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The JavaScript App Platform
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Presented by -
Tahmina Khatoon
Software Engineer, Genweb2
Build Web Applications since 2008
What will be covered
● Introduction to meteor
● Principles of meteor
● Meteor architecture
● Live coding a simple meteor app
What is Meteor?
● Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for
building modern web and mobile app using
● Build to the power of next generation app
o Rich user interfaces
o Collaborative multi-user applications
o Cross platform apps
o Fast development
7 Meteor Principles
1. Data on the Wire
2. One Language
3. Database Everywhere
4. Latency Compensation
5. Full Stack Reactivity
6. Embrace the Ecosystem
7. Simplicity = Productivity
Why Meteor?
● Applications are real-time by default
● Develop with just one language
● Save a lot of time with smart packages
● Optimized for developer happiness
● Friendly to beginner developers
● Ahead of the tech curve
● Community is extremely supportive
Data on the Wire
Meteor doesn't send HTML over the network.
The server sends data and lets the client
render it.
Data on the Wire (Continue ...)
Traditional Web Architecture
No Persistent Connection
news - 1
news - 2
Data on the Wire (Continue ...)
Traditional Web Architecture Modern Web Architecture
No Persistent Connection Persistent Connection
news - 1
news - 2
http://www.prothom-alo.com http://www.prothom-alo.com
news - 1
news - 2
news - 3
news - 4
DDP - Distributed Data Protocol
A protocol based on JSON.
Technically, DDP can be implemented on top of any
duplex transport. Meteor’s current implementation is
based on WebSockets and SockJS.
SockJS is a WebSockets emulation transport, which can be used when WebSockets is not available.
DDP - Distributed Data Protocol
DDP mainly does two things:
● It handles Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
● It manages data.
DDP - Distributed Data Protocol
DDP mainly does two things:
● It handles Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
● It manages data.
Handling Remote Procedure Calls
1. {"msg":"method",
"params": ["1000USD",
"arunoda", "sacha"],
id": "randomId-1"}
2. {"msg": "result", id":
"randomId-1": "result":
3. {"msg": "updated",
"methods": ["randomId-
It notifies the caller after all the write operations in the method have been reflected to all the
other connected clients.
DDP - Managing Data
The DDP protocol has three types of notification: added, changed and
1. The DDP client (sacha) sends a
subscription request for his account.
2. He will receive a couple of added
notifications with the current
transactions in his account.
3. After all the transactions have been
sent by the DDP server (bank), DDP
will send a special message called
ready. The ready message indicates
that all the initial data for the
subscription has been sent and you
are good to go.
4. Some time later, after arunoda has
sent his transfer, sacha will receive
the transaction as another added
One Language
Meteor lets you write both the client and the
server parts of your application in JavaScript.
One Language
One Language
One Language
Database Everywhere
You can use the same methods to access your
database from the client or the server.
● MongoDB on the server
● Minimongo in the browser
● Meteor keeps it all in sync
Mini Databases
● The minimongo package is a reimplementation of
(almost) the entire MongoDB API, against an in-
memory JavaScript database.
● It is like a MongoDB emulator that runs inside your web
browser. You can insert data into it and search, sort,
and update that data.
Latency Compensation
On the client, Meteor prefetches data and
simulates models to make it look like server
method calls return instantly.
Latency Compensation
In a traditional
application, when a
user does some
action on an app,
they have to wait
until the request is
processed on the
server before the
changes are
reflected by the UI.
Latency Compensation
But with latency
compensation, users
no longer need to
wait. The result of
an action is
reflected by the
immediately. This is
a built-in feature of
Meteor and you can
use it very easily.
Implementing latency compensation
● Latency compensation works only for write operations to a data store
supported by Meteor (currently only MongoDB and Redis).
● For Third-party service like Twitter, there is no way to implement
latency compensation directly.
● There are only two places where you can do a write operation to a data
store: inside a method call or directly via a local collection.
Full Stack Reactivity
In Meteor, realtime is the
default. All layers, from
database to template,
update themselves
automatically when
● Client UI and database
are updated 1st
● Change sent to server
● Issues are resolved after
the fact
Embrace the Ecosystem.
Meteor is open source and integrates with
existing open source tools and frameworks.
Simplicity = Productivity.
The best way to make something seem simple
is to have it actually be simple. Meteor's main
functionality has clean, classically beautiful
App - Topic Bank
Topic Name Suggested By Vote Action
Dart Fyaz 10
Meteor Tahmina 12
Up Down
Up Down
Topic Bank
Let’s Get Started!
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
Installing Meteor
Creating an app
meteor create hotTopics
cd hotTopics
Run app
Project Structure
lib/ # <- any common code for client/server.
lib/config.js # <- general configuration
lib/methods.js # <- Meteor.method definitions
lib/external # <- common code from someone else
## Note that js files in lib folders are loaded before other js files.
collections/ # <- definitions of collections and methods on them (could be models/)
client/lib # <- client specific libraries (also loaded first)
client/lib/config.js # <- configuration of any client side packages
client/lib/helpers # <- any helpers (handlebars or otherwise) that are used often in view files
client/main.js # <- subscriptions, basic Meteor.startup code.
client/index.html # <- toplevel html
client/index.js # <- and its JS
client/views/<page>.html # <- the templates specific to a single page
client/views/<page>.js # <- and the JS to hook it up
client/views/<type>/ # <- if you find you have a lot of views of the same object type
server/publications.js # <- Meteor.publish definitions
server/lib/config.js # <- configuration of server side packages
The JavaScript and CSS files in an application are loaded according to these
● Files in subdirectories are loaded before files in parent directories, so
that files in the deepest subdirectory are loaded first, and files in the
root directory are loaded last.
● Within a directory, files are loaded in alphabetical order by filename.
● After sorting as described above, all files under directories named lib are
moved before everything else (preserving their order).
● Finally, all files that match main.* are moved after everything else
(preserving their order).
CSS and Javascript Files Ordering
Meteor parses all of the HTML files in app folder and identifies three top-level
● <head>
● <body>
● <template>
Default Template Engine: Blaze
Can be replaced with any other template engine.
Create html view
Create html view
<title>Topic Bank</title>
<div class="container">
{{> header}}
{{> topicList}}
<template name="header">
<div class="row text-center">
<h1>Topic Bank</h1>
<template name="topicList">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>Topic Name</th>
<th>Suggested By</th>
{{#each topics }}
<td>({{vote}} votes)</td>
{{/each }}
Include package
Meteor Package manager: ATMOSPHERE
meteor add mizzao:bootstrap-3
Add Package in project (example: bootstrap-3)
meteor list
List all installed packages
Publish and Subscribe
Publish and Subscribe
// Create a collection
Topics = new Meteor.Collection('topics');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Publish collection
Meteor.publish('topics', function () {
return Topics.find();
} else if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Subscribe collection
topics: function () {
return Topics.find();
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Meet with Meteor

  • 1. The JavaScript App Platform Meet with
  • 2. Presented by - Tahmina Khatoon Software Engineer, Genweb2 Build Web Applications since 2008
  • 3. What will be covered ● Introduction to meteor ● Principles of meteor ● Meteor architecture ● Live coding a simple meteor app
  • 5. What is Meteor? ● Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web and mobile app using Javascript. ● Build to the power of next generation app o Rich user interfaces o Collaborative multi-user applications o Cross platform apps o Fast development
  • 6. 7 Meteor Principles 1. Data on the Wire 2. One Language 3. Database Everywhere 4. Latency Compensation 5. Full Stack Reactivity 6. Embrace the Ecosystem 7. Simplicity = Productivity
  • 7. Why Meteor? ● Applications are real-time by default ● Develop with just one language ● Save a lot of time with smart packages ● Optimized for developer happiness ● Friendly to beginner developers ● Ahead of the tech curve ● Community is extremely supportive
  • 8. Data on the Wire Meteor doesn't send HTML over the network. The server sends data and lets the client render it.
  • 9. Data on the Wire (Continue ...) Traditional Web Architecture Client Server HTTP HTML No Persistent Connection http://www.prothom-alo.com <html> … news - 1 news - 2 ... <.html>
  • 10. Data on the Wire (Continue ...) Traditional Web Architecture Modern Web Architecture Client Server Client Server HTTPHTML No Persistent Connection Persistent Connection DDP <html> … news - 1 news - 2 ... <.html> http://www.prothom-alo.com http://www.prothom-alo.com <html> news - 1 news - 2 <.html> news - 3 . . news - 4 . .
  • 11. DDP - Distributed Data Protocol A protocol based on JSON. Technically, DDP can be implemented on top of any duplex transport. Meteor’s current implementation is based on WebSockets and SockJS. SockJS is a WebSockets emulation transport, which can be used when WebSockets is not available.
  • 12. DDP - Distributed Data Protocol DDP mainly does two things: ● It handles Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). ● It manages data.
  • 13. DDP - Distributed Data Protocol DDP mainly does two things: ● It handles Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). ● It manages data.
  • 14. Handling Remote Procedure Calls 1. {"msg":"method", "method": "transferMoney", "params": ["1000USD", "arunoda", "sacha"], id": "randomId-1"} 2. {"msg": "result", id": "randomId-1": "result": "5000USD"} 3. {"msg": "updated", "methods": ["randomId- 1"]} It notifies the caller after all the write operations in the method have been reflected to all the other connected clients.
  • 15. DDP - Managing Data The DDP protocol has three types of notification: added, changed and removed 1. The DDP client (sacha) sends a subscription request for his account. 2. He will receive a couple of added notifications with the current transactions in his account. 3. After all the transactions have been sent by the DDP server (bank), DDP will send a special message called ready. The ready message indicates that all the initial data for the subscription has been sent and you are good to go. 4. Some time later, after arunoda has sent his transfer, sacha will receive the transaction as another added notification.
  • 16. One Language Meteor lets you write both the client and the server parts of your application in JavaScript.
  • 20. Database Everywhere You can use the same methods to access your database from the client or the server. ● MongoDB on the server ● Minimongo in the browser ● Meteor keeps it all in sync
  • 21. Mini Databases ● The minimongo package is a reimplementation of (almost) the entire MongoDB API, against an in- memory JavaScript database. ● It is like a MongoDB emulator that runs inside your web browser. You can insert data into it and search, sort, and update that data. https://www.meteor.com/mini-databases
  • 22. Latency Compensation On the client, Meteor prefetches data and simulates models to make it look like server method calls return instantly.
  • 23. Latency Compensation In a traditional application, when a user does some action on an app, they have to wait until the request is processed on the server before the changes are reflected by the UI.
  • 24. Latency Compensation But with latency compensation, users no longer need to wait. The result of an action is reflected by the browser immediately. This is a built-in feature of Meteor and you can use it very easily.
  • 25. Implementing latency compensation ● Latency compensation works only for write operations to a data store supported by Meteor (currently only MongoDB and Redis). ● For Third-party service like Twitter, there is no way to implement latency compensation directly. ● There are only two places where you can do a write operation to a data store: inside a method call or directly via a local collection.
  • 26. Full Stack Reactivity In Meteor, realtime is the default. All layers, from database to template, update themselves automatically when necessary. ● Client UI and database are updated 1st ● Change sent to server ● Issues are resolved after the fact
  • 27. Embrace the Ecosystem. Meteor is open source and integrates with existing open source tools and frameworks.
  • 28. Simplicity = Productivity. The best way to make something seem simple is to have it actually be simple. Meteor's main functionality has clean, classically beautiful APIs.
  • 30. App - Topic Bank Topic Name Suggested By Vote Action Dart Fyaz 10 Meteor Tahmina 12 Up Down Up Down Topic Bank
  • 31. Let’s Get Started! curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh Installing Meteor Creating an app meteor create hotTopics cd hotTopics meteor Run app
  • 32. Project Structure lib/ # <- any common code for client/server. lib/config.js # <- general configuration lib/methods.js # <- Meteor.method definitions lib/external # <- common code from someone else ## Note that js files in lib folders are loaded before other js files. collections/ # <- definitions of collections and methods on them (could be models/) client/lib # <- client specific libraries (also loaded first) client/lib/config.js # <- configuration of any client side packages client/lib/helpers # <- any helpers (handlebars or otherwise) that are used often in view files client/main.js # <- subscriptions, basic Meteor.startup code. client/index.html # <- toplevel html client/index.js # <- and its JS client/views/<page>.html # <- the templates specific to a single page client/views/<page>.js # <- and the JS to hook it up client/views/<type>/ # <- if you find you have a lot of views of the same object type server/publications.js # <- Meteor.publish definitions server/lib/config.js # <- configuration of server side packages
  • 33. The JavaScript and CSS files in an application are loaded according to these rules: ● Files in subdirectories are loaded before files in parent directories, so that files in the deepest subdirectory are loaded first, and files in the root directory are loaded last. ● Within a directory, files are loaded in alphabetical order by filename. ● After sorting as described above, all files under directories named lib are moved before everything else (preserving their order). ● Finally, all files that match main.* are moved after everything else (preserving their order). CSS and Javascript Files Ordering
  • 34. Meteor parses all of the HTML files in app folder and identifies three top-level tags: ● <head> ● <body> ● <template> Default Template Engine: Blaze Can be replaced with any other template engine. Create html view
  • 35. Create html view <head> <title>Topic Bank</title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> {{> header}} {{> topicList}} </div> </body> <template name="header"> <div class="row text-center"> <h1>Topic Bank</h1> </div> </template> <template name="topicList"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> </div> </div> </template> <table class="table table-bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic Name</th> <th>Suggested By</th> <th>Vote</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{#each topics }} <tr> <td>{{title}}</td> <td><i>{{proposed_by}}</i></td> <td>({{vote}} votes)</td> <td></td> </tr> {{/each }} </tbody> </table>
  • 36. Include package Meteor Package manager: ATMOSPHERE meteor add mizzao:bootstrap-3 Add Package in project (example: bootstrap-3) meteor list List all installed packages
  • 38. Publish and Subscribe // Create a collection Topics = new Meteor.Collection('topics'); if (Meteor.isServer) { // Publish collection Meteor.publish('topics', function () { return Topics.find(); }); } else if (Meteor.isClient) { // Subscribe collection Meteor.subscribe('topics'); Template.topicList.helpers({ topics: function () { return Topics.find(); } }); }