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How the power of technology-driven solutions inspired Bolaji’s career in tech

Say hello to Bolaji, a Software Engineer on our Customer Infrastructure Engineering team! Bolaji’s #FiveStarCareer began in April 2022, but his love for tech began long before. He was inspired to pursue a career in technology because he loved seeing the power that it has in solving real-world problems, and he is driven by the potential to innovate and make a tangible difference in people’s lives through technology-driven solutions. 

Take a look as Bolaji shares why he wanted to work at Yelp, his advice for folks interested in tech, and more.

Why did you want to work at Yelp?

Yelp is an excellent platform that connects people with great local businesses, so between its impactful mission, fantastic employee well-being offerings, and a strong commitment to work-life balance, I knew it was the place I wanted to be.

What advice would you give to someone interested in a tech career?

Stay curious and continuously learn. The tech industry is evolving rapidly, so being adaptable and open to learning new skills is crucial. It is also valuable to network with other professionals to gain as much project experience as possible.

What does a typical day look like in your role?

As a Software Engineer based in London, I have team members in Germany and the United States, so a lot of my day is structured around our global team dynamic. My mornings are primarily dedicated to focus time, which allows me to dive deep into coding and project development without interruptions. In the afternoon, I shift to collaboration, and I use this time to sync up with the rest of my team for general updates or specific project discussions. This schedule helps ensure productive and balanced days that leverage the advantages of our diverse locations.

What is something that surprised you about working at Yelp?

I was pleasantly surprised by the strong sense of community and the emphasis on continuous learning within the Engineering segment of Yelp.

Tell us about a project you are proud to have worked on.

I am proud of my involvement in developing a new customer organization structure within Yelp. This endeavor, along with a series of upcoming projects, aims to revolutionize the way we manage, store, and process business customer data, marking a significant leap forward for our internal software systems. By introducing a detailed, robust structure for representing business customer accounts, we’ve laid the groundwork for more effective management of complex organizational hierarchies and essential account information. 

Transitioning from a logical to a physical implementation in our databases, we have substantially improved the reliability and accessibility of data. This project promises clearer account management, improved user authorization, and enhanced billing security, all of which significantly contribute to Yelp’s mission and the exceptional services and features we provide to business owners.

What do you enjoy most about working from home, and how do you maintain productivity in a work-from-home environment?

I enjoy the flexibility that remote work offers because it allows me to create a personalized work environment and schedule that boosts my productivity and enables me to maintain a healthy work-life balance. To stay productive in this setting, I have an established and dedicated workspace and routine in which I prioritize tasks while ensuring I take regular breaks to maintain focus.

Tell us about a community that you are proud to be a part of at Yelp.

I am a member of YelpCares. YelpCares is an employee resource group dedicated to spreading philanthropy at Yelp, whether that involves setting up virtual group volunteering events or organizing company-wide fundraiser campaigns.

Want to work with Bolaji?

From day one of your career at Yelp, you will have access to our five-star benefits including monthly wellness reimbursements, 401(k) matching, generous PTO and wellness time off, and more. Learn more about what you can expect when meeting our engineering and product teams so that you can prepare and feel confident to bring your best authentic self to each interview. Check out our open opportunities and apply today!