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April 03, 2018

Joined: Oct 27, 2017

Posts: 43

Kudos: 119

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V39

Good at math or bad at math - eGMAT is the way to reach a Q51


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Let me keep this review neat , crisp and straight to the point. I am an Indian engineer and yes the stereotype is true. I am good at quant. I have always been topping my math classes from childhood. Hence, I started my GMAT prep considering I need no support from any external resources. But obviously I was wrong. I was falling in the test makers traps again and again. It was then when I realised a professional classes for GMAT prep.
I went through many online and offline options, but one day I came across an advertisement for a free webminar on GMAT number properties by eGMAT. I have attended the webminar and the next half an hour I purchased the entire course. I style of learning I experienced in eGMAT is phenomenal.
eGMAT courses donot teach you tips, tricks or shortcuts. With tips, tricks or shortcuts you'll only reach probably a Q48 and not a Q51. The courses teach you the simplest ways of understanding and tackling a quant question. No shortcuts whatsoever. This made it easier for me.
For example, since I am good at math , whenever I see a DS question I start solving it immediately and it is when I went through eGMAT course I understood wch questions are not supposed to be solved. Similarly for equation based questions, I never knew I could keep the variables till the end without substituting to make the problem simpler, or where to stop your calculation and move on to options. eGMAT had the most effective instructors and amazingly crafted videos which are suitable for students of any educational background.

May 22, 2018

Thank you for your review. I am looking at reviews in this forum and trying to figure out the best way to prepare for Gmat. I am considering using eGmat for both quant and verbal but I was wondering if I should also get Manhattan gmat guides. Did you use any books in addition to egmat?

May 24, 2018

@Jarg ... No you wouldn't need any other books... Only the official guide is enough.
If you want some extra questions for practice, you can go for RC grail by Aristotle prep. It's really good.
I strongly recommend not to follow multiple sources of information, it would just confuse you more on what approach to take in solving any type of question.

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