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Hi! I’m Sarah.
★ I’m a life coach & founder of the Authentic Confidence
Coaching Program™
★ I started my career working for a fast-growing tech
company, then ran my own marketing consulting
business for 5 years.
★ I then realized that the work I was doing was not
fulfilling for me, and I wanted something different.
★ I worked with a life coach to figure out what I was
passionate about, and decided to become a coach
myself! The work that truly lights me up is helping
others discover their passions and the confidence to
pursue them!
● You’re feeling out of alignment with your current job / career, or how you’re spending your
time and energy.
● You’re not sure if you want a change.
● You know you want a change, but you’re not sure what you want it to be.
● You want to feel PASSIONATE and PURPOSEFUL, but feel stuck or unsure of how to get
● We can’t always solve for everything!
● We often try to make important decisions without asking ourselves this question.
● Knowing what we’re solving for helps guide us to choices that feel aligned.
● If you’re feeling out of alignment right now, it’s likely because you’re not solving for
what you WANT to be solving for!
Mindy is a high-ranking executive at a bank. Her salary is high, she manages several
employees, and she gets great feedback from her boss.
And yet, Mindy feels completely unfulfilled. Like something’s missing, or off.
With her current choice of career, Mindy is solving for: financial security, rank, and
But what Mindy truly wants is: Freedom to spend more time with her family, and work that
she feels passionate about.
Mindy is so used to the things she’s been getting from her current job, and she fears
losing them. She has also bought into a societal “should” -- that she SHOULD solve for
money, rank, etc. even though this isn’t what’s actually important to her.
So she stays put, and continues to feel unfulfilled.
What would it take for Mindy to make a change here?
→ What am I solving for now? What do I WANT to be solving for?
→ Where am I letting SHOULDs dictate my decisions instead of WANTs?
→ What definition of success / accomplishment / happiness do I want to choose for
→ How can I give myself permission to solve for my OWN values and wants?
Now it’s your turn.
I want to solve for ______________.
What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms.
To me, ______________ is:
Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority?
I’m choosing to solve for ______________ because:
What choice follows from your decision to solve for this?
In order to solve for ______________, I’m choosing to:
Example 1:
I want to solve for job stability.
What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms.
To me, job stability is: the freedom of knowing that I’ll earn a consistent paycheck.
Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority?
I’m choosing to solve for job security because: I want to be able to spend freely
without any financial concerns.
What choice follows from your decision to solve for this?
In order to solve for job security, I’m choosing to: stay in my current job & work
toward a promotion.
Example 2:
I want to solve for fulfillment.
What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms.
To me, fulfillment is: doing something that feels meaningful to me and helps me
live out my values.
Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority?
I’m choosing to solve for fulfillment because: I want to feel purposeful and
passionate about what I’m doing, and for me that’s helping other people.
What choice follows from your decision to solve for this?
In order to solve for fulfillment, I’m choosing to: apply to nursing school!
There are no right or wrong answers -- only what feels aligned for YOU!
Be honest with yourself when you tackle these questions.
Don’t only answer with your brain. Allow your heart and your intuition to have a voice too.
Start with those, and trust that logic will come in later.
Have you found that you ask yourself over and over and over again:
What do I want to do?
And when you don’t have an answer… you stop there and just continue to feel stuck?
If you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to change up your questions!
Use creative prompts to help you explore what you feel passionate and purposeful
There’s no such thing as a stupid question right now!! In fact, you’re more likely to get
ideas by asking questions that do NOT directly lead you to a specific career path or job.
● What am I doing when I lose all track of time?
● Where are my favorite places?
● What brings me joy?
● If I could spend my days doing anything at all, what would that be?
● What makes me feel really satisfied that I do for myself? For someone else?
● What’s something I like to create?
● What am I really proud of myself for?
● What do I like most about myself?
Take a look through your answers to these questions.
Does anything you wrote down really stand out to you?
Do you notice any patterns? Did anything spark an idea?
Imagine someone with the same answers as yours. What might they be doing that would
make you think, WOW that is so cool! I would love to do that!
At the brainstorming stage, DO NOT JUDGE any of your thoughts or ideas.
We are so quick to throw out possibilities because we judge them immediately and decide
“oh this will not work because…”
The goal is NOT to arrive at a feasible answer right now. The goal is to EXPLORE. Give
yourself permission to write down every single thing that pops into your mind.
Limiting belief: A belief you hold that is preventing you from making changes to live your
life the way you want to, or feeling good about yourself and your choices.
These beliefs are almost always rooted in fear.
“I just don’t think I’m ready to start my own business.”
Is really disguise for:
“I’m afraid if I start my own business, it will fail. If my business fails, it will mean I’m not
capable. If I’m not capable, I’m not worthy of going after what I want or being happy.”
“I can’t do this because I don’t have enough experience / I’ve never done this before.”
Is really disguise for:
“I’m afraid if I try something new, it will fail. If it fails, it will mean I’m not capable. If I’m not
capable, I’m not worthy of going after what I want or being happy.”
When you really take a close look at your fears:
What’s the fear behind that?
… what’s the fear behind that?
… … what’s the fear behind that?
You’ll often notice they lead to the same root fear. This might be around your worth, or
your sense of purpose, belonging, or self. This is TOTALLY NORMAL!!
This is also incredibly empowering, because it gives you the opportunity to COUNTER
your fears!
Write down your limiting belief.
Now, what would it sound like to argue the opposite?
Limiting belief: I’m not ready to start yet because I don’t know enough.
Argue the opposite: I am ready to start because I know that my passion for doing this
will motivate me to learn whatever I need to know!
Limiting belief: There’s too much risk. Everyone says my top priority should be to solve
for financial security.
Argue the opposite: I get to decide what’s most important to ME, and live my life
accordingly. I deserve to be happy and fulfilled by living out my values and honoring my
When we meet someone, what’s often the first thing we ask them?
What do you do?
As a society, we have inextricably tied our identities to our careers. As if our choice of
career is the most important thing about us, or conveys who we are as people.
Ask yourself honestly: How big a part of your identity is your job?
I invite you to consider what your identity is, with your job / industry / degree / salary / title
What makes you… you?
What if we shifted to thinking of ourselves, not in terms of our jobs, but in terms of our
selves, our spirit, our humanity -- what we love, what we care about, who we care about?
Let’s say you work in tech. This is one of the first things you say when you describe
yourself or think about yourself. You have made this a core part of your identity.
Now let’s imagine you decide that working in tech is not fulfilling for you anymore.
The idea of making a change is COMPETING with your concept of who you are.
How do you want to think about yourself, to give yourself the freedom to DO
anything and still BE you?
How can you detach your identity as a person from a specific choice you’ve made,
and root it instead in who you are at your core?
We put SO MUCH PRESSURE on ourselves to have all the answers.
What have you told yourself is true because you don’t yet know what you’re passionate
● If I don’t know now, I never will.
● I must not be meant for more than this.
● I should just stick with what I have and try to be happy about it.
You are not alone in this.
It is normal not to have answers. It is normal for this to take time. You are human.
Don’t compare yourself to those who “have it figured out” (spoiler: some are only
pretending they do anyway).
The more pressure you put on yourself to figure it out, the harder you will make it for
Pressure does not equal motivation. Stress rarely cultivates creativity.
Give yourself permission to not know yet.
How can you let it be okay that you don’t know yet? (Challenge: How might it even be a
GOOD thing, or EXCITING that you don’t know yet?)
Honor yourself with compassion and kindness. Honor this work with patience and
commitment to it.
If you commit to discovering who you want to be, the rest will follow.
● This is not easy stuff!! (If it were easy, you’d have already figured it out.)
● These shifts and discoveries will not happen overnight. Be KIND to yourself. Be
PATIENT with yourself.
● Most people don’t do this work. Give yourself credit for being here and beginning this
● Create a strong and inspired vision for yourself, your life,
& your career
● Uncover what’s holding you back or keeping you stuck
● Get clarity on how to move forward toward your goals
and the life you desire!
Want some support in finding YOUR passion?
Request a FREE 60-minute Confidence Clarity Call with Sarah!
click here!
Let’s connect!
IG: @sarahbrodycoaching
FB: Sarah Brody Coaching

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5 Steps to Finding Fulfillment

  • 2. Hi! I’m Sarah. ★ I’m a life coach & founder of the Authentic Confidence Coaching Program™ ★ I started my career working for a fast-growing tech company, then ran my own marketing consulting business for 5 years. ★ I then realized that the work I was doing was not fulfilling for me, and I wanted something different. ★ I worked with a life coach to figure out what I was passionate about, and decided to become a coach myself! The work that truly lights me up is helping others discover their passions and the confidence to pursue them!
  • 3. ● You’re feeling out of alignment with your current job / career, or how you’re spending your time and energy. ● You’re not sure if you want a change. ● You know you want a change, but you’re not sure what you want it to be. ● You want to feel PASSIONATE and PURPOSEFUL, but feel stuck or unsure of how to get there! THIS GUIDE IS FOR YOU IF:
  • 5. ● We can’t always solve for everything! ● We often try to make important decisions without asking ourselves this question. ● Knowing what we’re solving for helps guide us to choices that feel aligned. ● If you’re feeling out of alignment right now, it’s likely because you’re not solving for what you WANT to be solving for! WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 6. Example: Mindy is a high-ranking executive at a bank. Her salary is high, she manages several employees, and she gets great feedback from her boss. And yet, Mindy feels completely unfulfilled. Like something’s missing, or off. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 7. Why? With her current choice of career, Mindy is solving for: financial security, rank, and prestige. But what Mindy truly wants is: Freedom to spend more time with her family, and work that she feels passionate about. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 8. Mindy is so used to the things she’s been getting from her current job, and she fears losing them. She has also bought into a societal “should” -- that she SHOULD solve for money, rank, etc. even though this isn’t what’s actually important to her. So she stays put, and continues to feel unfulfilled. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 9. What would it take for Mindy to make a change here? Asking: → What am I solving for now? What do I WANT to be solving for? → Where am I letting SHOULDs dictate my decisions instead of WANTs? → What definition of success / accomplishment / happiness do I want to choose for myself? → How can I give myself permission to solve for my OWN values and wants? WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 10. Now it’s your turn. I want to solve for ______________. What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms. To me, ______________ is: WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 11. Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority? I’m choosing to solve for ______________ because: What choice follows from your decision to solve for this? In order to solve for ______________, I’m choosing to: WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 12. Example 1: I want to solve for job stability. What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms. To me, job stability is: the freedom of knowing that I’ll earn a consistent paycheck. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 13. Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority? I’m choosing to solve for job security because: I want to be able to spend freely without any financial concerns. What choice follows from your decision to solve for this? In order to solve for job security, I’m choosing to: stay in my current job & work toward a promotion. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 14. Example 2: I want to solve for fulfillment. What does that mean to you? Define it in your own terms. To me, fulfillment is: doing something that feels meaningful to me and helps me live out my values. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 15. Why does this matter to you? Why is it a top priority? I’m choosing to solve for fulfillment because: I want to feel purposeful and passionate about what I’m doing, and for me that’s helping other people. What choice follows from your decision to solve for this? In order to solve for fulfillment, I’m choosing to: apply to nursing school! WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 16. There are no right or wrong answers -- only what feels aligned for YOU! Be honest with yourself when you tackle these questions. Don’t only answer with your brain. Allow your heart and your intuition to have a voice too. Start with those, and trust that logic will come in later. WHAT ARE YOU SOLVING FOR?
  • 18. Have you found that you ask yourself over and over and over again: What do I want to do? And when you don’t have an answer… you stop there and just continue to feel stuck? EXPLORE THROUGH CREATIVE QUESTIONS
  • 19. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to change up your questions! Use creative prompts to help you explore what you feel passionate and purposeful around. There’s no such thing as a stupid question right now!! In fact, you’re more likely to get ideas by asking questions that do NOT directly lead you to a specific career path or job. EXPLORE THROUGH CREATIVE QUESTIONS
  • 20. ● What am I doing when I lose all track of time? ● Where are my favorite places? ● What brings me joy? ● If I could spend my days doing anything at all, what would that be? ● What makes me feel really satisfied that I do for myself? For someone else? ● What’s something I like to create? ● What am I really proud of myself for? ● What do I like most about myself? EXPLORE THROUGH CREATIVE QUESTIONS
  • 21. Take a look through your answers to these questions. Does anything you wrote down really stand out to you? Do you notice any patterns? Did anything spark an idea? Imagine someone with the same answers as yours. What might they be doing that would make you think, WOW that is so cool! I would love to do that! EXPLORE THROUGH CREATIVE QUESTIONS
  • 22. At the brainstorming stage, DO NOT JUDGE any of your thoughts or ideas. We are so quick to throw out possibilities because we judge them immediately and decide “oh this will not work because…” The goal is NOT to arrive at a feasible answer right now. The goal is to EXPLORE. Give yourself permission to write down every single thing that pops into your mind. EXPLORE THROUGH CREATIVE QUESTIONS
  • 24. Limiting belief: A belief you hold that is preventing you from making changes to live your life the way you want to, or feeling good about yourself and your choices. These beliefs are almost always rooted in fear. COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 25. Example: “I just don’t think I’m ready to start my own business.” Is really disguise for: “I’m afraid if I start my own business, it will fail. If my business fails, it will mean I’m not capable. If I’m not capable, I’m not worthy of going after what I want or being happy.” COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 26. Example: “I can’t do this because I don’t have enough experience / I’ve never done this before.” Is really disguise for: “I’m afraid if I try something new, it will fail. If it fails, it will mean I’m not capable. If I’m not capable, I’m not worthy of going after what I want or being happy.” COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 27. When you really take a close look at your fears: What’s the fear behind that? … what’s the fear behind that? … … what’s the fear behind that? You’ll often notice they lead to the same root fear. This might be around your worth, or your sense of purpose, belonging, or self. This is TOTALLY NORMAL!! COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 28. This is also incredibly empowering, because it gives you the opportunity to COUNTER your fears! Write down your limiting belief. Now, what would it sound like to argue the opposite? COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 29. Example: Limiting belief: I’m not ready to start yet because I don’t know enough. Argue the opposite: I am ready to start because I know that my passion for doing this will motivate me to learn whatever I need to know! COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 30. Example: Limiting belief: There’s too much risk. Everyone says my top priority should be to solve for financial security. Argue the opposite: I get to decide what’s most important to ME, and live my life accordingly. I deserve to be happy and fulfilled by living out my values and honoring my purpose! COUNTER YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS
  • 32. When we meet someone, what’s often the first thing we ask them? What do you do? As a society, we have inextricably tied our identities to our careers. As if our choice of career is the most important thing about us, or conveys who we are as people. Ask yourself honestly: How big a part of your identity is your job? YOUR IDENTITY = YOUR SELF
  • 33. I invite you to consider what your identity is, with your job / industry / degree / salary / title aside. What makes you… you? What if we shifted to thinking of ourselves, not in terms of our jobs, but in terms of our selves, our spirit, our humanity -- what we love, what we care about, who we care about? YOUR IDENTITY = YOUR SELF
  • 34. Let’s say you work in tech. This is one of the first things you say when you describe yourself or think about yourself. You have made this a core part of your identity. Now let’s imagine you decide that working in tech is not fulfilling for you anymore. The idea of making a change is COMPETING with your concept of who you are. YOUR IDENTITY = YOUR SELF
  • 35. How do you want to think about yourself, to give yourself the freedom to DO anything and still BE you? How can you detach your identity as a person from a specific choice you’ve made, and root it instead in who you are at your core? YOUR IDENTITY = YOUR SELF
  • 37. We put SO MUCH PRESSURE on ourselves to have all the answers. What have you told yourself is true because you don’t yet know what you’re passionate about? ● If I don’t know now, I never will. ● I must not be meant for more than this. ● I should just stick with what I have and try to be happy about it. ACK!! NOT TRUE, NOT TRUE!!! RELEASE THE PRESSURE
  • 38. You are not alone in this. It is normal not to have answers. It is normal for this to take time. You are human. Don’t compare yourself to those who “have it figured out” (spoiler: some are only pretending they do anyway). RELEASE THE PRESSURE
  • 39. The more pressure you put on yourself to figure it out, the harder you will make it for yourself. Pressure does not equal motivation. Stress rarely cultivates creativity. RELEASE THE PRESSURE
  • 40. Give yourself permission to not know yet. How can you let it be okay that you don’t know yet? (Challenge: How might it even be a GOOD thing, or EXCITING that you don’t know yet?) Honor yourself with compassion and kindness. Honor this work with patience and commitment to it. RELEASE THE PRESSURE
  • 41. If you commit to discovering who you want to be, the rest will follow. RELEASE THE PRESSURE
  • 42. ● This is not easy stuff!! (If it were easy, you’d have already figured it out.) ● These shifts and discoveries will not happen overnight. Be KIND to yourself. Be PATIENT with yourself. ● Most people don’t do this work. Give yourself credit for being here and beginning this process! A FEW IMPORTANT REMINDERS
  • 43. ● Create a strong and inspired vision for yourself, your life, & your career ● Uncover what’s holding you back or keeping you stuck ● Get clarity on how to move forward toward your goals and the life you desire! Want some support in finding YOUR passion? Request a FREE 60-minute Confidence Clarity Call with Sarah! click here!