Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) (Getty)

The Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) is a structured vocabulary, including terms, descriptions, and other metadata for generic concepts related to art, architecture, conservation, archaeology, and other cultural heritage. Included are work types, styles, materials, techniques, and others.

This controlled vocabulary may be used by someone cataloguing or indexing a collection as it provides preferred names or terms and synonyms for people, places, and things. It may also be helpful in retrieval of information from documentation systems and research into collections as it shows links and paths between concepts.

Some collections management systems have the AAT built in to their system to aid cataloguing. You can read background information about the AAT at this link.

Click the link on the right-hand side to open the thesaurus to view in your current browser window.

Date created: 2017

Author: The Getty Research Institute

Publisher: The Getty Research Institute

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