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Modul til at hente oplysninger fra Wikidata. Det bruges af følgende skabeloner:

Skabelon Indgangsfunktion
Skabelon:Wikidata-emne p.hent_emne
Skabelon:Wikidata-tal p.hent_tal
Skabelon:Wikidata-tid p.hent_tid
Skabelon:Wikidata-tekst p.hent_tekst
Skabelon:Wikidata-streng p.hent_streng
Skabelon:Wikidata-matematik p.hent_matematik
Skabelon:Wikidata-koord p.hent_koord
Skabelon:Wikidata-id p.hent_id

Disse skabeloner, på nær den sidste, har mange fælles parametre. Parametrene er:

Oversigt over parametre til {{Wikidata-emne}}, {{Wikidata-tal}}, {{Wikidata-tid}}, {{Wikidata-tekst}}, {{Wikidata-streng}}, {{Wikidata-matematik}}, {{Wikidata-koord}}
Parameter Beskrivelse Default Bruges for værdier af type
alle emne tal tid tekst streng koord. kvalifikator-værdier
1. uden navn Wikidata-egenskab ('Pxxx')
2. uden navn brug denne værdi i stedet for Wikidata
q Wikidata-emne ('Qxxx') emnet for aktuel side
feltnavn navn for denne brug af skabelonen. Hvis angivet tjekkes om Wikidata skal bruges for navnet.
wikidata liste med ønskede feltnavne. 'ja' eller 'alle' godkender alle navne
ingen_wikidata liste med uønskede feltnavne. Undtagelser fra wikidata=ja
link angiver om der skal linkes til emner hvis der er en artikel ja
kunlink ja: vis kun værdien hvis der er en wikiside at linke til
adskil angiver hvad værdier skal adskilles med ", "
liste angiver at værdierne skal være på en punktliste
maks angiver det maksimale antal værdier
mere_end_maks angiver tekst som bruges hvis værdier er udeladt pga. maks "med flere"
medstort ja: første værdi skrives med stort begyndelsesbogstav, alle: alle værdier skrives med stort begyndelsesbogstav Nej
kursiv ja: skriv værdier med kursiv
ikon ja: vis blyantikon med link til Wikidata
ental afsluttende tekst hvis der er én værdi
flertal afsluttende tekst hvis der er mere end én værdi
kun medtag kun værdier fra emner med denne værdi. Angives som 'Qxxx'. Nej
msk ja: hvis emnet er en tidszone i Rusland, vis også MSK. Nej
land hvis udfyldt, vis land for emnet i angivet format Nej
sted ja: tilføj land, og for store lande også delstat, med kommaer Nej
tid ja: skriv tidspunkter fra kvalifikatorerne P580, P582, P585
kunår skriv tidspunkter som årstal alene
parti hvis udfyldt, vis partimedlemskab i angivet format Nej
kvalifikator1, kvalifikator2, ... brug denne kvalifikator ('Pxxx')
kvalifikatorformat1, kvalifikatorformat2, ... format for brug af kvalifikator
kvalifikatorformatuden1, kvalifikatorformatuden2, ... format hvis kvalifikatoren ikke er brugt for værdien
kvalifikatorbrug1, kvalifikatorbrug2, ... anvendelse af kvalifikator. Kan være: "alle" (alle værdier bruges), "med" (værdier med kvalifikatoren bruges), "uden" (værdier uden kvalifikatoren bruges), værdi (værdier med denne værdi bruges - label eller 'Qxxx')
ingen tekst for den særlige værdi "ingen værdi" medtages ikke ("ingen" for kval.) Nej
ukendt tekst for den særlige værdi "ukendt værdi" medtages ikke ("ukendt" for kval.) Nej
sprognote nej: lav ikke note om værdi uden dansk navn
sprognotegroup group-parameter i sprognote
sprogkat nej: ingen sporingskategori for værdi uden dansk navn
alder vis alder ved det hentede tidspunkt. Værdien er egenskab ('Pxxx') for starttidspunkt/fødsel
aldernu vis alder nu. Værdien er "ja" eller en egenskab ('Pxxx') for sluttidspunkt/død som forhindrer visning hvis der er en ikke-decrepated værdi for egenskaben
alderformat udskriftsformat for brug af alder og aldernu $1 ($3 år)
decimaler antal decimaler i tal. "smart" for 0-3 afhængig af værdien. "orig" for samme antal som wikidata
forkort_store_tal ja for at vise tal større end 1000 med talord som tusind, million og milliard
visusikkerhed nej for ikke at vise usikkerhed på tal
enhed omregn tallet til denne enhed
visenhed nej for ikke at vise enheden
visusikkerhed nej for ikke at vise usikkerhed på tal
arealogtæthed vis areal og befolkningstæthed i det anførte format
arealogtætheduden format for indbyggertal hvis værdi for areal mangler
ref ja for at angive Wikidatas referencer (virker kun delvist)
format format for værdien
brugskabelon Kald angivet skabelon med værdien
sprog ønskede sprogkoder for tekster. "alle" for alle sprog da
skrivsprog ja for skriv sproget for en tekst i parentes
eneste ja for at vise den eneste tekst uanset sprog
koordlink nej for ikke at bruge geoHack og interaktivt kort
format [note 1] format for koordinater: dec for at bruge grader med decimaler, dms for at bruge grader, minutter, sekunder samme som koordinaterne er indtastet med på Wikidata
dim [note 1] størrelsen på området i m eller km
scale [note 1] størrelsesforhold på kort
type [note 1] hvilken slags sted koordinaterne refererer til
name [note 1] navn på stedet for koordinaterne
display [note 1] inline,i for visning hvor skabelonen er; title,t for visning øverst på side
region [note 1] lande- eller regionskode for stedet Koden for landet som angivet på Wikidata

Note 1: format, scale, type, name, display og region bruges på samme måde som de tilsvarende parametre til {{coord}} og {{coord}}. Se Wikipedia:Geografiske koordinater for en mere uddybende beskrivelse.

-- Module to fetch information from Wikidata, primarily for use in infoboxes

require("Modul:No globals")
local data = mw.loadData("Modul:Brug Wikidata/data")
-- local data = mw.loadData("Modul:Brug Wikidata/data/sandkasse")
local preferred_language = data.preferred_language
local fallback_languages = data.fallback_languages
local fallback_languages_humans = data.fallback_languages_humans
local fallback_note = data.fallback_note
local bc = data.bc
local months = data.months
local wd_units = data.wd_units
local wanted_units = data.wanted_units
local msk_timezones = data.msk_timezones
local fallback_languages_after_country = data.fallback_languages_after_country
local fallback_languages_for_persons = data.fallback_languages_for_persons  -- Not used!
local tracking_cats = data.tracking_cats

local p = {}

local tracking_categories = ''
local navnerum = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
local add_tracking_category = function(cat)
	if navnerum == 0 then
		tracking_categories = tracking_categories .. cat

-- The following values are set by get_statements
local the_frame			-- Used to for frame:extensionTag
local the_qid			-- Used to make links to Wikidata and to get more statements if needed later
local the_pid			-- Used to make links to Wikidata

-- The following value is set by get_references
local ref_texts = {}

local function has_value (tab, val)
    for index, value in ipairs(tab) do
        if value == val then
            return index
    return false

-- Get and format a reference to a statement
local get_reference = function(ref)
	local refargs = {}
	-- go throug all reference properties
	local snaks = ref.snaks
	for refpid, ref in pairs(snaks) do
		--mw.logObject(refpid, 'refpid')
		--mw.logObject(ref, 'ref')
		-- There may be more than more than value with the same property, but ignore all but the first
		local ref1 = ref[1]
		if ref[2] then
		if ref1.snaktype == 'value' then
			-- We have a reel value, as in not 'somevalue' or 'novalue'  
			if refpid == 'P248' then
				-- P248 is stated in
				local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(ref1.datavalue.value.id)
				if label then
					refargs.stated = ref1.datavalue.value
					refargs.stated["label"] = label
			elseif refpid == 'P854' then
				-- P854 is reference URL
				refargs.url = ref1.datavalue.value
			elseif refpid == 'P1476' then
				-- P1476 is title (monolingual text, the language can be default for language)
				refargs.title = ref1.datavalue.value.text
			elseif refpid == 'P123' then
				-- P123 is publisher 
				local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(ref1.datavalue.value.id)
				if label then
					refargs.publisher = ref1.datavalue.value
					refargs.publisher["label"] = label
			elseif refpid == 'P813' then
				-- P813 is retrieved
				refargs.accessdate = p.format_time({}, ref1.datavalue.value)
			elseif refpid == 'P304' then
				-- P304 is page(s)
				refargs.page = ref1.datavalue.value
			elseif refpid == 'P792' then
				-- P792 is chapter
				refargs.chapter = ref1.datavalue.value
			elseif refpid == 'P143' then
				-- P143 is "imported from"
				--refargs.importedfrom = ref1.datavalue.value
				--local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(ref1.datavalue.value.id)
				--if label then refargs.importedfrom["label"] = label end
	local text = ''
	if refargs.url then 
		local reftext = ''
		if refargs.title then reftext = refargs.title
		elseif refargs.stated then reftext = refargs.stated.label
		elseif refargs.publisher then reftext = refargs.publisher.label
			reftext = refargs.url
			-- skab en linktekst ud fra url'en
			-- find startposition
			local j1 = string.find(reftext,'//',1,true)
			-- fjern første del af strengen til og med de to skråstreger, hvis de findes
			if j1 then reftext = string.sub(reftext,j1+2,string.len(reftext)) end
			if reftext ~= '' then -- hvis strengen ikke er tom
				-- find positionen af næste skråstreg i strengen
				local i1 = string.find(reftext,'/',1,true)
				-- brug kun den del af strengen der ligger før skråstregen, hvis den findes
			    if i1 then reftext = string.sub(reftext,1,i1-1) end
		if reftext and reftext ~= '' then
		    text = '['..refargs.url..' '..reftext..']' 
	if refargs.publisher and text ~= '' and (refargs.title or refargs.stated) then text = text..', '..refargs.publisher.label end
	if refargs.stated and text ~= '' and (refargs.title or refargs.publisher) then text = text..', '..refargs.stated.label end
	if refargs.accessdate and text ~= '' then text = text..', '..'hentet '..refargs.accessdate end
--	if refargs.importedfrom  then text = text..'Importeret fra '..refargs.importedfrom.label..'. ' end
	return text

-- Get and format all references to a statement
-- Append the references to text and return the new text
-- If text is nil, return nil again
local get_references = function(args, text, references)
	-- This function is work in progess. 
	-- parameter ref er sat til 'ja' hvis der ønskes referencer
	local kilderef = mw.text.trim(args['ref'] or '')
	if kilderef ~= 'ja' then return text end
	if not text then return nil end
	local reference = ''
	-- refs er en tabel med de fundne referencer
	local refs = {}
	if not references or not next(references) then
		--refs[1] = '\nOplysningen er fra [[d:' .. the_qid .. '#' .. the_pid .. '|Wikidata]], som ikke har kilder til den.'
		for _ ,ref in pairs(references) do
			reference = get_reference(ref)
			if reference ~= '' then table.insert(refs, reference) end
	-- indholdet af noten
	local indhold = ''
	-- antallet af fundne referencer
	if #refs == 1 then
		indhold = refs[1]..' (fra [[d:' .. the_qid .. '#' .. the_pid .. '|Wikidata]]).'
	elseif #refs > 1 then
		indhold = table.concat(refs, '.<br />')..' (fra [[d:' .. the_qid .. '#' .. the_pid .. '|Wikidata]]).'
	if indhold ~= '' then 
		local nr -- index for indhold i ref_texts
		local itabel = has_value(ref_texts, indhold)
		if not itabel then 
			table.insert(ref_texts, indhold) 
			nr = #ref_texts 
		else nr = itabel end
        local ref_args = { name = 'kilde ' .. the_pid .. the_qid .. nr }
		text = text .. the_frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', content = indhold, args = ref_args }
	return text 

-- Looks at the arguments 'sprog' og 'skrivsprog' in args
-- Returns 3 values: 1) get_all: true if all languages are wanted
-- 2) show_language: true if language name is wanted
-- 3) a table with keys for wanted languages.
local get_lang_args = function(args)
	local languages = mw.text.trim(args.sprog or preferred_language)
	local show_language = mw.text.trim(args.skrivsprog or '') == 'ja'
	local get_all = false
	local wanteds = {}
	if languages == 'alle' then
		get_all = true
		for key in mw.text.gsplit(languages, '%s*,%s*') do
			wanteds[key] = true 
	return get_all, show_language, wanteds

-- Get values from a qualifier with data type time
-- Insert the values in the table given as first argument
-- The table elements are tables with the unformatted and the formatted value
-- Return the table
local get_time_qualifier = function(args, times, qualifiers)
	if qualifiers then
		for key, qualifier in pairs(qualifiers) do
			if qualifier.snaktype == "value" then
				local value = qualifier.datavalue.value
				local text = p.format_time(args, value)
				if text then
					table.insert(times, { value.time, text })
	return times

-- combine the formated dates in the second element of the element in the dates table
local combine_dates = function(dates)
	local text = ''
	if dates and dates[1] then
		text = dates[1][2]
	for i = 2, #dates do
		text = text .. '/' .. dates[i][2]
	return text

-- Get time values from the qualifiers and add them to the table times
-- The elements of times are tables with unformated and formated time values
-- Returns the times table 
local get_qualifier_times = function(args, times, qualifiers)
	if qualifiers then
		get_time_qualifier(args, times, qualifiers.P585) -- P585 is point of time
		local starts = get_time_qualifier(args, {}, qualifiers.P580) -- P580 is start time
		local ends = get_time_qualifier(args, {}, qualifiers.P582) -- P582 is end time
		if #starts > 0 then
			-- There can more than one start time, e.g. if the sources don't agree
			if #ends > 0 then
				-- Period with start and end time
				table.insert(times, { starts[1][1], combine_dates(starts) .. '-' .. combine_dates(ends) } )
				-- Only start time
				table.insert(times, { starts[1][1], 'fra ' .. combine_dates(starts) } )
			if #ends > 0 then
				-- Only end time
				table.insert(times, { ends[1][1], 'til ' .. combine_dates(ends) } )
	return times

-- Sort and combine the qualifier time values in the table times.
-- The elements of times are tables with unformated and formated time values.
-- Returns text ready to append to the value.
local format_qualifier_times = function(times)

	local text = ''
	if #times > 0 then
		table.sort(times, function (a,b)
			-- Use the unformated ISO 8601 time string for sorting
			local signa, signb = a[1]:sub(1, 1), b[1]:sub(1, 1)
			if signa == '+' then
				if signb == '+' then
					return a[1] < b[1] -- 2 AD times: The higher number is greater
					return false -- AD time is greater than BC time
				if signb == '+' then
					return true -- BC time is lesser than AD time
					return a[1] > b[1] -- 2 BC times: The higher number is lesser
		text = text .. ' (' .. times[1][2]
		for i = 2, #times do
			text = text .. ', ' .. times[i][2]
		text = text .. ')'
	return '<small>'..text..'</small>'

-- round the number 'n' to use max. 'decimals' decimals
local function round(n, decimals)
	return tonumber(string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', n))

	Convert a signed decimal degree to degrees, arch minutes and direction letter
	If 'round_to_integer' is true, round the minute value to an integer ]]
local function convert_to_dm(degrees, posdir, negdir, round_to_integer)
	local dir
	if degrees < 0 then
		degrees = -degrees
		dir = negdir
		dir = posdir
	local d = math.floor(degrees)
	local m = (degrees - d) * 60
	if round_to_integer then
		m = round(m, 0)
	if m == 60 then
		d, m = d + 1, 0
	return d, m, dir

-- Convert a signed decimal degree to degrees, arch minutes, arch seconds and direction letter
local function convert_to_dms(degrees, posdir, negdir)
	local d, minutes, dir = convert_to_dm(degrees, posdir, negdir)
	local m = math.floor(minutes)
	local s = (minutes - m) * 60
	if s == 60 then
		if m == 59 then
			d, m, s = d + 1, 0,  0
			m, s = m + 1, 0
	return d, m, s, dir

-- Avoid minute and second values rounded up 60
local function convert_60_seconds(degrees, minutes, seconds)
	if seconds == 60 then
		seconds = 0
		if minutes == 59 then
			degrees, minutes = degrees + 1, 0
			minutes = minutes + 1
	return degrees, minutes, seconds

local function format_coordinates(args, value)
	local lat = value.latitude
	local lon = value.longitude
	local precision = value.precision or 0
	local format = args.format

	local coordArgs
	local coordArgsFormat

	local roundedPrecision = string.format('%.1e', precision)
		-- The rounded precision will have the format 'd.d1e±dd'
	if precision >= 1 then
		--[[ No fractions of degrees, so both formats will present the same way. ]]
		coordArgs = { round(lat, 0), round(lon, 0) }
	elseif	(format ~= 'dec' and roundedPrecision == '1.7e-02') or
		(format == 'dms' and precision >= 0.01) then
		--[[ Convert to degrees and minutes to get the most accurate value if the precision is 1 arch minute
			and the format is not dec. Also Convert to degrees and minutes if dms is requested
			and precsion is in range. ]]
		local lat_d, lat_m, lat_NS = convert_to_dm(lat, 'N', 'S', true)
		local lon_d, lon_m, lon_EW = convert_to_dm(lon, 'E', 'W', true)
		coordArgs = { lat_d,  lat_m,  lat_NS, lon_d, lon_m, lon_EW }
		coordArgsFormat = 'dm'
	elseif	roundedPrecision == '2.8e-04' or roundedPrecision == '2.8e-05' or
			roundedPrecision == '2.8e-06' or roundedPrecision == '2.8e-07' or
			format == 'dms' then
		--[[ Convert to degrees, minutes and seconds to get the most accurate value if the precision is
			1, 1/10, 1/100 or 1/1000 arch second. Also convert to degrees, minutes and seconds if dms is requested
			and precsion is in range. ]]
		local lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_NS = convert_to_dms(lat, 'N', 'S')
		local lon_d, lon_m, lon_s, lon_EW = convert_to_dms(lon, 'E', 'W')
		if precision > 0 then
			local decimals = tonumber(string.sub(roundedPrecision, -1)) - 4
			if string.sub(roundedPrecision, 1, 1) == '1' then
				decimals = decimals + 1
			if decimals >= 0 then
				lat_s = round(lat_s, decimals)
				lat_d, lat_m, lat_s = convert_60_seconds(lat_d, lat_m, lat_s)
				lon_s = round(lon_s, decimals)
				lon_d, lon_m, lon_s = convert_60_seconds(lon_d, lon_m, lon_s)
		coordArgs = { lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_NS, lon_d, lon_m, lon_s, lon_EW }
		coordArgsFormat = 'dms'
		local decimals = tonumber(string.sub(roundedPrecision, -3))
		if decimals <= 0 then
			coordArgs = { round(lat, -decimals), round(lon, -decimals) }
			coordArgs = { lat, lon }

	if args.koordlink == 'nej' then
		-- no geoHack or other links
		if coordArgsFormat == 'dm' then
			return	coordArgs[1] .. '°' .. coordArgs[2] .. '′' .. coordArgs[3] .. ' ' ..
					coordArgs[4] .. '°' .. coordArgs[5] .. '′' .. ((coordArgs[6] == 'E') and 'Ø' or 'V')
		elseif coordArgsFormat == 'dms' then
			return	coordArgs[1] .. '°' .. coordArgs[2] .. '′' .. coordArgs[3] .. '″' .. coordArgs[4] .. ' ' ..
					coordArgs[5] .. '°' .. coordArgs[6] .. '′' .. coordArgs[7] .. '″' ..
					((coordArgs[8] == 'E') and 'Ø' or 'V')
			lat = coordArgs[1]
			lon = coordArgs[2]
			lat = (lat < 0) and (-lat .. '°S') or (lat .. '°N')
			lon = (lon < 0) and (-lon .. '°V') or (lon .. '°Ø')
			return lat .. ' ' .. lon

	local geoHackParameters = {}
	local dim = mw.text.trim(args.dim or '')
	if dim ~= '' then geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'dim:' .. dim end
	local scale = mw.text.trim(args.scale or '')
	if scale ~= '' then geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'scale:' .. scale end
	local type = mw.text.trim(args.type or '')
	if type ~= '' then geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'type:' .. type end

	local globe = value.globe -- The first 31 chars is 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', then comes Qid
	if globe ~= 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2' then -- Q2 is earth
		-- The globe name in lower case is used for the subpage name to Template:GeoTemplate
		geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'globe:' ..
			string.lower(mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(string.sub(globe, 32), 'en'))

	local region = mw.text.trim(args.region or '')
	if region ~= '' then
		geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'region:' .. region
		local countries = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(the_qid, 'P17') -- P17 is country
		if countries[1] and countries[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			local country = countries[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
			country = data.countries[country]
			if country and country[1] then
				region = country[1]
		if region == '' and args.fetched_item_id then
			local countries = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(args.fetched_item_id, 'P17') -- P17 is country
			if countries[1] and countries[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
				local country = countries[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
				country = data.countries[country]
				if country and country[1] then
					region = country[1]
		if region ~= '' then
			geoHackParameters[#geoHackParameters + 1] = 'region:' .. region

	if #geoHackParameters > 0 then
		coordArgs[#coordArgs + 1] = table.concat(geoHackParameters, '_')
	coordArgs.display = args.display
	coordArgs.format = format
	coordArgs.name = args.name
	return require('Modul:Coordinates')._coord(coordArgs)

-- Handle a qualifier
-- Return new text inkl. the qualifier or nil to remove the statement from the results
local get_qualifier = function(args, text, qual, format, formatwithout, use)
	if not qual then
		-- No such qualifier
		if use == 'med' then
			-- Only statements with the qualifier is wanted, so remove this statement
			return nil
			-- Otherwise return the statement with the formatwithout applied
			-- Use the table version of string.gsub to avoid having to escape % chars
			return (string.gsub(formatwithout, '$1', { ['$1'] = text }))
	if use == 'uden' then
		-- Only statements without the qualifier is wanted, so remove this statement
		return nil

	-- These are used for monolingual texts. We will only get values for them if necessary
	local get_all, show_language, wanteds = false, false, false

	-- Get the qualifier. There can be several values, loop over them and separate with comma
	local qualtext, qualpure, testUseValue = {}, {}, ( use ~= 'alle' and use ~= 'med' and use~= '' ) -- 'uden' er elimineret her
	for _, q in pairs(qual) do
		if q.snaktype == 'novalue' then
			qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = 'ingen'
		elseif q.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
			qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = 'ukendt'
			local datatype = q.datatype
			if datatype == 'time' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = p.format_time(args, q.datavalue.value)
			elseif datatype == 'monolingualtext' then
				if not wanteds then
					-- wanteds will be true if the language args are already fetched
					get_all, show_language, wanteds = get_lang_args(args)
				if get_all or wanteds[q.datavalue.value.language] then
					if show_language then
						qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(q.datavalue.value.text) .. ' (' ..
							mw.language.fetchLanguageName(q.datavalue.value.language, preferred_language) .. ')'
						qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(q.datavalue.value.text)
			elseif datatype == 'string' or datatype == 'commonsMedia' or datatype == 'external-id' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = mw.text.nowiki(q.datavalue.value)
			elseif datatype == 'url' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = q.datavalue.value
			elseif datatype == 'quantity' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = p.format_number(args, q.datavalue.value)
			elseif datatype == 'wikibase-item' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = p.get_label(args, q.datavalue.value.id, nil, nil)
				if testUseValue then
					-- q-value
					qualpure[#qualpure + 1] = q.datavalue.value.id
					-- label without link
					local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(q.datavalue.value.id)
					if label then
						qualpure[#qualpure + 1] = label
			elseif datatype == 'globe-coordinate' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = format_coordinates(args, q.datavalue.value)
			elseif datatype == 'math' then
				qualtext[#qualtext + 1] = '<math>' .. q.datavalue.value .. '</math>'
	if testUseValue then
		local function useValueInTable(tbl)
			for _, qualTextHere in pairs(tbl) do
				if qualTextHere == use then return true end
			return false
		if (not useValueInTable(qualtext) and (not useValueInTable(qualpure))) then
			return nil

	if #qualtext == 0 then
		-- No usable qualifiers. This happens if no qualifiers of type monolingualtext is in the right languages.
		return (use == 'med') and nil or (string.gsub(formatwithout, '$1', { ['$1'] = text }))
	return (string.gsub(format, '$[12]', { ['$1'] = text, ['$2'] = table.concat(qualtext, ', ') }))

-- Handle requets for qualifiers for a statement
-- text is the already formated statement
-- Return the new text with qualifiers or nil to remove the statement from the results
local get_qualifiers = function(args, text, qualifiers, notime)
	if not notime and mw.text.trim(args.tid or '') == 'ja' then
		-- Check qualifiers for point of time, start time, and end time
		local times = get_qualifier_times(args, {}, qualifiers)
		text = text .. format_qualifier_times(times)
   -- mw.logObject(qualifiers,'qualifiers')
	local qualno = 1
		local qual = mw.text.trim(args['kvalifikator' .. tostring(qualno)] or '')
		if qual == '' then break end
		local format = mw.text.trim(args['kvalifikatorformat' .. tostring(qualno)] or '$1 ($2)')
		local formatwithout = mw.text.trim(args['kvalifikatorformatuden' .. tostring(qualno)] or '$1')
		local use = mw.text.trim(args['kvalifikatorbrug' .. tostring(qualno)] or 'alle')
		text = get_qualifier(args, text, qualifiers and qualifiers[qual], format, formatwithout, use)
		qualno = qualno + 1
	until not text
	return text

-- Determine if the string 'name' is in the list 'list' med comma separated names
-- Returns true if 'name' is in the list. 
local function inlist (name, list)
	for n in mw.text.gsplit(list, '%s*,%s*') do
		if n == name then return true end
	return false

--[[ Handle commnon arguments for all "hent"-functions: the unnamed arguments 1 og 2, q, feltnavn, wikidata, ingen_wikidata.
     Get the best statements, that is statements with preferred rank is any, or else statements with normal rank.
     Return args, statements, return_now (the last contains a value to return immediately if not nil)
     Set shared local variables: frame, the_pid, the_qid ]]
local get_statements = function(frame)

	the_frame = frame
	-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template.
	-- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in.
	local args = (frame == mw.getCurrentFrame()) and frame:getParent().args or frame.args

	-- If a second unnamed argument is present and not empty, return it unconditionally
	local input_parm =  mw.text.trim(args[2] or "")
	if input_parm and (#input_parm > 0) then
		return nil, nil, input_parm

	-- Test if there is an infobox fieldname, and if Wikidata should be used for that field
	local fieldname = mw.text.trim(args.feltnavn or '')
	if #fieldname > 0 then
		local blacklist = args.ingen_wikidata
		if blacklist and inlist(fieldname, blacklist) then
			-- The fieldname is blaklisted
			return nil, nil, ''
		local whitelist = mw.text.trim(args.wikidata or '')
		if whitelist ~= 'alle' and whitelist ~= 'ja' and not inlist(fieldname, whitelist) then
			-- fieldname isn't on the list of allowed fieldnames
			return nil, nil, ''

	-- Get the item to use from either the parameter q or the item connected to the current page
	the_qid = mw.text.trim(args.q or '')
	if the_qid == '' then
		the_qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
		if the_qid == nil then
			-- No entity, stop here
			return nil, nil, ''

	-- The property is first unnamed argument
	the_pid = mw.text.trim(args[1] or "")
	local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(the_qid, the_pid)
	if statements == nil or #statements == 0 then
		-- No data to fetch
		return nil, nil, ''

	return args, statements

-- Make a link to a page if wanted from a label
-- Make the link to the entity 'entity' if not nil, else to 'qid'
-- Return '' if the value should be deleted (no article and kunlink=ja)
p.make_link = function(args, label, entity, qid)
	-- Convert characters with special meaning in wikitext to HTML entities
	label = mw.text.nowiki(label)

	-- Use italics if requested
	local use_italics = mw.text.trim(args.kursiv or "")
	if use_italics == 'ja' then
		label = "''" .. label .. "''"

	local link = mw.text.trim(args.link or "")
	if  link == 'nej' then
		-- link is not wanted
		return label

	local sitelink
	if entity then
		sitelink = entity:getSitelink()
		sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qid)
	if sitelink == nil then
		-- link is not possible
		local kunlink = mw.text.trim(args.kunlink or "")
		if kunlink == 'ja' then
			return ''
			return label

	if sitelink == label then
		return '[[' .. sitelink .. ']]'
		return '[[' .. sitelink .. '|' .. label .. ']]'

-- Make text with message, reference, and category about using a fallback language
p.make_language_message = function(args, langcode, qid)
	local language = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(langcode, preferred_language)
	-- No language in parenthesis for now
	-- local text =' (' .. language .. ')'
	local text = ''
	local language_note = mw.text.trim(args.sprognote or '')
	if language_note ~= 'nej' then
		local ref_args = { name = 'sprog ' .. langcode .. qid }
		local language_notegroup = mw.text.trim(args.sprognotegroup or '')
		if language_notegroup ~= '' then
			ref_args.group = language_notegroup
		text = text .. the_frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', content = string.format(fallback_note, language, qid), args = ref_args }
	local language_cat = mw.text.trim(args.sprogkat or '')
	if language_cat ~= 'nej' and (language_note ~= 'nej' or language_cat == 'ja') then
	return text

-- Make a link a for a country or state if make_link is true, else just get the label.
local make_country_link = function(country_id, make_link)
	local label = mw.wikibase.getLabel(country_id)
	if make_link then
		local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(country_id)
		if sitelink then
			label = '[[' .. sitelink .. '|' .. mw.text.nowiki(label or sitelink) .. ']]'
	return label
-- Get the country (or countries) for a place. Return formatted link(s) to the country/countries, and country_id if unique
local get_country = function(place_id, make_link)
	local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(place_id, 'P17')
	local text
	local country_id
	for _, statement in pairs(statements) do
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			country_id = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
			if country_id == place_id then
				return	-- The place is the country. Return nil for no result.
			local link = make_country_link(country_id, make_link)
			if link then
				text = text and (text .. '/' .. link) or link
	return text, #statements == 1 and country_id or nil

-- Get a value of type item from an entity if it is unique.
local get_unique_item_value = function(entity, pid)
	local statements = entity:getBestStatements(pid)
	if statements and #statements == 1 and
			statements[1].mainsnak and
			statements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
		return statements[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
	return nil

-- Format the label with upper case, link, extras (party or country), and language note
-- make_note is the item ID to link to if a note is wanted, or else nil
-- If requested there is linked to 'entity', or 'qid' if no entity
-- Return '' if the value should be deleted (no article and 'kunlink=ja')
local format_label = function(args, format, text, extra_text, entity, qid, lang, use_ucfirst, make_note)
	if use_ucfirst then
		text = mw.getLanguage(lang):ucfirst(text)
	local text = p.make_link(args, text, entity, qid)
	if make_note and text ~= '' then
		text = text .. p.make_language_message(args, lang, make_note)
	if extra_text then
		return (string.gsub(format, '$[12]', { ['$1'] = text, ['$2'] = extra_text }))
		return text

-- Get the label of an item.
-- Creates a link using the sitelink if it exists unless the link argument is set to no
-- Converts the first character of the label to uppercase if use_ucfirst
-- Finds and adds country, state and country, or political party for the item if requested in the args and get_extras is true
-- Return '' if only links are requested (kunlink=ja) and no article exists
p.get_label = function(args, qid, use_ucfirst, get_extras)

	-- In order to save memory we will only get the entire entity for qid if necessary.
	-- It isn't needed if country or political party isn't requsted,
	-- and the entity have a label in the preferred language
    -- Find out if which extra, if any, are requested, and get extra_format
	local extra_format
	local get_party
	local show_country
	local place
	if get_extras then
		extra_format = mw.text.trim(args.parti or '')
		if extra_format ~= '' then
			get_party = true
			extra_format = mw.text.trim(args.land or '')
			if extra_format ~= '' then
				show_country = true
				place = mw.text.trim(args.sted or '') == 'ja'
				if place then
					extra_format = '$1, $2'
					get_extras = nil

	if not get_extras then
		-- Try for a label in the the preferred language
		local label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(qid, preferred_language)
		if label then
			return format_label(args, nil, label, nil, nil, qid, preferred_language, use_ucfirst, nil)

	-- OK, we will need the entity to continue (for now)
	local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid)
	if not entity then return '' end

	local extra_text
	local country_id, tried_to_get_country_id

	-- Find political party of the item if requested
	if get_party then
		-- P102 is member of political party
		local party_id = get_unique_item_value(entity, 'P102')
		if party_id then
			-- First try a shortname/abbreviation for the party, P1813 is short name
			local shortname_statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(party_id, 'P1813')
			for key, statement in pairs(shortname_statements) do
				if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and
					statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == 'da' then
					extra_text = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text
					break -- one is enough. As we don't know which is best, take the first
			if not extra_text then
				-- No shortname, get the label
				local extra_text = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(party_id, preferred_language)
			if extra_text then
				extra_text = p.make_link(args, extra_text, nil, party_id)
		-- Party was not requested. Get country if requested	
		if (show_country or place) and not data.no_country[qid]  then
			local make_link = mw.text.trim(args.link or "") ~= 'nej'
			extra_text, country_id = get_country(qid, make_link)
			tried_to_get_country_id = true
			if place and data.show_state[country_id] then
				local unit_id = qid
				local state_id
					-- Walk though administrative units until we come to the country, and then show the last unit before country
					local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(unit_id, 'P131')
						-- P131 is 'located in the administrative territorial entity'
					if statements[1] and statements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
						state_id = unit_id -- previous value
						unit_id = statements[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
						state_id = nil -- the chain is broken
				until unit_id == country_id
				if state_id and state_id ~= qid then
					local link = make_country_link(state_id, make_link)
					if link then
						extra_text = link .. ', ' .. extra_text

	-- Try the preferred language
	local label, lang = entity:getLabelWithLang(preferred_language)
	if lang == preferred_language then
		return format_label(args, extra_format, label, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, nil)

	-- Next try the local language if the item is located in certain countries
	if not country_id and not tried_to_get_country_id then
		-- P17 is country
		country_id, tried_to_get_country_id = get_unique_item_value(entity, 'P17'), true
	if country_id then
		local fallback = fallback_languages_after_country[country_id]
		if fallback then
			local label, lang = entity:getLabelWithLang(fallback)
			if lang == fallback then
				return format_label(args, extra_format, label, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, nil)
		if country_id == 'Q159' or		-- Q159 is Russia
			country_id == 'Q34266' or	-- Q34266 is Russian Empire
			country_id == 'Q15180' then	-- Q15180 is Soviet Union

	-- Find out if the item is a human
	local ishuman = nil
	-- P31 is instance of
	local instanceof = entity:getBestStatements('P31')
	for key, statement in pairs(instanceof) do
		-- Q5 is human
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id == 'Q5' then
			ishuman = true

	if ishuman then
		-- Next for humans try first group of fallback languags for humans (Norgewian and Swedish)
		for i, fallback in ipairs(fallback_languages_humans) do
			local label, lang = entity:getLabelWithLang(fallback)
			if lang == fallback then
				return format_label(args, extra_format, label, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, nil)

		-- Next for humans try the language of their country if there is one main language
		-- and it is written in a Latin script (the table of these is probably incomplete)
		-- P27 is country of citizenship
		local citizenship = get_unique_item_value(entity, 'P27')
		if citizenship then
			local fallback = fallback_languages_for_persons[citizenship]
			if fallback then
				local label, lang = entity:getLabelWithLang(fallback)
				if lang == fallback then
					return format_label(args, extra_format, label, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, nil)
			if citizenship == 'Q159' or			-- Q159 is Russia
				citizenship == 'Q34266' or		-- Q34266 is Russian Empire
				citizenship == 'Q15180' then	-- Q15180 is Soviet Union

	-- Try the fallback languages
	for i, fallback in ipairs(fallback_languages) do
		local label, lang = entity:getLabelWithLang(fallback)
		if lang == fallback then
			return format_label(args, extra_format, label, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, qid)

	-- Last resort: try any label
	local labels = entity.labels
	if labels then
		for lang,labeltable in pairs(labels) do
			if lang then
				return format_label(args, extra_format, labeltable.value, extra_text, entity, nil, lang, use_ucfirst, qid)
				return '' -- ingen label hos wikidata resulterer i manglende tekst (kun evt. et blyantikon)
	return ''

p.format_statement_group = function(args, statements, startrange, endrange, use_ucfirst)
	local statement = statements[startrange]
	local text = nil
	if statement.sortkey == 'novalue' then
		text = mw.text.trim(args.ingen or "")
		if (text == '') then return nil end
	elseif statement.sortkey == "somevalue" then
		text = mw.text.trim(args.ukendt or "")
		if (text == '') then return nil end
		text = p.get_label(args, statement.sortkey, use_ucfirst, true)
		if (text == '') then return nil end

		-- if the entity is a timezone in Russia, then add the MSK time if requested
		if mw.text.trim(args.msk or '') == 'ja' and msk_timezones[statement.sortkey] then
			text = text .. msk_timezones[statement.sortkey]

		-- Go through all statements for time qualifiers if requested
		if mw.text.trim(args.tid or '') == 'ja' then
			local times = {}
			for i = startrange, endrange - 1 do
				local qualifiers = statements[i].qualifiers
				 get_qualifier_times(args, times, qualifiers)
			text = text .. format_qualifier_times(times)

	-- handle qualifier arguments except for "tid" which may be used for statement groups
	-- and is handled separately above. When grouping is used, this call will have no effect
	-- because the qualifier arg will have turned grouping off in hent_emne().

	--[[ Transfer item title to the args for possibly use to find region
		code based on country for a coordinate qualifier ]]
	if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
		args.fetched_item_id = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id

	text = get_qualifiers(args, text, statement.qualifiers, true)
	text = get_references(args, text, statement.references)
	return text

-- format the list of statements with the wanted separator
p.output_all_statements = function(args, output, mere_end_maks)

	-- Avoid empty lists
	if #output == 0 then
		-- No tracking categories for empty results, as infoboxes or others may test if the result is empty or not
		return ''

	-- Prepare an icon with link to Wikidata
	local icon = ''
	if mw.text.trim(args.ikon or '') == 'ja' then
		icon = ' [[File:Blue pencil.svg|frameless|text-top|5px|alt=Rediger på Wikidata|link=d:' ..
				the_qid .. '#' .. the_pid .. '|Rediger på Wikidata]]'

	local max = tonumber(args.maks or 1e6)
	local number = math.min(#output, max)
	local suffix
	if number == 1 then
		suffix = mw.text.trim(args.ental or '')
		suffix = mw.text.trim(args.flertal or '')

	local list = args.liste or ''
	if (list == 'ja') then
		if mere_end_maks and mere_end_maks ~= '' then
			mere_end_maks = '</li><li>' .. mere_end_maks
			mere_end_maks = ''
		return '<ul><li>' .. table.concat(output, '</li><li>', 1, number) ..
			mere_end_maks .. icon .. '</li></ul>' .. suffix .. tracking_categories
		local separator = args.adskil or ', '
		if mere_end_maks and mere_end_maks ~= '' then
			mere_end_maks = ' ' .. mere_end_maks
			mere_end_maks = ''
		return table.concat(output, separator, 1, number) ..  mere_end_maks .. icon .. suffix .. tracking_categories

p.hent_emne = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now

	-- Sort the statements after snaktype (value, novalue, somevalue) and id
	-- This makes it possible to find and group equal values together
	for key, statement in pairs(statements) do
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			if statement.mainsnak.datatype ~= 'wikibase-item' then
				-- The property has a wrong datatype, ignore it.
				return ''
			statement.sortkey = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
			statement.sortkey = statement.mainsnak.snaktype
	table.sort(statements, function (a,b)
		return (a.sortkey < b.sortkey)

	if #statements > 5 then -- finder sider hvor meget hentes fra Wikidata
		if the_pid =='P463' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p463_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P106' and #statements > 10 then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.tiplus_p106_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P106' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p106_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P1344' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p1344_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P802' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p802_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P800' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p800_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P737' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p737_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P166' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p166_category)

	local output = {}
	local upper_case_labels = mw.text.trim(args.medstort or '')
	local firstvalue = true

	local qual1 = mw.text.trim(args.kvalifikator1 or '')
	local no_statement_grouping = qual1 ~= ''

	-- Go thru the statements and format them for displaying
	local startrange = 1
	local endrange = 1
	local only = mw.text.trim(args.kun or '')
	-- We need to keep track of the maximal allowed number of results here, so references 
	-- made with frame:extensionTag() for removed results will not stay behind. 
	local max = tonumber(args.maks) or 1e6 -- if no limit then set some limit we will never reach 
	while max > 0 and startrange <= #statements do
		local sortkey = statements[startrange].sortkey
		while endrange <= #statements and statements[endrange].sortkey == sortkey do
			endrange = endrange + 1
			if no_statement_grouping then
				-- We have qualifiers to check for each statement, so we cannot group
				-- statements with equal values together.
		-- Check if only results with a certain value is requested 
		if only == '' or only == sortkey then
			local use_ucfirst = upper_case_labels == 'alle' or (upper_case_labels == 'ja' and firstvalue)
			local text = p.format_statement_group(args, statements, startrange, endrange, use_ucfirst)
			if text then
				output[#output + 1] = text
				max = max - 1
				firstvalue = false
		startrange = endrange

	local mere_end_maks = nil -- en tilføjelse der fortæller, at ikke alt vises, fordi listen er længere end maks
	if tonumber(args.maks) and #statements > tonumber(args.maks) then
		if args.mere_end_maks then
			-- Så en tom streng kan bruges til at fjerne default-værdien
			mere_end_maks = mw.text.trim(args.mere_end_maks)
			mere_end_maks = 'med flere'
	return p.output_all_statements(args, output, mere_end_maks)

local function process_statements(statements, type, format_func, args)
	local output = {}
	-- Go through the statements and format them for displaying
	for _, statement in pairs(statements) do
		local text = nil
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			if statement.mainsnak.datatype == type then
				text = format_func(args, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value)
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ingen or "")
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ukendt or "")
		if text then
			text = get_qualifiers(args, text, statement.qualifiers)
			text = get_references(args, text, statement.references)
			if text and text ~= '' then
				output[#output + 1] = text
	return p.output_all_statements(args, output, nil)

-- Format a time value
-- Return formatted text for the date
p.format_time = function(args, value)
	-- Parse the ISO 8601 time value
	-- The format is like '+2000-00-00T00:00:00Z'.
	-- For now the value can only contain date. Their is no timezone or time.

	local sign, year, month, day = string.match(value.time, '^([%+-])0*(%d+)-0?(%d+)-0?(%d+)T')
	if not sign then
		-- No match. We can consider an error message or category for this, but ignore for now
		return nil

	-- handle year and AD/BC
	local bc_text = ''	-- text for AD or BC
	if sign == '-' then
		-- Year 0 doesn't exist, year 1,2,3 BC etc is given as -1,-2,-3 etc.
		-- (or maybe also in some cases as 0,-1,-2 etc.?)
		-- (see also [[d:Help:Dates#Years BC]])
		bc_text = bc

	if value.precision >= 9 then
		-- precision is year or greater
		local linkdato = bc_text == '' and mw.text.trim(args['linkdato'] or "") == 'ja'
		local date
		if linkdato then date = '[['..year..']]' .. bc_text 
		else date = year .. bc_text end
		local yearonly = mw.text.trim(args['kunår'] or "") == 'ja'
		if not yearonly and value.precision >= 10 then
			-- precision is month or greater: Prepend the month
			if linkdato then 
                                if value.precision >= 11 then 
				     date = months[month] .. ']]'.. date 
				date = months[month] .. date 
			if value.precision >= 11 then
				-- precision is day or greater: Prepend the day
				date = day .. '. ' .. date
				if linkdato then date = '[['..date end

				-- Compare the date with another date and calculate age if requested
				local agepid = mw.text.trim(args['alder'] or "")
				if agepid ~= '' then
					local ageformat = mw.text.trim(args['alderformat'] or "$1 ($3 år)")
					local agestatements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(the_qid, agepid)
					local agevalue = agestatements and #agestatements == 1 and
						agestatements[1].mainsnak and agestatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' and
					if agevalue and agevalue.precision >= 11 then
						local agedate = p.format_time({['kunår']=args['kunår']}, agevalue)
						local age
						local agesign, ageyear, agemonth, ageday = string.match(agevalue.time, '^([%+-])0*(%d+)-0?(%d+)-0?(%d+)T')
						-- First get the difference in the years. Remember that year 0 doesn't exist.
						if agesign == '-' then
							if sign == '-' then
								age = tonumber(ageyear) - tonumber(year)		-- e.g. 100 BC - 50 BC
								age = tonumber(ageyear) + tonumber(year) - 1	-- e.g. 10 BC - 40 AD
							if sign == '-' then
								age = 1 - tonumber(year) - tonumber(ageyear)		-- e.g 40 AD - 10 BC (negative gives no sense)
								age = tonumber(year) - tonumber(ageyear)			-- e.g. 50 AD - 100 AD
						--Substract a year if the birthday isn't reached in the last year
						if tonumber(month) < tonumber(agemonth) or
							(tonumber(month) == tonumber(agemonth) and tonumber(day) < tonumber(ageday)) then
							age = age - 1
						return (string.gsub(ageformat, '$[123]', { ['$1'] = date, ['$2'] = agedate, ['$3'] = tostring(age) }))
					end -- if agevalue
				else -- if agepid
					-- Calcucate current age if requested unconditional (aldernu=ja)
					--   or there is no non-deprecated statements with a selected property
					local agenow = mw.text.trim(args['aldernu'] or "")
					if agenow ~= '' and
						(agenow == 'ja' or
							(mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(agenow) and #mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(the_qid, agenow) == 0)) and
						sign == '+' -- only AD years
						local ageformat = mw.text.trim(args['alderformat'] or "$1 ($3 år)")
						local now = os.date('*t')
						local age = now.year - tonumber(year)
						--Substract a year if the date isn't this year yet.
						if now.month < tonumber(month) or
							(now.month == tonumber(month) and now.day < tonumber(day)) then
							age = age - 1
						return (string.gsub(ageformat, '$[13]', { ['$1'] = date, ['$3'] = tostring(age) }))
					end -- if agenow
				end -- if agepid / else
			end -- if value.precision >= 11 then
		end -- if value.precision >= 10 then
		return date
	end --if value.precision >= 9 then

	-- precision is less than year
	local year_num = tonumber(year)
	if value.precision == 8 then
		-- precision is decade
		-- 10 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 10-19,
		-- 20 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 20-29,
		-- 2010 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 2010-2019
		if year_num <= 10 then
			return '1. årti' .. bc_text
			-- Make sure the number ends with 0
			return tostring(math.floor(year_num/10)*10) .. "'erne" .. bc_text

	if value.precision == 7 then
		-- precision is century
		-- 100 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 1-100,
		-- 200 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 101-200,
		-- 2100 (or any number in the period) seems to mean years 2001-2100
		if year_num <= 100 then
			return '1. århundrede' .. bc_text
			-- Make sure the number ends with 00 and convert the period one year down
			return tostring(math.floor((year_num - 1)/100)*100) .. '-tallet' .. bc_text

	-- precision less than century is not handled
	return nil
	-- if value.precision == 6 then -- precision is 1000 years
	-- if value.precision == 5 then -- precision is 10.000 years
	-- if value.precision == 4 then -- precision is 100.000 years
	-- if value.precision == 3 then -- precision is million years
	-- if value.precision == 2 then -- precision is 10 million years
	-- if value.precision == 1 then -- precision is 100 million years
	-- if value.precision == 0 then -- precision is 1 billion years

p.hent_tid = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now
	if (the_pid =='P570' or the_pid =='P569') and #statements > 1 then -- mere end 1 resultat hentes fra Wikidata
		if the_pid =='P569' then  -- fødselsdato
		if the_pid =='P570' then  -- dødsdato
	return process_statements(statements, 'time', p.format_time, args)

local insert_delimiters = function(number)
	-- first change the decimal mark to comma
	number = string.gsub(number, '%.', ',')
		-- Find the group of 3 digits and insert delimiter
		local matches
		number, matches = string.gsub(number, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1.%2')
	until matches == 0
	return number

local make_the_number = function(args, amount, diff, unit, decimaldel, currency)

	local decimals = mw.text.trim(args.decimaler or '0')
	if decimals == 'smart' then
		if amount > 100 then decimals = '0'
		elseif amount > 10 then decimals = '1'
		elseif amount > 1 then decimals = '2'
		else decimals = '3' end
	elseif decimals == 'orig' then
		if decimaldel then decimals = tostring(string.len(decimaldel)) 
		else decimals = '0' end
		decimals = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(decimals) or 0))

	local forkort = mw.text.trim(args.forkort_store_tal or 'nej')
	local forkort_text = ''
	if forkort == 'ja' and amount >= 1e3 then -- større end tusind (10 i 3. potens)
		if amount < 1e6 then -- mindre end 1 million (10 i 6. potens)
			forkort_text = 'tusind'; amount = amount / 1e3; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e3 end
		elseif amount < 1e9 then 
			forkort_text = 'mio.'; amount = amount / 1e6; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e6 end
		elseif amount < 1e12 then  
			forkort_text = 'mia.'; amount = amount / 1e9; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e9 end
		elseif amount < 1e15 then  
			forkort_text = 'billioner'; amount = amount / 1e12; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e12 end
		elseif amount < 1e18 then  
			forkort_text = 'trillioner'; amount = amount / 1e15; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e15 end
		else forkort_text = 'trilliarder'; amount = amount / 1e18; if diff > 0 then diff = diff / 1e18 end end

	local text = ''
	local display_unit = mw.text.trim(args.visenhed or "") ~= 'nej'

	-- For currencies start with the currency, linked if possible
	if currency and display_unit then
		add_tracking_category (tracking_cats.category_currency)
		local link = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(currency)
		if link then
			text = '[[' .. link .. '|' .. unit .. ']] '
			add_tracking_category (tracking_cats.category_currency_no_link)
			text = unit .. ' '

	-- First the amount
	text = text .. insert_delimiters(string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', amount))

	-- Second the variation
	if diff > 0 and mw.text.trim(args.visusikkerhed or "") ~= 'nej' then
		local difftext = string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', diff)
		-- Don't show the diff it if is rounded to 0
		if tonumber(difftext) ~= 0 then
			text = text .. '±' .. insert_delimiters(difftext)

    -- Third 
    if forkort == 'ja' and forkort_text ~= '' then text = text .. ' ' .. forkort_text end

	-- Forth the unit, if not a currency
	if unit and not currency and display_unit then
		text = text .. ' ' .. unit
	return text

-- Format a quantity value and return the formated value
-- Also return the amount as a number if it a quantity with a recogniced unit
-- (used to get area)
p.format_number = function(args, value)

	local amount =tonumber(value.amount)
	local decimaldel = string.match(tostring(value.amount), '%d+%.(%d+)$') 
	local diff1, diff2 = 0, 0
	if value.lowerBound then
		diff1 = string.format("%0.13f", amount - tonumber(value.lowerBound))
	if value.upperBound then
		diff2 = string.format("%0.13f", tonumber(value.upperBound) - amount)
	local diff = math.max(diff1, diff2)
	local unit = value.unit
	if unit == '1' then
		-- Number without unit
		local text = make_the_number(args, amount, diff, nil, decimaldel)
		-- We may have to find the area and calculate the density
		local densityformat = mw.text.trim(args['arealogtæthed'] or '')
		if densityformat ~= '' then
			local area_text, area_number, density_text
			-- P2046 is area
			local area_statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(the_qid, 'P2046')
			if area_statements and #area_statements == 1 and area_statements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
				area_text, area_number =
					p.format_number({ enhed='km2', visenhed='nej', visusikkerhed=args.visusikkerhed, decimaler='smart' },
				if area_number then
					density_text = p.format_number({ decimaler='smart' }, { amount=amount / area_number, unit='1' })
					return (string.gsub(densityformat, '$[123]', { ['$1'] = text, ['$2'] = area_text, ['$3'] = density_text }))
			-- No area found. Return the value with densityformatwithout applied
			local densityformatwithout = mw.text.trim(args['arealogtætheduden'] or '$1')
			return (string.gsub(densityformatwithout, '$1', { ['$1'] = text }))
		-- area and density was not asked for.
		return text
	local unit_qid = string.match(unit, 'http://www%.wikidata%.org/entity/(Q%d+)$')
	if not unit_qid then
		-- Unknown unit format
		return nil

	local wd_unit = wd_units[unit_qid]
	if not wd_unit then
		-- The unit is not in our table. Here we could read information
		-- about the unit entity. Maybe to be done later
		add_tracking_category (tracking_cats.category_unrecognized_unit)
		return make_the_number(args, amount, diff, nil, decimaldel)
	local wanted_unit = mw.text.trim(args.enhed or "")
	if wanted_unit == '' and wd_unit.conv_to then
		wanted_unit = wd_unit.conv_to

	local wanted = wanted_units[wanted_unit]
	if wanted and wd_unit.name ~= wanted_unit and wd_unit.type == wanted.type then
		if wd_unit.conv_plus then
			-- Ved denne type enheder (temperatur) skal nulpunktet forskydes med en addend
			amount = ((amount + wd_unit.conv_plus) * wd_unit.conv + wanted.conv_plus) * wanted.conv
			amount = amount * wd_unit.conv * wanted.conv
		diff = diff * wd_unit.conv * wanted.conv -- Usikkerheden skal ikke ændre nulpunkt
		return make_the_number(args, amount, diff, wanted.show_as, decimaldel), amount
	local currency = (wd_unit.type == 'currency') and unit_qid
	return make_the_number(args, amount, diff, wd_unit.show_as, decimaldel, currency), amount

p.hent_tal = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now
	if #statements > 1 then -- mere end 1 resultat hentes fra Wikidata
		if the_pid =='P1082' then  -- indbyggertal
	return process_statements(statements, 'quantity', p.format_number, args)

-- Handle datatypes string, url, commonsMedia, external-id which have similar structures
p.hent_streng = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now

    if #statements > 10 then -- finder sider hvor meget hentes fra Wikidata
		if the_pid =='P395' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p395_category)
		elseif the_pid =='P281' then add_tracking_category(tracking_cats.many_p281_category) end

	local output = {}

	-- For formating of strings. $1 in the format vil be replaced by the string 
	local format = mw.text.trim(args.format or '')
	if format == '' then
		format = nil
	local brugskabelon = mw.text.trim(args.brugskabelon or '')
	if brugskabelon == '' then
		brugskabelon = nil

	-- Go thru the statements and format them for displaying
	for key, statement in pairs(statements) do
		local text = nil
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			if statement.mainsnak.datatype == 'string' then
				text = mw.text.nowiki(statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value)
			elseif statement.mainsnak.datatype == 'url' or
				statement.mainsnak.datatype == 'commonsMedia' or
				statement.mainsnak.datatype == 'external-id' then
				text = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value
			if format and text then
				-- We have to escape any % in the found string with another % before using it as repl in string.gsub
				text = string.gsub(text, '%%', '%%%%')
				text = string.gsub(format, '$1', text)
			if brugskabelon and text then
				text = the_frame:expandTemplate{ title = brugskabelon, args = { text } }
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ingen or "")
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ukendt or "")
		if text then
			text = get_qualifiers(args, text, statement.qualifiers)
			text = get_references(args, text, statement.references)
			if text and text ~= '' then
				table.insert(output, text)

	return p.output_all_statements(args, output, nil)

p.hent_tekst = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now

	local output = {}

	local get_all, show_language, wanteds = get_lang_args(args)	
	if #statements == 1 and mw.text.trim(args.eneste or '') == 'ja' then
		get_all = true

	-- Go thru the statements and format them for displaying
	for key, statement in pairs(statements) do
		local text = nil
		if statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
			if statement.mainsnak.datatype == 'monolingualtext' then
				if get_all or wanteds[statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language] then
					text = mw.text.nowiki(statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text)
					if show_language then
						text = text .. ' (' ..
							mw.language.fetchLanguageName(statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language, preferred_language) .. ')'
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ingen or "")
		elseif statement.mainsnak.snaktype == 'somevalue' then
			text = mw.text.trim(args.ukendt or "")
		if text then
			text = get_qualifiers(args, text, statement.qualifiers)
			text = get_references(args, text, statement.references)
			if text and text ~= '' then
				table.insert(output, text)

	return p.output_all_statements(args, output, nil)

p.hent_koord = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now
	return process_statements(statements, 'globe-coordinate', format_coordinates, args)

local function format_math(args, value)
	return '<math>' .. value .. '</math>'

p.hent_matematik = function(frame)
	local args, statements, return_now = get_statements(frame)
	if return_now then
		return return_now
	return process_statements(statements, 'math', format_math, args)

-- Get Wikidata entity ID for the current page.
-- Arguments: format: format string with $1 for the ID, ingen: text to return for no entity
p.hent_id = function(frame)
	local args = (mw.getCurrentFrame()) and frame:getParent().args or frame.args

	-- Get the item to use from either the parameter q or the item connected to the current page
	local qid = mw.text.trim(args.q or '')
	if qid == '' then
		qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	if qid then
		local format = mw.text.trim(args.format or '$1')
		return (string.gsub(format, '$1', { ['$1'] = qid }))
		return mw.text.trim(args.ingen or '')

return p