Text-align: Justify and RWD

Here’s a nifty trick: using text-align: justify to get a nice responsive grid layout.

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An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries

Another terrific interactive tutorial from Ahmad, this time on container queries.

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Retrofitting fluid typography | Clagnut by Richard Rutter

Here’s a taste of what Rich will be delivering at Patterns Day on Thursday—can’t wait!

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Getting started with CSS container queries | MDN Blog

Michelle has written a detailed practical guide to container queries here.

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Clamp calculator | Utopia

Oh, this is a nice addition to the Utopia set of tools: when you don’t need a full-on type scale but you still want to figure out fluid clamp() values, the clamp calculator has you covered.

It’s got permalinks too!

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The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond - Ahmad Shadeed

Instead of thinking about responsive design in terms of media queries, I like to think of responsive design in these categories.

  • Responsive to the content
  • Responsive to the viewport
  • Responsive to the container
  • Responsive to the user preferences

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Making the Patterns Day website

The joy of getting hands-on with HTML and CSS.

Media queries with display-mode

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Why do I like fluid responsive typography? Let me count the ways…

Building the dConstruct 2015 site

Hats off to Graham.

Conditionally loading content

Conditional loading is a great technique for responsive designs but we need a better way of communicating between CSS and JavaScript.