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the South 
University of Johannesburg - FADA 
Design Society Development 
South Africa 
Terence Fenn
Terence Fenn 
Departments of 
Multimedia and 
Industrial Design, 
University of 
Terence Fenn 
Departments of 
Multimedia and 
Industrial Design, 
University of 
Collaborators: Jason Hobbs and Chris Bradnum
2014 Design Society Development DESIS Lab project format_terence
2014 Design Society Development DESIS Lab project format_terence
The design 
Research methodologies that 
facilitate a systemic 
understanding of the textbook 
ecosystem are utilised to frame 
the problem. Groups then apply 
a range of synthesis tools 
commonly used in Information 
Architecture design to define 
solution strategies. Strategies 
that appear most likely to be 
successful are developed into 
digital and product prototypes. 
The design 
Research methodologies that 
facilitate a systemic 
understanding of the textbook 
ecosystem are utilised to frame 
the problem. Groups then apply 
a range of synthesis tools 
commonly used in Information 
Architecture design to define 
solution strategies. Strategies 
that appear most likely to be 
successful are developed into 
digital and product prototypes.
Activism and Civic Participation 
ddeessiiggnn aaggeennccyy 
ssoocciiaall ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn 
This project foregrounds design as a socially relevant act in which the designer is an agent for positive societal 
change. This is important in the education of a design student as all to often design education tends to focus on 
commercial design activities so as to make the student ‘job ready’ rather then promoting critical, reflective and empathetic 
ssoocciiaall eeqquuiittyy 
Social Interactions and Relations 
cciivviicc ssuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy 
The project encourages students to interact with and engage with people such as teachers, learners and school 
principals, who are directly affected by the textbook shortage. Notions of social equity and civic sustainability 
were introduced, often by the students, and discussed in relation to the designer’s role in society.
Production, Distribution and Consumption 
A strong focus of the project was on a systemic approach to solving the crisis. Many design solutions focused on 
the textbook life cycle from the perspective of delivery, learning management or a combination of both
Skill Training and Design Education 
ssoocciiaall ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn 
hhuummaann cceennttrreedd eetthhooss 
This project forms part of larger design education intervention in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the 
University of Johannesburg that seeks to promote design as a tool for positive social transformation and 
development. This project aims to sensitise students to the requirements of designing with and for the other 95% 
by applying a human centred ethos and design research methodologies
Storytelling and Visualisation 
information architecture 
‘Golden thread’ from 
research to solution 
A key component of this project is the integration of a number of the design tools used in Information Architecture 
to analyse, synthesis and visualise data. These tools are introduced and used to assist students to manage and 
respond to the complexities of societal problems and to ensure that final design solutions retain a strong 
conceptual link to insights gained in the research activities.
University of Johannesburg - FADA 
Design Society Development 
South Africa 
Terence Fenn

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2014 Design Society Development DESIS Lab project format_terence

  • 1. Resolving the South African Textbook Crisis. University of Johannesburg - FADA Design Society Development South Africa Terence Fenn
  • 2. Promoter Terence Fenn Departments of Multimedia and Industrial Design, University of Johannesburg Promoter Terence Fenn Departments of Multimedia and Industrial Design, University of Johannesburg Aknowledgements. Collaborators: Jason Hobbs and Chris Bradnum
  • 5. The design process. Research methodologies that facilitate a systemic understanding of the textbook ecosystem are utilised to frame the problem. Groups then apply a range of synthesis tools commonly used in Information Architecture design to define solution strategies. Strategies that appear most likely to be successful are developed into digital and product prototypes. The design process. Research methodologies that facilitate a systemic understanding of the textbook ecosystem are utilised to frame the problem. Groups then apply a range of synthesis tools commonly used in Information Architecture design to define solution strategies. Strategies that appear most likely to be successful are developed into digital and product prototypes.
  • 6. Activism and Civic Participation ddeessiiggnn aaggeennccyy ssoocciiaall ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn This project foregrounds design as a socially relevant act in which the designer is an agent for positive societal change. This is important in the education of a design student as all to often design education tends to focus on commercial design activities so as to make the student ‘job ready’ rather then promoting critical, reflective and empathetic thinking
  • 7. ssoocciiaall eeqquuiittyy Social Interactions and Relations cciivviicc ssuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy The project encourages students to interact with and engage with people such as teachers, learners and school principals, who are directly affected by the textbook shortage. Notions of social equity and civic sustainability were introduced, often by the students, and discussed in relation to the designer’s role in society.
  • 8. Production, Distribution and Consumption systemic solutions A strong focus of the project was on a systemic approach to solving the crisis. Many design solutions focused on the textbook life cycle from the perspective of delivery, learning management or a combination of both
  • 9. Skill Training and Design Education ssoocciiaall ttrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn ddeevveellooppmmeenntt hhuummaann cceennttrreedd eetthhooss This project forms part of larger design education intervention in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg that seeks to promote design as a tool for positive social transformation and development. This project aims to sensitise students to the requirements of designing with and for the other 95% by applying a human centred ethos and design research methodologies
  • 10. Storytelling and Visualisation information architecture ‘Golden thread’ from research to solution A key component of this project is the integration of a number of the design tools used in Information Architecture to analyse, synthesis and visualise data. These tools are introduced and used to assist students to manage and respond to the complexities of societal problems and to ensure that final design solutions retain a strong conceptual link to insights gained in the research activities.
  • 11. www.designsocietydevelop ment.org www.uj.ac.za/fada tfenn@uj.ac.za University of Johannesburg - FADA Design Society Development South Africa Terence Fenn