htmx ~ Why htmx Does Not Have a Build Step

The best reason to write a library in plain JavaScript is that it lasts forever. This is arguably JavaScript’s single most underrated feature. While I’m sure there are some corner cases, JavaScript from 1999 that ran in Netscape Navigator will run unaltered, alongside modern code, in Google Chrome downloaded yesterday. That is true for very few programming environments.

And yet:

Of course, most people’s experience with JavaScript is that it ages like milk. Reopen a node repository after 3 months and you’ll find that your project is mired in a flurry of security warnings, backwards-incompatible library “upgrades,” and a frontend framework whose cultural peak was the exact moment you started the project and is now widely considered tech debt.

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htmx - high power tools for html

I really like the progressive enhancement approach that this little library uses—it’s basically the Hijax approach I was talking about back in the days of Bulletproof Ajax but all wrapped up into a neat package that you can use entirely via HTML attributes.

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New Web Development. Or, why Copilots and chatbots are particularly bad for modern web dev – Baldur Bjarnason

The paradigm shift that web development is entering hinges on the fact that while React was a key enabler of the Single-Page-App and Component era of the web, in practice it normally tends to result in extremely poor products. Built-in browser APIs are now much more capable than they were when React was first invented.

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“Just” One Line - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

There’s a big difference between the interface to a thing being one line of code, and the cost of a thing being one line of code.

A more acute rendering of this sales pitch is probaly: “It’s just one line of code to add many more lines of code.”

And as Chris puts it:

Every dependency is a potential vulnerability

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Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework |

Decision time:

There’s a cost to using dependencies. New versions are released, APIs change, and it takes time and effort to make sure your own code remains compatible with them. And the cost accumulates over time.

This post is about more than web components:

If we want our work to be accessible in five or ten or even 20 years, we need to use the web with no layers in between. For all its warts, the web has become the most resilient, portable, future-proof computing platform we’ve ever created — at least, if we build with that in mind.

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Using Stencil to make a live poll Web Component

Before getting into the details of the code, Matt hits the nail on the head talking about the the one thing that web components have that no framework can offer: longevity.

Quoting Stuart Brand:

Old systems break in familiar ways. New systems break in unexpected ways.

Well! The web is an old system.

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HTML web components

Don’t replace. Augment.


Two JavaScript frameworks—Svelte and Astro—share a philosophy, but take subtly different approaches.


Materials and tools; client and server; declarative and imperative; inclusion and privilege.

Understandable excitement

Why I get more excited about new CSS features and JavaScript APIs than I do about new frameworks, libraries, or build tools.

Decision time

Balancing the ledger.