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Kowtow or Perish

Consider this:

  • Genocide
  • Concentration Camps
  • Apartheid
  • Ethnic Cleansing
  • Torture
  • Murder
  • Execution
  • Crime Against Humanity

Or don’t.

What happens when you do nothing?

You self-lobotomize.

Propaganda soothes and comforts. It reassures as it numbs. Sweet lethe.

Two of the most-effective military juggernauts in the history of the world have been intimately close allies for the last 71 years — the same number of years that I’ve been alive. Within three years of the fall of Fascist Europe, the United States had already established a solid geopolitical footprint in the Middle East. Kowtow or perish, risk your livelihood, your family and their future. Safer to do nothing. Ethnic cleansing proceeds more rapidly without an opposition, thank you very much.

The deal of the century: leave the premises and we will cut you a check. All you have to do is leave. This is a limited offer

Roger Waters wakes you up from a dream state

I have a suggestion: Do not buy Sabra-brand hummus.

What? What? So, Bill, you admit to being an anti semite, a Holocaust denier, a Nazi apologist, a racist, a hate-filled troll, willfully ignorant, heartless, an enemy of the state, a useful idiot, a tool of Sharia Law, a mindless voice for jihadists, a friend to suicide bombers, a supporter of Hamas hegemonists, a Hezbollah helper, a brainwashed leftist, a reality denier, a criminal. And worse.

The United States of America ethnically cleansed itself of indigenous populations, decimated indigenous fauna and flora, massacred all the ancient tribes in their way, signed treaties worth their weight in non-negotiable twenty-dollar bills, supplanted every single independent nation with supremely White nice people. They killed or enslaved the otherwise-hued. But getting the job done properly required dark-skinned human resources from the “savage” tribes of Africa.


Another suggestion: boycott products manufactured in the United States of America. Prevent past and present war criminals from raping and pillaging the future.

Racism and Islamophobia are mission statements.

A Bloomberg Opinion: “It’s more important than ever to understand that restraint and dialogue will not bring Iran to heel.”

Who the hell should tell Iran to *heel*. Trump's unilateral (and enormously misinformed) decision to break the 2015 nuclear deal is some Strangelove shit. How many smuggly patriotic citizens even know about the severe sanctions imposed upon Iran for decades now? Trump also unilaterally re-imposed sanctions on Cuba, imposes sanctions on Venezuela. Suck up or die. Succumb. Resistance is futile. 

False-flag operations have a proven record for effectiveness. Colin Powell held up that vial at the United Nations out of a sense of misdirected loyalty and a vow to duty. All the millions who protested the insanity of a war with Iraq did not slow down the Strangelove characters by a single minute.

What the hell is wrong with telling Israel to *heel*?

Thanks for reading.

Arabic Accordance

Where Africa Meets Asia

Arabic words illustrated to match their literal meaning, by Mahmoud Tammam

Should Americans, as part of their school curriculum, learn Arabic numerals?

“Civic Science” a Pittsburgh-based research firm, put that question to some 3,200 Americans recently in a poll seemingly about mathematics, but the outcome was a measure of students’ attitudes toward the Arab world. Some 56 percent of the respondents said, “No.” Fifteen percent had no opinion.

Mustafa Akyol

In the ancient days(the years between 1971 and 1973), I was an exchange student at Justus Liebig University, a small (80,000) town north of Frankfurt. German was the lingua Alamannia spoken by fellow students from Iran to Japan. Learning an unfamiliar language breaks barriers in unexpected and humbling ways.

German and English are close lingual relatives. They share familial bonds with Proto-Indo-European (PIE). Persian, although it hardly looks the part, is a branch of the PIE tree. Persian borrowed Arabic script, but its grammar and vocabulary roots place it among most European languages.

A wall between two once and future German-speaking occupied lands had been erected, enforced, and thought eternal ten-years earlier. Politik: Real. Of course, English has long become the international language. But languages offer a way out, an outlet, an escape. I often go to YouTube in order to learn Arabic from people who also learned German as their second language — people like me, people like you.

Visit a local mosque (masjid). I’ve visited ours dozens of times and have always left with hope in my soul. Don’t allow a propagandist, an ideologue, a demagogue, a polemicist… to monger your mind.

  • Arabic is a beautiful artful language.
  • It’s not from the Protoindo-European family.
  • It is a friendly language.
  • has an intensely intuitive grammar.
  • is the language of the Qur’an.
  • Arabic is a fun language.

Thanks for reading.

Below, a draft I wrote in German to organize my thoughts. FWIW.

In den alten Zeiten (zwischen 1971 und 1973) war ich Austauschstudent an der Justus Liebig Universität. Deutsch als eine zweite Sprache musste ich ohne Computer und ohne Internet lernen.

Natürlich ist Englisch schon lange die internationale Sprache geworden. Aber Sprachen bieten einen Ausweg, einen Auslass, einen Escape. Oft gehe ich zum YouTube, um Arabisch zu lernen. Jede Menge von Videos stehen zur Verfügung. Da finde ich Lehrer und Lehrerinnen in Deutschland, die, wie ich Deutsch als ‘ne zweite Sprache zu lernen. Leute wie ich, Leute wie du. Eine kleine Clue: sie sind keine Monsters.

Resultat: Arabisch finde ich eine ganz logische dritte Sprache. Na klar! Fabelhaft.


  • ist eine wunderschön kunsthafte Sprache.
  • stammt nich aus der protoindoeuropäischen Familie.
  • ist eine freundliche Sprache.
  • bietet eine Einleitung zu Islam an.
  • hat eine intensiv intuitive Grammatik.
  • ist die Sprache der Qur’an.
  • العربية ممتعة. — Arabisch macht Spass.

Arabisch lerne ich um Verständnis und Mitgefühl erreichen zu können. Auf der anderen Seite, Propaganda ist Verfälschung. Übersetzungen sollten nie verschmiert werden. Arabisch lerne ich um die Wahrheit zu erkennen. Übersetzungen können grosse Lügen werden, giftige Lügen. Sprachen sollten Verständnis bauen — Propaganda zerstört die Wahrheit mit Absicht.

Who’s Afraid of Arabic Numerals?

Reel bad Arabs
