phobia usually starts to develop in childhood or the early teens. There is belief that social anxiety disorder can also be hereditary so if a family member has it you are at a higher risk of developing it.
Because of the nature and the severity of the anxiety people with this disorder have a higher risk of self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to try to relax and calm down. This only leads to worse problems and possibly addiction. To treat this disease one needs to see a doctor and seek psychotherapy and/or medications.

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