Tin Pan Alley, Not So Pretty

Tin Pan Alley posterThe 1908 cover of the sheet music to Take Me out to the Ball Game by Albert Von Tilzer, published by the York Music Company of Tin Pan Alley 40 West 28th Street. (Photo: Library of Congress, Music Division) Enlarge Image

With its graffiti-covered storefronts, crumbling cornices and vendor-clogged sidewalks, the block of 28th Street between Avenue of the Americas and Broadway does not necessarily look like a place that would produce some of the catchiest melodies and most poetic lyrics of the last 120 years.

That was decades ago, in the first years of the 20th century, when the strip was part of the two-block stretch of music publishing companies known as Tin Pan Alley. The interesting thing is, in spite of the pretty music the district produced, it wasn’t a pretty place then, either.

Five buildings on the street, Nos. 47, 49, 51, 53 and 55 West 28th Street, are up for sale, it was reported last week, presumably to someone who would tear them down and build something taller. The news has drawn the ire of the buildings’ tenants, and of preservationists who hope to secure city landmark status for the buildings, preventing such a demolition.

The block’s history is the subject of the Dispatches feature in this week’s City section. Whatever else can be said about the Tin Pan Alley of the buildings’ heyday, it is remarkable that so much pleasant music could be written in such a harsh environment.

The way things worked then, said David Freeland, a music writer who devotes a section to Tin Pan Alley in a coming book, is that the companies, where songs were written, would compete to lure performers in to hear them played by house musicians called pluggers. The music companies had a symbiotic relationship with nearby theaters, along Broadway and Sixth Avenue, where the songs were performed, said Mr. Freeland, whose book, due out next year, is called “Automats, Taxi Dances, and Vaudeville: Excavating Manhattan’s Lost Places of Leisure.” At the time, he said, the theaters’ musicians needed material, and the song companies needed customers, so they grew together.

Similarly, he said, Harry Von Tilzer, a songwriter whose company was based at 42 West 28th Street, would occasionally try out new songs in the brothels that also populated the area.

It was a competitive time, Mr. Freeland said, adding: “That’s New York history, too. It was a place where people really struggled to make it, to make this place their own, to carve out an identity for themselves that was not really within the prevailing standards of respectability.”

Considering all that, “I always feel that Tin Pan Alley was so brilliant because in turning out this product that was suitable for men, women and children of all kinds, it obscured the actual origins of the songs,” he said. “Part of the reason Tin Pan Alley survived so well is that it actually hid its own origins within a family-friendly veneer.”

It is one way in which the music industry then resembled the music industry today. Indeed, Mr. Freeland said, the very idea of commodifying music, of categorizing it, marketing it and selling it, can in many ways — for good and ill — be traced back to West 28th Street.

Among the good things that emerged from the district — besides songs like “In the Good Old Summertime,” “Give My Regards to Broadway” and “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” — were the careers of writers like Irving Berlin, Scott Joplin and George Gershwin, who worked as a teenage song plugger for a company at 45 West 28th Street. (Mr. Freeland, however, believes Gershwin did not work at the company until after it had moved uptown.)

Then, even after the publishing business began to move north, away from 28th Street, following theaters that had moved to the Times Square area, the name Tin Pan Alley survived, standing for an era and a style of music. Jonathan Schwartz, the radio host (who is the son of the songwriter Arthur Schwartz), told me this week that there are good reasons why so many of the songs of these later years are still beloved.

“It’s the great passion of the music, the great beauty of the melodies,” he said. And the lyrics, he added, quoting a passage from Oscar Hammerstein and Jerome Kern’s 1939 song “All the Things You Are”:

You are the promised kiss of springtime

That makes the lonely winter seem long.

You are the breathless hush of evening

That trembles on the brink of a lovely song.

You are the angel glow that lights a star,

The dearest things I know are what you are.

Some day my happy arms will hold you,

And some day I’ll know that moment divine,

When all the things you are, are mine!

Song lyrics like these, today, are hard to find. Mr. Schwartz said many great songs have been written over the years since then, of course, but these kinds of pure rhymes are rarer.

“ ‘Home’ and ‘alone’ do not rhyme,” he said. “ ‘Home’ and ‘alone’ — that’s what we’ve come up with now.”

But that, in part, is why songs from the later songwriters of the Tin Pan Alley era, people like Cole Porter, Jimmy Van Heusen, Richard Rogers, Dorothy Fields and Harold Arlen, are now considered beloved standards, Mr. Schwartz said.

“As we listen to Mozart and Beethoven and Bach and Haydn today,” he said, “so will the future world find great meaning and help — emotional help, as life is difficult — in the songs that I’m speaking of.”

The sharp elbows of 28th Street may have become gentler as the songwriters and the business moved away from 28th Street, by the way. When they had all grown old, Mr. Schwartz said, Van Heusen, Arlen and Berlin used to stay in touch with regular long-distance telephone conversations.

“There was a great comradeship amongst the hierarchy,” he said. “They so much respected each other. I think the competition of the street was more with people who were writing less-than-top-rate songs.”

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Stratford on Avon is lovingly preserved

This is OUR History!

How can we allow the cradle of American Music to just be built over for a new larger uglier monstrosity

This is akin to building over the Indian Cemetery in Poltergeist

Beautiful sentiments from Mr. Schwartz, a true New York legend.

I discovered Tin Pan Alley about a year ago myself, and searched it with the same Songlines link you provide here. It was fascinating, although the street is extremely derelict, to see the building where Gershwin plugged for Fred and Adele Astaire. One thing struck me, though: There’s not a single old sign indicating that there was once this music business there, as there are many for the garment businesses. If someone knows of one of these that is still visible, I would appreciate their making a comment here. That would add to the pleasure of an excursion there, which is very close to where I live. I am sorry to hear that it’s likely they’ll be torn down, but this street is especially squalid, and I was very surprised that Tin Pan Alley was still there at all, since one of the floors indicated looks very neglected and sad.

The music wil live on forever no matter the buildings on the site.

Perley J. Thibodeau October 17, 2008 · 11:52 am

I got into the tail end of the popular music trade when I was fortunate enough to work for Music Publishers Holding Corporation-Warner Brothers Music Division in 1961.
Harms, Witmark, Remick Music, New World they were all the small music publishing companies that were placed under the MPHC Banner.
The people who worked for the company were as warm and wonderful as the beautiful copyrighted songs whose temporary use was traded for weekly paychecks.
That I have fantastic memories of the giants of the music industry as it used to be can be attested to by the true stories that I love to remember and retell.
There is a guy up here on Second Avenue who was also a “runner” when I worked there and he and I meet on the street every so often, and we retell the old stories and mention the old names.
He and I must be the last of the people who remember what was left of the Golden Age of American Popular Muisc, and the music genius’ who made it great.
Of all the stories I like to tell is one that includes a woman who worked in the auditing department.
Mr. (Sydney) Goldberg the man who hired me fresh from “summer stock” on the coast of Maine rechristened me Jimmy, and one day Miriam, who was the wife of an Orthodox Rabbi brought a home made Matso Brie dish to me and said, “35 Jewish mothers and, Jimmy’s the baby.”
My only regret is that I didn’t live in the music scene at an earlier time. I’m sure it was even more glorious than the time that I remember.

As with the news last week that they want to landmark pretty much all of West End Avenue, this news draws the same ire in me as it does in tenants worried about losing their home (whom I do feel for). I don’t think new construction is pretty nor can I afford to live in any of these buildings, but the Landmarks Preservation Committee is quickly becoming the “creating less and less space to live in nyc committee.”

First I have to pay ridiculous market rates because half of the city is swimming in rent control. Now it seems that every block has stubborn people that all of a sudden embrace a love of history for the sake of resisting progress. Unless landmark status provides something good for a public works project (ie. Grand Central and the eminent domain battle of 15 years ago), I don’t give a damn.

I’m a serious liberal so I understand and sympathize with the need for rent control, and was a history major in college, but for all the complaining that nyc is changing and losing culture that I hear about, I’d like to point out that I live in a cramped 1 BR (market rate) with my girlfriend and we both make just under 6 figures. Give me a giant 2 BR for 800 bucks a month and I’ll start a recording and paint studio and ditch the world of working stiffs. Unfortunately reality prevents me from doing so, and soon enough we’ll be dealing with a housing scarcity not seen since post WWII if everyone keeps crying foul everytime a developer wants to knock down rickety rows of dangerously old buildings.

I don’t see the next Tin Pan Alley sprouting out of new glass and steel towers, but it’s even more certain that it won’t sprout out of ridiculously old and outdated buildings that had their day 120 years ago. Landmarks are creating even more inequity and disparate real estate conditions than those that already exist.

The above blog post states:

“The interesting thing is, in spite of the pretty music the district produced, it wasn’t a pretty place then, either.”

“Whatever else can be said about the Tin Pan Alley of the buildings’ heyday, it is remarkable that so much pleasant music could be written in such a harsh environment.”

Let me mention first that I have mixed feelings about the calls to designate these buildings landmarks. However, I do have to say that this street doesn’t look particularly homely or harsh to me. (Although I agree that it is somewhat run down.) It’s just late 19th Century early 20th Century urban America.

I’m also skeptical that the street was considered physically homely or harsh to the people who worked there in the “Tin Pan Alley” era, especially since a) it was then a thriving business district and, thus, less likely to be run down and b) it probably looked like most other similar commercial districts in New York City anyway.

So in a way it seems to me that idea that this is an ugly or harsh place now and that it was just as ugly and harsh in the past and, thus, doesn’t reflect the beauty of the songs that were produced there, is a surprising — kind of a suburban, anti-New York, anti-early 20th Century — way of looking at things.

Regarding the issue of landmark preservation itself, while I think it is important to preserve landmarks, I’m not sure if these PARTICULAR buildings are of sufficient architectural or historical merit to warrant landmark designation.

Also, it seems to me that a significant amount of landmark preservation sentiment, both in this case and others, is really an anti-change sentiment — motivated in part by a dislike of the kind of buildings (and city streets) that we are building today. In other words, if we were building more buildings and streets along the lines of the New York City that we know and love (even including the skyscrapers), people would be less opposed to new buildings replacing old ones (which might not be truly architecturally or historically significant).

The Landmarks Commission and the preservation movement in New York mean absolutely nothing if Tin Pan Alley is bulldozed for yet another generic “luxury” tower.

This sort of disregard for quality of life (having a history and spirit is part of my quality of life) is more likely than the Wall Street meltdown to turn New York into a second-rate city.

Where are all the folks from Broadway trying to
save #43 -57 West 28th street from demolition?

We will have no history left here from the last
century if this city continues to built Hi-Rise heaven
everywhere .
It is certain that Gershwin worked at 45 west 28th street
in 1913,I read it in a book at the 40th street NYPL reference library,some years ago ,it was either a history of G.G. or
of”Tin Pan Alley” Jerome Remick music publishers was
at #45, #47 was The Clipper”newspaper that became
“Variety” #43 was the first Talent Agency of William
Morris. # 45 had the first illuminated sign ever in NYC.
On and on it gioes,this wonderful history without the smut
business as the tenderloin district saga’s.

Sorry about my typo’s.
All history books and websites state George Gershwin
worked (circa 1913-1915) at Jerome Remick Music
Publishers 45 west 28th street. Before the move uptown.
A bronze plaque stating this was on 45 west 28th street but
stolen in the late 1960’s .
In any event there are 5 different Landlords for this
historic group of buildings.

True the LL’s have rented to some marginal businesses on the street level floor but in most cases Rent Protected tenants live upstairs.
For years the Landlords did not recognize these tenants
until they filed for Interim Multiple Dwelling status with
The new York loft board and won heretofore the
Landlord had made them sign commercial leases even
though they had legal Kitchens and bathtubs or showers
as a residence,The landlords are now complying with
repairing many violations hence the scaffolding to repair
the facade of the JoFra reality properties.

We cannot look at this potential loss of historic buildings
which even Community Board 5 turned down thinking
that there were not enough of them ( by that reason
the Egyptian Pyramids would have been demolished
as there are only 3 of them ,)without considering
the tenants that live above those various stores.

The actor Zero Mostel ‘s(who lived across the street) son
Toby Mostel wrote an accurate history of these Tin Pan
Alley buildings in 1989 for The Municipal Arts Society
in NYC .

Many of the stores are not marginal but continue
as the last of the wholesale flower market which in itself
should be preserved .

It should be stated further that the Landlord’s only recognized their tenants(Of course they took rent from them) as
commercial tenants not what they in fact were residences.

With some architectural restoration these buildings could
become beautiful and significant ,to answer commenter
#7. This area could be a real tourist draw if one of the
parking garages were replaced with the theatre that
was there on the mid-block of West 28th street ( on
Broadway to Sixth Avenue)which had the showcase
concert hall for Jenny Lind .
Can you imagine a showcase
for all the songs? written in this group of buildings maybe
with a bar/restaurant downstairs for additional income.
Let’s face it The Disney Company
saved the horrid old Victory movie house
on 42nd street and got rid of the riff -raff as well.

We could have a great area of historic re-hab here .
Tin Pan Alley saved!…,the home to some of America’s
greatest music and the home of African -American “Ragtime” music also published first time in these buildings .

Although better maintenance, of course, would likely make the buildings look more attractive (and I don’t think they’re bad looking to begin with), it seems to me that even with better maintenance they still wouldn’t have enough architectural “significance” (e.g., rare, or first or best of their type, etc.) to be designated landmarks for their architecture.

And although the block does seem to have historical significance, most of the historically significant buildings seem to have already been torn down — which sounds like a reason for a local community board not support designation.

Most of the buildings in fact were not torn down.
Before you become an authority on this blog on
the strict meaning of landmarking in this city I urge
you to read from The New York Times July 16th
1982 an article by Jennifer Dunning entitled
“A Singing Tour of Gay Tin Pan Alley” everyone
of the buildlings and history thereof ,remain.
In Fact The Breslin hotel mentioned in Ms Dunning’s
story is being modernized for an upscale “Hollywood”

Let us just not use Architecture for landmarking historic
building but American Musical Theatre History as well .

Precedent shows us that plain unremarkable buildings
become treasures such as The Louis Armstrong home
in Queens NY. It is saved and famous from the owner
who lived there and his family not from the style or
criteria of notable architecture.
So too these buildings of Tin Pan Alley .

Another note:

A more recent report in the New York Times from July 13th
2003 of these buildings may be of interest. The Times
heading on Christopher Gray’s article is:
“A Tin Pan Alley Chockablock with Life, if Not Song”.

In terms of the specific buildings under discussion, little evidence has been presented (at least so far) that they are architecturally significant. And the history that’s mentioned is vague, or actually refers to other buildings in the area — which is more an argument, perhaps, in favor of landmarking them, if they still exist, rather these particular buildings.

However, following the links provided in the original blog post, I see that Mr. Freeland does argue elsewhere that one of THESE particular buildings has specific historic significance, and I see that an historic preservation group seems to be putting together an argument in favor of the architectural significance of these buildings as well.