LISTEN: The End of Libraries as We Know Them?

Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast
"We're now having the judiciary starting to judge against libraries in ways that we haven't seen in 100 years." - Brewster Kahle

The publishers’ lawsuit against our library is featured in the latest episode of “Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast.

Listen in as Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive’s digital librarian, talks with Chris Hayes about the future of libraries, and what the publishers’ lawsuit means for libraries & their patrons in the digital age. Chris & Brewster are joined by librarian and lawyer, Kyle K. Courtney.

Streaming now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & TuneIn.

5 thoughts on “LISTEN: The End of Libraries as We Know Them?

  1. Kelsey

    Why?! why?! WHY?! This is wrong, this is just wrong. I won’t stand for it.
    This world was built on libraries, whether people want to admit it or not.
    I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing, no I know exactly what i need to do.
    Don’t worry guys, i got your back.

  2. Terence Love

    The increase in homeschooling – reportedly up 12 percent since 2019 – is by all current indications a wave of the future toward personalized education for children, and greater independence by parents.
    With home internet and public libraries being prime resources in this positive trend, any drastic limitation placed on Internet Archive and libraries in general resulting from a victory by the publishers is bound to impact children negatively. If this happens, everyone loses – now and in the future. We must take actions necessary to ensure people can continue to access information as patrons to libraries in an age we may need it most.

    1. kelsey

      I agree brother, that is a major concern that needs to be addressed and dealt with.
      Libraries for countless generations have done nothing but good for humanity as a whole.
      So why fix a system that’s been working for literal forever? there is no point in ‘Fixing’ it.
      Let’s do our parts to make sure that this tradition stays good and strong forever more.


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