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Safety Tips For Joggers

A frequent error that joggers or runners make is that they become so preoccupied in their physical activity that they fail to be alert and pay attention to their surroundings. The following are a series of personal safety tips for joggers and runners: - Jog or run with a known companion. - Jog or run in a familiar area. - ... - If you are knocked down or fall, position yourself into a ball and keep your hands over your ears and face. - Try not to scream or roll around.

posted in Exercise by Camella
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Tips To Help Get You In The Running

If you want to shape up, walking, jogging and running can all provide a step in the right direction. Experts say these activities are not only excellent aerobic exercise but they can be the easiest and natural route to fitness. Running or walking outside, however, may not always be a natural choice. If you're ... further absorb the impact shock. &#8226; Aluminum frames provide strength but also flex more than steel. As a result, your joints can stay healthier for longer.

posted in Exercise by FlamboyantChomper
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