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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
Abstract— Due to fierce competition in the hotel sector, it is
essential to initiate and manage long-term and strong
relationship to ensure customer satisfaction. The importance
of customer relationship is very well identified and accepted
by many leading hotel organisations, especially in the global
competitive market. Some of the critical CRM elements
considered and measured in this study are behaviour of the
employees, hospitality management, service quality and
relationship management. The hotel business organisation
that wish to offer top quality service and gain competitive
edge over others, application and implementation of
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programme
provides a valuable
opportunity to improve satisfaction and loyalty by increasing
customer value. This paper examined the effectiveness of
customer relationship management (CRM) elements on
customer satisfaction and loyalty. This paper is also to make a
framework conceptual model to review identification of
factors that analyse the relationship of the customer
satisfaction and loyalty through CRM variables by
anticipating their expectations and taking course of action
within their ability to satisfy needs.
Index Terms— Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
Customer Relationship Management, Hospitality
Management, Service Quality.
In the present market condition, most of the business
establishment attempts to manage and develop strong and
regular interaction with their customers to ensure maximum
customer equity. The effort requires managing effective
customer relationship to ensure success in customer
satisfaction. The CRM philosophy plays a vital and
significant role in the Hotel industry sector, as the
fundamental concept of business is based on customer
satisfaction through creation of innovative ideas to establish
Manuscript revised on December 19, 2019 and published on December
27, 2019
Anand Prasad Sinha currently working as an Assistant Professor in
Department of Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
Sanjiv Kumar Srivastava currently working as an Assistant Professor in
Department of Hotel Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
Rohit kumar Pandey is working as Assistant Professor in the department of
management, B.I.T Mesra, Ranchi.
Ashok Kumar Asthana currently working as an Assistant Professor in
Department of Management, Sarla Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
relationship management. Hotel business follows the
principle of is ‘guest is always right’ and ‘guest is like god’
(Athiti Devo Bhava). In pursuit to achieve the objective a
sincere and continuous effort is imperative for a strong
foundation of relationship, which remains the demand of the
time Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy which
tends to the creation of value for customers, anticipating and
managing their expectations, and demonstrating ability and
responsibility to satisfy their needs. Qualities of service and
customer satisfaction are critical factors for the success of
any business [1]. Customer satisfaction is the outcome of
customer's perception of the value received in a transaction or
relationship, where value equals perceived service quality
compared to the value expected from transactions or
relationships with competing vendors [2]. To achieve
customer satisfaction, it is important to recognize and to
anticipate customers' needs and to be able to satisfy them.
Enterprises which can rapidly understand and satisfy
customers' needs make greater profits than those which fail to
understand and satisfy them [3]. Since the cost of attracting
new customers is higher than the cost of retaining the existing
ones, to be successful managers must concentrate on
retaining existing customers implementing effective policies
of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Nowadays one of the biggest challenges for managers in
the hotel industry is to provide and sustained customer
satisfaction. A customer requirement for quality products and
service in the hotel industry has become increasingly evident
to professionals [4]. Guest relationships are a strategic asset
of the organization [5] and customer satisfaction is the
starting point to define business objectives. In this context,
positive relationships can create customer's higher
commitment and increase their return rate. Long-term and
reciprocally advantageous relationships between customers
and the hotel are becoming progressively important because
of the highly positive correlation between guests' overall
satisfaction levels and the probability of their return to the
same hotel [6]. Hotels are increasing their investments to
improve service quality and the perceived value for guests to
achieve better customer satisfaction and loyalty, thus
resulting in better relationships with each customer [7].
Relationship quality has a remarkable positive effect on hotel
guests' behaviour: it creates positive word of mouth (WOM)
and increments repeated guest rates [8]
In the hotel industry, the products and services have become
key to success and everlasting competitiveness. Due to fierce
competition in the hotel sector, it is essential to initiate and
manage a long-term and strong relationship to ensure
customer satisfaction. The importance of customer
Identification and Validation of CRM Factors on Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Mid-Market Segments of
the Hotel Industry
Anand Pd. Sinha, Sanjeev Kr. Srivastava, Rohit Kr. Pandey, Ashok Kr.Asthana
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
relationship is very well-identified and accepted by many
leading hotel organisations, especially in the global
competitive market. The study examined the effectiveness of
customer relationship management (CRM) elements on
customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some of the critical CRM
elements considered are measured in this study are the
behaviour of the employees, hospitality management, service
quality and relationship management. The hotel business
organisation that wish to offer top quality service and gain a
competitive edge over others, application and
implementation of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) programme provides a valuable opportunity to
improve satisfaction and loyalty by increasing customer
value. The study also proposes a framework and review
identification of factors that analyse the relationship of the
customer satisfaction and loyalty through CRM variables by
anticipating their expectations and taking the course of action
within their ability responsibly to satisfy needs.
The achievement of customer satisfaction is one of
the crucial and paramount importance for any organisation.
It becomes challenging nowadays as customer needs and
expectation are changing all the time due to the advent and
growth of Information technology (IT). Customer
satisfaction is a purely a personal assessment that is
immensely influenced by expectation the customer has.
Critical observation revealed that relationship marketing
significantly facilitates improved and customised service
quality and it's an effective tool and innovative way for
improved service that will foster better customer satisfaction
by creating new value for their customers. The hotels can
move closer to their customer through effective CRM
practices and henceforth meeting the ever-changing needs
and demands of the customer leading to better customer
satisfaction and gaining competitive advantage in the market.
Therefore, CRM can facilitate managing customer
relationship effectively for long term association through
customer satisfaction. In this study, the problem is to explore
the impact of CRM on customer satisfaction for attaining
more efficiency in relationship with customers in the
Mid-Market Segment of the Hotel Industry.
The research objectives for this study include:
1. To understand the impact of key elements of CRM.
2. To identify various factors related to effectiveness of
CRM in customer satisfaction.
3. To propose a suitable CRM framework for customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
• Present research work is confined to only the mid-market
segment of a state, but its finding applies to the global
mid-market segment. The present study has been
conducted in selected hotels in the geographical area of
• The study will also enable the management of the hotel in
devising effective business and quality services for
improved customer satisfaction and ultimately benefit
the customer as well as the management.
Customer satisfaction has become a philosophy for
a business organisation that helps to increase customer's
value by anticipating their expectations and taking the course
of action within their ability responsibly to satisfy needs. For
any successful business operation, two essential factors are a
very critical quality of service and customer satisfaction [9].
[10], remarked that organisations survive because the
customer is there to be served. The critical factor ensuring
sustainable advantage depends on high-quality service
delivery leading to better customer satisfaction [11]. The
satisfaction of the customer is the crucial factors which
improve the quality of service for gaining an advantage in the
competition and hence the retention of the customer. The
satisfaction of the customer is the outcome of the perception
about the received value in any exchange or and service
quality is the value received in comparison to expected value
from exchange or relationships among competing for a
service provider [12]. To attain customer satisfaction,
therefore it's necessary to apprehend the basic needs and
desires of the customer and satisfy them. Organisations that
are quick to realise and satisfy customer make more profits as
compared to those who are unable to recognize and
accomplice [13] .As it is expensive to attract a new customer
than retaining existing customer successful management
should focus on retaining existing customers through the
implementation of an efficient strategy for satisfaction of
customer as well as loyalty.
Customer satisfaction is the beginning of foundation
on which customer loyalty is built. This philosophy enables
loyalty’s stock for the organization that builds corporate
image. The relationship gets consolidated and results in
repeated patronage a dissatisfied customer may be the reason
for bringing bad reputation to the enterprise. Customer
satisfaction is the most significant challenge for the hotel
industry. Developing a relationship with customer is an asset
for the hospitality establishment [14] and it is the initial stage
of origin to decide business objectives. In view of this cordial
and positive relationship may facilitate strong commitment
from customer and increase retention rate. Continuous and
long-term leads to mutual benefit and such beneficial
relationships between hotel and the customer is becoming
progressively significant as it ensures positive association of
relationship and increase in profitability due to increase
retention rate [15]. To achieve better customer satisfaction
Hotels are investing their major financial portion to improve
service quality and the value perception of the guests which
leads to intimate relationships with each customer, hence
developing loyalty ,[16] . The objective of the service
provider is not only to satisfy the customer but also try to
achieve it more efficiently and effectively over competitors
to achieve the organisational goal [17].
The customer-oriented employee behaviour is
positively associated to the customer satisfaction and strong
commitment towards service provider [18], as employees are
considered as internal customer [19] [20]. Employee
behaviour lays a foundation of personal relationship
demonstrated by individual behaviour at the moment of
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
interaction. “High performance is significant for customer
satisfaction by exceeding the customer expectation” [21]. A
study shows positive experience by customer to good
word-of-mouth publicity [22]. Commitment facilitates
costumer to make positive comments on the organisation’s
performance. It is a stage of feelings of belongingness and
attachment with an intention of continuing relationship with
the service provider. Committed customers are most likely to
share information relating to their preference and other
personal matters. Customer commitment gives service
providers an opportunity to redesign strategy process and
final outcomes. It creates an opportunity to target their
customers and minimise switching behaviour and foster
long-term, continuous and profitable relationships [23].
CRM has significant impact on most organisations
to some extent [24]. Trust is the key variable in maintaining
relationship commitment and its existence and sustaining
ability in relationship depends upon the integrity and
reliability of the opposite party. According to him trust is an
indispensable element in defining long term desired
relationship with a brand loyalty. Trust becomes critical in
case of services which are intangible as they are difficult to
measure [25]. Customer satisfaction lays the basic
foundation to achieve customer loyalty and paving way for a
long-term and continuing relationship. It increases the base of
loyalty's stock that improves company’s image.
Strengthening of relationships with guest results in repeat
patronage and a dissatisfied customer may be a bad
ambassador for the business organisation. Studies concluded
by Cherubini, suggests that only 4% of dissatisfied guest
express their grievances to the organisation and explain the
cause of their dissatisfaction, while guest who didn’t
complain officially, make a negative WOM that may involve
about 500 people. Investigation on customer satisfaction is an
important consideration whether customers will revisit the
hotel and suggest others, is the key factor for the successful
operation of the hotel business. The present paper helps to
evaluate the impact of CRM on customer satisfaction in the
Mid-Market Segment of Hotel Industry. The CRM
component taken into consideration is as follows:
➢ Hospitality Management
➢ Service Quality
➢ Employee Behaviour
➢ Relationship Management
➢ Customer Satisfaction
➢ Customer Commitment and trust.
➢ Customer Loyalty
During 1990s the customer occupied the centre
stage of market. The market power was under the control of
customer and it was important that they need to be listened
for the survival of service provider [26]. In the 20s, the advent
and growth of ITs created a platform of opportunities for the
customers to acquire information about everything which
they need. The knowledge-based information and more
awareness of customer, the industries realised the importance
of relationship marketing to be successful. According to [27],
“customer relationship management is an enterprise strategy
necessary to secure a proper, useful and consistent
communication with each customer irrespective of the means
of communication.” While [28], defines “customer
relationship management is a process by which to obtain
enough information about the existing customers, use this
information for incentive of the sales to be repeated, and
enable a relationship that will be continuous.” The main
objective of CRM is to build customer loyalty through
identification, attraction and management of long term and
continuing relationship with the potential customers. The
association of the term relationship along with the word
marketing implies a sense of belongingness with a customer
or service provider [29] [29]. The philosophy of CRM is
based on the principle of foundation of learning relationship
with individual customer. Such bonding facilitates better
insights of customer about their needs and expectations.
Study has revealed that CRM leads to both intangible and
tangible benefits for hotel industry along with customer
satisfaction [30]. Customer focussed behaviour and
maximising customer value increase customer satisfaction
and keep the customer loyal [31] and the organisation having
better, and deeper customer insight will have competitive
edge over the market and customer retention. Further,
effective communication and customer care plays an
important role in establishing relationship quality supporting
customer satisfaction [32].
A carefully constructed questionnaires and with the help of
literature review, the following conceptual proposed model
is described to investigate and examine the impact of CRM
variables on customer satisfaction leading to customer
Following hypotheses are formulated on the basis of
developed conceptual framework.
H1: Hospitality Management has no significant
relationship with Customer Satisfaction in the
hotel industry.
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
H2: Service quality has no significant relationship
with Customer Satisfaction in the hotel
H3: Relationship Management has no significant
relationship with Customer Satisfaction the in
hotel industry.
H4: Employee Behaviour has no significant
relationship with Customer Satisfaction the in
hotel industry.
H5: Customer Satisfaction has no significant
relationship with Customer Loyalty in the
hotel industry.
H6: Customer Commitment has no significant
relationship with Customer Loyalty in the
hotel industry.
H7: Customer Trust has no significant relationship
with Customer Loyalty in the hotel industry.
Research Methodology comprised of structured
questionnaire designed to measure the variables of CRM,
customer satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty. The
questionnaire was submitted at the front desk by visiting the
hotels personally. As the state Jharkhand is a mid-segment
market, most of the hotels are medium sized i.e. 3 star and
4-star category. The information about the hotels were
collected from the tourism department of the state and from
its web site. The study was conducted in the mid-segment
market as it there is tough competition in the present market,
and they are most innovative in CRM application [33].
The present study is based on both exploratory and
descriptive analysis. The aim of exploratory study was to
make precise and in-depth investigation about the
implementation and effectiveness of various dimensions of
CRM from operational point in the hotels. The hypothesis
testing was done using the regression weights of respective
relationships at significance level of 0.05. All these tests were
analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for the Social
sciences (SPSS) and AMOS 22.
The study included various cities of Jharkhand state i.e.
Ranchi (5 Hotels), Jamshedpur (3 Hotels), Bokaro (2 Hotels),
Dhanbad (2 Hotels) and Deogarh (3 Hotels) were identified
for the study. Random sampling technique was used for the
identification of hotels. The size of the sample for the present
study was calculated by the formula,
n = (ZS/E) 2
, Where, Z score is the value corresponding to
confidence level.S is the standard deviation; E is the error
Z = 1.96 at 95% confidence level
S = 0.6 (based on past consumer studies)
E = 0.06 (margin of error is considered as 6%)
n = 1.96x1.96x 0.6x0.6/0.06x0.06.
The questionnaire was distributed to 750 guests, through
reception desk of the hotel. Guests were asked to submit the
filled questionnaire in a sealed envelope to the desk as per
their convenience. 585 filled questionnaire forms were
retrieved out of which 85 forms were rejected due to
incomplete answer and some errors. Finally, 500 usable
questionnaires i.e. 66% were retrieved and considered for
further analysis. The questionnaires were delivered
personally to the participants to ensure the maximum
possibility of response rate. The respondents were asked to
mark on the Likert Scale from 1 to 5 from Strongly Disagree
to Strongly Agree. The study included both primary and
secondary data, and structured standard questionnaire was
used. Various books, annual reports, internet, journals and
other sources are used for collection of secondary data.
Regression Model – I
Dependent variable Y = Customer satisfaction
Independent variables:
X1 = Hospitability Management, X2 = Service Quality, X3 =
Employee Behaviour, X4 = Relationship Management Input
Data set consisting of 500 observations. Regression equation
obtained from the Analysis is: Customer Satisfaction = 0.914
+ 0.082 (Hospitability Management) + 0.410 (Service
Quality) + 0.175 (Employee Behaviour) + 0.168
(Relationship Management)
Y = 0.917 + 0.082 X1 + 0.410 X2 + 0.175 X3 + 0.168 X4
Table No. 1 Model Summary
del R
ted R
of the
Change Statistics
f1 d.f2
Sig. F
1 .679a
.462 .457 .33421 .462 94.960 4 443 .000 2.157
a. Predictors: (Constant), Relationship Management,
Hospitality Management, Employee Behavior, Service
b. Dependent Variable: Cusomer
Table No.2 ANOVA
Sum of
Squares d.f Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 42.426 4 10.607 94.960 .000a
Residual 49.481 443 .112
Total 91.907 447
a. Predictors: (Constant), Relationship Management, Hospitality
Management, Employee Behaviour, Service Quality
b. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Table No.1 (Model Summary) and Table No. 2, (ANOVA),
shows that Regression Model is statistically significant.
Coefficient of determination, R2
is 0.462 and the value of
adjusted R2
is 0.457, this shows that 46.2% of regression
model is explained by the four independent variables taken
together. The impact of multi collinearity is present in the
regression model but not significant enough as the difference
between R2
value and adjusted R2
value is .005 that is quite
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
insignificant. Durbin-Watson test from the Table no.1
explains that auto correlation effect on the regression is quite
insignificant (value of Durbin-Watson test is 2.157, reveals
that serial correlation is not present).
Table No.3 Coefficients
T Sig.B
Error Beta
1 (Constant) .914 .184 4.956 .000
HM .082 .017 .176 4.924 .000
SQ .410 .043 .413 9.609 .000
EB .175 .036 .188 4.851 .000
RM .168 .039 .180 4.326 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Table No.3 for significance of individual independent
variable shows that all the variables are statistically
significant. The test from the above table reveals that all the
parameters of coefficient in the regression model has
significant impact on the customer satisfaction. Service
quality parameter possesses high positive values followed by
Employee Behaviour, Relationship Management and
Hospitability Management. Again, t test for all dependent
variables obtained is significant, the p-level in the coefficient
table is observed to be .000 which suggests that at
(Confidence level of 99%) the significance level of 0.01, all
the independent variables are statistically significant in the
model. So, the null hypothesis H1, H2, H3, and H4 are rejected
and it has been concluded that there is a positive and
significant impact of Hospitality management, Service
quality, Employee behaviour and Relationship management
on Customer Satisfaction. Among all the four independent
variables, Service quality has significant impact on customer
satisfaction followed by employee behaviour, Relationship
management and Hospitability management.
Regression Model – II
Customer Loyalty is the Dependent variable (Y)
Independent variables:
X1 = Customer Satisfaction, X2 = Customer Commitment, X3
= Customer Trust Data set consist of 500 observations.
Obtained Regression equation is
Customer Loyalty = 1.941 + 0.372 (Customer satisfaction) +
0.055 (Customer commitment) + 0.184 (Customer Trust)
Y = 1.941 + 0.372 (X1) + 0.055 (X2) + 0.184 (X3)
Table No.4 Model Summary
l R R2
d R2
Error of
Change Statistics
. F
1 .49
.242 .38782 .247 48.639 3 444
a.Predictors: (Constant), Customer Trust, Customer
Commitment, Customer Satisfaction
b.Dependent Variable:
Customer Loyalty
Table No.5 ANOVA
Sum of
Squares Df
Square F Sig.
1 Regression
21.946 3 7.315
Residual 66.779 444 .150
Total 88.725 447
a.Predictors: (Constant), Customer Trust, Customer Commitment,
Customer Satisfaction
b.Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty
Table No. 4 (Model Summary) and Table No. 5 (ANOVA)
suggests that Regression Model is statistically significant and
the R2
value is 0.247 and adjusted R2
value is 0.242, shows
that 24.7% of model is explained by the three independent
variables, Customer trust, commitment and satisfaction taken
together. Again, the multicollinearity impact on regression
model is there but it is insignificant as the difference between
and adjusted R2
value is .005 which is quite insignificant.
Durbin-Watson test reveals that auto correlation effect on the
regression is quite insignificant (value of Durbin-Watson test
is 2.141), suggests that there is no serial correlation.
Table No.6 for significance of individual independent variable
shows that all the three independent variables are statistically
significant. The test, in the table no. 6, reveals that all the
parameters coefficient of regression model has positive impact
on the customer loyalty. The parameter customer satisfaction
possesses high positive numeric values followed by customer
trust and customer commitment. Again, t test for all dependent
variables from coefficient table is significant, the observed
p-level is .000 suggests that significance level of 0.01
(Confidence level of 99%), the independent variable such as
customer satisfaction, commitment and trust are statistically
significant. So, the null hypothesis H5, H6, and H7 are rejected. It
is concluded that there is a positive and significant impact of
customer satisfaction, commitment and trust on customer
loyalty. Among all the three independent variables, the impact of
customer satisfaction on customer loyalty is most significant
followed by customer trust, and customer commitment.
It’s not essential requirement to achieve all indices for
fitness of a report. Some important fit indices obtained from
various categories are presented in the paper to acknowledge
the overall model fit. Chi-square/degree of freedom (d.f),
comparative fit index (CFI), Initial fit index (IFI), goodness
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
of fit index (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) and
(RMSEA) Root mean square error of approximation are
considered in this study. The chi-square (χ2) identifies that
statistics of null hypothesis to ensure that the data fits the
model. The value of χ2 divided by the degree of freedom (df)
should be less than 2 and is supposed to be appropriate and
assumed as the first fit criteria in the measurement technique.
The χ2 value of Customer satisfaction model in this study
was 41.899 as shown in the table no.7 (d.f = 13), and χ2/df is
=3.223, p-value = .000 suggest that the model fits the data, it
is statistically significant.
Table No.7 CMIN
Table No.8 Baseline Comparisons
Table No.9 RMSEA
Default model .067 .045 .090 .100
.126 .113 .138 .000
The goodness-of-fit statistics is described as incremental
or comparative indices of fit. Since NFI (Normed Fit index)
shows a tendency of inappropriateness of fitness in small
samples but is has proposed Comparative Fit Index (CFI)
replacing NFI for small sample size. The values of both NFI
and CFI lies between 0 and 1.00 and derived by comparing a
hypothesized model with respect to independence (or null)
model. Value > .90 is considered to represent a well-fitting
model. In this study the value is .898 as shown in the table
no.8 indicating the perfect fit of the model. The coefficient
value of RFI, NFI and CFI range from 0 to 1.00, and values
close to .95 indicates superior fit. In this study the value of
RFI .637 indicating the moderately fit of the model. IFI
values that are greater than .90 are regarded as acceptable.
The value of IFI in present study is 0.906 and fulfils the
model fit as shown in the table no.8.
RMSEA measuring the estimation of discrepancy,
expressed the df, and that makes it sensitive towards the
number of estimated parameters. According to Browne &
Cudeck, [34], values should lie between .05 and .08. Lower
than .05 values show good fit, and values near .08 indicate
considerable errors of approximation in the population. Mac
Callum et al. [35] stressed that RMSEA values ranging
between .08 and .10 explains mediocre fitness, and values
more than .10 represents poor fit. Though Hu and Bentler
[36] suggested the value of RMSEA of .06 is a good fit
between the observed data and hypothesized model. In this
case, the value of RMSEA is 0.067 as shown in the table no.9.
which indicate good fit of model. As the values of most of the
parameters estimates are positive and significant baring a few
those are not significant it suggests that the model fits the
data moderately and is an acceptable model.
The finding reveals that the variable of CRM has
significant association and relationship with customer
satisfaction and loyalty. Many variables do not have high
positive significant impact on the dependent variables.
Employee behaviour, relationship management and service
quality impact significantly on customer satisfaction and
building relationship with customer evidently contributes
significantly in increasing customer loyalty. The hotels must
emphasize the three CRM variables for better business
performance to increase profitability through enhanced
satisfaction leading to customer loyalty. The employee
should be polite and courteous while dealing with customer.
They need to acquire good communication skills to make and
manage relationship and develop intimacy. It is also
imperative and emphasized that as employees’ behaviour,
service quality and relationship management are
indispensable for managing customer loyalty management
should make serious effort and consider training for
employees to develop skills and art of expressing themselves
to respond and meet customers’ needs and expectation. If
hotels business pays serious attention on customer
31 41.899 13 .000 3.223
44 .000 0
8 319.358 36 .000 8.871
Default model .869 .637 .906 .718 .898
1.000 1.000 1.000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000
Figure2: Conceptual Framework Model
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
satisfaction, it will enable them to respond at faster rate to
changing market trends, increase stock of loyalty. The survey
has depicted a picture that the respondents understand the
customer relationship value and smart enough to realise
about the fulfilment of their needs. The study showed that
relationship marketing enhances customer value and is a key
element for gaining customer loyalty. Since all the
hypotheses were confirmed, the research outcome provides
hotel management with various dimensions of customer
relationship marketing strategies may be applied to gain
customer loyalty. The outcome of the study helps the
management not only to understand potential guest needs and
act to meet them profitably, but also guides them to cope up
with the changing needs of the guest.
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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org
doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927
Anand Prasad Sinha currently working as an Assistant
Professor in Department of Management, BIT Mesra,
Ranchi. He joined as a Sr. Research Associate since 2002
in department of Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi,
assisted Govt Sponsored Project on Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of HRD,
Govt of India. He has awarded Ph.D. in management from BIT, Mesra. He
has several national and international research papers published in reputed
and indexed journals, to his credit.
Sanjiv Kumar Srivastava currently working as an
Assistant Professor in Department of Hotel Management,
BIT Mesra, Ranchi. He has several national and
international research papers published in reputed and
indexed journals, to his credit.
Rohit kumar Pandey is working as Assistant Professor
in the department of management, B.I.T Mesra, Ranchi.
He has done his doctorate in humanities (English), MBA
(Marketing and HR) from B.I.T Mesra and Masters in
English from Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh,
Jharkhand. He has several publications in refereed
journal both national and international in the area of Humanities and
Management and has attended various seminar and international
conferences. Furthermore, he is actively involved in various activities of the
Ashok Kumar Asthana currently working as an
Assistant Professor in Department of Management, Sarla
Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He started his career
as an Assistant Professor in at New Delhi Institute of
Management, since 16 June 2008 to August 2019.
Currently he is Pursing Ph.D. from ICFAI University,
Ranchi. He has received “Chairman’s Special Appreciation Award” for
Best Faculty researcher research in the Year, 2018 and also received
“Chairman’s Special Appreciation Award” for Writing maximum number of
research papers in the Year, January,2016. He has several national and
international research papers published in reputed and indexed journals, to
his credit.

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  • 1. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 12 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 Abstract— Due to fierce competition in the hotel sector, it is essential to initiate and manage long-term and strong relationship to ensure customer satisfaction. The importance of customer relationship is very well identified and accepted by many leading hotel organisations, especially in the global competitive market. Some of the critical CRM elements considered and measured in this study are behaviour of the employees, hospitality management, service quality and relationship management. The hotel business organisation that wish to offer top quality service and gain competitive edge over others, application and implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programme provides a valuable opportunity to improve satisfaction and loyalty by increasing customer value. This paper examined the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) elements on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This paper is also to make a framework conceptual model to review identification of factors that analyse the relationship of the customer satisfaction and loyalty through CRM variables by anticipating their expectations and taking course of action within their ability to satisfy needs. Index Terms— Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty. Customer Relationship Management, Hospitality Management, Service Quality. I. INTRODUCTION In the present market condition, most of the business establishment attempts to manage and develop strong and regular interaction with their customers to ensure maximum customer equity. The effort requires managing effective customer relationship to ensure success in customer satisfaction. The CRM philosophy plays a vital and significant role in the Hotel industry sector, as the fundamental concept of business is based on customer satisfaction through creation of innovative ideas to establish Manuscript revised on December 19, 2019 and published on December 27, 2019 Anand Prasad Sinha currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi. Sanjiv Kumar Srivastava currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Hotel Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi. Rohit kumar Pandey is working as Assistant Professor in the department of management, B.I.T Mesra, Ranchi. Ashok Kumar Asthana currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Management, Sarla Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. relationship management. Hotel business follows the principle of is ‘guest is always right’ and ‘guest is like god’ (Athiti Devo Bhava). In pursuit to achieve the objective a sincere and continuous effort is imperative for a strong foundation of relationship, which remains the demand of the time Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy which tends to the creation of value for customers, anticipating and managing their expectations, and demonstrating ability and responsibility to satisfy their needs. Qualities of service and customer satisfaction are critical factors for the success of any business [1]. Customer satisfaction is the outcome of customer's perception of the value received in a transaction or relationship, where value equals perceived service quality compared to the value expected from transactions or relationships with competing vendors [2]. To achieve customer satisfaction, it is important to recognize and to anticipate customers' needs and to be able to satisfy them. Enterprises which can rapidly understand and satisfy customers' needs make greater profits than those which fail to understand and satisfy them [3]. Since the cost of attracting new customers is higher than the cost of retaining the existing ones, to be successful managers must concentrate on retaining existing customers implementing effective policies of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Nowadays one of the biggest challenges for managers in the hotel industry is to provide and sustained customer satisfaction. A customer requirement for quality products and service in the hotel industry has become increasingly evident to professionals [4]. Guest relationships are a strategic asset of the organization [5] and customer satisfaction is the starting point to define business objectives. In this context, positive relationships can create customer's higher commitment and increase their return rate. Long-term and reciprocally advantageous relationships between customers and the hotel are becoming progressively important because of the highly positive correlation between guests' overall satisfaction levels and the probability of their return to the same hotel [6]. Hotels are increasing their investments to improve service quality and the perceived value for guests to achieve better customer satisfaction and loyalty, thus resulting in better relationships with each customer [7]. Relationship quality has a remarkable positive effect on hotel guests' behaviour: it creates positive word of mouth (WOM) and increments repeated guest rates [8] In the hotel industry, the products and services have become key to success and everlasting competitiveness. Due to fierce competition in the hotel sector, it is essential to initiate and manage a long-term and strong relationship to ensure customer satisfaction. The importance of customer Identification and Validation of CRM Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Mid-Market Segments of the Hotel Industry Anand Pd. Sinha, Sanjeev Kr. Srivastava, Rohit Kr. Pandey, Ashok Kr.Asthana
  • 2. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 13 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 relationship is very well-identified and accepted by many leading hotel organisations, especially in the global competitive market. The study examined the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) elements on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some of the critical CRM elements considered are measured in this study are the behaviour of the employees, hospitality management, service quality and relationship management. The hotel business organisation that wish to offer top quality service and gain a competitive edge over others, application and implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programme provides a valuable opportunity to improve satisfaction and loyalty by increasing customer value. The study also proposes a framework and review identification of factors that analyse the relationship of the customer satisfaction and loyalty through CRM variables by anticipating their expectations and taking the course of action within their ability responsibly to satisfy needs. II. PROBLEM STATEMENT The achievement of customer satisfaction is one of the crucial and paramount importance for any organisation. It becomes challenging nowadays as customer needs and expectation are changing all the time due to the advent and growth of Information technology (IT). Customer satisfaction is a purely a personal assessment that is immensely influenced by expectation the customer has. Critical observation revealed that relationship marketing significantly facilitates improved and customised service quality and it's an effective tool and innovative way for improved service that will foster better customer satisfaction by creating new value for their customers. The hotels can move closer to their customer through effective CRM practices and henceforth meeting the ever-changing needs and demands of the customer leading to better customer satisfaction and gaining competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, CRM can facilitate managing customer relationship effectively for long term association through customer satisfaction. In this study, the problem is to explore the impact of CRM on customer satisfaction for attaining more efficiency in relationship with customers in the Mid-Market Segment of the Hotel Industry. III. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The research objectives for this study include: 1. To understand the impact of key elements of CRM. 2. To identify various factors related to effectiveness of CRM in customer satisfaction. 3. To propose a suitable CRM framework for customer satisfaction and loyalty. IV. SCOPE OF THE STUDY • Present research work is confined to only the mid-market segment of a state, but its finding applies to the global mid-market segment. The present study has been conducted in selected hotels in the geographical area of Jharkhand. • The study will also enable the management of the hotel in devising effective business and quality services for improved customer satisfaction and ultimately benefit the customer as well as the management. V. LITERATURE OVERVIEW Customer satisfaction has become a philosophy for a business organisation that helps to increase customer's value by anticipating their expectations and taking the course of action within their ability responsibly to satisfy needs. For any successful business operation, two essential factors are a very critical quality of service and customer satisfaction [9]. [10], remarked that organisations survive because the customer is there to be served. The critical factor ensuring sustainable advantage depends on high-quality service delivery leading to better customer satisfaction [11]. The satisfaction of the customer is the crucial factors which improve the quality of service for gaining an advantage in the competition and hence the retention of the customer. The satisfaction of the customer is the outcome of the perception about the received value in any exchange or and service quality is the value received in comparison to expected value from exchange or relationships among competing for a service provider [12]. To attain customer satisfaction, therefore it's necessary to apprehend the basic needs and desires of the customer and satisfy them. Organisations that are quick to realise and satisfy customer make more profits as compared to those who are unable to recognize and accomplice [13] .As it is expensive to attract a new customer than retaining existing customer successful management should focus on retaining existing customers through the implementation of an efficient strategy for satisfaction of customer as well as loyalty. Customer satisfaction is the beginning of foundation on which customer loyalty is built. This philosophy enables loyalty’s stock for the organization that builds corporate image. The relationship gets consolidated and results in repeated patronage a dissatisfied customer may be the reason for bringing bad reputation to the enterprise. Customer satisfaction is the most significant challenge for the hotel industry. Developing a relationship with customer is an asset for the hospitality establishment [14] and it is the initial stage of origin to decide business objectives. In view of this cordial and positive relationship may facilitate strong commitment from customer and increase retention rate. Continuous and long-term leads to mutual benefit and such beneficial relationships between hotel and the customer is becoming progressively significant as it ensures positive association of relationship and increase in profitability due to increase retention rate [15]. To achieve better customer satisfaction Hotels are investing their major financial portion to improve service quality and the value perception of the guests which leads to intimate relationships with each customer, hence developing loyalty ,[16] . The objective of the service provider is not only to satisfy the customer but also try to achieve it more efficiently and effectively over competitors to achieve the organisational goal [17]. The customer-oriented employee behaviour is positively associated to the customer satisfaction and strong commitment towards service provider [18], as employees are considered as internal customer [19] [20]. Employee behaviour lays a foundation of personal relationship demonstrated by individual behaviour at the moment of
  • 3. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 14 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 interaction. “High performance is significant for customer satisfaction by exceeding the customer expectation” [21]. A study shows positive experience by customer to good word-of-mouth publicity [22]. Commitment facilitates costumer to make positive comments on the organisation’s performance. It is a stage of feelings of belongingness and attachment with an intention of continuing relationship with the service provider. Committed customers are most likely to share information relating to their preference and other personal matters. Customer commitment gives service providers an opportunity to redesign strategy process and final outcomes. It creates an opportunity to target their customers and minimise switching behaviour and foster long-term, continuous and profitable relationships [23]. CRM has significant impact on most organisations to some extent [24]. Trust is the key variable in maintaining relationship commitment and its existence and sustaining ability in relationship depends upon the integrity and reliability of the opposite party. According to him trust is an indispensable element in defining long term desired relationship with a brand loyalty. Trust becomes critical in case of services which are intangible as they are difficult to measure [25]. Customer satisfaction lays the basic foundation to achieve customer loyalty and paving way for a long-term and continuing relationship. It increases the base of loyalty's stock that improves company’s image. Strengthening of relationships with guest results in repeat patronage and a dissatisfied customer may be a bad ambassador for the business organisation. Studies concluded by Cherubini, suggests that only 4% of dissatisfied guest express their grievances to the organisation and explain the cause of their dissatisfaction, while guest who didn’t complain officially, make a negative WOM that may involve about 500 people. Investigation on customer satisfaction is an important consideration whether customers will revisit the hotel and suggest others, is the key factor for the successful operation of the hotel business. The present paper helps to evaluate the impact of CRM on customer satisfaction in the Mid-Market Segment of Hotel Industry. The CRM component taken into consideration is as follows: ➢ Hospitality Management ➢ Service Quality ➢ Employee Behaviour ➢ Relationship Management ➢ Customer Satisfaction ➢ Customer Commitment and trust. ➢ Customer Loyalty VI. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) During 1990s the customer occupied the centre stage of market. The market power was under the control of customer and it was important that they need to be listened for the survival of service provider [26]. In the 20s, the advent and growth of ITs created a platform of opportunities for the customers to acquire information about everything which they need. The knowledge-based information and more awareness of customer, the industries realised the importance of relationship marketing to be successful. According to [27], “customer relationship management is an enterprise strategy necessary to secure a proper, useful and consistent communication with each customer irrespective of the means of communication.” While [28], defines “customer relationship management is a process by which to obtain enough information about the existing customers, use this information for incentive of the sales to be repeated, and enable a relationship that will be continuous.” The main objective of CRM is to build customer loyalty through identification, attraction and management of long term and continuing relationship with the potential customers. The association of the term relationship along with the word marketing implies a sense of belongingness with a customer or service provider [29] [29]. The philosophy of CRM is based on the principle of foundation of learning relationship with individual customer. Such bonding facilitates better insights of customer about their needs and expectations. Study has revealed that CRM leads to both intangible and tangible benefits for hotel industry along with customer satisfaction [30]. Customer focussed behaviour and maximising customer value increase customer satisfaction and keep the customer loyal [31] and the organisation having better, and deeper customer insight will have competitive edge over the market and customer retention. Further, effective communication and customer care plays an important role in establishing relationship quality supporting customer satisfaction [32]. VII. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A carefully constructed questionnaires and with the help of literature review, the following conceptual proposed model is described to investigate and examine the impact of CRM variables on customer satisfaction leading to customer loyalty. VIII. HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY Following hypotheses are formulated on the basis of developed conceptual framework. H1: Hospitality Management has no significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction in the hotel industry.
  • 4. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 15 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 H2: Service quality has no significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction in the hotel industry. H3: Relationship Management has no significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction the in hotel industry. H4: Employee Behaviour has no significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction the in hotel industry. H5: Customer Satisfaction has no significant relationship with Customer Loyalty in the hotel industry. H6: Customer Commitment has no significant relationship with Customer Loyalty in the hotel industry. H7: Customer Trust has no significant relationship with Customer Loyalty in the hotel industry. IX. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Methodology comprised of structured questionnaire designed to measure the variables of CRM, customer satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty. The questionnaire was submitted at the front desk by visiting the hotels personally. As the state Jharkhand is a mid-segment market, most of the hotels are medium sized i.e. 3 star and 4-star category. The information about the hotels were collected from the tourism department of the state and from its web site. The study was conducted in the mid-segment market as it there is tough competition in the present market, and they are most innovative in CRM application [33]. X. RESEARCH DESIGN The present study is based on both exploratory and descriptive analysis. The aim of exploratory study was to make precise and in-depth investigation about the implementation and effectiveness of various dimensions of CRM from operational point in the hotels. The hypothesis testing was done using the regression weights of respective relationships at significance level of 0.05. All these tests were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for the Social sciences (SPSS) and AMOS 22. XI. SAMPLE DESIGN The study included various cities of Jharkhand state i.e. Ranchi (5 Hotels), Jamshedpur (3 Hotels), Bokaro (2 Hotels), Dhanbad (2 Hotels) and Deogarh (3 Hotels) were identified for the study. Random sampling technique was used for the identification of hotels. The size of the sample for the present study was calculated by the formula, n = (ZS/E) 2 , Where, Z score is the value corresponding to confidence level.S is the standard deviation; E is the error value. Z = 1.96 at 95% confidence level S = 0.6 (based on past consumer studies) E = 0.06 (margin of error is considered as 6%) n = 1.96x1.96x 0.6x0.6/0.06x0.06. The questionnaire was distributed to 750 guests, through reception desk of the hotel. Guests were asked to submit the filled questionnaire in a sealed envelope to the desk as per their convenience. 585 filled questionnaire forms were retrieved out of which 85 forms were rejected due to incomplete answer and some errors. Finally, 500 usable questionnaires i.e. 66% were retrieved and considered for further analysis. The questionnaires were delivered personally to the participants to ensure the maximum possibility of response rate. The respondents were asked to mark on the Likert Scale from 1 to 5 from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The study included both primary and secondary data, and structured standard questionnaire was used. Various books, annual reports, internet, journals and other sources are used for collection of secondary data. XII. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Regression Model – I Dependent variable Y = Customer satisfaction Independent variables: X1 = Hospitability Management, X2 = Service Quality, X3 = Employee Behaviour, X4 = Relationship Management Input Data set consisting of 500 observations. Regression equation obtained from the Analysis is: Customer Satisfaction = 0.914 + 0.082 (Hospitability Management) + 0.410 (Service Quality) + 0.175 (Employee Behaviour) + 0.168 (Relationship Management) Y = 0.917 + 0.082 X1 + 0.410 X2 + 0.175 X3 + 0.168 X4 Table No. 1 Model Summary Mo del R R Squar e Value Adjus ted R Squar e Std. Error of the Estimat e Change Statistics Durbi n-Wat son R Square Chang e F Chang e d. f1 d.f2 Sig. F Chang e 1 .679a .462 .457 .33421 .462 94.960 4 443 .000 2.157 a. Predictors: (Constant), Relationship Management, Hospitality Management, Employee Behavior, Service Quality b. Dependent Variable: Cusomer Satisfaction Table No.2 ANOVA Model Sum of Squares d.f Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 42.426 4 10.607 94.960 .000a Residual 49.481 443 .112 Total 91.907 447 a. Predictors: (Constant), Relationship Management, Hospitality Management, Employee Behaviour, Service Quality b. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction Table No.1 (Model Summary) and Table No. 2, (ANOVA), shows that Regression Model is statistically significant. Coefficient of determination, R2 is 0.462 and the value of adjusted R2 is 0.457, this shows that 46.2% of regression model is explained by the four independent variables taken together. The impact of multi collinearity is present in the regression model but not significant enough as the difference between R2 value and adjusted R2 value is .005 that is quite
  • 5. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 16 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 insignificant. Durbin-Watson test from the Table no.1 explains that auto correlation effect on the regression is quite insignificant (value of Durbin-Watson test is 2.157, reveals that serial correlation is not present). Table No.3 Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .914 .184 4.956 .000 HM .082 .017 .176 4.924 .000 SQ .410 .043 .413 9.609 .000 EB .175 .036 .188 4.851 .000 RM .168 .039 .180 4.326 .000 a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction Table No.3 for significance of individual independent variable shows that all the variables are statistically significant. The test from the above table reveals that all the parameters of coefficient in the regression model has significant impact on the customer satisfaction. Service quality parameter possesses high positive values followed by Employee Behaviour, Relationship Management and Hospitability Management. Again, t test for all dependent variables obtained is significant, the p-level in the coefficient table is observed to be .000 which suggests that at (Confidence level of 99%) the significance level of 0.01, all the independent variables are statistically significant in the model. So, the null hypothesis H1, H2, H3, and H4 are rejected and it has been concluded that there is a positive and significant impact of Hospitality management, Service quality, Employee behaviour and Relationship management on Customer Satisfaction. Among all the four independent variables, Service quality has significant impact on customer satisfaction followed by employee behaviour, Relationship management and Hospitability management. Regression Model – II Customer Loyalty is the Dependent variable (Y) Independent variables: X1 = Customer Satisfaction, X2 = Customer Commitment, X3 = Customer Trust Data set consist of 500 observations. Obtained Regression equation is Customer Loyalty = 1.941 + 0.372 (Customer satisfaction) + 0.055 (Customer commitment) + 0.184 (Customer Trust) Y = 1.941 + 0.372 (X1) + 0.055 (X2) + 0.184 (X3) Table No.4 Model Summary Mode l R R2 Adjuste d R2 Std. Error of the Estimat e Change Statistics Durb in-W atson R Square Chang e F Chang e d.f 1 d.f 2 Sig . F Ch an ge 1 .49 7 .24 7 .242 .38782 .247 48.639 3 444 .00 0 2.141 a.Predictors: (Constant), Customer Trust, Customer Commitment, Customer Satisfaction b.Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty Table No.5 ANOVA Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 21.946 3 7.315 48.63 9 .000a Residual 66.779 444 .150 Total 88.725 447 a.Predictors: (Constant), Customer Trust, Customer Commitment, Customer Satisfaction b.Dependent Variable: Customer Loyalty Table No. 4 (Model Summary) and Table No. 5 (ANOVA) suggests that Regression Model is statistically significant and the R2 value is 0.247 and adjusted R2 value is 0.242, shows that 24.7% of model is explained by the three independent variables, Customer trust, commitment and satisfaction taken together. Again, the multicollinearity impact on regression model is there but it is insignificant as the difference between R2 and adjusted R2 value is .005 which is quite insignificant. Durbin-Watson test reveals that auto correlation effect on the regression is quite insignificant (value of Durbin-Watson test is 2.141), suggests that there is no serial correlation. Table No.6 for significance of individual independent variable shows that all the three independent variables are statistically significant. The test, in the table no. 6, reveals that all the parameters coefficient of regression model has positive impact on the customer loyalty. The parameter customer satisfaction possesses high positive numeric values followed by customer trust and customer commitment. Again, t test for all dependent variables from coefficient table is significant, the observed p-level is .000 suggests that significance level of 0.01 (Confidence level of 99%), the independent variable such as customer satisfaction, commitment and trust are statistically significant. So, the null hypothesis H5, H6, and H7 are rejected. It is concluded that there is a positive and significant impact of customer satisfaction, commitment and trust on customer loyalty. Among all the three independent variables, the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty is most significant followed by customer trust, and customer commitment. XIII. RESULT OF CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK MODEL It’s not essential requirement to achieve all indices for fitness of a report. Some important fit indices obtained from various categories are presented in the paper to acknowledge the overall model fit. Chi-square/degree of freedom (d.f), comparative fit index (CFI), Initial fit index (IFI), goodness
  • 6. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 17 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 of fit index (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) and (RMSEA) Root mean square error of approximation are considered in this study. The chi-square (χ2) identifies that statistics of null hypothesis to ensure that the data fits the model. The value of χ2 divided by the degree of freedom (df) should be less than 2 and is supposed to be appropriate and assumed as the first fit criteria in the measurement technique. The χ2 value of Customer satisfaction model in this study was 41.899 as shown in the table no.7 (d.f = 13), and χ2/df is =3.223, p-value = .000 suggest that the model fits the data, it is statistically significant. Table No.7 CMIN Table No.8 Baseline Comparisons Table No.9 RMSEA Model RMSEA LO 90 HI 90 PCLOSE Default model .067 .045 .090 .100 Independence model .126 .113 .138 .000 The goodness-of-fit statistics is described as incremental or comparative indices of fit. Since NFI (Normed Fit index) shows a tendency of inappropriateness of fitness in small samples but is has proposed Comparative Fit Index (CFI) replacing NFI for small sample size. The values of both NFI and CFI lies between 0 and 1.00 and derived by comparing a hypothesized model with respect to independence (or null) model. Value > .90 is considered to represent a well-fitting model. In this study the value is .898 as shown in the table no.8 indicating the perfect fit of the model. The coefficient value of RFI, NFI and CFI range from 0 to 1.00, and values close to .95 indicates superior fit. In this study the value of RFI .637 indicating the moderately fit of the model. IFI values that are greater than .90 are regarded as acceptable. The value of IFI in present study is 0.906 and fulfils the model fit as shown in the table no.8. RMSEA measuring the estimation of discrepancy, expressed the df, and that makes it sensitive towards the number of estimated parameters. According to Browne & Cudeck, [34], values should lie between .05 and .08. Lower than .05 values show good fit, and values near .08 indicate considerable errors of approximation in the population. Mac Callum et al. [35] stressed that RMSEA values ranging between .08 and .10 explains mediocre fitness, and values more than .10 represents poor fit. Though Hu and Bentler [36] suggested the value of RMSEA of .06 is a good fit between the observed data and hypothesized model. In this case, the value of RMSEA is 0.067 as shown in the table no.9. which indicate good fit of model. As the values of most of the parameters estimates are positive and significant baring a few those are not significant it suggests that the model fits the data moderately and is an acceptable model. XIV CONCLUSIONS The finding reveals that the variable of CRM has significant association and relationship with customer satisfaction and loyalty. Many variables do not have high positive significant impact on the dependent variables. Employee behaviour, relationship management and service quality impact significantly on customer satisfaction and building relationship with customer evidently contributes significantly in increasing customer loyalty. The hotels must emphasize the three CRM variables for better business performance to increase profitability through enhanced satisfaction leading to customer loyalty. The employee should be polite and courteous while dealing with customer. They need to acquire good communication skills to make and manage relationship and develop intimacy. It is also imperative and emphasized that as employees’ behaviour, service quality and relationship management are indispensable for managing customer loyalty management should make serious effort and consider training for employees to develop skills and art of expressing themselves to respond and meet customers’ needs and expectation. If hotels business pays serious attention on customer Model NPAR CMIN DF P CMIN/DF Default model 31 41.899 13 .000 3.223 Saturated model 44 .000 0 Independence model 8 319.358 36 .000 8.871 Model NFI Delta1 RFI rho1 IFI Delta2 TLI rho2 CFI Default model .869 .637 .906 .718 .898 Saturated model 1.000 1.000 1.000 Independence model .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Figure2: Conceptual Framework Model
  • 7. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 18 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 satisfaction, it will enable them to respond at faster rate to changing market trends, increase stock of loyalty. The survey has depicted a picture that the respondents understand the customer relationship value and smart enough to realise about the fulfilment of their needs. The study showed that relationship marketing enhances customer value and is a key element for gaining customer loyalty. Since all the hypotheses were confirmed, the research outcome provides hotel management with various dimensions of customer relationship marketing strategies may be applied to gain customer loyalty. The outcome of the study helps the management not only to understand potential guest needs and act to meet them profitably, but also guides them to cope up with the changing needs of the guest. 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  • 8. International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.7, No.11, November 2019 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Available online at www.ijrat.org 19 doi: 10.32622/ijrat.711201927 Author-1 Photo Author-2 Photo Author-3 Photo AUTHORS PROFILE Anand Prasad Sinha currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi. He joined as a Sr. Research Associate since 2002 in department of Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, assisted Govt Sponsored Project on Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of HRD, Govt of India. He has awarded Ph.D. in management from BIT, Mesra. He has several national and international research papers published in reputed and indexed journals, to his credit. Sanjiv Kumar Srivastava currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Hotel Management, BIT Mesra, Ranchi. He has several national and international research papers published in reputed and indexed journals, to his credit. Rohit kumar Pandey is working as Assistant Professor in the department of management, B.I.T Mesra, Ranchi. He has done his doctorate in humanities (English), MBA (Marketing and HR) from B.I.T Mesra and Masters in English from Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. He has several publications in refereed journal both national and international in the area of Humanities and Management and has attended various seminar and international conferences. Furthermore, he is actively involved in various activities of the department. Ashok Kumar Asthana currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Management, Sarla Birla University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He started his career as an Assistant Professor in at New Delhi Institute of Management, since 16 June 2008 to August 2019. Currently he is Pursing Ph.D. from ICFAI University, Ranchi. He has received “Chairman’s Special Appreciation Award” for Best Faculty researcher research in the Year, 2018 and also received “Chairman’s Special Appreciation Award” for Writing maximum number of research papers in the Year, January,2016. He has several national and international research papers published in reputed and indexed journals, to his credit.