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Petite Teenagers’ Fashion Gallery

Fashion Tricks for Petite Teenagers

It may be desirable to wear clothing that makes you appear taller if you are petite. Learn how to make the most of your features while looking your best.

Prints and Patterns

Moderation is the key to wearing prints and patterns on small frames. Despite the fact that prints can make larger girls look bigger than they are, a busy print can look great on a small teen girl. This dress adds a lot of interest to an otherwise normal outfit with its white on black contrast.

Flattering Bold Colors

Do you want to stand out from the crowd, even if you are petite? Teenagers with petite frames can look great in bold colors that put them in the spotlight. Royal blue, deep green, and fuchsia are the best colors for cool skin tones. Orange and sunny yellow look best on warm skin tones.

Choose the Right Hem Length

The length of a dress is particularly important for people of smaller stature. Skirts with hems just above the knee or higher can elongate your frame and make you look taller, but you shouldn’t wear skirts below the knee if you want to avoid looking shorter. You can find the best selection in petite sections, or have dresses professionally tailored to fit you.

Jeans for Petites

Teenagers with small frames may find it difficult to fit into jeans. A petite person’s length and inseam are both issues. Make sure your jeans fit properly by choosing jeans made especially for petites or preteen fashions. Among the brands that offer petite denim are Abercrombie, Blue Cult, True Religion, and Lucky.

Low Rise Pants

When your pants fall low on your waist, it will appear that your waist is lower than it actually is, which will make your torso look longer, and give you the appearance of being taller.

Short Shorts

If you wear short shorts, you will appear to have longer legs, since you are showing more of your legs. Whenever you shop for shorts, make sure they fall where they would on someone who is not petite. You can have short shorts tailored to your height if you can’t find petite short shorts!

Petite Tops

The upper half of your body is just as important as the lower half. It is impossible to look good in a top that is too large. When trying on blouses, check the length at the waist and where the sleeves end. Take a look at the blouse from all angles in the mirror to make sure it fits properly. The companies Forever 21 and Hollister make tops for petites.

Choose Vertical Stripes

People will perceive you as taller than you are if you have vertical lines, like those on this dress. You can elongate your torso by wearing a shirt with vertical lines, or you can elongate your legs by wearing a skirt with vertical lines.

Choose Shoes with Heels

You can create a tall, lean appearance by choosing the right shoes. It is best for petite girls to wear at least a small heel, but you can get away with wearing higher heels as well.

High Heel Boots

Combined with a short skirt, dress, or pair of shorts, boots with high heels will accentuate your legs and make them appear longer.

Long Shirt with Heels

You can lengthen your torso by buying longer shirts that fall below your waist, but are not oversized. Wearing skinny jeans with flats is not a good idea. Instead, wear high heels to lengthen your legs and give you height.

Simple Jewelry

Because petite teens usually have very small bones, you should choose jewelry that compliments your frame. Many small women won’t look good wearing heavy, long beaded necklaces. Consider simple jewelry such as a silver chain with a pendant instead.

Selecting Petite Fashions

Petite teens can use many other fashion and style tricks to look their best, most of which have to do with proper fit. If you have a petite frame, keep your size in mind when shopping for casual clothes, school uniforms, and formal attire. You will feel and look great when you choose clothes in the right proportions.

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