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Chhiùng Wikipedia lòi
(Chhùng-thin-hiong chhṳ Tshèu-chiu-fa)

Tshèu-chû-fa su̍k-yî Hon-ngî tshit-thai fông-ngièn ke Mîn-nàm-ngî fûn-tshut, he Kóng-tûng tûng-nàm-phu Tshèu-sân thi-khî ke yit-tsúng fông-ngièn. Tshèu-sân thi-khî kóng Tshèu-tsû-fa ke ngìn-khiéu thai-yok yû yit-tshiên-van ngìn, hói-ngoi thai-yok yû ńg-pak-van ngìn.

Li̍t-sṳ́[phiên-siá | kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]

Tshâm-siòng[phiên-siá | kói ngièn-sṳ́-mâ]

  • Chappell, Hilary (ed.) 2001. Sinitic grammar : synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Oxford; New York: OUP
  • Chen, Matthew Y. 2000. Tone Sandhi : patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge, England: CUP
  • DeFrancis, John. 1984. The Chinese language: fact and fantasy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
  • Norman, Jerry. 2002. Chinese. Cambridge, England: CUP
  • Ramsey, S. Robert 1986. Languages of China. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press