Low FODMAP Beef Broth or Stock

Low FODMAP Beef Stock (Bone Broth)

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Beef bones are roasted with carrots and then simmered with vegetables in the this Low FODMAP Beef Stock (Bone Broth) recipe.

Low FODMAP Beef Broth or Stock

My last post I shared how I make and store chicken broth for cooking. Here’s how to make beef broth. Broths and stocks are important in cooking because they add richness, flavor and wholesome nutrition. A lot of my recipes call for broth, but most store-bought broths have onion and/or garlic in them, which are generally not allowed on the low-FODMAP diet. Some people may be able to tolerate a little onion cooked into broth. If you are one of those people, then go ahead and add it (just roast it with the carrots and bones).

Beef broth is pretty easy to make, it just takes time. It’s not as easy as chicken broth because there is an extra step involved: roasting the bones. Don’t worry, it’s easy and only takes half an hour. But then after that, it’s the same. Simmer the bones, veggies and herbs in water, then you’re done! You really don’t want to skip the roasting part, it really adds the best flavor and color to the broth. I read that adding an acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice) will help draw out the minerals in the bones. Adding salt is optional. I don’t usually add salt to the broth. I like to add it to taste to my dishes when cooking. But that’s just me.

How to Make Beef Bone Broth

Time needed: 4 hours and 40 minutes

Making Low FODMAP Beef Stock (Bone Broth)

  1. Gather your ingredients

    Here are some of the beef soup bones I used (with the carrots). I used about 3 pounds of bones in all.beef bones and carrots

  2. Roast the bones and carrots

    First, place the bones and carrots in a large roasting pan and bake at 450 degrees F for about 30 minutes. Turn the bones and carrots over about half-way through. This is important! Otherwise it will burn. I found this out the hard way…..roasting beef bones

  3. Scrape up the browned bits

    Transfer the bones and carrots into a large stock pot. Pour 1/2 cup water into the empty roasting pan and scrape up the browned bits. Pour this into the stockpot as well. This gives the broth its rich flavor and brown color.scraping up browned bits

  4. Simmer

    Add the remaining ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer at least 4 hours. The longer the better, the more nutritioussimmering beef broth

  5. Skim fat

    Strain the broth through a fine-mesh sieve or a colander lined with cheese cloth. Refrigerate overnight to let the fat float to the top and solidify. This makes it really easy to skim the fat off.skim fat off broth

  6. Use or freeze

    Then either use the broth or freeze it! I like freeze it in individual containers in 1 cup and 2 cup increments, making it easy to use in whatever recipe I’m making. Don’t forget to label the containers. Trust me, in three months you wont’ have any idea what it is.low fodmap beef broth for freezing

You may enjoy this other low-FODMAP broth recipe from my collection:

Low FODMAP Beef Broth or Stock

Low FODMAP Beef Stock (Bone Broth)

Beef bones are roasted with carrots and then simmered with vegetables in the this Low FODMAP Beef Broth or Stock recipe.
Course Soup
Keyword beef, bone broth, broth, low-fodmap, stock
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours 30 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 40 minutes
Servings 8 cups
  • about 3 pounds beef soup bones
  • 2 carrots, scrubbed and cut into 1″ pieces
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 rib celery, scrubbed and cut into 1″ pieces (or just the leaves if you are sensitive)
  • 1 bunch green onions, green parts only
  • 8 sprigs fresh parsley
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon whole peppercorns
  • 10 cups water
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  • Combine bones and carrots in a large roasting pan. Bake, uncovered, for 30 minutes, turning bones and carrots over occasionally.
  • Using tongs, transfer bones and carrots to a large stock pot. Drain the fat from the roasting pan and discard. Pour the 1/2 cup water into the roasting pan and scrape up the browned bits using a wooden spoon. Pour this into the stock pot as well.
  • Add remaining ingredients to the stock pot, making sure there is enough water to cover the bones. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer 4 to 5 hours or even longer if desired, adding more water if needed to keep the bones covered.
  • Strain the broth through a fine-mesh sieve or a colander lined with cheesecloth. Cool broth and transfer to the refrigerator. Let chill overnight and then skim the solid fat off the top. Broth is now ready to freeze or use in your favorite recipes.
Low FODMAP Beef Bone Broth

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  1. Thanks for this. I've had a great recipe for Chicken stock for a long time. I freeze my stock in muffin tins measured out in…oh I have forgotten how much it holds…then I put them in freezer bags and write on it how much each cube it…I think 1/2 cup…that way I can just pop it in a recipe I need and know just how much it is…also it uses so little room in the freezer and only one plastic doohickey.
    And I just found a butcher that has soup bones! (we just moved to a new city….thank goodness…soup bones!!!) wendy

  2. Great idea with the muffin tin! I will have to try it. I have had a difficult time finding soup bones and I just moved to a new city too. I hope I can them here!

  3. Could this be made with oxtail? I saw some at the grocery store today and renege having oxtail broth as a child

  4. I'm not sure, but I don't see why not. It's worth a try!

  5. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I don't tolerate onions AT ALL! If there is onion in anything, I vomit violently before I can even swallow. I'm not kidding…it is horrible! I've been using Campbell's beef broth and chicken broth for years, as there were no onions in it and it tasted pretty good. Campbell's has recently introduced onion or onion extract into every darn thing, so I won't be purchasing any more of that.

  6. This sounds like a huge blessing now that I learned I must go low-fodmap this week! I would love to make it in the crockpot. Could you please advise. Thanks!

  7. Pingback: Low FODMAP Slow Cooker Beef Stew - Delicious as it Looks

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