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Sherzad Ali Ismael,
Community Medicine Dept,
College of Medicine.

                           Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   1
   Subject      Research Methods
   Credit units 1
   Hours        15 hours theory
   Assessment:
     Quizzes (3): 30%
     Assignments (2): 20%
     Course exam (1): 50%
     Success: 60%

                         Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   2
1.   Thinking about research & nature of
2.   Formulating & clarifying research topic
3.   Critically reviewing the literature
4.   Formulating the research design
5.   Writing & presenting the research
6.   Data collection methods (quantitative &
                   Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   3
   Designing he questionnaires
   Reference writing using Endnote
   Technical research skills and IT
   Writing & publishing research paper
   Research ethics
   Academic writing in research

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   4
   Writing the reference (Harvard and
   Clinical trials.
   Critical appraisal.
   Plagiarism.

                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   5
1.   Bob Mathews & Liz Ross. Research Methods, a practical guide
     for the social sciences. Pearson Education limited 2010.
2.   Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, & Adrian Thornhill. Research
     methods for business students. Pearson Education Limited
     2009. Edinburgh.
3.   Jonathan Grix. The Foundation of Research. Palgrave
     Macmillan 2004. London.
4.   Geoffrey Marczyk, David DeMatteo & David Festinger.
     Essentials of Research Design & Methodology. John Wiley &
     Sons, Inc 2005. New Jersey.
5.   SK Gupta. Basic principles of clinical research & methodology.
     Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) limited 2007. New
     Delhi.                   Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   6
6. RL Bijlani. Medical Research. Jaypee brothers
   medical publishers (P) limited 2008. New Delhi.
7. Mohit Bhandari & Parag Sanchesti. Clinical
   Research made easy, a guide to publishing in
   medical literature. Jaypee brothers medical
   publishers (P) limited 2010. New Delhi.
8. Yugish Kumar Singh. Fundamental of Research
   Methodology & Statistics. New Age International
   Publishers 2006. New Delhi.
9. Catherin Dawson. Practical Research Methods, A
   user-friendly guide to mastering research. British
   Library Cataloguing in Publication Data 2002. UK.
                      Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   7
   Provide an understanding and overview of
    different types of research methods.
   Formulate research topics, design & critically
    reviewing the literature.
   Identify different types & design of
   Use technical research skills to write &
    publish researches.
   conduct academic research and present
    research protocol.
                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   8
Research Methods
Sherzad Ali Ismael,
Community Medicine Dept,
College of Medicine.

                           Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   9
   Understand the concept of research,
    approaches & components.
   Distinguish between quantitative and
    qualitative researches.
   Explain the concepts of quality of researches
    in terms of validity and reliability.
   Understand research methodology with
    other dimensions of research.

                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   10
   Knowledge: Information about or awareness
    of something, an issue, a fact that you have
    gained through learning or experience.
    (Longman Dictionary)
   Information: Facts or details that tell you
    something about a situation, person, events
    etc. (Longman Dictionary)

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   11
   Hypothesis: an idea that is suggested as an
    explanation for something, but that has not
    been proved to be true.
   Theory: a set of ideas or related concepts
    which can be used to explain & understand an
    event, situation, social phenomena.

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   12
   Science:
     the study of the structure and behavior of the
      physical and natural world and society, especially
      through observation and experiment”. (The
      Oxford Dictionary)
     Knowledge about the world, especially based on
      examining, testing, and providing facts”.
      (Longman Dictionary)

                       Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   13
   Science is empirical
     Based on scientific tests or practical experiments,
     not on ideas.
   Science is rational
     Based on reasons rather than emotions
   Science is cumulative
     Facts that can be built upon by future scientists.

                        Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   14
   The Oxford Dictionary:
     Researches [plural], a careful study of a subject,
     especially in order to discover new facts or
     information about it”.
   Research is “a systematic method of finding
    solution to a problem” (Kothari, 2004).
     the systematic method consisting of stating the
     problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the
     data, analyzing the facts & reaching certain

                        Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   15
   Undertaken when:
     we have a question to answer.
     we need to acquire knowledge (causes of
      headache are…)
     we want to extend our understanding of the social

                       Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   16
   To gain familiarity with a phenomenon.
   To portray accurately the characteristics of a
    particular individual, situation or a group.
   To determine the frequency with which
    something occurs.

                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   17
   Desire to get a research degree.
   Desire to face the challenge in solving the
    unsolved problems.
   Desire to be of service to society.
   Desire to get respectability.

                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   18
   The question.
   The research process.
   The answer.

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   19
   The nature of research IS NOT:
     Simply gathering information or facts.
     Divorced from practical life.

                        Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   20
   The nature of research IS:
     Structured & purposefulness (both in gathering &
      interpreting data)
     Accurate.
     Strong & defensible.
     Systematic.

                       Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   21
   …a search for knowledge
   … a scientific & systematic search
   … an art of scientific investigation
   … a systemized effort to gain new knowledge

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   22
   Descriptive vs. Analytic.
   Applied vs. Fundamental.
   Quantitative vs. Qualitative.
   Conceptual (Philosophers & thinkers) vs.
    Empirical (Experiment or observation).
   Other types
     Clinical or diagnostic
     Cross-sections or longitudinal.
     Exploratory or explanatory.
                        Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   23
1.    Quantitative Research
      Generates statistics through the use of large scale
       survey methods, questionnaire or structures
      Words like:
       ▪   how many?
       ▪   How often?
       ▪   test,
       ▪   verify, are used.

                               Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   24
   Based on measurement – applicable where
    quantitative measurements can be applied.
   Knowledge of statistical methods helps us
    qualify our conclusions-attach scientific
    probabilities (levels of significance)- and
    provides a basis for accepting or rejecting

                     Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   25
   Explore attitudes, behavior & experience
    through interviews or focus groups.
   Attempts to get an in depth opinion from
   Words like:
       Discover
       Motivation
       Experiences
       Think/ thoughts
       Problems
       Behave/ behaviors are used.

                          Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   26
   When phenomenon being studied is
    qualitative, not amenable to clear
   E.g. motivation research (why do you study
    research methodology?)

                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   27
   …the term research refers to the systematic
    method consisting of enunciating the problem,
   formulating a hypothesis,
   collecting the facts or data,
   analyzing the facts &
   reaching certain conclusions either in the form
    of solutions toward the concerned problem, or in
    certain generalizations for some theoretical
    formulation” (Kothari, 2011: p.1-2).

                      Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   28
Research Methods
Sherzad Ali Ismael,
Community Medicine Dept,
College of Medicine.

                           Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   29
   The two words are often confused, used
    interchangeably & misunderstood.
   Methods:
     Defined as “techniques or procedures used to collect
      & analyze data” (Blaikie 2000: 8).
     Can be used in both quantitative & qualitative
     E.g. using questionnaire, interview, statistical
                        Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   30
   Methodology (Philosophy):
     A way of systematically solve the research
     Answer the questions:
      ▪ How the research is done scientifically?
      ▪ Which methods are used & why?
     The term refers to the choice of research strategy.

                          Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   31
   Key aspects to research quality:
     Reliability- or dependability (replicability)
      ▪ Results may/ can be replicated by other researchers
        using the same methods? How?
        ▪ (e.g. all data is included, & no data is lost)

                                Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   32
   Key aspects to research quality:
     Validity: Do the methods & tools truly measure
     what they are intended to measure?
      ▪ Internal validity: Are the data that I’m gathering
        relevant to my research question?
        ▪ I.e. will they help me to answer my research question or test my
      ▪ External validity: can results of my research be
        generalized to the wider population?

                              Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   33
   Quality criteria in Research (Becker et al
     Accessible to appropriate audience.
     Clearly addresses the research question.
     Transparency in data collection & analysis.
     A clear statement of how the research process
      was conducted.
     The research makes a contribution to knowledge.
     More…
                       Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   34
   Descriptive research: describe subjects
   Exploratory research: ‘what is happening; to
    seek new insights; to ask questions and to
    assess phenomena in a new light’ (Robson
   Explanatory (causal relationship) research:
    between variables of interest.
   Evaluation research: What changes in MOH
    policy help young men to quit smoking?
                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   35

Inductive                                                                    Deductive


            Source: Bob Mathews & Liz Ross 2010

                                    Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   36
Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research   37
Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature   38

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1 thinking about research & nature of research2

  • 1. Sherzad Ali Ismael, Community Medicine Dept, College of Medicine. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 1
  • 2. Subject Research Methods  Credit units 1  Hours 15 hours theory  Assessment:  Quizzes (3): 30%  Assignments (2): 20%  Course exam (1): 50%  Success: 60% Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 2
  • 3. 1. Thinking about research & nature of research. 2. Formulating & clarifying research topic 3. Critically reviewing the literature 4. Formulating the research design (Strategies) 5. Writing & presenting the research protocol 6. Data collection methods (quantitative & qualitative) Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 3
  • 4. Designing he questionnaires  Reference writing using Endnote  Technical research skills and IT  Writing & publishing research paper  Research ethics  Academic writing in research Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 4
  • 5. Writing the reference (Harvard and Vancouver).  Clinical trials.  Critical appraisal.  Plagiarism. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 5
  • 6. 1. Bob Mathews & Liz Ross. Research Methods, a practical guide for the social sciences. Pearson Education limited 2010. England. 2. Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, & Adrian Thornhill. Research methods for business students. Pearson Education Limited 2009. Edinburgh. 3. Jonathan Grix. The Foundation of Research. Palgrave Macmillan 2004. London. 4. Geoffrey Marczyk, David DeMatteo & David Festinger. Essentials of Research Design & Methodology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2005. New Jersey. 5. SK Gupta. Basic principles of clinical research & methodology. Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) limited 2007. New Delhi. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 6
  • 7. 6. RL Bijlani. Medical Research. Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) limited 2008. New Delhi. 7. Mohit Bhandari & Parag Sanchesti. Clinical Research made easy, a guide to publishing in medical literature. Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) limited 2010. New Delhi. 8. Yugish Kumar Singh. Fundamental of Research Methodology & Statistics. New Age International Publishers 2006. New Delhi. 9. Catherin Dawson. Practical Research Methods, A user-friendly guide to mastering research. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data 2002. UK. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 7
  • 8. Provide an understanding and overview of different types of research methods.  Formulate research topics, design & critically reviewing the literature.  Identify different types & design of questionnaire.  Use technical research skills to write & publish researches.  conduct academic research and present research protocol. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 8
  • 9. Research Methods Sherzad Ali Ismael, Community Medicine Dept, College of Medicine. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 9
  • 10. Understand the concept of research, approaches & components.  Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative researches.  Explain the concepts of quality of researches in terms of validity and reliability.  Understand research methodology with other dimensions of research. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 10
  • 11. Knowledge: Information about or awareness of something, an issue, a fact that you have gained through learning or experience. (Longman Dictionary)  Information: Facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, events etc. (Longman Dictionary) Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 11
  • 12. Hypothesis: an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not been proved to be true.  Theory: a set of ideas or related concepts which can be used to explain & understand an event, situation, social phenomena. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 12
  • 13. Science:  the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world and society, especially through observation and experiment”. (The Oxford Dictionary)  Knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and providing facts”. (Longman Dictionary) Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 13
  • 14. Science is empirical  Based on scientific tests or practical experiments, not on ideas.  Science is rational  Based on reasons rather than emotions  Science is cumulative  Facts that can be built upon by future scientists. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 14
  • 15. The Oxford Dictionary:  Researches [plural], a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it”.  Research is “a systematic method of finding solution to a problem” (Kothari, 2004).  the systematic method consisting of stating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the data, analyzing the facts & reaching certain conclusions. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 15
  • 16. Undertaken when:  we have a question to answer.  we need to acquire knowledge (causes of headache are…)  we want to extend our understanding of the social world. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 16
  • 17. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon.  To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group.  To determine the frequency with which something occurs. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 17
  • 18. Desire to get a research degree.  Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems.  Desire to be of service to society.  Desire to get respectability. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 18
  • 19. The question.  The research process.  The answer. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 19
  • 20. The nature of research IS NOT:  Simply gathering information or facts.  Divorced from practical life. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 20
  • 21. The nature of research IS:  Structured & purposefulness (both in gathering & interpreting data)  Accurate.  Strong & defensible.  Systematic. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 21
  • 22. …a search for knowledge  … a scientific & systematic search  … an art of scientific investigation  … a systemized effort to gain new knowledge Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 22
  • 23. Descriptive vs. Analytic.  Applied vs. Fundamental.  Quantitative vs. Qualitative.  Conceptual (Philosophers & thinkers) vs. Empirical (Experiment or observation).  Other types  Clinical or diagnostic  Cross-sections or longitudinal.  Exploratory or explanatory. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 23
  • 24. 1. Quantitative Research  Generates statistics through the use of large scale survey methods, questionnaire or structures interviews.  Words like: ▪ how many? ▪ How often? ▪ test, ▪ verify, are used. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 24
  • 25. Based on measurement – applicable where quantitative measurements can be applied.  Knowledge of statistical methods helps us qualify our conclusions-attach scientific probabilities (levels of significance)- and provides a basis for accepting or rejecting hypotheses. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 25
  • 26. Explore attitudes, behavior & experience through interviews or focus groups.  Attempts to get an in depth opinion from participants.  Words like:  Discover  Motivation  Experiences  Think/ thoughts  Problems  Behave/ behaviors are used. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 26
  • 27. When phenomenon being studied is qualitative, not amenable to clear measurement.  E.g. motivation research (why do you study research methodology?) Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 27
  • 28. …the term research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem,  formulating a hypothesis,  collecting the facts or data,  analyzing the facts &  reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions toward the concerned problem, or in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulation” (Kothari, 2011: p.1-2). Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 28
  • 29. Research Methods Sherzad Ali Ismael, Community Medicine Dept, College of Medicine. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 29
  • 30. The two words are often confused, used interchangeably & misunderstood.  Methods:  Defined as “techniques or procedures used to collect & analyze data” (Blaikie 2000: 8).  Can be used in both quantitative & qualitative researches.  E.g. using questionnaire, interview, statistical analysis,…etc. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 30
  • 31. Methodology (Philosophy):  A way of systematically solve the research problem.  Answer the questions: ▪ How the research is done scientifically? ▪ Which methods are used & why?  The term refers to the choice of research strategy. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 31
  • 32. Key aspects to research quality:  Reliability- or dependability (replicability) ▪ Results may/ can be replicated by other researchers using the same methods? How? ▪ (e.g. all data is included, & no data is lost) Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 32
  • 33. Key aspects to research quality:  Validity: Do the methods & tools truly measure what they are intended to measure? ▪ Internal validity: Are the data that I’m gathering relevant to my research question? ▪ I.e. will they help me to answer my research question or test my hypothesis? ▪ External validity: can results of my research be generalized to the wider population? Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 33
  • 34. Quality criteria in Research (Becker et al 2006):  Accessible to appropriate audience.  Clearly addresses the research question.  Transparency in data collection & analysis.  A clear statement of how the research process was conducted.  The research makes a contribution to knowledge.  More… Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 34
  • 35. Descriptive research: describe subjects accurately.  Exploratory research: ‘what is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light’ (Robson 2002:59).  Explanatory (causal relationship) research: between variables of interest.  Evaluation research: What changes in MOH policy help young men to quit smoking? Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 35
  • 36. THEORY Inductive Deductive DATA Source: Bob Mathews & Liz Ross 2010 Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature of research 36
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  • 38. Research Methods- Thinking about research & nature 38