Anna Chennault, a Chinese-born Republican fundraiser and anti-communist lobbyist who dabbled in foreign intrigue after the death of her husband, the renowned leader of the Flying Tigers in China and Burma in World War II, died Friday at her home in Washington. She was 94.
中国出生的共和党筹款人、反共说客陈香梅(Anna Chennault)周五在华盛顿家中去世,享年94岁。她的丈夫是“二战”期间在中国和缅甸作战的著名的飞虎队指挥官。丈夫去世后,她曾参与外国阴谋。
Her death, in her apartment at the Watergate complex, was announced Tuesday. The cause was complications of a stroke she suffered in December, her daughter Cynthia Chennault said.
她在水门大厦(Watergate complex)自己的公寓中去世,死讯于周二公布。据她的女儿陈美丽(Cynthia Chennault)称,死因是她去年12月中风后引起的并发症。
In her memoir photographs, wearing a high-necked white ao dai, Chennault appears with her husband, Maj. Gen. Claire L. Chennault; with Presidents John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford; with J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI; with Gen. William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and with Nguyen Cao Ky, the South Vietnamese vice president who fled to the United States with the fall of Saigon in 1975.
在陈香梅的回忆录照片中,有她身穿白色高领袄代与丈夫陈纳德中将(Claire L. Chennault)的合影;她与约翰·F·肯尼迪总统(John F. Kennedy)、理查德·M·尼克松总统(Richard M. Nixon)以及杰拉尔德·R·福特总统(Gerald R. Ford)的合影;她与联邦调查局(FBI)局长J·埃德加·胡佛(J. Edgar Hoover)的合影;她与驻越美军司令威廉·C·威斯特摩兰(William C. Westmoreland)的合影;以及她与南越副总统阮高基(Nguyen Cao Ky)的合影,后者在1975年西贡陷落后逃往美国。
Except for her husband’s picture, taken a year before he died in 1958, it is a gallery of Chennault’s Washington regalia, assembled over many years as an airline executive, hostess, Republican stalwart, advocate for the Chinese Nationalists and South Vietnam, and staunch opponent of the Communist regime that seized power in China in 1949.
Chennault was one of the most visible private citizens in Washington: a vice president of the Flying Tiger Line, her husband’s postwar cargo operation; a writer of novels, poetry and nonfiction books; a Voice of America broadcaster; and the center of a social whirl at her Watergate penthouse that drew in Cabinet members, congressmen, diplomats, foreign dignitaries and journalists.
陈香梅是华盛顿最引人注目的平民之一:她曾担任丈夫在战后运营的货运公司飞虎航空公司(Flying Tiger Line)的副总裁;写过多本小说、诗歌和非虚构类书籍;担任《美国之音》(Voice of America)的播音员;她也是她水门大厦顶层公寓社交圈的中心,那里吸引了内阁成员、国会议员、外交官、外国政要和记者。
1968年,陈香梅在曼哈顿唐人街为尼克松总统竞选总部启用剪彩。 New Yorkers for Nixon-Agnew
But there was a hidden side to Chennault’s affairs, historians say. She was known to have been a conduit for Nationalist Chinese funds for the Republican Party, and to have been a secret go-between for U.S. officials and Asian leaders like Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist Chinese generalissimo, and President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam.
不过,史学家们表示,陈香梅的事迹有隐藏的一面。众所周知,她曾是中国国民党为美国共和党提供资金的渠道,也是美国官员和中国国民党领袖蒋介石及南越总统阮文绍(Nguyen Van Thieu)等亚洲领导人的秘密中间人。
And in a contretemps of international intrigue and presidential politics that generated heated debate for years, Chennault was recorded on an FBI wiretap helping to sabotage a peace initiative during the Vietnam War in order to promote Nixon’s victory over Vice President Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 presidential election.
根据联邦调查局的窃听记录,在一场多年来引发激烈争论的国际阴谋和总统政治冲突中,陈香梅帮助破坏了越战期间的一次和平努力,以推动尼克松在1968年的总统大选中战胜副总统休伯特·汉弗莱(Hubert Humphrey)。
Soon after President Lyndon B. Johnson announced a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam to ease the way for Paris peace talks that fall, Chennault, a behind-the-scenes liaison for Nixon’s campaign and the Saigon government, was overheard urging South Vietnamese officials to boycott the Paris peace talks, saying they would get a better deal from a Nixon administration if they waited until after the election.
在林登·B·约翰逊总统(Lyndon B. Johnson)宣布暂停轰炸北越,为当年秋季的巴黎和平谈判缓解气氛之后不久,作为尼克松竞选团队和西贡政府的幕后联络人,陈香梅被窃听到敦促南越官员抵制巴黎和谈,称如果他们能等到总统选举结束后再谈判,就可以从尼克松政府那里得到更好的交易。
That same day, Nov. 2, Thieu announced that his government would not join the Paris talks. Three days later, Nixon was elected.
Johnson was furious when he learned of Chennault’s intervention, and considered having her charged under federal statutes with criminally interfering with the conduct of foreign affairs. She was never prosecuted.
陈香梅和丈夫陈纳德中将。 From "A Thousand Springs: The Biography of a Marriage"
Nixon lifted the tap on her telephones and awarded her Flying Tiger Line a lucrative Pacific cargo route. But for a supporter who had provided vital Asian contacts and $240,000 in contributions to the Nixon campaign, Chennault received no major appointment in his administration, as she had hoped.
Anna Chennault was born Chen Xiangmei in Beijing on June 23, 1923, one of six daughters of P.Y. and Isabelle Liao Chen, members of a prosperous family of diplomats and scholars.
Her father taught law at the University of Peking and was editor of the English-language New China Morning Post. She and her sisters grew up in a mansion near the Forbidden City with an entourage of servants and tutors.
As Japanese invaders approached Beijing in 1937, her family fled to Hong Kong. Her father became an envoy to Mexico, her mother died, and Anna and her sisters became scattered refugees in occupied China, with family jewels sewn into coat linings. Despite the war, she studied journalism with refugee professors and earned a degree from Lingnan University in 1944.
Fluent in Chinese dialects and English, she became a correspondent for China’s Central News Agency, covering the war and later Mao Zedong’s spreading communist revolution. She met Claire Chennault in Kunming. He was three decades older, a married father of eight and the hero of the Flying Tigers, who shot down hundreds of Japanese warplanes and kept China’s hopes alive during the war.
In 1947, after his divorce, they were married in Shanghai. Besides Cynthia, they had another daughter, Claire, who also survives her, as do three sisters, Cynthia Lee, Sylvia Wong and Loretta Fung; and two grandsons.
陈香梅和理查德·M·尼克松以及亨利·A·基辛格的合影,日期不详。 Schlesinger Library/Radcliffe Institute
The Chennaults lived in Shanghai, San Francisco, the general’s hometown, Monroe, Louisiana, and Taipei, where they ran the Flying Tiger Line and the Civil Air Transport, which was later owned by the CIA and used in covert anti-communist operations.
陈纳德夫妇在上海、旧金山、陈纳德的家乡路易斯安那州的门罗和台北生活过。在台北,他们经营着飞虎航空公司和民航空运队(Civil Air Transport)。后来,民航空运队归中央情报局(CIA)所有,被用于秘密反共活动。
Claire Chennault died of lung cancer in 1958 at 67, and Anna Chennault moved to Washington.
She was soon embraced by her husband’s friends, including Thomas G. Corcoran, a New Deal strategist who became a notable Washington lobbyist for corporations and foreign powers. He showed her the ropes of lobbying, and she dedicated her memoir to him, calling him “the best teacher of them all.”
她很快就被丈夫的朋友接受了,其中包括罗斯福新政(New Deal)的策略师托马斯·G·科科兰(Thomas G. Corcoran)。他后来成了华盛顿著名的说客,为企业和外国势力服务。他向她展示了游说的程序,她则把自己的回忆录题献给他,称他是“他们当中最好的老师”。
In Washington, Chennault joined the Republican Party and right-wing cadres of influential Americans supporting Taiwan and opposing Communist China. In 1962, with Kennedy’s blessing, she founded Chinese Refugees’ Relief, which assisted thousands fleeing China. She testified in Congress, wrote articles, gave speeches and, from 1963 to 1966, made weekly broadcasts in Chinese on the Voice of America radio.
在华盛顿,陈香梅加入了共和党,以及由支持台湾、反对共产主义中国的有影响力的美国人组成的右翼队伍。1962年,经肯尼迪同意,陈香梅创办中国难民救济总署(Chinese Refugees’ Relief)。该组织协助成千上万人逃离中国。她在国会作证、写文章、发表演讲,从1963到1966年,她每周用中文在美国之音(Voice of America)广播。
In a penthouse apartment resembling a James Bond movie set overlooking the Potomac, she entertained 80 to 100 people a week, serving concoctions like “concubine’s delight” (chicken/snow peas) and “negotiator’s soup” (for Secretary of State Henry Kissinger). At her soirees, Chennault, less than 5 feet tall, cut a striking figure in slim Chinese dresses and spike-heeled satin shoes.
在一套如同詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)电影布景,可以俯瞰波托马克河的顶层豪华公寓里,她一周招待80到100人,提供“妃子乐”(鸡肉/荷兰豆制成的菜)和“谈判代表汤”(为国务卿亨利·基辛格[Henry Kissinger]而备)。在她举办的社交舞会上,身高不到5英尺(约合1.52米)的陈香梅穿着贴身的旗袍和细高跟缎带鞋,颇为出众。
1984年,陈香梅和罗纳德·里根总统在白宫。里根是她圈子里的众多政治领导人之一。 Associated Press
Her aura of intrigue was only enhanced by evasive replies to reporters’ questions about possible CIA connections and her frequent travels to Asian countries embroiled in Cold War conflicts.
Her image as an implacable anti-communist was eased in 1981 when she visited Beijing and Taipei for talks with Deng Xiaoping, China’s leader, and President Chiang Ching-kuo of Taiwan. Acknowledging that her views had softened, she said people must be “humble enough to learn, courageous enough sometimes to change their positions.”
By then, her causes had all been lost. The Vietnam War was over, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong were dead, and the United States had severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan and recognized the People’s Republic of China.