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topics by Slayerk

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Are We There Yet? Family Vacations with Autistic Children

Although planning a family vacation with children may make any parents pull out his or her hair, it can be a rewarding experience for everyone in the end. It is no different if you have an autistic child in the family. The important thing to remember is that you need to be prepared for whatever life throws your way. ... people; staring often happens, but instead of snide comments or mean looks, ignore them as much as possible and focus on having a good time with your family.

posted in Autism
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Who Can Develop High Blood Pressure?

Are you battling high blood pressure? Do you feel like you are the only one? You shouldn't feel that way because millions of Americans have high blood pressure. Only a certain percentage of them actually know it. When you see your doctor you have your blood pressure checked. Some people think this is irrelevant ... blood pressure. Remember to exercise and try to eat healthier. These overall will work wonders and you can thank yourself in the end when your body does.

posted in Blood Pressure

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