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An Amazing

10 Killer Tips for
(Way Before You Actually Give One)
Being effective as a presenter 

is really difficult, and you have to
think about many things even before
giving your actual presentation.
Things like 

the light of
the room
The amount
of people in
the audience
Or the type of operating
system the computer you’ll
be using actually has.
Because let’s face it,
sometimes things
don’t come out as
you planned them.
And it’s exactly when those
things happen, that you have to
be one step ahead and adapt
to the new situation.
With that in mind,
we’ve decided to give
you 10 tips to read
before you prepare
your next big
Are you ready?


Remember that it’s
all about them.
Not you,
but them.
You’ve been
chosen to teach
your audience
something that
will benefit
So don’t bore them with useless
information or too much data.
z zz
Put yourself in their shoes.
Analyze how they’re more likely to process
the information you’re preparing.
Are they
Include images,
and videos,
references and
talk to them

they your 

financial team 

waiting for the past 

semester reports? Share the 

best results first, ask them questions, 

use graphics instead of tables, prepare handouts.
Each audience is
unique, so make
sure that you
adapt your
presentation to
your audience.

Your audience
has to leave the
room with a
single thing in
their mind…
what you
want for them
to do, reflect,
That’s why you
actually have to
and build the rest of the presentation from there.
start with the end in mind
Just ask yourself:
“If the audience
could remember
only one thing
from my talk,
what would I
want it to be?”
When you know the answer to
this question, everything will
be easier. So structure 

your presentation 

around that.



nothing better than
using pen and
paper to sketch how
your presentation
will flow.
Just write 

everything you 

can come up with…
Ideas, thoughts
about some subjects,
images or icons that
you’d like to use,
videos or stories that
can complement your
points, how you’ll
divide your talk, etc.

that we don’t even 

need to open PowerPoint or
Keynote for these first three tips!
Which is actually an
important point!
Starting offline
and away from
your computer
will help you get
inspired and boost
your creativity.
The truth is that 

you don’t really need them.
Click to add Title
Notes No.Date
The idea of having everything ready for you to
fill up, can work for presentations that need to
be released continuously.
Some other decorative add-ons
Click to add Title
Notes No.Date
The idea of having everything ready for you to
fill up, can work for presentations that need to
be released continuously.
Some other decorative add-ons
But for the best presentation
you’ve ever did? We don’t think so.
You should start with a blank slide
and nothing else.
Without limits and restrictions that
condition you along the entire presentation.
Double-click to edit
• Double-click to edit
Just a blank slide in front of you.
And you start to see
all the amazing
possibilities that
come with that…
images and
A text-box
with a single
message on
is key here.
Just try and test 

all the amazing tools
PowerPoint and Keynote
have for you (without you
even knowing*)
*Because you’ve been using templates all the time.
text to
Text is virtually useless
when you’re talking in
front of your slides.
10 Killer Tips for an Amazing Presentation - Way Before You Actually Give One
Actually, the best slides
are the ones with no
text at all.
When you let
images, icons and
graphics illustrate
and explain your
thoughts, points
and ideas.
Remember that slides are
there to support you, not
to make you invisible.
So, learn to see what’s important and what’s not,
what you can include in the slides and 

what you can actually talk about 

in further detail.
Use a font
style that is
simple and
* A French/Dutch term meaning “without outside lines”

it comes to slides,
we recommend
using Sans Serif*
Century Gothic
They all have 

plain straight 

lines and shapes,
which means they 

are easy to read 

when projected.
(Also known as Serif fonts.)
Times New Roman,
Courier New,
… that have extra
decorative details
outside their letter
And now that 

you already know
which types of
fonts work better
in presentations,
make them bigtoo.
Big enough to be read at a
distance of 4 meters.
60 pts.
90 pts.
120 pts.
30 pts.
A good rule of thumb is
to never use font sizes
that are less than

is more powerful
than a message
effectively as an
ad in a magazine
or a billboard.

powerful image 

and just the right amount
of information.
That’s why you need to
limit your ideas to
per slide
Especially if you have
lots of information.
In that case, break it
up into more than
one slide.
The points
per slide are
important too
Try to limit
them to 

3 per slide
To not
overload it
with too
many things
One Two Three
Because just like an
ad, the audience
should be able to
grasp your points
in less than
5 seconds
should be
So your audience can actually listen
to what you have to say instead of
reading what’s on your slides.
This should be the basis for the entire
process of creating a presentation.
Don’t let your message get lost in the middle
of complicated definitions, busy charts 

and unnecessary slides. Just 

focus on what’s really 

Every slide
should have
always a clear
So don’t feel tempted to fill it with
So don’t feel tempted to fill it with logos,
So don’t feel tempted to fill it with logos,
page numbers,
Keep it Simple
• This should be the basis for the entire
process of creating a presentation
• Don’t let your message get lost in the
middle of complicated definitions, busy
charts and unnecessary slides. Just
focus on what’s really 

• Every slide should have always a clear
• So don’t feel tempted to fill it with
logos, page numbers, more text…
So don’t feel tempted to fill it with logos,
page numbers, more text
So don’t feel tempted to fill it with logos,
page numbers, more text or anything else
that will end up distracting your
Keep it Simple
• This should be the basis for the entire
process of creating a presentation
• Don’t let your message get lost in the
middle of complicated definitions, busy
charts and unnecessary slides. Just
focus on what’s really 

• Every slide should have always a clear
• So don’t feel tempted to fill it with
logos, page numbers, more text…
White space is actually very
precious in graphic design.
powerfulRespect it and you’ll see how
powerful your message becomes.
Almost every
presentation has to
adjust itself to some
And it’s your
job to find out
what they are
and plan your
talk according
to them.
Like knowing if you’re allowed
to use your computer or not.
If your version of Microsoft
Office is supported.
If the operating system is
either Microsoft or Apple.
If slides need to be
widescreen or standard.
If you need to install other fonts or just
use the ones that comes with Office.
If you’re allowed to use a pointer.
If they have a remote or you
need to bring your own.
You can’t leave
anything by chance!
Because the real success of your
presentation depends even of the things
you can’t completely control.
You have to be ready to face
them in case something
happens while you’re
Save your presentation as a PDF.
Take a printable version of it with you.
Write up some notes in a few cards.
10 Killer Tips (Pt. 1)
Light in room + your audience
Intro (3min)
Operating system… problems: adapt!
10 tips introduction
Talk about personal experience (5min)
You’ll be 

able to continue
just in case
electricity goes
down or the
projector stops
Believe it or not, it
happens a lot!

issues don’t
have to limit
If you follow these tips carefully, you’ll be
ready to continue and deliver an amazing 

presentation with or without slides.
The stage is all yours now.
But before we go...
We have
3 more
to tell you.
If you liked these tips
Share them!
If you liked the presentation
Download it!
If you think we can help you
with your next presentation
Let us know!

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