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A MUM is hitting back at trolls who don’t like her baby’s unique name – and she’s got the backing of an A-list celebrity.

Daisy Jane Wood and her husband Alex, both 27, have three children – seven-year-old Eva LeeAnn, three-year-old Manuel Allen and a three-month-old girl.

Daisy was bombarded with negative comments after her decision to give her daughter a unique name
Daisy was bombarded with negative comments after her decision to give her daughter a unique nameCredit: jampress
The couple wholeheartedly love the name of their choosing despite what the trolls say
The couple wholeheartedly love the name of their choosing despite what the trolls sayCredit: JAMPRESS
Lemon Jane was named after a fictional character played by Jaime King in the series, 'Hart of Dixie'
Lemon Jane was named after a fictional character played by Jaime King in the series, 'Hart of Dixie'Credit: JAMPRESS

It’s their youngest whose name has caused a divide online – with the parents calling her Lemon Jane.

The parents chose the name after Lemon Breeland, a fictional character from the TV show ‘Hart of Dixie’ played by Jaime King.

Sharing the moniker on Instagram, (@daisyjanewood ) her video has gained over 1.8m views and over 33,000 likes.

Online, it’s a mixed bag of reactions.

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Some people are all for the unique name but others despise it – with some even commenting that Lemon will “hate” Daisy for choosing it when she gets older.

Jaime King herself has even shared her thoughts – commenting on one of the mum’s posts.

“I don’t regret naming her Lemon at all and we do not care that some people hate it,”

Daisy, from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, US, explained how she come to name her child Lemon, saying:

“I started watching the show Hart of Dixie to have something to watch while my husband is at work, because he always gets into them, and then I can’t watch them without him.

“He of course got into the show and when he heard that one of the characters was named Lemon, he immediately fell in love with the name.

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“Lemon is my favourite character!

“Some people absolutely love it and think it’s the best name ever.

“Some people absolutely despise it and make extremely hateful remarks.

“They say the most unimaginable things.

“Many people think of it as a negative term.

“They associate it with being sour but we think of all the sweet things made from lemons.

“My husband loves to call her his little lemon drop or lemonade.”

At the time of choosing the name, the mum wasn’t actually pregnant – but the parents decided then and there that their third child would be named after the citrus fruit, if they had a girl. Daisy said:

“Her middle name is Jane after my middle name, which I share with my mom and cousin.

“Lemon Jane sounded perfect to us.

I adored the name and felt like it was the cutest Southern name for our little girl.

Daisy Jane WoodJampress

“Lemon is not only a fruit but also a beautiful tree and flower.

“Jaime King, the actress who plays Lemon Breeland was honoured that we named Lemon after her character.”

On one of the mum’s posts, Jaime wrote: “This is the sweetest and most loving gift that one could have. I’m so honored and grateful. Lemon means everything to me as well as your child forever.”

Others, in the mum’s own life, took more convincing.

She said: “My best friend didn’t care for it [the name] at all when I was pregnant. "

After a few days she texted me out of nowhere, and said the name really grew on her, and that I absolutely can’t change it because it’s perfect.”

Social media users however are divided.

Unusual baby names 2024

Many parents are opting for meaningful names in 2024 with unisex names on the rise due to their unique element, it's hard to categorise them.

With celebrities at the forefront of this growing trend, after Ed Sheeran named his latest addition Jupiter Seaborn, and Kylie Jenner who named her newborn Aire - it would seem having a unique, unisex name is more common than you think.

Unusual baby names documented in 2024 include:

  • Halo
  • Aire
  • Elio
  • Royal
  • Atticus
  • Ori
  • Starlette
  • Snowdrop
  • Kahlani
  • Zyla
  • Teddy
  • Ezra
  • Beau
  • Otto

“She’ll hate you later,” commented one user.

Another user joked: “Can't wait for her brother, Lime.”

“You don't put a theme on a person!” added someone else.

Some people had more positive things to say.

“I think that's cool and cute,” said Kayla. Another user added: “Personally I think it's a fantastic name." [sic]

Talking about the reaction online, Daisy says she is shocked at the “hateful” comments some people have left on her post.

She added: “Some of the comments are hurtful but they don’t anger me.

“I’m more in awe that people can make the most hateful comments imaginable over something that doesn’t affect them.”


“To us it’s a bright and happy name.

“It fits her perfectly because she’s the happiest baby that we’ve had so far."

Daisy hit back at the trolls defending her decision to name her child
Daisy hit back at the trolls defending her decision to name her childCredit: JAMPRESS/@DAISYJANEWOOD
The family of five shrug off the negative comments, especially now they have the backing of Jaime King herself
The family of five shrug off the negative comments, especially now they have the backing of Jaime King herselfCredit: JAMPRESS/@DAISYJANEWOOD