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Does your team have a toxic workplace culture?Nearly 55% of workers say they face unpleasant and potentially hazardous conditions at work – are you one of them?

Quiz Questions

  • 1.
    You log into Zoom for your first meeting of the week. What's the vibe?
    • A.
      A mass case of the Mondays.
    • B.
      Depends on how many of us have had our coffee.
    • C.
      Ready to rock!
  • 2.
    You have an opportunity to take on a big project – how do you react?
    • A.
      It's probably not worth the risk – safer to stay the course.
    • B.
      It's not in my comfort zone, but I tentatively accept. 
    • C.
      I'd jump at the chance to work on something new!
  • 3.
    How do you typically feel at the end of your workday?
    • A.
      Ready for happy hour. By myself. In the dark.
    • B.
      Ready to shift gears.
    • C.
      Fulfilled, accomplished, and ready to jump back in tomorrow!
  • 4.
    How do you and your teammates handle conflict?
    • A.
      On my team, passive-aggressiveness is an Olympic sport.
    • B.
      I can't say there's no drama, but it could be a lot worse.
    • C.
      We sometimes disagree, but we address our issues head-on (and respectfully).
  • 5.
    Be honest – how often do you gossip about your coworkers?
    • A.
      Only on days that end with "Y."
    • B.
      I try not to, but I could do better.
    • C.
      I'm only human, but I usually manage to avoid it.
  • 6.
    Do you know your team's mission?
    • A.
      A mission? What, like we're spies?
    • B.
      I have a pretty good idea.
    • C.
      Of course! It inspires everything we do.
  • 7.
    You goofed up and missed an important deadline. How do you react?
    • A.
      "I'm definitely going to get fired."
    • B.
      "My day is ruined."
    • C.
      [Face palm] "Better talk it over with the boss."
  • 8.
    Can you describe your teammates' roles?
    • A.
      Now that you mention it, what DOES Debbie do all day?
    • B.
      More or less.
    • C.
      With laser precision!
  • 9.
    What's employee turnover like on your team?
    • A.
      Seems like someone's always coming or going.
    • B.
      We've got a mix of long-timers and short-termers.
    • C.
      Most of us are in it for the long haul.
  • 10.
    How often do you think about leaving your job?
    • A.
      I fantasize about it daily.
    • B.
      Occasionally, during stressful periods.
    • C.
      When I'm daydreaming about my ten-year plan.

Quiz Outcomes

  • 1.
    Better buy a hazmat suit
    Uh-oh. Your workplace is basically a Superfund site. Your team is likely suffering from low morale, strained relationships, and general confusion about what you’re all doing here – or all of the above. And in addition to making you miserable, working in a toxic environment can take a major toll on your job performance.But all is not lost! There are things you can do to better your situation. Of course, if your mental well-being is truly at risk and you’re able to leave your job, it may be best to cut your losses. But if you’re not able or willing to take that step, we've got you. Click through to learn more about dealing with a toxic workplace.
  • 2.
    Room for improvement
    Your team may not be in the throes of a toxicity-fueled crisis, but you’ve got some work to do. Get buy-in from your peers and try running some of the free workshop exercises in our Playbook, which we developed to address common team challenges and help you navigate important conversations.
  • 3.
    Nontoxic Team FTW!
    Congrats! Your team is perfect and we have nothing to teach you.Just kidding. We're just as invested in helping happy teams maximize their potential as we are in helping toxic teams fix what's broken. Maintaining that high morale takes work, especially when most or all of you are remote.Keep up the good work, and click below for our favorite tried-and-true remote team building ideas.