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Alternative forms




Uncertain. Possibly derived from one of several now-obsolete or even unattested stems:

Etymologically and historically, one would expect the latter, i.e. Ukrainian су́тність (sútnistʹ) to be closer to the Belarusian term, however neither *суць (*sucʹ) nor *су́тні (*sútni) are recorded in major dictionaries, with especially the latter almost exclusively found in Ukrainian sources. On the other hand, *суць (*sucʹ) may be used occasionally by some Belarusian speakers as a reconstructed cognate to Russian суть (sutʹ), however this use is not formally documented in any dictionaries.

Likewise, Russian сущий (suščij) does not have a cognate in modern Belarusian, making the formation of a direct cognate form to су́щность (súščnostʹ) theoretically impossible.

Alternatively, simply borrowed from Ukrainian су́тність (sútnistʹ).





су́тнасць (sútnascʹf inan (genitive су́тнасці, uncountable)

  1. essence
    су́тнасць жыцця́sútnascʹ žyccjáthe essence of life
    гавары́ць па су́тнасці спра́выhavarýcʹ pa sútnasci správyto talk about the essence of the matter
    па су́тнасціpa sútnasciin essence; essentially
  2. (philosophy) essence, nature (the true nature of anything, not accidental or illusory)
  3. entity, creature, being





