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Who are   Next Ventures is a rapidly expanding business that has
          its sights set on becoming ‘The Technology Staffing
          Partner of choice’ to key industry corporations, global
   we?    and local systems integrators, consultancies, software
          vendors and technology vendors around the globe.
          Our service is truly global – in 2008, 65% of our business was outside the UK.
          We specialise in sourcing local talent internationally.

          What makes us so different?
          Our priority: adding value to each and every one of our clients. How?

          • By building trust and respect through a true
            partnership approach.
          • By offering flexibility and bespoke tailoring of our
            recruitment services to seamlessly fit your needs.
          • By finding complete candidates – those who do not
            just have the talent and knowledge you need, but
            who also culturally complement your organisation
            and your existing team perfectly.
          To provide a solid foundation for our partnership ethos,
          each consultant at Next Ventures focuses on one
          specific technology niche. This continuously expands
          their understanding of that particular area and allows
          them to offer you unrivalled specialist expertise,
                                                                                  “ I have been working for more than a year with Next
          informed anticipation of market trends and superior
                                                                                  Ventures, engaging SAP highly qualified resources. I really
          networking advantage.
                                                                                  appreciated our collaboration. Next Ventures has always
          But we didn’t pick our team just for their knowledge;                   been able to provide us on-time the people we needed even
                                                                                  when we were looking for very difficult profiles…sometimes
          we also demand that they are passionate, resourceful
                                                                                  I had the feeling I was their only customer when you see
          and deeply committed to exceeding your delivery
                                                                                  how much they were focused on our requests. The
                                                                                  collaboration with Next Ventures is also very efficient: one
                                                                                  single point of contact in the company, supportive with the
                                                                                  administrative work, flexible, patient.”
          Sound good? Well, perhaps that’s why we’re
          rapidly becoming known as ‘the technology                               Accenture, Brussels
          recruiter that’s guaranteed to deliver’!
Next Ventures    The growth we have achieved means we are now
                 in the privileged position of being the first choice
                 technology recruiter for some of the most exciting
 first choice!   and innovative international businesses of today.
                 This isn’t an empty boast. In 2001 Next Ventures deliberately adopted a strategic plan to concentrate on generating
                 a sizeable capital reserve to use for re-investment purposes when we felt the market dictated growth. In 2006, we
                 seized the opportunity and, as you can see, the results speak for themselves.

                 Progressive Growth

                        2009                                                                      £12,500,000
                                                                                                  ESTIMATED RUN-RATE
                        2008                                               £8,300,000
                        2007                          £4,100,000

                        2006         £1,500,000
                        2004   GENERATING
                        2003   RESERVE
                        2001   FOUNDED

                                 1    2     3     4      5     6   7   8       9   10   11   12   13     14     15     16   17   18
                                                                           £   MILLIONS

                 A key contribution to our continued success has been our ongoing focus on winning new clients in Europe, the
                 Middle East and Africa. In 2008 65% of our clients were based in EMEA.
                 The processes that have facilitated our impressive growth have been underpinned by solid management practices,
                 and an un-relented effort on measuring and refining our services. The extensive repeat business we enjoy is
                 testament to our continuing ability to meet and exceed client demands.

                 The 137% year on-year growth over 2006–2008, and the extensive repeat business we get
                 from our clients is proof that we really are ‘Good at what we do’.
We prefer    We learn more that way; so that’s why we listen to
             you before positioning our wide range of flexible and

 listening   innovative technology staffing services.
             Our resourcing process ensures that we have access        Permanent
             to all of the best candidates. We utilise sophisticated

to talking
                                                                       Regardless of whether you commission our retained or
             in-house head-hunting techniques (that enable us to
                                                                       contingent service, Next Ventures’ clients receive the
             approach non-active candidates), and have access to
                                                                       same consistently high level of commitment and
             all of the major job-board and advertising mediums.
             Our process and mediums include:
                                                                       Experience has shown us that almost all clients who
             • consultant market knowledge
                                                                       have sampled our contingent offering have been so
             • internal network of candidates
                                                                       impressed that they have gone on to take advantage of
             • extensive database of 100,000+ candidates
                                                                       our full value-added services. This allows our
             • access to all of the major CV-searching job-boards
                                                                       relationships to evolve and become more formal and
             • advertising agreements with all of the major on-line
                                                                       exclusive, when Next Ventures can then engage as a true
                                                                       recruitment partner.
             • all consultants have access to our internal team of
               multilingual researchers.
                                                                       Next Ventures’ consultants professionally guide a
                                                                       candidate though the entire recruitment process
             Together we will create the ideal solution for
                                                                       from initial selection through to interview, offer
             your particular recruitment challenges; many
                                                                       stage, negotiation and acceptance.
             of our services have been born out of specific
             client needs.

                                                                       Our personal streamlined interim/contract service
                                                                       enables us to deliver short-term ‘technology subject-
                                                                       matter experts’ to clients who need to quickly acquire
                                                                       skills for the successful delivery of time- and business-
                                                                       critical projects.

                 “ In my experience, not a lot of                      The team of industry experts we have created gives
                 agencies/recruiters actually seem to                  unrivalled market knowledge and an industry
                 understand the positions they're                      networking capability that allows Next Ventures to
                 recruiting for – Next Ventures
                                                                       source the most experienced consultants at the most
                 certainly did – 100%. My experience
                                                                       competitive rates.
                 from when I was initially contacted,
                 to when Next Ventures successfully
                 found me a permanent position, was
                 nothing but positive. ”
                 Sally Van Dam, Microsoft Dynamics
                 Consultant - Candidate
Global   When we say we offer a
              global recruitment service,

Recruitment   we mean it.

              To date Next Ventures has successfully assisted
              clients to recruit both permanent and interim talent
              in over 30 countries.
              They include:
              Northern Europe:
              UK, Ireland, Belgium, Holland,
              Central Europe:
              (DACH): Germany, Switzerland, Austria
              Eastern Europe:
              Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia
              South Europe:
              France Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus,
              Hungary, Romania
              Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway
              Middle East:
              Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Israel
              South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria

              A large contribution to our phenomenal growth in
              recent years has been made by our success in working
              with businesses outside the UK, whilst still increasing
              our UK client numbers. In 2008, 65% of our business
              was with EMEA clients; they chose to partner with Next
              Ventures because of our ability to find well qualified
              local-language candidates.
What makes     The core values and differentiators that make
               us so special

 us special?   Knowledge – Next Ventures’ consultants are                   Key account management/
                                                                            client partnering – We offer you a single point
               individually focused on particular technology niches.
               This fosters effective industry knowledge ensuring a         of contact, ensuring clear communication and a
               strong and detailed understanding of each individual         consistently high level of service.
               client’s business, technology and competitive sector.
                                                                            Delivery – Ultimately the key differentiator for any
               Experience – Our consultants and managers                    recruitment business is the ability to deliver qualified
               have a minimum of six years’ recruitment/industry            candidates within a specified time frame. Next Ventures
               experience within the technology sector, equipping           is able to boast a 100% record on delivering to
               them to offer you a high level of professional service       retained assignments and an incredibly impressive
               and recruitment best practice.                               CV-to-interview ratio, ultimately crediting this
                                                                            achievement to an unparalleled desire to create reference
               Flexibility – Next Ventures offers flexible, bespoke,        accounts for each and every one of our clients.
               recruitment services that can be delivered against
                                                                            Passion and Dedication - The Next
               aggressive timescales to help our clients to resolve
               staffing challenges in time-sensitive and business-          Ventures team are Passionate about recruitment and
               critical projects.                                           providing an exceptional service. Creating long lasting
                                                                            relationships following each and every client
               Proactive approach – We believe that the best                engagement is our mission. Dedication is a necessary
                                                                            quality to fulfill challenging briefs on behalf of our
               candidates are not always those who are actively
                                                                            clients and candidates and it is evident trait across the
               looking for new jobs, but often those individuals who are
                                                                            Next Ventures team. We deliver where others fail,
               currently successful and happy in their roles but
                                                                            because we are Passionate about recruitment and
               nevertheless receptive to a well presented and
                                                                            dedicated to fulfilling against our promises.
               compelling career opportunity. Consequently, we always
               use proactive search or headhunting techniques to
               target and focus on a specific group of companies and
               individuals in a competitive or relevant area to make sure
               we deliver the best possible candidates for you.

               In-depth research – Each assignment
               involves our experienced research team to ensure
               candidates are targeted from the correct
                                                                                                    “ We value Next Ventures as a key partner; they have an
               technology/market sectors. All research is conducted                                 excellent knowledge of the market and a professional
               in-house to ensure the knowledge is retained and                                     approach to dealing with our requirements. They have
                                                                                                    always delivered quality candidates within budget,
               continually updated to give Next Ventures an unrivalled
                                                                                                    providing a first class service. I would highly recommend
               network of contacts.
                                                                                                    Next Ventures as a reliable and competent partner. ”
                                                                                                    Getronics, Italy
It’s what our clients and candidates say that matters.
The foundation of Next Ventures is quality delivery. With this in mind we
wanted to share the experiences of some of our clients and candidates.

‘‘                                              ’’                                                                                                   ‘‘                                  ’’
       Candidates                                                                                                                                           Clients
                                                                                                                                                     Next Ventures has supported us       Next Ventures approached me        Next Ventures were                    Alcatel-Lucent has used Next
The Next Ventures consultant I        Next Ventures recruited me in to    Having dealt with other              Working with Next Ventures has
                                                                                                                                                     on several occasions and have        about a VP & GM EMEA               recommended to me by an               Ventures for several positions
dealt with was open,                  Johnson & Johnson. They had a       recruitment companies, I must        been a pleasure. The energy
                                                                                                                                                     always managed the                   position within (Broadsoft), a     industry colleague as we              ranging from Senior Account
professional and completely           very good understanding of the      say I was positively surprised by    and commitment they showed
                                                                                                                                                     recruitment process for              VoIP technology start-up           (Sandvine) at the time were           Director, through to highly skilled
honest. He managed the                role on offer, and were very        the high quality of service that I   in the first call I had with them
                                                                                                                                                     Consultants in a very                business. I was extremely          struggling to find a quality          technical guru’s. All of my line
relationship between the client       efficient in sorting out queries    received through next-ventures.      has been maintained throughout
                                                                                                                                                     professional manner. They have       impressed by how well they         recruitment partner to help us        managers that have worked with
and myself from start to finish,      and issues. The consultant also     I was offered an opportunity         my contract duration, in all our
                                                                                                                                                     continually delivered quality        knew their client, understanding   expand our EMEA operations.           Next Ventures say they are
always looking for the best           had a very good balance             with a major corporation             dealings. I hope to continue our
                                                                                                                                                     candidates; it has been very         both the technology and the        The recommendation proved to          thorough, very knowledgeable
solution for both sides. His          between giving people enough        in Switzerland, Next Ventures        association long in to the future.
                                                                                                                                                     rewarding to work in partnership     market opportunity. Their client   be extremely valuable as Next         about the market they are
knowledge of IT and the needs         updates, but not calling too        knew their client well and
                                                                                                               David Erasmus,                        with a competent, professional       understanding covered detail       Ventures successfully helped me       recruiting in, and always
of company and person are top         often. He made the recruitment      throughout the process
                                                                                                               Oracle e-Business Contractor          and cost-effective partner such      such as global headcount,          to recruit talent in France, Dubai,   represent Alcatel-Lucent in a
of the bill. I will gladly call on    experience a positive one…!         were responsive, supportive and
                                                                                                                                                     as Next Ventures.                    company structure, funding and     Germany, Russia and Holland. I        professional manner. The service
him again in the future.                                                  showed a real positive attitude
                                      Doris Kneilling,                                                                                                                                    key investors, and cultural        would have no hesitation in           Next Ventures provides strikes a
                                                                          to help guide me through the
                                                                                                                                                     KPMG, Italy
Jan Peter Speijer,                    SAP Functional Consultant                                                I found Next Ventures to be true                                           understanding of the               recommending Next Ventures to         good balance between us and
                                                                          interview process. For future
Tibco Contractor                                                                                               professionals and one of the                                               management team. Next              anyone. They have truly proved        the potential candidate; and the
                                                                                                               best recruitment consultancies I                                           Ventures were completely           themselves to be consummate           instances they have been asked
                                                                          Next-Ventures will be my first
                                      Next-Ventures went to great                                              have worked with in my long                                                professional from the inception    professionals and are a valued        to negotiate packages on our
                                                                          choice as they are quick,
Next Ventures provided me a           length making sure that I was                                            career. From the outset they                                               of the recruitment process,        partner of Sandvine.                  behalf we have never felt they
                                                                          efficient, helpful and committed
thorough, efficient and friendly      the right candidate for the                                              were very clear about the                                                  through to final salary                                                  use this as an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SVP EMEA & ISEA Operations
                                                                          to providing quality service.
service. The initial pitch I got on   sought after position, as well as                                        technical requirements of the         I have been working with Next        negotiations… [They] are now a                                           gain advantage for themselves.
the role was detailed and             making sure that the company                                             role, had a detailed profile of the   Ventures for 3yrs and we have a      truly valued partner of                                                  Next Ventures are highly
                                                                          Huzaifa Bilimoria,
informative, and has turned out       was right for me. The                                                    company they were recruiting          win/win relationship. Their          Broadsoft, assisting me to build                                         recommended as a professional
                                                                          SAP Consultant
to be an excellent match for my       recruitment turned out to be a                                           for and certainly understood the      delivery is exceptional both in      my EMEA sales and consulting                                             and competent recruitment
both skills and experience, .         very good fit both for me and for                                        data market well. The consultant      the contract and permanent           capabilities.                                                            partner.
                                      the recruiting company. I was                                            I dealt with was especially           markets. They strive to ensure
Based on my experience with                                                                                                                                                               VP & GM EMEA                                                             Alcatel-Lucent -
                                      also impressed by how Next-                                              helpful in dealing with the           they give both the client and                                           I always receive a good and cost
Next Ventures, I will definitely be                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Senior HR Manager
                                      Venture and its employees                                                contract negotiations from both       candidate a great recruitment                                           efficient service working with
happy to work with them again.        showed great dedication and                                              sides, and even had time to           experience, and focus on                                                Next Ventures. They truly add
                                      professionalism during but also                                          meet with me during the               building trust which is extremely                                       value with their high knowledge
Graham Duthie,
                                      after the my successful                                                  interview process and post job        important in today’s talent                                             of the IT market and the
.Net Contractor
                                      placement recruitment.                                                   offer. I would certainly              market.                                                                 understanding of their
                                                                                                               recommend other friends and                                                                                   customers business needs.
                                      Petter Claesson,                                                                                               Snr Corporate Recruiter
                                                                                                               colleagues within the industry to                                                                             Three top qualities spring to
                                      VoIP Technical Consultant                                                use Next Ventures as I know                                                                                   mind: Great results, Expert,
                                                                                                               they will not be disappointed.                                                                                ontime. It was great to work with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Next Ventures, I look forward to
                                                                                                               Clive Richardson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             working with them again.
                                                                                                               SQL Server DBA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Practice Manager, France
The technology skills we can source for you!

                                            Technologies covered
                                            With the technological landscape evolving at such a rapid rate, the
                                            boundaries of our skills range are never still. Because of this, it’s
                                            impossible for us to list every technology for which we can source
                                            Below is a non-exhaustive list of our operational landscape; if your
                                            technology recruitment area isn’t listed here just call us.

                                            Core ERP & CRM applications                        EAI/Middleware
                                            SAP, Oracle, (entire application portfolio),       Tibco, Webmethods, Websphere
                                            Microsoft Dynamics, Siebel

                                                                                               Telecomms application/
                                            Business Intelligence/                             Systems management
                                            Analytics/ETL                                      OSS Oracle (Metasolv), Amdocs (Cramer),
                                            Business Intelligence Cognos, Hyperion,            Telcordia
                                            Business Objects, Microsoft BI                     BSS Oracle BRM, Amdocs, Convergys,
                                            Analytics SAS, SPSS                                Ericsson
                                            ETL Informatica, DataStage, Ab-Initio              Systems Management HP Openview, CA
                                                                                               Unicenter, IBM Tivoli, BMC

                                            Development & Database
                                            technologies                                       Infrastructure/PC support/
                                            Microsoft.Net (C# / VB / ASP) VC++),
                                            Sharepoint, Biztalk                                Infrastructure – Microsoft (Office, Windows,
                                                                                               Active Directory, Exchange Server), Unix,
                                            Java J2EE, J2ME, EJB, Struts, Spring,
                                                                                               Linux, Novell, Lotus Notes and Domino
                                                                                               Networking – LAN, WAN, Routers &
                                            Web-based/Open source technologies
                                                                                               Switches, Firewalls, Anti-Virus Technologies,
                                            Flash, PHP, MySQL, Python
                                            Database Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
                                            Testing Manuel and Automated Test
                                            Director, QTP, Winrunner, Loadrunner

         Our thorough and consultative
approach creates the most efficient and
cost-effective recruitment service in the
                      technology sector.
To discover how Next Ventures can
resolve your resourcing issues for you,
please visit www.next-ventures.com
or e-mail info@next-ventures.com

You can rely on us.

Next Ventures Ltd
77 Bastwick Street
United Kingdom
Ph: +44 (0) 207-549-4030
Fax: +44 (0) 207-549-4040

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34655 Nex Final

  • 1. Recruiting technology people for your business globally
  • 2. Who are Next Ventures is a rapidly expanding business that has its sights set on becoming ‘The Technology Staffing Partner of choice’ to key industry corporations, global we? and local systems integrators, consultancies, software vendors and technology vendors around the globe. Our service is truly global – in 2008, 65% of our business was outside the UK. We specialise in sourcing local talent internationally. What makes us so different? Our priority: adding value to each and every one of our clients. How? • By building trust and respect through a true partnership approach. • By offering flexibility and bespoke tailoring of our recruitment services to seamlessly fit your needs. • By finding complete candidates – those who do not just have the talent and knowledge you need, but who also culturally complement your organisation and your existing team perfectly. To provide a solid foundation for our partnership ethos, each consultant at Next Ventures focuses on one specific technology niche. This continuously expands their understanding of that particular area and allows them to offer you unrivalled specialist expertise, “ I have been working for more than a year with Next informed anticipation of market trends and superior Ventures, engaging SAP highly qualified resources. I really networking advantage. appreciated our collaboration. Next Ventures has always But we didn’t pick our team just for their knowledge; been able to provide us on-time the people we needed even when we were looking for very difficult profiles…sometimes we also demand that they are passionate, resourceful I had the feeling I was their only customer when you see and deeply committed to exceeding your delivery how much they were focused on our requests. The expectations. collaboration with Next Ventures is also very efficient: one single point of contact in the company, supportive with the administrative work, flexible, patient.” Sound good? Well, perhaps that’s why we’re rapidly becoming known as ‘the technology Accenture, Brussels recruiter that’s guaranteed to deliver’!
  • 3. Next Ventures The growth we have achieved means we are now in the privileged position of being the first choice technology recruiter for some of the most exciting first choice! and innovative international businesses of today. This isn’t an empty boast. In 2001 Next Ventures deliberately adopted a strategic plan to concentrate on generating a sizeable capital reserve to use for re-investment purposes when we felt the market dictated growth. In 2006, we seized the opportunity and, as you can see, the results speak for themselves. Progressive Growth £16,000,000 2010 TARGET 2009 £12,500,000 ESTIMATED RUN-RATE 2008 £8,300,000 2007 £4,100,000 YEAR 2006 £1,500,000 2005 2004 GENERATING CAPITAL 2003 RESERVE 2002 2001 FOUNDED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 £ MILLIONS A key contribution to our continued success has been our ongoing focus on winning new clients in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In 2008 65% of our clients were based in EMEA. The processes that have facilitated our impressive growth have been underpinned by solid management practices, and an un-relented effort on measuring and refining our services. The extensive repeat business we enjoy is testament to our continuing ability to meet and exceed client demands. The 137% year on-year growth over 2006–2008, and the extensive repeat business we get from our clients is proof that we really are ‘Good at what we do’.
  • 4. We prefer We learn more that way; so that’s why we listen to you before positioning our wide range of flexible and listening innovative technology staffing services. Our resourcing process ensures that we have access Permanent to all of the best candidates. We utilise sophisticated to talking Regardless of whether you commission our retained or in-house head-hunting techniques (that enable us to contingent service, Next Ventures’ clients receive the approach non-active candidates), and have access to same consistently high level of commitment and all of the major job-board and advertising mediums. attention. Our process and mediums include: Experience has shown us that almost all clients who • consultant market knowledge have sampled our contingent offering have been so • internal network of candidates impressed that they have gone on to take advantage of • extensive database of 100,000+ candidates our full value-added services. This allows our • access to all of the major CV-searching job-boards relationships to evolve and become more formal and • advertising agreements with all of the major on-line exclusive, when Next Ventures can then engage as a true job-boards recruitment partner. • all consultants have access to our internal team of multilingual researchers. Next Ventures’ consultants professionally guide a candidate though the entire recruitment process Together we will create the ideal solution for from initial selection through to interview, offer your particular recruitment challenges; many stage, negotiation and acceptance. of our services have been born out of specific client needs. Interim Our personal streamlined interim/contract service enables us to deliver short-term ‘technology subject- matter experts’ to clients who need to quickly acquire skills for the successful delivery of time- and business- critical projects. “ In my experience, not a lot of The team of industry experts we have created gives agencies/recruiters actually seem to unrivalled market knowledge and an industry understand the positions they're networking capability that allows Next Ventures to recruiting for – Next Ventures source the most experienced consultants at the most certainly did – 100%. My experience competitive rates. from when I was initially contacted, to when Next Ventures successfully found me a permanent position, was nothing but positive. ” Sally Van Dam, Microsoft Dynamics Consultant - Candidate
  • 5. Global When we say we offer a global recruitment service, Recruitment we mean it. To date Next Ventures has successfully assisted clients to recruit both permanent and interim talent in over 30 countries. They include: Northern Europe: UK, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Central Europe: (DACH): Germany, Switzerland, Austria Eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia South Europe: France Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania Scandinavia: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway Middle East: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Israel Africa: South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria A large contribution to our phenomenal growth in recent years has been made by our success in working with businesses outside the UK, whilst still increasing our UK client numbers. In 2008, 65% of our business was with EMEA clients; they chose to partner with Next Ventures because of our ability to find well qualified local-language candidates.
  • 6. What makes The core values and differentiators that make us so special us special? Knowledge – Next Ventures’ consultants are Key account management/ client partnering – We offer you a single point individually focused on particular technology niches. This fosters effective industry knowledge ensuring a of contact, ensuring clear communication and a strong and detailed understanding of each individual consistently high level of service. client’s business, technology and competitive sector. Delivery – Ultimately the key differentiator for any Experience – Our consultants and managers recruitment business is the ability to deliver qualified have a minimum of six years’ recruitment/industry candidates within a specified time frame. Next Ventures experience within the technology sector, equipping is able to boast a 100% record on delivering to them to offer you a high level of professional service retained assignments and an incredibly impressive and recruitment best practice. CV-to-interview ratio, ultimately crediting this achievement to an unparalleled desire to create reference Flexibility – Next Ventures offers flexible, bespoke, accounts for each and every one of our clients. recruitment services that can be delivered against Passion and Dedication - The Next aggressive timescales to help our clients to resolve staffing challenges in time-sensitive and business- Ventures team are Passionate about recruitment and critical projects. providing an exceptional service. Creating long lasting relationships following each and every client Proactive approach – We believe that the best engagement is our mission. Dedication is a necessary quality to fulfill challenging briefs on behalf of our candidates are not always those who are actively clients and candidates and it is evident trait across the looking for new jobs, but often those individuals who are Next Ventures team. We deliver where others fail, currently successful and happy in their roles but because we are Passionate about recruitment and nevertheless receptive to a well presented and dedicated to fulfilling against our promises. compelling career opportunity. Consequently, we always use proactive search or headhunting techniques to target and focus on a specific group of companies and individuals in a competitive or relevant area to make sure we deliver the best possible candidates for you. In-depth research – Each assignment involves our experienced research team to ensure candidates are targeted from the correct “ We value Next Ventures as a key partner; they have an technology/market sectors. All research is conducted excellent knowledge of the market and a professional in-house to ensure the knowledge is retained and approach to dealing with our requirements. They have always delivered quality candidates within budget, continually updated to give Next Ventures an unrivalled providing a first class service. I would highly recommend network of contacts. Next Ventures as a reliable and competent partner. ” Getronics, Italy
  • 7. It’s what our clients and candidates say that matters. The foundation of Next Ventures is quality delivery. With this in mind we wanted to share the experiences of some of our clients and candidates. ‘‘ ’’ ‘‘ ’’ Candidates Clients Next Ventures has supported us Next Ventures approached me Next Ventures were Alcatel-Lucent has used Next The Next Ventures consultant I Next Ventures recruited me in to Having dealt with other Working with Next Ventures has on several occasions and have about a VP & GM EMEA recommended to me by an Ventures for several positions dealt with was open, Johnson & Johnson. They had a recruitment companies, I must been a pleasure. The energy always managed the position within (Broadsoft), a industry colleague as we ranging from Senior Account professional and completely very good understanding of the say I was positively surprised by and commitment they showed recruitment process for VoIP technology start-up (Sandvine) at the time were Director, through to highly skilled honest. He managed the role on offer, and were very the high quality of service that I in the first call I had with them Consultants in a very business. I was extremely struggling to find a quality technical guru’s. All of my line relationship between the client efficient in sorting out queries received through next-ventures. has been maintained throughout professional manner. They have impressed by how well they recruitment partner to help us managers that have worked with and myself from start to finish, and issues. The consultant also I was offered an opportunity my contract duration, in all our continually delivered quality knew their client, understanding expand our EMEA operations. Next Ventures say they are always looking for the best had a very good balance with a major corporation dealings. I hope to continue our candidates; it has been very both the technology and the The recommendation proved to thorough, very knowledgeable solution for both sides. His between giving people enough in Switzerland, Next Ventures association long in to the future. rewarding to work in partnership market opportunity. Their client be extremely valuable as Next about the market they are knowledge of IT and the needs updates, but not calling too knew their client well and David Erasmus, with a competent, professional understanding covered detail Ventures successfully helped me recruiting in, and always of company and person are top often. He made the recruitment throughout the process Oracle e-Business Contractor and cost-effective partner such such as global headcount, to recruit talent in France, Dubai, represent Alcatel-Lucent in a of the bill. I will gladly call on experience a positive one…! were responsive, supportive and as Next Ventures. company structure, funding and Germany, Russia and Holland. I professional manner. The service him again in the future. showed a real positive attitude Doris Kneilling, key investors, and cultural would have no hesitation in Next Ventures provides strikes a to help guide me through the KPMG, Italy Jan Peter Speijer, SAP Functional Consultant I found Next Ventures to be true understanding of the recommending Next Ventures to good balance between us and interview process. For future Tibco Contractor professionals and one of the management team. Next anyone. They have truly proved the potential candidate; and the positions best recruitment consultancies I Ventures were completely themselves to be consummate instances they have been asked Next-Ventures will be my first Next-Ventures went to great have worked with in my long professional from the inception professionals and are a valued to negotiate packages on our choice as they are quick, Next Ventures provided me a length making sure that I was career. From the outset they of the recruitment process, partner of Sandvine. behalf we have never felt they efficient, helpful and committed thorough, efficient and friendly the right candidate for the were very clear about the through to final salary use this as an opportunity to SVP EMEA & ISEA Operations to providing quality service. service. The initial pitch I got on sought after position, as well as technical requirements of the I have been working with Next negotiations… [They] are now a gain advantage for themselves. the role was detailed and making sure that the company role, had a detailed profile of the Ventures for 3yrs and we have a truly valued partner of Next Ventures are highly Huzaifa Bilimoria, informative, and has turned out was right for me. The company they were recruiting win/win relationship. Their Broadsoft, assisting me to build recommended as a professional SAP Consultant to be an excellent match for my recruitment turned out to be a for and certainly understood the delivery is exceptional both in my EMEA sales and consulting and competent recruitment both skills and experience, . very good fit both for me and for data market well. The consultant the contract and permanent capabilities. partner. the recruiting company. I was I dealt with was especially markets. They strive to ensure Based on my experience with VP & GM EMEA Alcatel-Lucent - also impressed by how Next- helpful in dealing with the they give both the client and I always receive a good and cost Next Ventures, I will definitely be Senior HR Manager Venture and its employees contract negotiations from both candidate a great recruitment efficient service working with happy to work with them again. showed great dedication and sides, and even had time to experience, and focus on Next Ventures. They truly add professionalism during but also meet with me during the building trust which is extremely value with their high knowledge Graham Duthie, after the my successful interview process and post job important in today’s talent of the IT market and the .Net Contractor placement recruitment. offer. I would certainly market. understanding of their recommend other friends and customers business needs. Petter Claesson, Snr Corporate Recruiter colleagues within the industry to Three top qualities spring to VoIP Technical Consultant use Next Ventures as I know mind: Great results, Expert, they will not be disappointed. ontime. It was great to work with Next Ventures, I look forward to Clive Richardson, working with them again. SQL Server DBA Practice Manager, France
  • 8. The technology skills we can source for you! Technologies covered With the technological landscape evolving at such a rapid rate, the boundaries of our skills range are never still. Because of this, it’s impossible for us to list every technology for which we can source resource. Below is a non-exhaustive list of our operational landscape; if your technology recruitment area isn’t listed here just call us. Core ERP & CRM applications EAI/Middleware SAP, Oracle, (entire application portfolio), Tibco, Webmethods, Websphere Microsoft Dynamics, Siebel Telecomms application/ Business Intelligence/ Systems management Analytics/ETL OSS Oracle (Metasolv), Amdocs (Cramer), Business Intelligence Cognos, Hyperion, Telcordia Business Objects, Microsoft BI BSS Oracle BRM, Amdocs, Convergys, Analytics SAS, SPSS Ericsson ETL Informatica, DataStage, Ab-Initio Systems Management HP Openview, CA Unicenter, IBM Tivoli, BMC Development & Database technologies Infrastructure/PC support/ Networking Microsoft.Net (C# / VB / ASP) VC++), Sharepoint, Biztalk Infrastructure – Microsoft (Office, Windows, Active Directory, Exchange Server), Unix, Java J2EE, J2ME, EJB, Struts, Spring, Linux, Novell, Lotus Notes and Domino Hibernate Networking – LAN, WAN, Routers & Web-based/Open source technologies Switches, Firewalls, Anti-Virus Technologies, Flash, PHP, MySQL, Python VoIP Database Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Testing Manuel and Automated Test Director, QTP, Winrunner, Loadrunner Our thorough and consultative approach creates the most efficient and cost-effective recruitment service in the technology sector.
  • 9. To discover how Next Ventures can resolve your resourcing issues for you, please visit www.next-ventures.com or e-mail info@next-ventures.com You can rely on us. Next Ventures Ltd 77 Bastwick Street London EC1V 3TT United Kingdom Ph: +44 (0) 207-549-4030 Fax: +44 (0) 207-549-4040