Roboto … But Make It Flex - Material Design

This version of Roboto from Font Bureau is a very variable font indeed.

Roboto … But Make It Flex - Material Design

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Related links

Rise of the Digital Fonts

A history of typesetting from movable type to variable fonts.

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Variable fonts’ past, present and future, according to Dalton Maag

In this interview, Biance Berning says:

Cassie Evans from Clearleft is an interesting person to follow as she combines web animation with variable font technology, essentially exploring the technology’s practicality and expression.

Hells yeah!

We’re only just scratching the surface of what variable fonts can do within more interactive and immersive spaces. I think we’ll see a lot more progress and experimentation with that as time goes on.

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Recursive | Recursive

Play around with this variable font available soon from Google Fonts in monospaced and sans-serif versions.

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Transform your type online with variable fonts | Creative Bloq

This is a great interview with Rich on all things related to web typography—including, of course, variable fonts.

I’m so lucky that I literally get to work side by side with Rich; I get to geek out with him about font stuff all the time.

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Text Effects - a Collection by Mandy Michael on CodePen

Mandy’s experiments with text effects in CSS are kinda mindblowing—I can’t wait to see her at Ampersand at the end of the month!

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