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Faculty Directory

Stacy Blake-Beard

Clinical Professor of Business Administration

Areas of Expertise

Mentoring, diversity, inclusion, unconscious bias, bystander awareness, strategic networking


Managing Organizations; Mentoring, Sponsorship and Other Developmental Relationships


PhD, University of Michigan; MA, University of Michigan; BS, University of Maryland


Dr. Stacy Blake-Beard is Professor Emeritus at Simmons University, where she taught courses on Organizational Behavior, Gender and Diversity. Prior to joining Simmons, Dr. Blake-Beard was on the faculty at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Dr. Blake-Beard’s academic research focuses on the challenges and opportunities offered by mentoring relationships, with a focus on how this process may be changing as a result of increasing workforce diversity. Dr. Blake-Beard received a Fulbright Award to support her research on gender and mentoring, in partnership with the Center for Leadership, Innovation and Change at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India.