This Fresh Dog Food Is Delivered Right To Your Door

Our picky eaters LOVED it! 😍

Ollie Fresh Dog Food

Why We Loved It:

It was so easy to prepare!

We independently pick all the products we recommend because we love them and think you will too. If you buy a product from a link on our site, we may earn a commission.

If your pup seems to turn her nose up every time you scoop out another cup of kibble, you might be looking for a healthy way to get her to actually eat.

Since fresh dog food came onto the scene, we’ve been really interested in trying as many products as we can. Fresh food made just for our dogs? Sign us up!

That’s why we were so excited to try Ollie Fresh Dog Food, because the company promises to only use ingredients you can find in your own kitchen and delivers pre-packaged portions right to your door!

We were so happy to find out that our dogs were so obsessed with mealtime and even gained some energy, and we’re giving it our official Paw of Approval.

Keep reading to find out more about what we loved.

What Is Ollie Fresh Dog Food?

Ollie is subscription-based meal delivery service offering fresh dog food that’s safe enough for humans to eat but made specifically for your pup.

With minimal processing, ingredients you can pronounce and custom options for your individual dog’s needs, this food’s high quality for every pup. It gets delivered straight to your door, and you can easily store it in your freezer and thaw it in your fridge, which can be super convenient.

How Does Ollie Fresh Dog Food Work?

Ollie is designed specifically for your individual pup. After answering a simple survey about your dog and her current eating habits, Ollie will build a custom plan for you and deliver the food right to your door.

Custom Meal Plans: Ollie tailors your dog's plan based on her weight, age, breed, activity level and allergies. Ollie will recommend a precise portion according to how many calories she needs.

Delivered ready to serve: Ollie will ship your dog's food on a flexible, regular schedule so you'll always have the right amount. All you have to do is store your food packs in the freezer and thaw them in the fridge.

Easy, fuss-free feeding: Follow your custom feeding guidelines to ensure your pup’s getting the right amount of food. Keep it fresh by storing it in the Pup-tainer and covering it with the Ollie lid, which comes with the first food delivery.

Ollie offers four different recipes that you can choose from, and they include:

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Lamb

Our reviewers

We picked three office pups who are a little picky about their food to see if Ollie helped fill their bellies.

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Does Ollie Fresh Dog Food Work?

When it comes to our picky dogs finally chowing down for mealtime, we gotta say that Ollie definitely did the job.

“Shockingly, Lucy took to the Ollie food right away! She ate the food from her plate on her own without much coaxing from me — that's a huge win in my eyes!” — Jane Y.

Lucy enjoying her Ollie Fresh Dog Food | Jane Yum

What We Love About Ollie Fresh Dog Food

It got our picky pups to eat

Since some of our testers are notoriously picky eaters, we were so happy to find out that they were finally able — and excited — to enjoy their food!

“With Ollie, the minute Mushu sees his bowl being picked up, he runs over, starts jumping and waiting for me to fix up his food, then will run over to his food spot and wait excitedly. It's nice to hear his bowl being licked clean again, since the last time he was this excited for food was when he was a puppy.” — Melanie T.

It increased our dogs’ energy

Lucy’s pet parent, Jane, noticed that her pup seemed way more energetic after introducing Ollie into her life.

“Lucy seems more energetic overall, and it helps her have a more relaxed evening after she's had her Ollie dinner since she's eating it more consistently, whereas previously if she decided to skip her dinner, she'd seem a bit dejected.” — Jane Y.

Florentina loves her Ollie. | Andrea Devoto

It comes with its own container and scooper

To help keep everything as convenient as possible, Ollie sends you your very own storage container and scooper as a starter kit with the first shipment of food.

“I loved the starter kit they send you that includes the box and scooper. The box is big enough for two portions, and it was really satisfying how the scooper fits the width of the packets perfectly for clean and easy dividing. The container is really air-tight as well.” — Melanie T.

Melanie’s shipment of Ollie | Melanie Tse

The ingredients are great

There’s nothing better than knowing exactly what you’re feeding your pup. This food delivers when it comes to human-grade ingredients.

The quality of the food looks really good. You can see the pieces of vegetables, which shows the freshness of it.” —Andrea D.

The packaging is awesome

One thing our test parents loved was how well put together the packaging was, specifically saying that it had a similar vibe to HelloFresh.

I thought that Ollie was very well packaged and thought out. The boxes they come in are insulated very well and can be kept frozen for a while to ensure its freshness. It reminded me of HelloFresh for dogs.” — Melanie T.

The Downsides

It can get messy

Because of the high moisture content, this food might be a little messier than what you’re used to (especially if you’re transitioning over from kibble).

It looks like a pate type of food, but if you touch it, you can feel the moisture content. It's hard to describe. So a bit messier than I anticipated, but Lucy liked it, and I'm glad she's staying hydrated.” — Jane Y.

It might have made one dog eat poop, but we aren’t sure

One of our pups randomly started eating fresh poop on walks once she started Ollie.

After fully switching to the diet, I caught him trying to eat rogue street poop twice. After doing some research, I learned that dogs may eat poop because they're weird or they're lacking something in their diet, so not too sure.” — Melanie T.

It might take up a lot of room

If your fridge or freezer is already packed, these might not be the best option for you. If you have an additional one, it would be easier to store. But it’s important for you to know that sacrificing space might come with getting your pup on a fresh food diet.

[It] is a lot of food to store in your fridge and freezer at once, so definitely something to keep in mind for this (and any type of delivered fresh dog food) if you have a small apartment fridge with limited storage space like me!” — Jane Y.

Is Ollie Fresh Dog Food Worth It?

When it comes to being worth it, we totally think the price makes sense for fresh dog food. If you can work it into your budget, your pup will definitely thank you.

I do think Ollie is a bit expensive for daily dog food, but comparable to most fresh dog food subscription services and ultimately worth it if your dog enjoys it.” — Jane Y.

Mushu loves Ollie so much he licks the bowl clean. | Melanie Tse

“I think this product is worth the investment since you're giving your pet food that will help them improve their overall health and live a longer life.” — Andrea D.

Get Ollie Fresh Dog Food from Ollie for $25.57


How do I know how much to feed my dog?

Just fill out the simple survey on My Ollie, and they’ll do the rest.

How does the subscription work?

Simple! You just fill out your survey to tell Ollie about your pup. Then you’ll receive your starter box in the mail (which includes two weeks of food plus a container and scooper), and you’ll receive regular shipments after that on a schedule.

Can I pause my delivery if I’m going on vacation?

Totally! Just head to the website to pause or change your deliveries at any time.

The Dodo may receive complimentary samples to test in our Paw of Approval program, but all our opinions are 100 percent our own. We only publish endorsements of products we (and our dogs and cats) absolutely love! You can find out more about our testing process here.

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