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Get a weekly, deep-tissue massage!

This technique allows you to lay down, to get rubbed by another person while listening to soothing music, while you're strengthening your heart, you're improving the oxygen in your cells, you're eliminating cellular waste, you're decreasing blood pressure, you're relieving stress and tension, you're relieving muscle soreness, stimulating all your nerve points in your body, draining the lymphatic system, improving your skin tone and elasticity, etc., etc., etc.

The benefits go on and on and on when it comes to deep-tissue massage.

Now there are a lot of forms of massage out there, but I feel that a "deep-tissue massage" does more to help us look and feel younger than any other form out there.
Personally, I enjoy getting a deep-tissue massage at least once a week, but you could do it at as often as you like.
Once a week does it for me because it doesn't cut too much into my schedule, yet it allows me to get all the benefits that we just spoke about.

If you don't have access to a good massage therapist or have the time to drive to a spa, then drive to a bookstore and get a book on how to give a massage and actually work through the book exchanging weekly or nightly massages with your partner.

Getting a deep-tissue massage will allow every system in your body to work more efficiently, and it'll relax and rejuvenate your skin, allowing it to appear a lot more supple and radiant.
That's it for this week - your homework is to take out the phone book and locate a good, qualified massage therapist and get yourself a deep tissue massage this week.

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