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Tony Blair admits he can't understand the popularity of Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders

The former Prime Minister says he does not see why Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders are so successful given the question of 'electability'

Tony Blair
Tony Blair Credit: Photo: ANDREW CROWLEY

Tony Blair has admitted he is finding it hard to understand the popularity of the left leaning politician Jeremy Corbyn and the Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, given the question of "electability".

The former Prime Minister attributed their success to the rise of social media and a desire to elect mavericks who are going to "rattle the cage."

Speaking in Washington, Mr Blair, who won three British elections, said Mr Sanders sounded very similar to Mr Corbyn when it came to issues such as tuition fees.

He said: "Well, that’s great, but someone’s going to have pay for it. An end to war, but there are wars.”

In a joint Guardian and Financial Times interview, Mr Blair said he believed some of Mr Sanders' and Mr Corbyn's success was due to the "loss of faith in that strong, centrist progressive position", which defined his own career.

He said: "One of the strangest things about politics at the moment – and I really mean it when I say I’m not sure I fully understand politics right now, which is an odd thing to say, having spent my life in it – is when you put the question of electability as a factor in your decision to nominate a leader, it’s how small the numbers are that this is the decisive factor. That sounds curious to me."

File photo: Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn

“I think there is a combination of factors behind these movements which are happening both sides of the Atlantic.

"Part of it is the flatlining of lower and middle income people, the flatlining in living standards for those people, which is very frustrating.

"It’s partly an anger for sure at the elites, a desire to choose people who are going to rattle the cage.

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“And it’s partly also about social media, which is itself a revolutionary phenomenon which can generate an enormous wave of enthusiasm at speed."

Mr Blair added that when he first started in politics, these things took so long to build up momentum.

"But it’s also a loss of faith in that strong, centrist progressive position and we’ve got to recover that,” he said.

Mr Blair, a long time friend of the Clintons, described Ms Clinton as a "very strong, capable person" but insisted it was "not wise" for him to predict the election outcome.