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material minds
4 Rules for
What is bootstrapping?
material minds 2
This is the shack that Bill Hewlett
moved into.
Bootstrapping usually means
starting a business without
external capital.
No dilutive capital or issuing
common or preferred shares,
or convertible debt.
Also for companies that are
launching new products as a
good way of thinking out how
they can launch a new
Why would you want to
material minds 3
I have lots of friends who are
entrepreneurs and one day I noticed
something. Most of my friends who had
bootstrapped businesses and owned
them all on their own were doing very
well financially.
On the other hand, most of my friends
who had obtained venture capital
funding were not doing as well
If you want another perspective on
Venture Capital, check out my
presentation on why you may not want
VC funding.
Rule 1
Find a Budget Waiting to
be Spent
material minds 4
People will tell you that you
must find a problem that you
can solve but that isn’t really
You must solve a recognized
material minds 5
If you’re starting a company, everyone
will ask you what problem you’re trying
to solve.
Well you might see a problem but if
others don’t see it that way, you are
not solving a recognized problem.
Someone must own the problem
material minds 6
So if people recognize there is a problem, is there someone in the
company who owns the problem?
There are lots of problems that companies have but the way they think
or strategic priorities may mean that there is no one responsible for
solving the problem.
If there isn’t someone responsible for solving the problem then you
have no one to sell to.
The problem owner must wake
up everyday trying to solve that
material minds 7
Even with someone responsible for
solving the problem, they may already
have a good enough solution.
It may not be as good as your solution
but they may think it good enough for
now. That’s why Excel is used in so
many applications instead of
The person responsible must be waking
up every day trying to solve the
problem if you want to get anywhere.
They have to have a budget
material minds 8
I have come to believe that the most
important thing to identify in creating a
company is a budget.
If a company doesn’t have a budget
for what you want to sell and will take a
long time getting a budget then you’ll
have a slow start, whether or not you
get VC financing.
A slow start in bootstrapping is a slow
There must be lots of them
material minds 9
Finally, it’s no good finding a company
with a budget, you better find lots of
them because you’re bound to have
Rule 2
Do Something Radically
material minds 10
Sure you can start a company where
everyone is doing the same thing.
To be competitive then you’ll need to
be better at execution or better at
Those types of businesses though don’t
have the same potential as ones that
are doing something radically different.
material minds 11
There are only three dimensions upon
which you can compete.
Those are Quality, Cost and Speed.
The best one upon which to base your
competition is Quality.
Look at Apple. The highest cost
products out there, no faster at delivery
in fact maybe slower to get to market.
But they have the best quality, bar far
and as a result are the most successful
tech company in existence.
material minds 12
You can also compete on cost by
being the lowest cost product or
service. That can work when, in a Blue
Ocean Strategy, you find a segment of
the market who will accept a lower
quality product at a much lower cost.
This worked for IBM as they found a
segment of the market that needed
computing but couldn’t afford mini-
Of course it worked for them until
someone else decided to be even
lower price.
Note that Apple is still around while the
IBM PC is not.
material minds 13
Speed as a differentiator means time to
market or customer cycle time, the
amount of time from order to delivery.
This can be a long term differentiator as
complex distribution networks are
difficult to establish.
Look at Dell. They get new technology
to the market faster than anyone and
get you a PC exactly the way you want
They survived when Compaq and
many others didn’t.
Switching costs are high
material minds 14
And why do you need to do something
radically different?
Well it’s because switching costs are
high, people don’t like to change and
they will only change how they are
doing something if the alternative is
really outstanding.
Rule 3
Engage customers
from day one.
material minds 15
I see many entrepreneurs who spend
all sorts of time at the beginning of an
enterprise writing a business plan,
getting their website ready, creating a
product but that’s the wrong way
The problem – Wait till the
product is done and try to sell it
material minds 16
I’ve met lots of companies, in fact I’m
dealing with one right now, that built a
product and then went looking for
It doesn’t work, in fact you become a
product in search of a market.
Start selling
on day one
material minds 17
Research shows that successful software companies spend as
much on sales and marketing from day one as they do on
research and development.
That’s not the Canadian way but it works. You need to start
selling or engaging customers on day one.
In fact if you read the Four Hour Work Week, you’ll see that he
tests the market with fake ads well before getting down to
building a product.
Business development
material minds 18
Selling before you have a product
finished is the role of business
A salesperson’s job is to find a customer
and sell her a product that exists.
The business developer’s job is to find
out the customer’s needs and figure
out how the product you are thinking
about can be adjusted to meet that
client’s needs.
This is harder to do with consumer
products but in those this role is
performed by market research and
mocked up customer trials with
Lean Startup
material minds 19
If fact this is the whole methodology
advocated in the Lean Startup and
Lean methodologies in Software
Do quick product iterations and check
for market reaction before you’ve
gone down an unfortunate path too
Rule 4
Get their money early
material minds 20
You’ll notice that most of the
rules are about customers and
their money.
That’s not a coincidence
because success in business is
achieved by getting a customer
to part with her money.
And if you’re bootstrapping, you
better get their money early if
you want to survive.
material minds 21
The first way you can get money from a
customer is by doing consulting.
This doesn’t work for consumer
businesses but it works very well in B2B.
The consulting should be helping them
come up with solutions to the same
problem you’re going to develop a
product for.
material minds 22
Once you’ve done the consulting, you
can move to the next stage and take a
problem off a customer’s hands by
performing a service for them.
One friend of mine started in consulting
by helping call centers improve their
operations by making
recommendations and training their
Eventually, one of his customers said,
why don’t you just take over my call
center and do it for me. This started a
business that grew astronomically all
over North America.
Customized software
material minds 23
Now if you’re headed down a product
route, many customers will pay very
well for you to develop a customized
solution for them.
There are countless companies around
that started out doing customized
solutions that then then productized for
a wider market.
That was also the way Blackberry got
going, with custom contracts
material minds 24
Of course if you can, get some if not all
of your money up front.
Clients will be more predisposed to this,
the more value you can bring to the
Some of them will even fund research.
NASA has funded some $500 million for
SpaceX to get to production.
material minds 25
This is a great new source of funding if
you presell a product.
Polar Pen, Amanda Palmer and the
guy who will make a potato salad are
great examples of success. There are
other examples where failure to raise
funds is a good indicator of poor
market demand.
Only 9.5 % of startups that raise money
with Kickstarter go on to raise VC
Women are successful 2/3 of time but
for men it is 1/3.
material minds 26
Here are some great companies
that built real businesses with
real revenue:
•  Veeva Systems
•  Tableau
•  Indeed
•  Mojang
•  Shutterstock
•  Wayfair
•  Mailchip
In fact, Mailchimp and Mojang
were completely revenue
Bootstrapping Success
material minds
Starting Backwards
material minds 28
If you look at the four rules that have
been laid out, it is almost like you are
starting backwards.
Find the Budget
material minds 29
First, don’t look for
a problem to solve
but a budget
waiting to be
Do something different
material minds 30
Do something so different
that you’ll overcome the
costs of switching.
Start selling now!
material minds 31
Start selling from the first day you have
an idea so you’ll see if you have a
chance of getting some of the budget
spent on you.
Use customer money to build
your business
material minds 32
Find a way to get
customer money to
finance your launch.
Once you have
• products
• reference accounts
• a working business
• the right people
• exponential growth
You can go out and raise
material minds 33
Then you may become a
material minds 34
material minds
Helping individuals, leaders,
and entrepreneurs improve
strategy execution.
Charles Plant
416 458 4850
cplant (at)

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4 Rules for Bootstrapping

  • 1. material minds 4 Rules for Bootstrapping
  • 2. What is bootstrapping? material minds 2 This is the shack that Bill Hewlett moved into. Bootstrapping usually means starting a business without external capital. No dilutive capital or issuing common or preferred shares, or convertible debt. Also for companies that are launching new products as a good way of thinking out how they can launch a new product.
  • 3. Why would you want to bootstrap? material minds 3 I have lots of friends who are entrepreneurs and one day I noticed something. Most of my friends who had bootstrapped businesses and owned them all on their own were doing very well financially. On the other hand, most of my friends who had obtained venture capital funding were not doing as well financially. If you want another perspective on Venture Capital, check out my presentation on why you may not want VC funding.
  • 4. Rule 1 Find a Budget Waiting to be Spent material minds 4 People will tell you that you must find a problem that you can solve but that isn’t really enough.
  • 5. You must solve a recognized problem material minds 5 If you’re starting a company, everyone will ask you what problem you’re trying to solve. Well you might see a problem but if others don’t see it that way, you are not solving a recognized problem.
  • 6. Someone must own the problem material minds 6 So if people recognize there is a problem, is there someone in the company who owns the problem? There are lots of problems that companies have but the way they think or strategic priorities may mean that there is no one responsible for solving the problem. If there isn’t someone responsible for solving the problem then you have no one to sell to.
  • 7. The problem owner must wake up everyday trying to solve that problem material minds 7 Even with someone responsible for solving the problem, they may already have a good enough solution. It may not be as good as your solution but they may think it good enough for now. That’s why Excel is used in so many applications instead of databases. The person responsible must be waking up every day trying to solve the problem if you want to get anywhere.
  • 8. They have to have a budget material minds 8 I have come to believe that the most important thing to identify in creating a company is a budget. If a company doesn’t have a budget for what you want to sell and will take a long time getting a budget then you’ll have a slow start, whether or not you get VC financing. A slow start in bootstrapping is a slow death.
  • 9. There must be lots of them material minds 9 Finally, it’s no good finding a company with a budget, you better find lots of them because you’re bound to have competition.
  • 10. Rule 2 Do Something Radically Different material minds 10 Sure you can start a company where everyone is doing the same thing. To be competitive then you’ll need to be better at execution or better at selling. Those types of businesses though don’t have the same potential as ones that are doing something radically different.
  • 11. Quality material minds 11 There are only three dimensions upon which you can compete. Those are Quality, Cost and Speed. The best one upon which to base your competition is Quality. Look at Apple. The highest cost products out there, no faster at delivery in fact maybe slower to get to market. But they have the best quality, bar far and as a result are the most successful tech company in existence.
  • 12. Cost material minds 12 You can also compete on cost by being the lowest cost product or service. That can work when, in a Blue Ocean Strategy, you find a segment of the market who will accept a lower quality product at a much lower cost. This worked for IBM as they found a segment of the market that needed computing but couldn’t afford mini- computers Of course it worked for them until someone else decided to be even lower price. Note that Apple is still around while the IBM PC is not.
  • 13. Speed material minds 13 Speed as a differentiator means time to market or customer cycle time, the amount of time from order to delivery. This can be a long term differentiator as complex distribution networks are difficult to establish. Look at Dell. They get new technology to the market faster than anyone and get you a PC exactly the way you want it. They survived when Compaq and many others didn’t.
  • 14. Switching costs are high material minds 14 And why do you need to do something radically different? Well it’s because switching costs are high, people don’t like to change and they will only change how they are doing something if the alternative is really outstanding.
  • 15. Rule 3 Engage customers from day one. material minds 15 I see many entrepreneurs who spend all sorts of time at the beginning of an enterprise writing a business plan, getting their website ready, creating a product but that’s the wrong way around.
  • 16. The problem – Wait till the product is done and try to sell it material minds 16 I’ve met lots of companies, in fact I’m dealing with one right now, that built a product and then went looking for customers. It doesn’t work, in fact you become a product in search of a market.
  • 17. Start selling on day one material minds 17 Research shows that successful software companies spend as much on sales and marketing from day one as they do on research and development. That’s not the Canadian way but it works. You need to start selling or engaging customers on day one. In fact if you read the Four Hour Work Week, you’ll see that he tests the market with fake ads well before getting down to building a product.
  • 18. Business development material minds 18 Selling before you have a product finished is the role of business development. A salesperson’s job is to find a customer and sell her a product that exists. The business developer’s job is to find out the customer’s needs and figure out how the product you are thinking about can be adjusted to meet that client’s needs. This is harder to do with consumer products but in those this role is performed by market research and mocked up customer trials with prototypes.
  • 19. Lean Startup material minds 19 If fact this is the whole methodology advocated in the Lean Startup and Lean methodologies in Software development. Do quick product iterations and check for market reaction before you’ve gone down an unfortunate path too long.
  • 20. Rule 4 Get their money early material minds 20 You’ll notice that most of the rules are about customers and their money. That’s not a coincidence because success in business is achieved by getting a customer to part with her money. And if you’re bootstrapping, you better get their money early if you want to survive.
  • 21. Consulting material minds 21 The first way you can get money from a customer is by doing consulting. This doesn’t work for consumer businesses but it works very well in B2B. The consulting should be helping them come up with solutions to the same problem you’re going to develop a product for.
  • 22. Services material minds 22 Once you’ve done the consulting, you can move to the next stage and take a problem off a customer’s hands by performing a service for them. One friend of mine started in consulting by helping call centers improve their operations by making recommendations and training their staff. Eventually, one of his customers said, why don’t you just take over my call center and do it for me. This started a business that grew astronomically all over North America.
  • 23. Customized software material minds 23 Now if you’re headed down a product route, many customers will pay very well for you to develop a customized solution for them. There are countless companies around that started out doing customized solutions that then then productized for a wider market. That was also the way Blackberry got going, with custom contracts
  • 24. Prepay material minds 24 Of course if you can, get some if not all of your money up front. Clients will be more predisposed to this, the more value you can bring to the table. Some of them will even fund research. NASA has funded some $500 million for SpaceX to get to production.
  • 25. Kickstarter material minds 25 This is a great new source of funding if you presell a product. Polar Pen, Amanda Palmer and the guy who will make a potato salad are great examples of success. There are other examples where failure to raise funds is a good indicator of poor market demand. Only 9.5 % of startups that raise money with Kickstarter go on to raise VC money. Women are successful 2/3 of time but for men it is 1/3.
  • 26. Success material minds 26 Here are some great companies that built real businesses with real revenue: •  Veeva Systems •  Tableau •  Indeed •  Mojang •  Shutterstock •  Wayfair •  Mailchip In fact, Mailchimp and Mojang were completely revenue funded.
  • 28. Starting Backwards material minds 28 If you look at the four rules that have been laid out, it is almost like you are starting backwards.
  • 29. Find the Budget material minds 29 First, don’t look for a problem to solve but a budget waiting to be spent.
  • 30. Do something different material minds 30 Do something so different that you’ll overcome the costs of switching.
  • 31. Start selling now! material minds 31 Start selling from the first day you have an idea so you’ll see if you have a chance of getting some of the budget spent on you.
  • 32. Use customer money to build your business material minds 32 Find a way to get customer money to finance your launch.
  • 33. Once you have • products • reference accounts • a working business model • the right people • exponential growth You can go out and raise money material minds 33
  • 34. Then you may become a rocketship material minds 34
  • 35. material minds Helping individuals, leaders, and entrepreneurs improve strategy execution. Charles Plant 416 458 4850 cplant (at) materialminds.com Consulting Coaching Workshops Speaking Teaching