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Diets and Diet Programs - Choosing a Diet that works

If you find yourself with a few added pounds, feeling sluggish or just wanting to be the best that you can be, then your diet has a lot to do with your optimal performance. There have been many studies on which diet works the best. Although there are plenty of choices such as the Atkins diet, South beach diet, ... . Base your decision on your lifestyle and ability to be flexible. I've found that moderation works well for me and no one program is perfect' for me.

posted in Weight Loss
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What you need to know to get into massage therapy

If you think carving a career in massage therapy is as easy as knowing how to knead and press, you are wrong. Because of the increasing popularity of these clinics, the government has started to regulate the practice. Now, massage therapists need to get some kind of license in order to work. This of course is not true for ... . Clients love therapists who talk to them and those who listen to their problems. If you are a little bit anti-social, this is not the career for you.

posted in Massage Therapy
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Getting Active Together

Studies have shown that only one-fourth of us get the 30 minutes of exercise each day the Surgeon General recommends. Sedentary children are more likely to become sedentary adults, so it's important to encourage healthy habits early on. "Getting fit and staying active is something families can do together," says Sharon ... encourage him to spend as much active time. The effort you put into cultivating healthy habits now will pay big dividends later in your child's life.

posted in Exercise

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