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Kescwisc sprǣccynn

Fram Wikipǣdian
Se geþryclica bewrit nis nu gefultumod and meaht habban gedwild in his onsyne. Edniw þines ymbsceaweres æstlas and nytt þone frumstaðol ðæs geþryccærendes fore þissum.
Þǣr Kescƿisc is gesprecen

Þæt Kescƿisce sprǣccynne (on Nīƿum Englisce hāteþ Quechua, on Spēonisce quechua, and on Kescƿisce qheshwa oþþe runa simi, þe tācnaþ "sēo sprǣc þæs folces") is sprǣccynn þætte mann spriceþ on Sūðamerican, on þǣm Andes. Hit hæfþ hūhƿēga tīen þūsenda þūsenda sprecenda, þēah þe hit is sƿīðe earfoþ tō ƿitenne geƿisslīce hū fela sprecenda þǣr sind; and sind þǣr manige ānlīce on Bolifie, Perƿe, and Ecuadore, ac ēac on Argentinan, Cilan, Brasile, and Colombie.

Hit is þæt gesprecenoste sprǣccynn þāra inlendiscena Ƿīnlandes. Sōþlīce is hit betere tō hātenne hit "sprǣccynn" þonne "sprǣc" for þȳ þe hit is sƿīðe missenlīc betƿeox þǣm undersprǣcum. Oft ne cann mann þe spriceþ āne undersprǣce his forstandan ōðerne mann þe spriceþ ōðre undersprǣce his. Þǣr sind þrēo hēafodundersprǣccynn his: Norþkescƿisc sprǣc, Midkescƿisc sprǣc, and Sūþkescƿish sprǣc, þe hæfþ þæt mǣste rīm sprecenda eallra þāra undersprǣca. Þis sprǣccynn is gecūþ tō "þǣre sprǣce þāra Incena", for þȳ þe hit heora hēafodsprǣc ƿæs.