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Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Módulo:Itemgroup/list/probas.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
-- versión cawiki 20231209

This module is a data table used by function "list" of module:itemgroup.
It contains "values" associated with a ["my group"] that actually gives "name" to the value.
It allows templates to avoid using "constant values" within the code, 
allowing platform-level customization of template operation.
For example: a default value, an icon name, or a value that must be met in a condition, 
can be changed without having to modify the template code, if its value is outsourced within this table. 

To avoid conflicts with the same name (["my group"]) used in different templates, 
the list of ["my group"] ↔ values, is grouped within several ["mytable"]s 

The name assigned to ["mytable"] and ["my group"] is free, but is determined by the template's use. 

local data = {

--["mytable"] = {
--	["mygroup"] = {'Qid1', 'Qid2'},

-- tables and groups, edit below

-- Commons values used in several infoboxes: Infobox event, infotaula competició esportiva, et al. 
["CommonUses"] = {
    ["1 dia"]     = {'diari'},     	-- freq. adjectives
    ["1 setmana"] = {'setmanal'},  
    ["1 mes"]     = {'mensual'},  
    ["1 any"]     = {'anual'},  
    ["2 setmanes"] = {'quinzenal'},  
    ["2 mesos"]     = {'bimestral'},  
    ["2 anys"]     = {'biennal'},  
    ["3 mesos"]     = {'trimestral'},  
    ["3 anys"]     = {'triennal'},  
    ["4 mesos"]     = {'quadrimestral'},  
    ["4 anys"]     = {'quadriennal'},  
    ["5 anys"]     = {'quinquennal'},  
    ["6 mesos"]     = {'semestral'}  
-- Values to filter images by its P407 language. 
-- Infoboxes select image by our language (P407) before the one marked as preferenced  
["PriorityImages"] = {
	["Accepted_lang"]	= {'Q9307'}	-- gallego

-- Values used in template:infobox person
["IBperson"] = {
	["no_image_categ"] = {'Personalidades sen imaxes'}  -- category for articles without image. The absence of this value means "do not categorize"
-- Values used in template:Infobox organization 
["infobox organisation"] = {
	["WL_grup_humans"] = {'Q16334295/Q14073567/Q16979650/Q13417114/'},
	["WL_edifici"] = {'Q411761', 'Q55488', 'Q483110', 'Q7540126', 'Q16560', 'Q644371', 'Q1021645'}

-- Values used in template:Infobox sport competition 
["IBsport_competition"] = {
    ["blacklist_P2670"] = {'Q7856'},     	-- blacklist for P2670. It's, not usefull for this infobox
            -- Medal images or similar to replace order (1st., 2nd., 3th. ) with an image
            -- last parameter of file statement, MUST BE TRANSLATED to WP language
    ["Q406039img"]   = {'[[file:Noto Emoji Oreo 1f947.svg|20px|Medalla Or]]'},     -- Keys are medal Qid + "img" suffix.
    ["Q847956img"]   = {'[[file:Noto Emoji Oreo 1f948.svg|20px|Medalla Argent]]'}, -- Using just the Qid may cause collisions 
    ["Q873364img"]   = {'[[file:Noto Emoji Oreo 1f949.svg|20px|Medalla Bronze]]'}, -- with other values within this list..
                                                                                   -- ---------------  
	["show_records"] = {'Q688615', 'Q1432032'},	-- whitelist of records (P1000) to show in results 
    ["Q1432032img"]  = {'[[file:Icona rècord olímpic.svg|18px|Rècord olímpic]]'},  -- Same as medals, but for records.
    ["Q688615img"]   = {'[[file:Icona rècord mundial.svg|18px|Rècord mundial]]'},  -- New kind of records may be added.
	["title_above"]  = {'title'},                    --  What is the top line for article name
	["icon_current_season"] = {'IEC 60417 - Ref-No 5880.svg'},   -- icon special row with current season link
	["icon_default"] = {'Steren-Laurel.svg'}           -- default icon infobox title when no sport icon exists.

-- Values used in template:Infotaula esdeveniment (infobox event)
["IBevent"] = {
	["img_event"]    = {'Simpleicons Business calendar-with-a-clock-time-tools.svg'},  --  title default icon used in /formatglobal
	["default_color_map_1"]     = {'#339933'},       -- default color for participant 1 in bi-lateral relationship 
	["default_color_map_2"]     = {'#E08020'},       -- default color for participant 2 in bi-lateral relationship 
	["bilateral_relation"] = {'Q15221623'},  --  Qid for bilateral_relation
	["WM_list"] = {'Q13406463'},  --  Qid for Wikimedia list
	["title_above"] = {'title'},  --  What is the top line for article name
	["str_end_date_format"] = {'dmy'},  -- kind of range date for {{FormatData_inici_fi}}. Use NONE to show full format in both
	["hurricane_et_al"]    = {'Q18650988', 'Q63106470', 'Q63106482', 'Q63170811', 'Q3157041', 'Q63106520', 
		'Q63170831', 'Q63171248', 'Q63100559', 'Q63108234', 'Q16172167', 'Q63183653', 'Q63100584', 'Q63100595', 
		'Q63183392', 'Q63182478', 'Q63183687', 'Q63100601', 'Q63100611', 'Q15941028', 'Q63183538', 'Q63182937', 
		'Q63183721', 'Q11069306', 'Q63106574', 'Q11069306', 'Q63183636', 'Q140588'}	-- blacklist  in ', 'infobox event


-- Values used in template:Infotaula geografia política (infobox political geography)
["IBgeopoli"] = {
	["no_image_categ"] = {'Artigos de xeografía política sen imaxes'},  -- category for articles without image. The absence of this value means "do not categorize" 
	["no_coord_categ"] = {'Wikipedia:Artigos de xeografía política que requiren coordenadas'},  -- category for articles without coord. The absence of this value means "do not categorize" 
	["unable_coord_categ"] = {'Articles de geografia política amb coordenades no localitzables'},  -- category for articles with impossible to found coord. The absence of this value means "categorize as no_coord_categ" 
	["area_unit"] = {'Q712226'},              -- Qid of unit of area to calculate density results (Q712226 = km2)
	["popul_density_unit"] = {'Q111010600'},  -- Qid of density results (Q111010600 = pers/km2)
	["elevation_over_sea_unit"] = {'Q11573'},  -- Qid of density results (Q11573 = meter)
	["top_level_for_P131"] = {'Q7275', 'Q3624078'},  -- Qid of top level of P131 Getparentvalues for upper_admin_structure. (state, sovereign state,..). 
	["disappeared_entity"] = {'Q3024240', 'Q19953632'},  -- Qid of disapeared states, city, etc. for use in P6 & P35
	["blacklist_motto"] = {'Q96036107'},  -- Qid of P3831 qualif of P1451 or P1546 to avoid non-official motto
	["img_geopoli"]    = {'Globe icon.svg'}   -- title default icon used in /formatglobal

-- Values used in template:infobox elections and its subtemplates
["IBelection"] = {
    ["top_end"]  = {'top'},       --  Where is the succession line?. top=after title; end=at bottom
    ["logo_election"] = {'si'},  --  any value allows to show P154-logo of election on title
    ["title_above"]  = {'above'},  --  What is the top line for article name
    ["img_election"] = {'Q189760 noun 84860 ccReJeanSoo vote.svg'},  --  title default icon used in /formatglobal
    ["is_group_elections"]   = {'Q76853179'},  -- Qid for P31=group elections. whitelist in /prepare + /type_election
    ["is_referendum"]= {'Q43109', 'Q1214249'},     -- Qid for P31=referendum.      whitelist in /prepare + /type_election
    ["is_round_elections"]   = {'Q24097670'},  -- Qid for P31=round_elections. whitelist in /prepare + /type_election
    ["is_ballot"]	     = {'Q905151'},    -- Qid for P18 +qualif.P180 (allowed images) = default: ballot image. in /core
    ["is_electoral_result"]  = {'Q19571328'},  -- Qid for P1846 +qualif.P180 (allowed map/draw for electoral result image). in /core
    ["is_election_campaign"] = {'Q11642595'}, -- Qid for qualif. for P2047=election campaign. whitelist in /moment                 
    ["is_investit_appointm"] = {'Q1318578', 'Q167407'}, -- Qid for qualif.P1536=investiture or appointment in /core               
    ["yes_in_referendum"]    = {'Q41216873', 'Q231043', 'Q24759380'},	-- whitelist in /core
    ["no_in_referendum"]     = {'Q41216897', 'Q19358049', 'Q24759450'},	-- whitelist in /core
    ["basicbarcolor"] = {'#C0C0C0'},       -- bar of candidate votes in /showblocks
    ["roundcolor_1"]  = {'#6fc0f2'},       -- bar of participation in /showblocks + election/
    ["roundcolor_2"]  = {'#ff7f0e'},       -- bar of participation in round 2 in /showblocks + election/
    ["id_position1"]  = {'A'},             -- letter or sign for 1st round in infobox election/
    ["id_position2"]  = {'B'},             -- letter or sign for 2n  round in infobox election/
    ["yes_color"]     = {'#68ff79'},       -- bar of "yes" option for referendum in /prepare
    ["not_color"]     = {'#FF7D6F'},       -- bar of "no" option for referendum in /prepare
    ["text_party_equivalent"] = {'Comparanza con: '},   -- text as label for the equivalent party for comparision
    ["img_electorate"] = {'Community Noun project 2280.svg'},         -- icon in /showblocks
    ["img_voter"]     = {'Q189760 noun 84860 ccReJeanSoo vote.svg'},  -- icon in /showblocks
    ["img_valid"]     = {'Ballot Box Silhouette OK-green.svg'},       -- icon in /showblocks
    ["img_blank"]     = {'Ballot_box-Blank.svg'},                     -- icon in /showblocks
    ["img_void"]      = {'Ballot Box Silhouette null-red.svg'},       -- icon in /showblocks
    ["img_winner"]    = {'Gnome-bookmark-new2.svg'}                   -- icon in /showblocks

-- end of tables, do not edit below
return data