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© 2023 Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Chapter Leader
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Welcome to Cape Town Snowflake User Group
What is Snowflake?
Introduction to LLM & RAG
Even more AI Features
Closing Remarks
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About the User Group
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your peers.
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Grow Your Professional Network
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Chapter Leaders
Douglas Day Reza du Plooy
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Slido app on all computers you
Why are you
attending the
Snowflake User
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Call for Speakers
Discuss effective strategies, tips, and lessons learned from your experience with
Snowflake to help others avoid common pitfalls and maximize their success.
Best Practices & Lessons Learned
Share real-world examples of how you've leveraged Snowflake to solve business
challenges, improve performance, or achieve specific outcomes
Cases Studies & Success Stories
Present unique and creative ways you've used Snowflake's features and capabilities to
drive innovation within your organization.
Innovative Use Cases
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Upcoming Events
➔ 17th July: Johannesburg User Group, W17 Rosebank
➔ 21st August: Cape Town User Group, Innovation City
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Today’s Speakers
Director, Data Engineer
Douglas Day
Cliff Wachiuri
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Introduction to Snowflake
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One Platform
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LLM & RAG in Snowflake
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Introduction to using LLM
Retrieval Augmented Generation
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• Large Language Model (LLM)
• Hallucination
• Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
• Tokens
• Chunking
• Embedding
• Prompt
Key Terms
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What Is It
An intelligent, fully managed service that
hosts and serves industry-leading AI
models, LLMs and vector functions
Why Use It
Quickly and securely analyze your data and
build AI applications contextualized with
your enterprise data
How To Use It
Access the power of Snowflake Cortex via
serverless SQL / Python functions or as part
of LLM-powered experiences such as
Document AI and Snowflake Copilot
Snowflake Cortex
Llama 2
Snowflake Copilot
Document AI
Serverless Functions
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Snowflake for GEN AI & LLMS
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Use Case: Call Centre Analytics
Customer Feedback Data
LLM Functions
(Snowflake User Interface)
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COMPLETE    
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The SUMMARIZE function returns a summary of the given English text.
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The EXTRACT_ANSWER function extracts an answer to a given question from a text document.
The document may be a plain-English document or a string representation of a semi-structured (JSON) data
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The SENTIMENT function returns sentiment as a score between -1 to 1 (with -1 being the most negative and 1
the most positive, with values around 0 neutral) for the given English-language input text.
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The TRANSLATE function translates text from the indicated or detected source language to a target language.
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English 'en'
French: 'fr'
German 'de'
Italian 'it'
Japanese 'ja'
Korean 'ko'
Polish 'pl'
Portuguese 'pt'
Russian 'ru'
Spanish 'es'
Swedish 'sv'
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The COMPLETE function, given a prompt will generate a response (completion) using your choice of
supported language model.
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© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Developer Model Parameters Use Cases Size Tokens
Snowflake snowflake-arctic 17B SQL generation, coding and instruction Medium 4,096
Mistral AI mistral-large 40B NLP tasks, large-scale data processing Large 32,000
Meta llama3-70b 70B Complex tasks, research Large 4096
Reka AI reka-flash 20B
multilingual 32 languages, writing product descriptions or
blog posts, coding, and extracting answers
Medium 100,000
Mistral AI mixtral-8x7b 56B text generation, classification, and question answering Medium 32,000
Meta llama3-8b 8B text classification, summarization, and sentiment analysis Small 8,000
Meta llama2-70b-chat 70B text classification, summarization, and sentiment analysis Medium 8,000
Mistral AI mistral-7b 7B
simplest summarization, structuration, and question
answering tasks that need to be done quickly
Small 32,000
Google Deepmind gemma-7b 7B suitable for simple code and text completion tasks Small 8,000
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© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
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• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
Definition: The main directive or question posed to the
Purpose: Sets the context and intention for the
Example: "Write a poem about the sea.“
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• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
Definition: The specific persona or perspective
assigned to the model.
Purpose: Provides the model with a context or point of
view to enhance the quality and relevance of the
Example: "As an experienced sailor, write a poem
about the sea."
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
Definition: Additional information or background that
helps the model understand the setting or topic.
Purpose: Provides clarity and relevance, ensuring the
model generates a coherent and accurate response.
Example: “The poem is based on a sailors experience
of looking at a moonlit night and the vastness of the
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
Definition: Specific rules or limitations that the model
should follow while generating the response.
Purpose: Ensures the output meets certain criteria,
such as length, format, or tone.
Example: "Write a summary of this article in less than
150 words.“
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: Sample inputs and outputs provided to the
model to illustrate the desired format or style.
•Purpose: Helps the model learn from patterns and
generate similar responses.
•Example: Specific format of output
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: Instructions on the desired tone, style, or
register of the response.
•Purpose: Ensures the output aligns with the expected
mood or voice.
•Example: "Explain quantum physics in a
conversational and humorous tone.“
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: Details about how the response should be
structured or formatted.
•Purpose: Ensures the response adheres to specific
structural requirements, such as bullet points, lists, or
•Example: "List the pros and cons of remote work in
bullet points.“
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: The main topic or theme that the prompt
focuses on.
•Purpose: Guides the content and scope of the
•Example: "Discuss the impact of climate change on
polar bears.“
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: Information about who the response is
intended for.
•Purpose: Tailors the response to the knowledge level,
interests, or needs of the audience.
•Example: "Explain the benefits of renewable energy to
a group of high school students.“
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Instruction
• Role  Persona
• Context
• Constraint or Guideline
• Examples (Few-Shot)
• Tone & Style
• Format Specification
• Subject Matter
• Target Audience
• Data
•Definition: Specific data or text that the model should
use as a basis for the response.
•Purpose: Provides concrete information that the model
needs to process or refer to.
•Example: "Using the following data, write a report on
sales performance: [data]."
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
As a call centre analyst
Return these emotions as a comma-delimited list
analysing call centre transcripts
Identify 5 emotions expressed by the caller
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As a call centre analyst
Return your answer as a single word: 'True' or
Determine if the customer expressed frustration
in the call centre transcript.
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As a call centre analyst, provide unbiased advice
Summarize the relevant product defects mentioned
in the call centre transcript
Focus exclusively on product defects only
Return the message in this format: 'Here is the
summary of product defects: <product>: <defect>
Example output: Buckles: “The buckles are stuck”,
“Zips: zips are broken”
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
As a professional customer service assistant.
Send a follow-up email regarding the recent call centre
Summarize the issue, resolution, and any next steps from
the call centre transcript.
Keep the email concise.
Sign the email as AI customer agent.
Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the
Ensure the email is properly formatted as a professional
follow-up correspondence.
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Assume the role of a specialist language translator
format the response as JSON ONLY, with the following
structure: "language" and "conversation" (consisting of
"Person", "Original", “English“, “Afrikaans”).
1: Identify the language of the transcript
2: Identify the Agent and the Customer within the transcript
3: Translate the conversation into English and Afrikaans
Translate the call centre transcript step by step
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As a call centre analyst
Return the message in this format only: "Here is the
summary of product defects: <product>: <defect> <original
quantity > (<defect quantity>) <defect percentage>%"
examples" Buckles: The buckles are stuck 10(5) 50%
Analyze the call centre transcript step by step
1: Identify the original number of products purchased that
had a defect
2: Determine how many of the products have defects and
the percentage
3: Summarise the list of product and defects.
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© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Use Case: Document Analytics
PDF Documents
LLM Functions
(Snowflake User Interface)
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Use Case: Document Analytics
PDF Documents
Python  LLM Functions
Streamlit App
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© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
• Chunk Size
• Semantic Coherence
• Overlap
• Metadatag
• Relevance
• Efficiency
Key Considerations
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• Vector embeddings are a method of
representing data as vectors (lists of
numbers) in a continuous vector space.
• Embeddings transform high-dimensional
data into a lower-dimensional space while
preserving the essential properties and
relationships of the original data.
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EMBED_TEXT_768 snowflake-arctic-embed-m
EMBED_TEXT_768 e5-base-v2
EMBED_TEXT_1024 nv-embed-qa-4
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Computational Complexity Lower Higher
Storage Requirements Lower Higher
Risk of Overfitting Lower Higher
Expressiveness Lower Higher
Information Capture May lose detail Capture more nuance
Task Complexity Simple Complex
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© 2024 Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 61
Safe Harbor and Disclaimers
REV 01.05.24
© 2024 Snowflake Inc. All rights reserved. Snowflake, the Snowflake logo, and all other Snowflake product, feature and service names mentioned in the Materials are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Snowflake Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand names or logos mentioned or used in the Materials are for identification
purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective holder(s). Snowflake may not be associated with, or be sponsored or endorsed by, any such holder(s).
Other than statements of historical fact, all information contained in these materials
and any accompanying oral commentary (collectively, the “Materials”), including
statements regarding (i) Snowflake’s business strategy, plans or priorities, (ii)
Snowflake’s new or enhanced products, services, and technology offerings,
including those that are under development or not generally available, (iii) market
growth, trends, and competitive considerations, (iv) our vision for Snowpark, the
Data Cloud, and industry-specific Data Clouds, including the expected benefits and
network effects of the Data Cloud; and (v) the integration, interoperability, and
availability of Snowflake’s products, services, or technology offerings with or on
third-party platforms or products, are forward-looking statements. These forward-
looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions,
including those described under the heading “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in the
Annual Reports on Form 10-K and the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q that
Snowflake files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these
risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, the future events and trends discussed in the
Materials may not occur, and actual results could differ materially and adversely
from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. As a result, you
should not rely on any forwarding-looking statements as predictions of future
events. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are
first made and are based on information available to us at the time those
statements are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time. Except
as required by law, we undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update the
forward-looking statements in these Materials.
Any future product or roadmap information (collectively, the “Roadmap”) is
intended to outline general product direction. The Roadmap is not a
commitment, promise, or legal obligation for Snowflake to deliver any future
products, features, or functionality; and is not intended to be, and shall not
be deemed to be, incorporated into any contract. The actual timing of any
product, feature, or functionality that is ultimately made available may be
different from what is presented in the Roadmap. The Roadmap information
should not be used when making a purchasing decision. In case of conflict
between the information contained in the Materials and official Snowflake
documentation, official Snowflake documentation should take precedence
over these Materials. Further, note that Snowflake has made no
determination as to whether separate fees will be charged for any future
products, features, and/or functionality which may ultimately be made
available. Snowflake may, in its own discretion, choose to charge separate
fees for the delivery of any future products, features, and/or functionality
which are ultimately made available.
The Materials may contain information provided by third-parties. Snowflake
has not independently verified this information, and usage of this information
does not mean or imply that Snowflake has adopted this information as its
own or independently verified its accuracy.
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
In Dev Private Public GA
Built with Meta Llama 3 and Mistral Large models
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Cortex Analyst - Talk to Your Data From Any App
In Dev Private Public
Cortex Analyst
Snowflake Databases
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Document AI
Fully managed workflow that uses Arctic-TILT for
efficient extraction of text, table values, and hand
written content from PDFs and other unstructured
Use industry-leading LLM for higher efficiency,
lower cost of manual labor and lower human error
in document processing
● Business user: Test and fine-tune (if needed)
in no-code UI
● Data team: Efficiently extract fields to
Snowflake tables from multiple documents in
batch using SQL
In Dev Private Public GA
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Cortex AI: Serverless Fine-Tuning
Serverless fine-tuning for subset of Mistral and
Llama 3 LLMs available in Cortex AI.
● Customize LLMs securely and effortlessly to
increase model accuracy and performance for
use-case specific tasks.
● Manage access and governance of custom
LLMs with Snowflake Model Registry.
Fine-tune models via a function or directly in the
AI/ML Studio. Easily access the fine-tuned models
through the COMPLETE function.
In Dev Private Public GA
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Cortex Search – fully managed indexing and retrieval
“What are the new ECB
capital requirements?”
“Year > 2022”
User Query Hybrid Retrieval
Result Fusion
and Reordering
Keyword /
Lexical Lookup
weighted average of Pillar
2 requirements set at 1.1%
in 2023, unchanged from
last year…”
“Overall CET1 capital
requirements and guidance
increased from 10.7% to
Result Set
In Dev Private Public GA
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© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved
Quick Start Guide to
Snowflake Artic
Large Language Model
Snowflake Developers
LLM Walk-Through
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 69
Competition Time
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
When was Snowflake
originally founded?
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
What was Snowflakes
IPO evaluation?
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
Which of these is not
a Snowflake Cortex
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
Which of these LLM's
in not directly
supported in
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
What does RAG
stand for?
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
Which of these is
NOT part of the RAG
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
Please download and install the
Slido app on all computers you
When is the next
Snowflake Cape
Town User Group?
ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 77
Closing Remarks
Look out for the survey to provide us with feedback and topic requests.
Go to usergroups.snowflake.com to join the chapter, and discover other chapters.
Email usergroups@snowflake.com if you want to become a chapter leader!
Please hang around for drinks.
© Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved

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202406 - Cape Town Snowflake User Group - LLM & RAG.pdf

  • 1. © 2023 Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved CAPE TOWN SNOWFLAKE USER GROUP Chapter Leader
  • 2. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Agenda Welcome to Cape Town Snowflake User Group What is Snowflake? Introduction to LLM & RAG Even more AI Features Closing Remarks 2
  • 3. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 3 About the User Group Get frequent updates on the latest Snowflake features and product roadmap from subject matter experts. Stay Current with Snowflake Review real Snowflake use cases, methodologies, and 3rd party technologies with your peers. Discuss Best Practices Meet other community members across many stages in their Snowflake journeys. Grow Your Professional Network
  • 4. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Chapter Leaders 4 Douglas Day Reza du Plooy
  • 5. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Why are you attending the Snowflake User Group? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 6. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 6 Call for Speakers Discuss effective strategies, tips, and lessons learned from your experience with Snowflake to help others avoid common pitfalls and maximize their success. Best Practices & Lessons Learned Share real-world examples of how you've leveraged Snowflake to solve business challenges, improve performance, or achieve specific outcomes Cases Studies & Success Stories Present unique and creative ways you've used Snowflake's features and capabilities to drive innovation within your organization. Innovative Use Cases
  • 7. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Upcoming Events ➔ 17th July: Johannesburg User Group, W17 Rosebank ➔ 21st August: Cape Town User Group, Innovation City
  • 8. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Join the Chapter Go to: usergroups.snowflake.com This is the homepage for all Snowflake user groups! Locate the chapter: South Africa Join other Snowflake users within the space. Become a member: Click ‘join’ and you’re in! Get invited to upcoming meetings and access exclusive content! Get Updates About Upcoming Meetings 1 2 3
  • 9. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Find Your Local Chapter
  • 10. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Today’s Speakers 10 Director, Data Engineer datalab Douglas Day Engineer Snowflake Cliff Wachiuri
  • 11. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Introduction to Snowflake
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  • 15. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved One Platform
  • 16. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LLM & RAG in Snowflake
  • 17. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Breakdown Introduction to using LLM Retrieval Augmented Generation 18
  • 18. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved • Large Language Model (LLM) • Hallucination • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) • Tokens • Chunking • Embedding • Prompt Key Terms
  • 19. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved What Is It An intelligent, fully managed service that hosts and serves industry-leading AI models, LLMs and vector functions Why Use It Quickly and securely analyze your data and build AI applications contextualized with your enterprise data How To Use It Access the power of Snowflake Cortex via serverless SQL / Python functions or as part of LLM-powered experiences such as Document AI and Snowflake Copilot Snowflake Cortex Llama 2 forecast General-Purpose Specialized complete Snowflake Copilot Document AI complete() embed() ... translate() forecast() ... Serverless Functions
  • 20. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Snowflake for GEN AI & LLMS
  • 21. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Use Case: Call Centre Analytics Customer Feedback Data LLM Functions Snowsight (Snowflake User Interface)
  • 23. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS SUMMARIZE The SUMMARIZE function returns a summary of the given English text.
  • 24. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS EXTRACT_ANSWER The EXTRACT_ANSWER function extracts an answer to a given question from a text document. The document may be a plain-English document or a string representation of a semi-structured (JSON) data object.
  • 25. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS SENTIMENT The SENTIMENT function returns sentiment as a score between -1 to 1 (with -1 being the most negative and 1 the most positive, with values around 0 neutral) for the given English-language input text.
  • 26. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS TRANSLATE The TRANSLATE function translates text from the indicated or detected source language to a target language.
  • 27. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS TRANSLATE LANGUAGE Code English 'en' French: 'fr' German 'de' Italian 'it' Japanese 'ja' Korean 'ko' LANGUAGE Code Polish 'pl' Portuguese 'pt' Russian 'ru' Spanish 'es' Swedish 'sv'
  • 28. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS COMPLETE The COMPLETE function, given a prompt will generate a response (completion) using your choice of supported language model.
  • 29. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS COMPLETE
  • 30. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS Developer Model Parameters Use Cases Size Tokens Snowflake snowflake-arctic 17B SQL generation, coding and instruction Medium 4,096 Mistral AI mistral-large 40B NLP tasks, large-scale data processing Large 32,000 Meta llama3-70b 70B Complex tasks, research Large 4096 Reka AI reka-flash 20B multilingual 32 languages, writing product descriptions or blog posts, coding, and extracting answers Medium 100,000 Mistral AI mixtral-8x7b 56B text generation, classification, and question answering Medium 32,000 Meta llama3-8b 8B text classification, summarization, and sentiment analysis Small 8,000 Meta llama2-70b-chat 70B text classification, summarization, and sentiment analysis Medium 8,000 Mistral AI mistral-7b 7B simplest summarization, structuration, and question answering tasks that need to be done quickly Small 32,000 Google Deepmind gemma-7b 7B suitable for simple code and text completion tasks Small 8,000
  • 31. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING
  • 32. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data
  • 33. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data Definition: The main directive or question posed to the model. Purpose: Sets the context and intention for the response. Example: "Write a poem about the sea.“
  • 34. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data Definition: The specific persona or perspective assigned to the model. Purpose: Provides the model with a context or point of view to enhance the quality and relevance of the response. Example: "As an experienced sailor, write a poem about the sea."
  • 35. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data Definition: Additional information or background that helps the model understand the setting or topic. Purpose: Provides clarity and relevance, ensuring the model generates a coherent and accurate response. Example: “The poem is based on a sailors experience of looking at a moonlit night and the vastness of the ocean”
  • 36. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data Definition: Specific rules or limitations that the model should follow while generating the response. Purpose: Ensures the output meets certain criteria, such as length, format, or tone. Example: "Write a summary of this article in less than 150 words.“
  • 37. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: Sample inputs and outputs provided to the model to illustrate the desired format or style. •Purpose: Helps the model learn from patterns and generate similar responses. •Example: Specific format of output
  • 38. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: Instructions on the desired tone, style, or register of the response. •Purpose: Ensures the output aligns with the expected mood or voice. •Example: "Explain quantum physics in a conversational and humorous tone.“
  • 39. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: Details about how the response should be structured or formatted. •Purpose: Ensures the response adheres to specific structural requirements, such as bullet points, lists, or sections. •Example: "List the pros and cons of remote work in bullet points.“
  • 40. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: The main topic or theme that the prompt focuses on. •Purpose: Guides the content and scope of the response. •Example: "Discuss the impact of climate change on polar bears.“
  • 41. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: Information about who the response is intended for. •Purpose: Tailors the response to the knowledge level, interests, or needs of the audience. •Example: "Explain the benefits of renewable energy to a group of high school students.“
  • 42. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING • Instruction • Role Persona • Context • Constraint or Guideline • Examples (Few-Shot) • Tone & Style • Format Specification • Subject Matter • Target Audience • Data •Definition: Specific data or text that the model should use as a basis for the response. •Purpose: Provides concrete information that the model needs to process or refer to. •Example: "Using the following data, write a report on sales performance: [data]."
  • 43. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING INFERRING As a call centre analyst Return these emotions as a comma-delimited list only Role Context Instruction analysing call centre transcripts Constraint Identify 5 emotions expressed by the caller
  • 44. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING TRANSFORMING As a call centre analyst Return your answer as a single word: 'True' or 'False' Role Instruction Context Determine if the customer expressed frustration Constraint in the call centre transcript.
  • 45. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING SUMMARIZING As a call centre analyst, provide unbiased advice Role Instruction Context Summarize the relevant product defects mentioned in the call centre transcript Focus exclusively on product defects only Format Return the message in this format: 'Here is the summary of product defects: <product>: <defect> Example Example output: Buckles: “The buckles are stuck”, “Zips: zips are broken”
  • 46. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING EXPANDING As a professional customer service assistant. Role Instruction Constraint Format Send a follow-up email regarding the recent call centre interaction. Summarize the issue, resolution, and any next steps from the call centre transcript. Keep the email concise. Sign the email as AI customer agent. Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the email. Ensure the email is properly formatted as a professional follow-up correspondence. Tone
  • 47. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING TRANSFORM Assume the role of a specialist language translator format the response as JSON ONLY, with the following structure: "language" and "conversation" (consisting of "Person", "Original", “English“, “Afrikaans”). Role Context Instruction 1: Identify the language of the transcript 2: Identify the Agent and the Customer within the transcript 3: Translate the conversation into English and Afrikaans Format Translate the call centre transcript step by step
  • 48. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved PROMPT ENGINEERING REASONING As a call centre analyst Return the message in this format only: "Here is the summary of product defects: <product>: <defect> <original quantity > (<defect quantity>) <defect percentage>%" examples" Buckles: The buckles are stuck 10(5) 50% Role Context Instruction Analyze the call centre transcript step by step 1: Identify the original number of products purchased that had a defect 2: Determine how many of the products have defects and the percentage 3: Summarise the list of product and defects. Format
  • 49. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved DEMO
  • 50. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved RETRIVAL AUGMENTED GENERATION
  • 51. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Use Case: Document Analytics PDF Documents LLM Functions Snowsight (Snowflake User Interface)
  • 52. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Use Case: Document Analytics PDF Documents Python LLM Functions Streamlit App
  • 53. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved WHAT IS RAG? RETRIEVAL AUGMENTED GENERATION
  • 54. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved CHUNKING • Chunk Size • Semantic Coherence • Overlap • Metadatag • Relevance • Efficiency Key Considerations
  • 55. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved EMBEDDING • Vector embeddings are a method of representing data as vectors (lists of numbers) in a continuous vector space. • Embeddings transform high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space while preserving the essential properties and relationships of the original data.
  • 56. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved EMBEDDING FUNCTIONS FUNCTION EMBEDDING MODEL EMBED_TEXT_768 snowflake-arctic-embed-m EMBED_TEXT_768 e5-base-v2 EMBED_TEXT_1024 nv-embed-qa-4
  • 57. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved EMBEDDING WHICH EMBEDDING? ASPECT LOW HIGH Computational Complexity Lower Higher Storage Requirements Lower Higher Risk of Overfitting Lower Higher Expressiveness Lower Higher Information Capture May lose detail Capture more nuance Task Complexity Simple Complex
  • 58. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved DEMO
  • 59. © 2024 Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved WHAT’S NEW
  • 60. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 61 Safe Harbor and Disclaimers REV 01.05.24 © 2024 Snowflake Inc. All rights reserved. Snowflake, the Snowflake logo, and all other Snowflake product, feature and service names mentioned in the Materials are registered trademarks or trademarks of Snowflake Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand names or logos mentioned or used in the Materials are for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective holder(s). Snowflake may not be associated with, or be sponsored or endorsed by, any such holder(s). Other than statements of historical fact, all information contained in these materials and any accompanying oral commentary (collectively, the “Materials”), including statements regarding (i) Snowflake’s business strategy, plans or priorities, (ii) Snowflake’s new or enhanced products, services, and technology offerings, including those that are under development or not generally available, (iii) market growth, trends, and competitive considerations, (iv) our vision for Snowpark, the Data Cloud, and industry-specific Data Clouds, including the expected benefits and network effects of the Data Cloud; and (v) the integration, interoperability, and availability of Snowflake’s products, services, or technology offerings with or on third-party platforms or products, are forward-looking statements. These forward- looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those described under the heading “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in the Annual Reports on Form 10-K and the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q that Snowflake files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, the future events and trends discussed in the Materials may not occur, and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. As a result, you should not rely on any forwarding-looking statements as predictions of future events. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are first made and are based on information available to us at the time those statements are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update the forward-looking statements in these Materials. Any future product or roadmap information (collectively, the “Roadmap”) is intended to outline general product direction. The Roadmap is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation for Snowflake to deliver any future products, features, or functionality; and is not intended to be, and shall not be deemed to be, incorporated into any contract. The actual timing of any product, feature, or functionality that is ultimately made available may be different from what is presented in the Roadmap. The Roadmap information should not be used when making a purchasing decision. In case of conflict between the information contained in the Materials and official Snowflake documentation, official Snowflake documentation should take precedence over these Materials. Further, note that Snowflake has made no determination as to whether separate fees will be charged for any future products, features, and/or functionality which may ultimately be made available. Snowflake may, in its own discretion, choose to charge separate fees for the delivery of any future products, features, and/or functionality which are ultimately made available. The Materials may contain information provided by third-parties. Snowflake has not independently verified this information, and usage of this information does not mean or imply that Snowflake has adopted this information as its own or independently verified its accuracy.
  • 61. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved In Dev Private Public GA Soon Built with Meta Llama 3 and Mistral Large models
  • 62. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Cortex Analyst - Talk to Your Data From Any App In Dev Private Public Soon GA Cortex Analyst Snowflake Databases Semantic Model REST API
  • 63. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Document AI WHAT IS IT Fully managed workflow that uses Arctic-TILT for efficient extraction of text, table values, and hand written content from PDFs and other unstructured documents WHY USE IT Use industry-leading LLM for higher efficiency, lower cost of manual labor and lower human error in document processing HOW TO USE IT ● Business user: Test and fine-tune (if needed) in no-code UI ● Data team: Efficiently extract fields to Snowflake tables from multiple documents in batch using SQL In Dev Private Public GA
  • 64. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Cortex AI: Serverless Fine-Tuning WHAT IS IT Serverless fine-tuning for subset of Mistral and Llama 3 LLMs available in Cortex AI. WHY USE IT ● Customize LLMs securely and effortlessly to increase model accuracy and performance for use-case specific tasks. ● Manage access and governance of custom LLMs with Snowflake Model Registry. HOW TO USE IT Fine-tune models via a function or directly in the AI/ML Studio. Easily access the fine-tuned models through the COMPLETE function. In Dev Private Public GA SNOWFLAKE.CORTEX.FINETUNE( 'CREATE', <model_name>, <base_model>, <training_data>, <validation_data> );
  • 65. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved Cortex Search – fully managed indexing and retrieval Query: “What are the new ECB capital requirements?” Filter: “Year > 2022” User Query Hybrid Retrieval Result Fusion and Reordering Keyword / Lexical Lookup Semantic Lookup RESULT_1: weighted average of Pillar 2 requirements set at 1.1% in 2023, unchanged from last year…” RESULT_2: “Overall CET1 capital requirements and guidance increased from 10.7% to 11.1%...” RESULT_K:”...” Result Set Documents In Dev Private Public GA
  • 66. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved CLOSING REMARKS
  • 67. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved RESOURCES TO GET STARTED Quick Start Guide to Snowflake Artic Large Language Model Functions Snowflake Developers LLM Walk-Through
  • 68. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 69 Competition Time https://app.sli.do/event/vEtGVF45kLyjfPGwvVwCNP 6105041
  • 69. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use When was Snowflake originally founded? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 70. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use What was Snowflakes IPO evaluation? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 71. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Which of these is not a Snowflake Cortex function? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 72. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Which of these LLM's in not directly supported in Snowflake? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 73. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use What does RAG stand for? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 74. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Which of these is NOT part of the RAG process? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 75. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use When is the next Snowflake Cape Town User Group? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  • 76. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved 77 Closing Remarks Look out for the survey to provide us with feedback and topic requests. Go to usergroups.snowflake.com to join the chapter, and discover other chapters. Email usergroups@snowflake.com if you want to become a chapter leader! Please hang around for drinks.
  • 77. © Snowflake Inc. All Rights Reserved THANK YOU!