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RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks

TITULACIÓ: Enginyeria Tècnica de Telecomunicacions Especialitat en Telemàtica

                                               AUTORS: Albert Abelló Lozano.
                                            DIRECTORS: Antoni Lazaro Guillén.

                                                            DATA: Maig de 2010.


1        Index
   Index ....................................................................................................................... 2	
   Objectives ............................................................................................................... 4	
  Networks................................................................................... 5	
   Licensing .............................................................................................................5	
   Uses ....................................................................................................................5	
  Modulation ..............................................................................................7	
  Types .......................................................................................................8	
  Router .....................................................................................................8	
  Device ..............................................................................................9	
  Networking ................................................................................................ 10	
  Topologies .......................................................................................... 11	
  Stack ...................................................................................................... 12	
  Modules................................................................................................. 13	
  Kit ............................................................................13	
  Module ................................................................... 16	
   Specifications .................................................................................................... 16	
  Hardware ................................................................................... 17	
  CC2430................................................................................. 20	
   RF/Layout .........................................................................................................20	
  Power ........................................................................................................21	
  Description ..................................................................................... 23	
  API................................................................. 25	
  Protocol ................................................................................... 26	
   Clusters ............................................................................................................. 28	
  0x02) ........................................................................30	
  0x03) .....................................................................................33	
  0x07) ................................................................................34	
  0x08) ..........................................................................................35	
  0x09) .................................................................................36	
  Commands ........................................................................................... 37	
  0x05) ...............................................................................38	
  0x85) ..............................................................................39	
  0x0A) ...........................................................................39	
  0x8A) .................................................................40	
  0x10) ..................................................................40	



  0x90) ........................................................41	
  0x64) ................................................................41	
  0xE4) ..................................................................42	
  0xD0) ...................................................................42	
  Packets ................................................................................... 44	
  Data ..................................................................................................47	
  Bus............................................................................................. 49	
  Power............................................................................................... 50	
  Module............................................... 52	
  Network ................................................................................ 52	
  ZigBee.................................................................................... 56	
  (socket_openf) ......................................................................... 56	
  (crear_cadena) ................................................................... 57	
  (resetf) ............................................................................................ 57	
  (rebre_dada_final) ................................................... 59	
  Examples ...........................................................................................63	
  Test ............................................................................................................. 66	
  Function ..............................................................................................66	
  Sampling ..................................................................................................... 71	
   Theory............................................................................................................... 71	
  Network .............................................................. 75	
   Sampling ...........................................................................................................78	
  Array ....................................................................................................... 91	
   Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 97	
  Applications ............................................................................................. 98	
   References .......................................................................................................... 99	



2     Objectives

      This project is the result of the aim to develop new applications for ZigBee
technology. Nowadays lots of wireless technologies are available on the market but society
needs demands a cheaper and more reliable technology, this is the reason to create ZigBee.
This communication method allows a very low power consumption module to be able to
transmit data at enough speed to be applied in most industrial and domestic sectors.
      In this project we will demonstrate the capability of this modules to be used in
medical sectors and industrial applies. For example the use of ZigBee to monitor the vital
signs of a patient or even detect buried people in a catastrophe. Being able to monitor a
heart without plugging any device or even touching the patient, at the same time applying
the ZigBee into those environments will help the hospital to monitor all the data into a
server while connected with the doctors using some kind of portable device. All this can be
done because the network topology system of the ZigBee protocol.
      Industries are still waiting for a reliable and secure wireless system that allows all
machines to be managed without needing cables; ZigBee might be the answer. Most
industry sensors and machines could be monitored and managed from a central server
using only ZigBee modules distributed in the plant, all this can be done with a tiny amount
of power, and considering the cost of a module, this will suppose an small amount of
money investment compared with other technologies.
      Other markets such as building automation are also very interested in developing this
technology, as told before, this system will allow a single user to control and centralize the
management of a building. Home automation is becoming very popular as an access to
disabled people to a proper life quality style; ZigBee technology will deliver the automated
house of the future due to the network topology flexibility and the low-cost modules.
      ZigBee was created to address the market need for a cost-effective, standards-based
wireless networking solution that supports low data-rates, low-power consumption,
security and reliability. This is the only technology that addresses the unique needs of most
remote monitoring and sensory network applications. Developing and showing the
possibilities of this growing technology is the main aim of this project.
      In particular, the objectives of this project are:
             1. Understanding ZigBee networks
             2. Sampling data from a radar using ZigBee modules
             3. Use ZigBee modules to manage an antenna array



3     Introducing ZigBee Networks
3.1   What Does ZigBee Mean?
       ZigBee is a new wireless communication protocol using small, low-power digital
radios based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard. This technology is considered to be
simpler and less expensive than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth. ZigBee is a good option
when considering a radio-frequency application that require a low data rate, long battery
life and secure networking [1].
                                                  This low-cost, low-power, wireless
                                            mesh networking is a proprietary standard.
                                            Very useful when using monitoring
                                            applications, the low-power usage allows
                                            devices to run for long time with small
                                            batteries. Having a mesh type of network
                                            provides the system with a high reliability
                                            and larger range. This technology is
                                            supported by the ZigBee Alliance that
                                            publishes different profiles to be used by
                                            multiple vendors to create interoperable
products. Multiple companies integrate the ZigBee Alliance: Philips, Schneider Electric,
Texas Instruments, Emerson, AT&T, Cisco, etc.
      ZigBee is a very useful system to consider when designing Home Automation
systems that require very fast communication between all devices and the main computer.
This project will be focused in the Healthcare profile, which means it is designated to be
used in hospitals or similar.

3.2   Licensing
      Luckily ZigBee specification is free for non-commercial uses, this kind of licensing
is very helpful when developing new applications for a new technology like ZigBee. This
part of the specification is controlled trough the ZigBee Alliance, an entry level
membership called Adopter gives permission to create products for market using the
specifications. This way of licensing also makes companies become friendly about this
new technology because if they don’t become part of the Alliance they will not be allowed
to use the specification for developing new products [2].

3.3   Uses
      As said before, this protocol is focused in low-data transmission and long battery life.
Even this, applications are very common in our world, due to the low-cost of this
technology creating a wide network is not a problem. The resulting network will use very
small amounts of power so the cost gets even more reduced when talking about battery life.
      Some typical areas of usage include (Figure 3.1):
             •   Home Entertainment
             •   Home Management
             •   Home Awareness
             •   Mobile Services



             •   Industrial Projects
             •   Healthcare Monitoring
             •   Car Embedded Systems
             •   Alarms Systems
             •   Heating Controls

                                 Figure 3.1: ZigBee Common Applications

3.4   Specification
      This protocol has a rated speed of 250kbps and a range of about 500m, heavily
dependent on the particular environment. It operates into the industrial, scientific and
medical radio bands; 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the USA and Australia, and 2.4
GHz in most places worldwide, those bands are free of use. BPSK modulation is used in
the 868 and 915 MHz bands and Offset-QPSK, two bits per symbol, is used in the 2.4 GHz
band. Speed decreases from 250kbps to 40kbps when using the 915 MHz band, and 20kbps
in the 868 MHz as described in Figure 3.2.
      Sending data efficiently is the main point in the ZigBee protocol; it uses a total of 26
different channels through the three types of frequency bands. This rich assortment of



frequencies allows each device to be configured to work everywhere around the globe,
allowing companies to easily develop new applications. A ZigBee network can join up to
65000 devices.

                            Figure 3.2: IEE 802.15.4 Provides Three Frequency Bands

3.5   Battery Life
       Usually when creating any RF application the problem related to the power
consumption relies to the radio. Sending data via any wireless system uses lots of energy;
this is something very important when talking about ZigBee. Those modules can activate
in 15ms or less, compared to any known wireless device such as Bluetooth, which takes
about three seconds to wake up, makes them be very fast responding to any command even
they are sleeping. Low latency results in power saving, saving power results in long battery
      Consider a typical temperature sensor, the sensor itself uses a clock at five seconds
interval to calculate the ambient temperature and send the event to the radio to be sent.
Analyzing any ZigBee module, it’s perfectly reliable to use the sleep system to save energy
while its not sending any data. This means any ZigBee module will work for months with
only one alkaline battery for sending data.

3.6   ZigBee Modulation
      Those types of modulations are called Phase-Shift Keying; depending on the number
of bits it will be Quadrature (O-QPSK) with four bytes or Binary (BPSK). The main
difference between both of them is the number of points in the constellation diagram; those
modulations use a rectangular pulse [3].
      The BPSK uses two phases which are separated 180º and can modulate one bit per
symbol, for this reason is unsuitable for high data-rate transmissions, even that, this
modulation is the most robust of all the PSK since it takes the highest level of noise or
distortion to make the demodulator reach an incorrect decision.
      Offset-QPSK is a variant that uses 4 different values of the phase to transmit. Taking
four values of the phase at the same time to construct a QPSK symbol can allow the phase
of the signal to jump by as much as 180º at a time. When the signal is low-pass filtered,


these phase-shifts result in large amplitude fluctuations, this is bad when talking about
communication systems. If we offset the timing of the odd and even by one or half symbol-
period, the components will never change at the same time, resulting in a much lower
amplitude fluctuations that makes it more difficult to make an incorrect decision (Figure

                          Figure 3.3: Differences Between O-QSPK and QPSK

     With four phases, this modulation can encode two bits per symbol, that means double
speed rate than a normal BPSK. That makes it reliable when trying to create faster transfer
communications systems.

3.7   Device Types
      There are three different types of ZigBee devices: ZigBee Coordinator (ZC), ZigBee
Router (ZR) and ZigBee End Device (ZED). The Coordinator and Router are sometimes
referred to as Full Function Devices or FFDs. The End Device is sometimes called
Reduced Function Device or RFD [4].

3.7.1 ZigBee Coordinator
      This is the main device of any ZigBee network; the coordinator forms the root of the
network three. There can be only one coordinator in each network, his work is to path the
communication of all devices and receive the necessary data to be processed. He is also in
charge of discovering new devices when needed and tracing them down in the network
route. If a Personal Area Network ID (Pan ID) has been specified the Routers and End
Devices will look for a Coordinator with the specified Pan ID, if the Coordinator has not
been found or it has a different Pan ID, they will automatically jump to the next channel on
its channel list until this Coordinator is found. The Coordinator will assign a 16-bit
network address to any new device that joins, this address is used to route the data inside
the network.

3.7.2 ZigBee Router
      Router function is to pass data trough all devices on the network, this module can
work also as an End Device receiving data form sensors and running applications.
Actually, it is very similar to the Coordinator, it also acts the same way with the Pan ID but
it cannot distribute new addresses.



3.7.3 ZigBee End Device
      This device is the simplest one, it only has enough functionality to communicate with
any Router or Coordinator and forward all data that has been acquired, and it cannot relay
data from other devices. This is the only device that can remain sleeping until it needs to be
used, it will be asleep a significant amount of time. ZigBee End Devices are much cheaper
to build that any other module because the amount of memory required is less than a
Coordinator or Router. Sleeping Mode
      Its important to describe the way ZigBee manages sleeping devices. Routers and
Coordinators will be always awake as other devices may attempt to communicate. On the
other hand, End Devices are expected to send data for a brief period of time and then go to
sleep for the majority of time. When an End Device is sleeping the Router or Coordinator
holds any data addressed to it. Every time an End Device is awake it will send a request for
the parent node to send any data it may be holding. End Devices can also be configured to
stay permanently powered up.
      Sleeping End Devices will do two things:
             •   Wake up periodically and see if their parent is holding any data for them.
             •   Wake up periodically and perform some events



4    ZigBee Networking
     ZigBee is a mesh type networking that sits on top of an 802.15.4 MAC layer radio.
802.15.4 specifies the frequency bands, the number of channels, the spreading technique
and the modulation method. On the other side, ZigBee controls the way data is routed
between 802.15.4 physical layer radios.
      ZigBee is based on a Wide Area Network (WAN) concept, so the way it resolves
communication is related to layers, we will explain all different layers later on. The most
important part of any ZigBee network is the Coordinator, it is responsible for setting the
channel of use so any Router or End Device can join, it also assigns network addresses to
the other devices keeping the routing tables updated to allow all modules to route the data
trough the network. The Coordinator can work as a gateway for the data, it’s very common
to plug the Coordinator into a computer to process the data received from all devices.
Routers will route data from End Devices to Coordinator, they are also able to work as data
input devices.

                                Figure 4.1: Typical ZigBee Network Structure

      Figure 4.1 describes a typical ZigBee network, we can clearly distinguish three
different levels; we have the Coordinator (C) root level and two Router (R) levels linked
with some End Devices (E). Each device has different communications paths; the solid line
represents the most likely one with backup paths indicated by dashed lines. This is an
example of how to scale a ZigBee network.



4.1   Network Topologies
      ZigBee can support three primary network topologies (Figure 4.2):
             •   Star: Coordinator is situated in the middle surrounded by End Devices.
             •   Cluster Tree: Coordinator is going to be the root of the network together with
                 other Routers and End Devices.
             •   Mesh: At least one of the nodes has more than two connections. Coordinator
                 can be everywhere.

                                      Figure 4.2: Different ZigBee Topologies

      The most significant one is the Mesh networking, the main reason is that it allows the
nodes to still communicate if any of the bridges is lost; this is done by searching an
alternative route trough other devices. The Coordinator does the routes management. In
ZigBee, devices situated in a higher and lower position on the network hierarchy are
referred to as Parents and Children respectively. This hierarchy is clearly described in the
Figure 4.3.

                                           Figure 4.3: ZigBee Hierarchy



4.2   ZigBee Stack
     ZigBee is based upon stack architecture that resembles standard OSI seven-layer
model but defines only those layers relevant to achieving functionality in the intended
scope (Figure 4.4).

                                     Figure 4.4: ZigBee Stack



      The ZigBee stack architecture is made up of a set of blocks called layers. Each layer
performs a specific set of services for the layer above. The IEEE 802.15.4 defines the two
lower layers, medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY). The ZigBee
Alliance provides the Network (NWK) layer and the framework for the application layer,
which includes the Application Support (APS) sub-layer, the ZigBee device object (ZDO)
and the manufacturer-defined application objects [5].
       IEEE 802.25.4 has two PHY layers that operate in two separate frequency ranges:
868/915 MHz and 2.4 GHz, depending on the country we will be using the device we will
switch between them. The MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel using
frames. The network layer provides mechanisms to join and leave network at the same
time as allows security and routing for the frames. The ZigBee application layer consists of
the APS sub-layer, the ZDO, and the manufacturer-defined application objects. The
responsibilities of the APS include maintaining tables for binding, which is the ability to
match two devices together based on their services and their needs, and forwarding
messages between bound devices. ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) defines the role of the
device within the network (coordinator, router or end device), discovering devices on the
network and determining which application services they provide, also relies on the
initiating and establishing secure relationship connection between network devices.
      Zigbee stack is relatively small compared with other wireless standards; it only
requires about 32kb of memory for a full implementation of the stack.

4.3   ZigBee Modules
      For this project we will be operating with the Cirronet ZMN2405 ZigBee module but
there are other models and brands available in the market. In this part of the project we will
compare some kits and modules we can find in the market today. Lots of expensive kits of
about 2500$ are available on the market but those won’t be explained in here, we will just
compare the ones we consider similar to the Cirronet.

4.3.1 Jennic JN5148 Evaluation Kit
      Probably this is one of the best options when considering which kit to buy for
development, but for our application the Cirronet kit fits better. Probably the Jennic kit
provides too many functions for what we were looking for. This kit can include up to 7
ZigBee modules (5 standard power and 2 high power modules), it also incorporates an
LCD screen and all needed software, this is one of the most complete kit available in the
market. Nodes come with pre-programmed software for demonstrating purposes. AT
commands are available for communicating with the devices [6]



                                       Figure 4.5: Jennic Development Kit

   Content description of Figure 4.5:

   •          JN5148 modules
                  o 2 x standard power PCB antenna
                  o 3 x standard power uFl connector
   •          JN5148 high power uFl connector modules for extended range
   •          Onboard temperature, light level and humidity sensors
   •          JN5148 IO expansion port
   •          2 x USB cables for PC connection
   •          Battery or external power supply
   •          1 node with bitmapped LCD

   Price: 649$

4.3.2 Telegesis ETRX357DVK Development Kit
     This kit from Telegesis introduces the new ETRX357 ZigBee module that comes
from the old ET357 chip. That kit is very complete and offers you a good option for
ZigBee developing, it offers the option of AT commands to communicate with the modules
which allows the user to configure them without complex software engineering. It also
works with three parties software such as Hyperterminal or similar. As an especial
characteristic it allows the module to be used under Windows, Linux or MacOS. Lots of
support inside the company website, documents and software available for downloading.



                                    Figure 4.6: Telegesis Development Kit

   The kit contents and the module board connectors are well explained on the product
website [7] (Figure 4.6).

   •          3 x USB Development Boards
   •          2 x ETRX357 on Carrier-Board
   •          2 x ETRX357HR on Carrier-Board
   •          2 x ETRX357LR on Carrier-Board
   •          2 x ETRX357HR-LR on Carrier-Board
   •          1 x ETRX2USB stick
   •          2 x Large Antenna
   •          2 x Small Stubby Antenna
   •          3 x USB Cable

   Price: 348$ est.



5     Cirronet ZMN2405/HP ZigBee Module
5.1   Specifications
      For this project we had available a brand new ZMN2405/HP Cirronet ZigBee kit,
this kit contains everything needed to create a versatile and fast network. The contents of
the kit are (Figure 5.1):
             •   ZigBee Coordinator device.
             •   ZigBee Router device.
             •   Pair of dipole antennas.
             •   Pair of patch antennas.
             •   Two batteries.
             •   Two power adaptors.
             •   CD that includes software and manuals.

                                       Figure 5.1: Kit ZMN2405/HP

        We should distinguish the difference between the ZMN2405 and the ZMN2405/HP
model, the main difference between them is the output power, the first one provides about
1mW of RF power while the ZMN2405/HP provides 65mW. If we combine this module
with a 2dB dipole antenna we should be able to get 100mW in the case of ZMN2405/HP.
The one we are using in this project is the ZMN2405/HP; we will appreciate this point
when taking measurements of the LQI between the devices. This amount of output power
provides this kit with a high performance RF system that can be used trough very noisy
environments. The only problem with the ZMN2405/HP is related with the battery
consumption due to the high output power, so probably if we are interested on a limited
battery network we should consider using the ZMN2405 model [8].



       This kit is specially developed to create fast-versatile low-cost networks that
require a fast and reliable data platform for measuring systems. With the high power output
delivered with the supplied antennas we’ll be able to get a strong network.
      We also have the possibility to configure the Router device as an End Device
downloading the code supplied with the CD into the module.

5.2   Describing the Hardware
      As this kit enables the user to set the board configuration using his/her own criteria
we only need to describe one board, so we have a development board labelled as router and
another one as coordinator. We can describe those boards using a block diagram (Figure

                            Figure 5.2: Development Board Block Diagram

        For connecting the board to the PC we have the USB and the RS-232 interfaces.
Only one input can be used at a time, so if the USB connection is used the RS-232 will be
electrically locked out. Our choice for connecting the board will be the USB protocol that
has a hardware flow control implemented on it. Inside the board we have some devices that
will be used to test the correct working condition of the board and also to retrieve some test
data. The thermistor will allow the user to get the ambient temperature and the
potentiometer to retrieve the constant data we want to set on it. Of course, we have some
inputs and outputs in the pins connectors. We are also provided with two demonstration
LEDs so we can check the way to send parameters and activate orders on the device. We
can see the real board component locations (Figure 5.3).



                          Figure 5.3: Development Board Components Location

       As we said before the GPIOx LEDs are used for demonstration purposes, we also
have the JP1 and JP2 rows of pins to connect into the board (Table 5.1); we are going to
take care of them later on.

                       Connector Pin            Signal        Module Pin
                      1                      Ground          2
                      2                      +3.3V           1
                      3                      PWMA            3
                      4                      PWMB            4
                      5                      GPIO0           5
                      6                      GPIO1           6
                      7                      GPIO2           7
                      8                      GPIO3           8
                      9                      GPIO4           9
                      10                     GPIO5           10
                      11                     Link/TDO        12
                      12                     Ground          2



                              Connector Pin           Signal         Module Pin
                             1                     Ground            2
                             2                     +5V               NC
                             3                     SPI_/MISO 32
                             4                     SPI_MOSI          31
                             5                     SPI_SCLK          30
                             6                     SPI_EN            29
                             7                     ADCZ              27
                             8                     ADCY              26
                             9                     ADCX              25
                             10                    UTX               22
                             11                    URX               21
                             12                    Ground            2
                                         Table 5.1: Board Pin Description

              We also have a pair of important LEDs to consider in the Table 5.2.

LED               Function
Link              On the coordinator, illuminates when a clear channel has been detected and the
                  coordinator is ready to associate with other devices.
Activity          Indicates RF data sending activity.
                                           Table 5.2: LEDs Description

        In the board diagram we can also distinguish two jumpers which are very important
for us: JP3 and JP4, those jumpers are related to the potentiometer and thermistor signals.
Those signals are connected to the ADCX and ADCY pins of the module, if we wish to use
the pins for any off-board signal we will have to remove the jumpers from the board
allowing the module to assume the input signal of the pin.
       This kit is able to transmit at a data rate of 250Kbps and using a O-QPSK
modulation, we have 15 different channels available in the HP version of the board. The
transmit power of the board is also software adjustable but considering the maximum
amount we are talking of a range -7 dBm until +18 dBm. We also need to consider
operating temperatures of the hardware if we want to use it outdoors or in industry
environment. The minimum operating temperature is -40º, but the normal operating
temperature should be around 25º, it will stop working at 85º.



5.3   Texas Instruments CC2430
      All signals on the ZMN2405HP module are directly connected to the input pins of
the CC2430. This chip is designed by Texas Instruments and the characteristics are
described in the Table 5.3 [10].

Flash/RAM                                             128kb/8kb
Frequency (Min) (MHz)                                 2400
Frequency (Max) (MHz)                                 2483.5
Operating Voltage (Min)                               2V
Operating Voltage (Max)                               3.6 V
Pin/Package                                           48VQFN
Operating Temperature Range (Celsius)                 40 to 85
Device Type                                           System-on-Chip
Frequency Range                                       2.4 GHz
Tx Power (dBm)                                        0
Rx Current (Lowest) (mA)                              27
Sensitivity (Best) (dBm)                              -92
Wake Up Time (PD  RX/TX) (uS)                        645
Data Rate (Max) (Kbps)                                250
                               Table 5.3: Describes Characteristics Of CC2430 Module

      This CC2430 chip is available in three different versions CC2430F32/64/128, with
32/64/128 KB of flash memory respectively. This is a System-On-Chip (SoC) tailored for
the IEEE 802.14.5 that makes it perfect for ZigBee applications such as home monitoring,
industry, healthcare etc. it combines a 8050 MCU with the industry leading ZigBee
protocol stack (Z-Stack) from Texas Instruments. The price of this chip is between 3 – 6
USD; the CC2430 provides one of the market’s most competitive ZigBee SoC solutions.

5.3.1 RF/Layout
             •   2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver (CC2430 radio core).
                     o 250 kbps data rate, 2 MChip/s chip rate.
                     o Reference designs comply with worldwide radio frequency
                        regulations covered by ETSI EN 300 328 and EN 300 440 class 2
                        (Europe), FCC CFR47 Part 25 (US) and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan).
                        Transmit on 2480MHz under FCC is supported by duty-cycling, or by
                        reducing output power.
             •   Excellent receiver sensitivity and robustness to interferers.
             •   Few external components, most parts are integrated into the chip.



            •   RoHS compliant 7x7 mm QLP58 package.
            •   Only a single crystal needed for mesh network systems.
            •   IEEE 802.15.4 MAC hardware support.
                   o Automatic preamble generator.
                   o Synchronization word insertion/detection.
                   o CRC-16 computation and checking over MAC payload.
                   o Clear Channel Assessment.
                   o Energy detection / digital RSSI.
                   o Link Quality Indication.

5.3.2 Low Power
            •   Low current consumption (RX: 27 mA, TX: 27 mA, microcontroller running
                at 32MHz).
                    o System clock source can be 16 MHz RC oscillator or 32 MHz crystal
                        oscillator. The 32 MHz oscillator is used when radio is active.
            •   Only 0.5 uA current consumption in powerdown mode, where external
                interrupts or the RTC can wake up the system.
                    o Low-power fully static CMOS design.
            •   0.3uA current consumption in stand-by mode, where external interrupts can
                wake up the system.
            •   Very fast transition times from low-power modes to active mode enables ultra
                low average power consumption in low dutycycle systems.
            •   Wide supply voltage range (2 V – 3.6 V)

5.3.3 Microcontroller
            •   High performance and low power 8051-microcontroller core.
            •   8 KB RAM, 4 KB with data retention in all power modes.
                   o 32/64/128 KB of non-volatile flash memory in-system programmable
                        through a simple two-wire interface or by the 8051 core.
                             Worst-case flash memory endurance: 1000 write/erase cycles.
                             Programmable read and write lock of portions of Flash
                               memory for software security.
                   o 4096 bytes of internal SRAM with data retention in all power modes.
            •   Powerful DMA functionality.
            •   Watchdog timer.
            •   One IEEE 802.15.4 MAC timer, one general 16-bit timer and two 8-bit
            •   Hardware debugs support.

5.3.4 Peripherals
            •   CSMA/CA hardware support.
                   o Power On Reset/Brown-Out Detection.
                   o Real time clock with 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator.
                   o True random number generator.
            •   Digital RSSI/LQI support.
            •   Battery monitor and temperature sensor.
            •   12-bit ADC with up to eight inputs and configurable resolution.


            •   AES security coprocessor.
            •   Two powerful USARTs with support for several serial protocols.
            •   21 general I/O pins, two with 20 mA sink/source capabilities.
     Now we can appreciate the block diagram of the microcontroller in the Figure 5.4.

                                            Figure 5.4: CC2430 Block Diagram

       After considering the block diagram the Figure 5.5 represents the top view of the
processor, this will be important if we need to build new systems or upgrade our board.
The modules can be roughly divided into one of three categories: CPU-related modules,
modules related to power, test and clock distribution, and radio related modules.



                                    Figure 5.5: CC2430 Pinout Top View

     The exposed die attached pad must be connected to a solid ground plane, as this is
the ground connection for the chip. For the exact pinout overview please check the
CC2430 full datasheet available on Texas Instruments webpage.

5.4       Module Pin Description
     Those are the pins we have on the ZigBee module, we cannot use them for test but
we do know how they work in case we need to repair or replace the module (Figure 5.6).

Pin No.            Name                                        Description
      1          Vcc           Supplies +3.3Vdc to +5.5Vdc.
2,11, 17- GND                  Power supply grounds, all grounds must be connected to circuit
 20, 28,                       grounds.
 33, 34,
 36, 37,
  3, 4           PWMA-B        Two-pulse width modulated outputs that can be used to create
                               an analogue output with the addition of simple RC filters.
  5-10           GPIO0-5       Those are just general-purpose input/output pins, we need to
                               configure them as an input or output using the software.



 12          LINK/TDO         Indicates the module link status.
 13          RST              Reset input, tied to pin 24.
 14          NA               Not available
 16          ADC REF          This pin is used to module the +3.3V supply, for use in
                              ratiometric ADC readings.
 21          UART_RX          Receive data input signal of module UART. Data to be sent is
                              transmitted on this pin.
 22          UART_TX          Transmit data output signal of module UART. Data received by
                              the module will be transmitted on this pin.
 23          NA               Not available.
 24          RESET            Module hardware reset input.
25-27        ADCX-Z           Three 10-bit analogues to digital inputs. Inputs are limited to
                              0Vdc to +2.5Vdc.
 29          SPI_EN           Active low chip enable output for SPI bus devices.
 30          SPI_SCLK         SPI port for clock signal.
 31          SPI_MOSI         SPI port for data output.
 32          SPI_MISO         SPI port for data input.
 35          NA               Not available
 38          RF               RF output pin to connect antenna or antenna connector using a
                              50 ohm microstrip line.

                             Figure 5.6: ZMN2405HP Module Pin Description



5.5   Cirronet Standard Module (CSM) API
      When we talk about a ZigBee developing kit we pretend to be able to send
commands to interact with it, the way to do it is using the integrated API of the specific
model we are using. The way to do that is using the resident firmware application to
control the module; this is called profile in the ZigBee parlance. Cirronet has developed the
Cirronet Standard Module (CSM) profile to allow us to access to all the resources on the
module, such as AD converters, inputs, LEDs, etc.
      All communications with the ZigBee module are made though the UART interface
using a message/command protocol. Those commands will be used to set configuration
parameters, send and receive data, errors, reset, LEDs, etc. the strong point of using this
method relies on the common packet structure to be sent every time we need to
communicate with the device. This CSM is divided into clusters (Figure 5.7), every cluster
contains different kind of commands, and every command is set with an offset into the

              ZigBee Module

                                              Module I/O Cluster (ID 0x01)

                                             Configuration Cluster (ID 0x02)

                                                  Reset Cluster (ID 0x03)

                                                Network Cluster (ID 0x07)

                                                   RF Cluster (ID 0x08)

                                                Security Cluster (ID 0x09)

                                   Figure 5.7: All Module Clusters



5.6     Communication Protocol
      This kit uses a serial protocol for external communication. This protocol allows the
user to send new commands; configurations, status and data transfer to the local device or
remote devices. This will be very important when trying to configure big networks that
require multiple routers or end devices. This protocol uses the standard packet format
described below; we should separate the SOP (Start Of Packet) and the single-byte fields
from the Arguments. Multi-byte parameters are sent using the LSB (Less Significative
Byte) first, we need to remember this to transform the packets we receive prior using them.

      1 byte      1 byte          1 byte          1 byte                      Multiple
SOP (0xFD)        Length         TransID       MSG Type                      Arguments
                                        Table 5.4: Sample Packet

      The first four fields of the packet will contain the SOP, Length, TransID and MSG
Type. The SOP contains always the same data (0xFD); the Length field is the total number
of bytes in the remainder of the packet after the length field (Table 5.4).
      When talking about ZigBee protocol we have the possibility of multiple replies, most
cases when data is returned no ACK is sent back to the board so we will need to change the
TransID number in case we want to send more data back to the module. This problem
happen when the ACK is not received in the board so the sender assuming that the data
was not received and keeps the channel open and sends the same data back again. To avoid
this happen and determine which data is redundant and needs to be omitted the TransID
field must be auto-incremented or changed every time we need to send more commands to
the board. This will allow the module to differentiate multiple replies in an interleaved
command/reply application. The MSG Type will determine what kind of operation is to be
performed or what data is being returned; we will know the value of this field taking a look
at the Table 5.5. This structure will also be the same when we get the reply back from the
device, we should consider this to be aware of errors.

Field          Description
SOP            Beginning of the packet. Value: 0x0FD.
Length         Number of bytes in the packet after the Length byte.
TransID        This field will be used to differentiate different replies in an interleaved
               command/reply application.
MSG Type       Will determine what type of operation is to be performed or what data is
               being returned:
                  •     0x01: Set Field
                  •     0x05: Get Field
                  •     0x0A: Send String
                  •     0x0C: Send SPI
                  •     0x10: Get IEEE Address



                  •     0x11: Get NWK Address
                  •     0x64: Discovery Request
                  •     0x65: Discovery End
                  •     0x81: Set Reply
                  •     0x85: Get Reply
                  •     0x8A:Send String Reply
                  •     0x8E: Receive String
                  •     0x90: Get IEEE Address Reply
                  •     0x91: Get NWK Address Reply
                  •     0x95: Receive Field Event
                  •     0xD0: Link Announce
                  •     0xE4: Discovery Reply
                  •     0xF0: Device Registration
                  •     0xFF: Error
Arguments      Actual data used in performing the message function.
                                       Table 5.5: Packet Fields Description

       Now we are going to describe the rest of the packet (Table 5.6), the Argument field,
it will contain the information to write the data into the module:

    8 bytes        2 bytes          1 byte         1 byte        2 bytes      1 byte       Multiple
 MAC/NWK          ProfileID        Endpoint        Cluster        Offset      Length        Data
                                   Table 5.6: Last Section of the Packet

       Those fields will complete the packet we described before, in the first position we
have the address of the device we are sending the command to, and we can set it with the
MAC or the Network address of the board. This is an 8-byte field, as we know any MAC
address is 8 bytes long but if we want to use the network address (2 bytes) we will need to
fill the rest of the bytes. If we are using Cirronet devices the IEEE address prefix assigned
will be 00:30:66, so the most significant byte will always be 00. If we want to use the
network address we need to fit 80 with the network address in the two most significant
bytes, the rest will be set to 00. The ProfileID field is very useful when combining different
kinds of modules, in our case we will always use 0xC000 for this field, if we want to
communicate with other devices using another kind of profiles we will need to change this
field. Endpoint will be set always as 0x01, but it will be used if we want to treat a single
module as multiple logical devices, this only will happen if we create our own profile, with
the CSM profile it will only accept a single endpoint (0x01).
      The Cluster is directly related with the Offset, in the ZigBee module we will need to
store data for the configuration of every independent board, this data is going to be stored
into some different Clusters. Those Clusters are sets of data that include the variables to be
used for the module, those variables are called Offsets, and the Cluster type and an Offset
into the cluster will specify the location of those variables. Some of those clusters will not



    be erased every time we plug the device, some others will be emptied every time we restart
    the board. We can define Offset as an index into an array of elements in a data field and
    can be found by referring to a particular Cluster.
          The Length will tell us the amount of bytes in the Data field. Every time we receive a
    reply from the device it will contain also the LQI, this number will indicate the quality of
    the signal.

    5.7     Clusters
           Now we will describe all the clusters with their offsets, some of them will be only
    readable, but depending on the meaning of the offset we might also want to write. The
    reset row will indicate when it will be returned to default mode; some offsets will contain
    the configuration of the board so we should take care of those when restarting the module.

                                Cluster                 ID        Table      Page
                        Module I/O Cluster            0x01            5.8      29
                        Configuration Cluster         0x02            5.9      30
                        Reset Cluster                 0x03            5.10     34
                        Network Cluster               0x07            5.12     35
                        RF Cluster                    0x08            5.13     36
                        Security Cluster              0x09            5.14     37
                                           Table 5.7: Cluster Index

    5.7.1 Module I/O Cluster (ID 0x01)
          This cluster contains the In/Out information to be configured; this includes two
    DACs, three ADCs, six I/O lines for general purpose, a SPI port and a UART port. We can
    say the I/O cluster defines the way we are going to manipulate all the lines and ports
    (Table 5.8).

Parameter          Offset      Bytes      R/W        Reset       Description
ADC X              0x0000         2       R             N        On board 10-bit A/D converter channel X
                                                                 (Pin 25)
ADC Y              0x0002         2       R             N        On board 10-bit A/D converter channel Y
                                                                 (Pin 26)
ADC Z              0x0004         2       R             N        On board 10-bit A/D converter channel Z
                                                                 (Pin 27)
DAC A              0x0006         2       R/W           N        On board 10-bit D/A converter channel A
                                                                 (Pin 3)



DAC B                0x0008        2       R/W           N         On board 10-bit D/A converter channel B
                                                                   (Pin 4)
GP I/O 0             0x000A        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 0 (Pin 5)
GP I/O 1             0x000B        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 1 (Pin 6)
GP I/O 2             0x000C        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 2 (Pin 7)
GP I/O 3             0x000D        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 3 (Pin 8)
GP I/O 4             0x000E        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 4 (Pin 9)
GP I/O 5             0x000F        1       R/W           N         General purpose I/O line 5 (Pin 10)
SPI Port             0x0010     Varies     R/W           N         SPI Port data register
UART Port            0x0011     Varies     R/W           N         UART Port data register – Send ASCII
GP I/O Direction     0x0012        1       R/W           N         This bit sets the GP I/O port direction,
                                                                   input or output. Default = 0 = input, 1 =
GP I/O Init          0x0013        1       R/W           Y         The GP I/O initialization register is a
                                                                   non-volatile setting for the value of all
                                                                   the I/O output pins. Bits 0..5 correspond
                                                                   to GPIO0..GPIO5. If a pin is set as an
                                                                   input, then the corresponding bit in the
                                                                   register is a “don’t care”. The individual
                                                                   bit level is the corresponding bit output
DAC A Init           0x0014        1       R/W           Y         16-bit value that defines DAC Channel A
                                                                   power up value. Default = 0x0000
DAC B Init           0x0016        1       R/W           Y         16-bit value that defines DAC Channel B
                                                                   power up value. Default = 0x0000
Status/GP     I/O 0x0018           1       R/W           Y         Bitmap that selects alternate function
Alternate                                                          mode for Status signals and GP I/O pins.
Function Enable
GPIO Interrupts      0x0019        1       R/W           N         Bitmap that allows GPIO0-GPIO3 to be
                                                                   used as interrupts that send a
                                                                   RECEIVE_Field packet to device’s
                                                                   gateway. Each GPIO uses two bits in the
                                                                   Bit 0 – 1: GPIO 0
                                                                   Bit 2 – 3: GPIO 1
                                                                   Bit 4 – 5: GPIO 2
                                                                   Bit 6 – 7: GPIO 3
                                       Table 5.8: Describes I/O Cluster Functions



     5.7.2 Configuration Cluster (ID 0x02)
          This is probably the most important cluster to care when trying to set up a complex
     network (Table 5.9).

Parameter          Offset   Bytes      R/W       Reset      Description
Firmware           0x0000       2      R            Y       This field will allow the module firmware
Version                                                     version to be read. This version is displayed in
                                                            three separated numbers, for example, v1.2.3.
                                                            The first byte will contain (1), the second one
                                                            will be separated into Upper Nybble and Lower
                                                            Nybble. The Upper Nybble is the second
                                                            number (2) and the Lower Nybble is the third
                                                            one (3).
Device             0x0002       1      R            Y       Indicates the mode of the module, this will
Mode                                                        allow as to set up the module with the
                                                            configuration we want.
                                                            0x00 = Coordinator
                                                            0x01 = Router
                                                            0x02 = End Device
Serial Mode 0x0003              2      R/W          N       We can set up the baud rate we wish to
                                                            communicate with the device; this is helpful in
                                                            order to match with different hosts.
                                                            1200 = 0x03
                                                            2400 = 0x04
                                                            4800 = 0x05
                                                            9600 = 0x06
                                                            19200 = 0x07
                                                            38400 = 0x08 (Default)
                                                            57600 = 0x09
                                                            115200 = 0x0B
Model              0x0005       2      R           N/A      This field identifies the Cirronet device and is
Number                                                      read-only. It’s important to note that the Upper
                                                            Nybble represents the ZigBee device type.
                                                            0x0XXX = Coordinator
                                                            0x1XXX = Router
                                                            0x2XXX = End Device



Friendly            0x0007      16      R/W          N       This is a user defined 16-byte field to identify
Name                                                         the devices. When using a custom application
                                                             this field must be written. This field can be read
                                                             from the other network devices.
Sleep Mode          0x0017       1      R/W          N       This is used on End Devices only to enable End
                                                             Device sleeping.
                                                             0x00 = Disabled = Default
                                                             0x01 = Enabled
                                                             This is useful when staying in a saving battery
UART Data 0x0018                 1      R/W          N       This parameter will switch the board from
Mode                                                         Transparent Mode to Protocol Mode. The
                                                             Transparent Mode (0x00) has no packet format
                                                             so all data received into the UART port is
                                                             directly sent to the coordinator. The Protocol
                                                             Mode (0x01) uses the UART packet format. To
                                                             exit Transparent Mode don’t sent any data for 2
                                                             seconds. Then send the following escape
                                                             0xED 0xAE 0xF9 0x2B 0x07 0x62 0x3C 0xED
                                                             Default = 0x01 = Protocol Mode
Option              0x0019       1      R/W          N       Depending on the bit status this parameter will
Settings 1                                                   control various devices options.
                                                             Bit 0 = Device Registration
                                                             When selecting this bit high, the device will
                                                             send a Device Registration packet for every
                                                             new device that joins the network, enabled by
                                                             Bit 1 = Link Announcement
                                                             The device will output a Link Announce packet
                                                             on the UART port when setting this bit high,
                                                             enabled by default.
                                                             Bit 2 = Interrupt Sleep
                                                             When using an End Device setting this bit high
                                                             means the device can only be awakened by an
                                                             interrupt. This bit turns off the Check Parent
                                                             function as the Reporting Mode.
                                                             Bit 3 = I/O Sleep State
                                                             Setting this bit high causes the module to
                                                             change the GPIO lines to the direction selected



                                                              by SleepIODDRstate, and when selected as an
                                                              output, to the level selected by SleepIOState.
                                                              When selected as an input, the like is high
                                                              impedance. This is beneficial if the I/O happens
                                                              to be connected to low impedance devices.
                                                              Bit 4, 5, 6 & 7 = GPIO0 – 3 Message Enable
                                                              Setting this bit high causes the module to issue
                                                              various messages when GPIO0 is set as an
                                                              interruptible input. When the input changes
                                                              from high to low, one message (defined by
                                                              Option Settings 2) will be transmitted to the
                                                              gateway. This is enabled by default.
Message              0x001A       1      R/W          N       This register will keep the message options for
Options                                                       the interruptible inputs we described above.
(Option                                                       0 – 1 = Message Options for GPIO0
Settings 2)
                                                              2 – 3 = Message Options for GPIO1
                                                              4 – 5 = Message Options for GPIO2
                                                              6 – 7 = Message Options for GPIO3
                                                              Only one below can be selected.
                                                              0b00: Button Message
                                                              0b01: Device Announce Message
                                                              0b11: Reserved
                                                              Default = 0x00
Reporting            0x001B       1      R/W          N       This is used when we want the module to report
Mode                                                          all the I/O ports in an interval rate, the rate is
                                                              indicated below. This works for all kind of
                                                              0x00 = Enabled
                                                              0x01 = Disabled = Default
Reporting            0x001C       4      R/W          N       This is a 32 bit value that sets the reporting
Rate                                                          interval for the I/O to be send, this value must
                                                              be set in 1ms increments and may vary
                                                              anywhere from 1000ms (0x000003E8) to 49.7
                                                              days (0xFFFFFFFF).
                                                              Default = 0x000003E8
Check       0x0020                2      R/W          N       This is a 32 bit value that sets the interval when
Parent Rate                                                   the End Device will be awaken to ask its parent
(End                                                          for any queued messages. The setting resolution
Devices                                                       is in ms with a default of 1 second.



Reserved            0x0022          2        R/W         N        Reserved for future use.
Wake                0x0024          2        R/W         N        These 16-bit setting controls the length of time
Duration                                                          a Timer Sleep End Device will remain awake
                                                                  after it has sent data. The setting resolution is in
                                                                  milliseconds with a default of 100 milliseconds.
Sleep I/O 0x0026                    1        R/W         N        The six LSBs of this byte are used to control the
Direction                                                         direction of the GPIOs during a device’s sleep
(End                                                              period. This will help the user to minimize the
Devices                                                           power consumption. Bits 0 – 5 correspond to
Only)                                                             GPIO0 – GPIO5.
                                                                  0 = Input, 1 = Output
                                                                  Default = 0x00
Sleep I/O 0x0027                    1        R/W         N        The six LSBs of this byte are used to set the
Output                                                            output leel of the GPIOs selected as outputs by
Level (End                                                        SleepIODDR when IOSleepState is enabled
Devices                                                           during a device’s sleep period. Bits 0 – 5
Only)                                                             correspond to GPIO0 – GPIO5.
                                                                  0 = Low, 1 = High
                                                                  Default = 0x3F
                                         Table 5.9: Describes Configuration Cluster Functions

              We must remember that in multiple byte fields data must be entered LSB (least
        significant bit) first.

        5.7.3 Reset Cluster (ID 0x03)
              Its important to understand the way the board resets the module, which data is
        restored as factory default and which one stays (Table 5.10). When sending one of these
        instructions the module will reset automatically (Table 5.11).

Parameter              Offset        Bytes       R/W         Reset        Description
Microcontroller        0x0000            1       W             Auto       Resets the microcontroller on the module.
Reset                                                                     0x5A is the value to write to reset the
Reset    Factory 0x0001                  1       W             Auto       Resets all Cluster parameters to factory
Defaults                                                                  default    values   then    resets   the
                                             Table 5.10: Describes Reset Cluster Functions



                                                      Factory Defaults
                             Parameter                                                    Default Value
     Friendly Name
          •          Coordinator                                             •     ZigBee Coord
          •          Router                                                  •     ZigBee Router
          •          End Device                                              •     ZigBee End Dev
          •          Coordinator                                             •     0x00
          •          Router                                                  •     0x01
          •          End Device                                              •     0x03
     Model Number                                                   0x?000
                                                                    ? = Mode
     Baud Rate                                                      38400
     Sleep Enable                                                   0x00 (Disabled)
     Protocol Mode                                                  0x01 (Enabled)
     DAC A Initial Value                                            0x0000
     DAC B Initial Value                                            0x0000
     GPIO Initial Output Values                                     0x00
     GPIO Direction                                                 0xFC (All set to outputs)
                                             Table 5.11: Describes Some Factory Default Fields

     5.7.4 Network Cluster (ID 0x07)

Parameter              Offset        Bytes       R/W        Reset                Description
MAC                    0x0000            8       R            N/A                Returns factory programmed MAC address.
Network                0x0008            2       R            N/A                This register contains the network address
Address                                                                          assigned by the coordinator/router.
Gateway                0x000A            8       R/W            Y                This field will contain the 8-byte MAC
Address                                                                          address of the gateway to be used after
                                                                                 powering up; this helps the device during
                                                                                 power outages.
Static                 0x0012            1       R/W            Y                We can force the device to remain in the
Network                                                                          same network configuration every time it
                                                                                 powers up. If we set the register to 0x01 the
                                                                                 device will use a static network. When 0x00
                                                                                 is set the device is allowed to join the



                                                                        network in a different manner every time it
                                                                        Default = 0x00 = Disabled
Default PAN          0x0013         2       R/W             Y           Setting this variable to anything other than
ID                                                                      0xFFFF will force a Router or End Device
                                                                        to search for a network with that specific
                                                                        PAN ID. All other networks will be
                                                                        rejected. A coordinator will start a network
                                                                        using this variable as the PAN ID. The two
                                                                        high order bits are currently masked, so a
                                                                        PAN ID of 0x7FFF will be the same as
                                                                        0x3FFF. A value of 0xFFFF causes a
                                                                        Coordinator to form a network with a
                                                                        random PAN ID and a Router or End
                                                                        Device will join any PAN ID.
Link Status          0x0015         1       R              N/A          This variable informs the user about the link
                                                                        status of the device. Values:
                                                                        0x01 – Device is initialized but not
                                                                        0x02 – device is discovering PANs
                                                                        0x03 – Device is joining a PAN
                                                                        0x04 – Device has joined but is not
                                                                        authenticated yet
                                                                        0x05 – Device has been authenticated and
                                                                        has joined as an End Device
                                                                        0x06 – Device has been authenticated and
                                                                        has joined as a Router
                                                                        0x07 – Device is starting the network
                                                                        0x08 – Device has started a network as the
                                                                        0x09 – Device has been orphaned
                                                Table 5.12: Descries Network Cluster

     5.7.5 RF Cluster (ID 0x08)

Parameter            Offset     Bytes      R/W          Reset           Description
Channel List         0x0000        4       R/W             Y            This variable allows the user to give the
                                                                        device a choice of channels for a
                                                                        Coordinator to form a network or a Router



                                                                         (and End Device) to search for a network.
                                                                         This is a bitmap that represents the
                                                                         frequency channels. The lowest channel is
                                                                         0x00000800 (2405MHz). the highest
                                                                         channel is 0x04000000 (2480MHz).
                                                                         Default = 0x00004000 = Channel 12
Channel            0x0004         1        R              N/A            Represents the channel that the radio is
Used                                                                     using.
TX Power           0x0005         1        R/W              N            This will allow the user to set up the power
                                                                         level that the radio is transmitting. For
                                                                         example, if regulations require lower output
                                                                         power, this variable can reduce the nominal
                                                                         module transmit power by as much as 25dB.
                                                                         0x00 = 0 dB
                                                                         0x21 = -1 dB
                                                                         0x23 = -3 dB
                                                                         0x25 = -5 dB
                                                                         0x27 = -7 dB
                                                                         0x2A = -10 dB
                                                                         0x2F = -15 dB
                                                                         0x39 = -25 dB
                                                                         Default = 0x00 = 0 dB
Network            0x0006         1        R/W              Y            Energy detected above the corresponding
Formation                                                                power level will stop the Coordinator from
Threshold                                                                starting a PAN in the tested channel. Helpful
                                                                         when forcing a network in an area with a lot
                                                                         of RF noise.
                                                                         PdBm = -45 + Threshold
                                                                         Default = 0x56 = -2 dBm
                                               Table 5.13: Describes RF Cluster Fields

     5.7.6 Security Cluster (ID 0x09)

Parameter           Offset       Bytes           R/W         Description
Security Code       0x0000            10            W        The security code is used to provide network and
                                                             link level security. If it is used, every device in the
                                                             network must use the same code and level of



Security Pin          0x0010            4           W        When set to anything other than the default, all
                                                             clusters are locked and cannot be written to or read
                                                             Default = 0x76543210
                                            Table 5.14: Describes Security Cluster Fields

      5.8     Sending Commands
            When sending commands into the device we will likely get an answer message form
      the ZigBee module, the way those messages are sent will be described in this section.
      Before doing the examples we should take a look at the most commonly used commands
      and the way the packets are built prior sending. Its very important to take care when
      processing the replies from the device, some of them might be different from others,
      sending packets is actually much easier and standard than receiving them. For this project
      we will commonly use Set Field and Get Field message types, but all of them are created
      the same way as shown. Here we will describe the most important ones (Table 5.15).

                     Name                   MSG Type           Page                         Description
      Set Field                                0x01             38        Puts value into a field
      Set Reply                                0x02             38        Is send as ACK to Set Field message
      Get Field                                0x03             38        Used for reading an input port
      Get Reply                                0x04             39        Returns the value of the port
      Send String                             0x0A              39        Sends data string to the UART
      Send String Reply                       0x8A              40        Message returned if Send String is
      Get IEEE Address                         0x10             40        Request the MAC Address
      Get IEEE Address Reply                   0x90             41        Returns the MAC Address
      Discovery Request                        0x64             41        Device Discovery process
      Discovery Reply                         0xE4              42        Answer to           Discovery   Request
      Discovery End                            0x65             42        Indicates the end of the timeout for
                                                                          Discovery command
      Link Announce                           0xD0              42        It is generated when a device joins
                                                                          the network
      Error                                   0xFF              43        Error code when returned
                                             Figure 5.15: Message Types Used



5.8.1 Set Field (MSG Type 0x01)
     Set Field writes the data to the specified cluster item (Table 5.16). The reply from the
device is provided through a Set Reply message.

                                       Arguments (Set Field)
  MAC            ProfileID     Endpoint          Cluster           Offset            Length        Data
  8 bytes          2 bytes        1 byte          1 byte           2 bytes           2 byte   LSB first
                                    Table 5.16: Describes Set Field Packet Format

             •   MAC Address: the destination address of the packet. If the device is
                 connected (local), then the MAC Address = 0x0000000000000000.
             •   ProfileID: 0xC000
             •   Endpoint: 0x01
             •   Cluster: the cluster containing the field to be set.
             •   Offset: the one desired from the cluster above.
             •   Length: number of bytes that follow.
             •   Data: data elements.
      Once we put all that data inside the fields we are ready to send the packet and wait
for the reply.

5.8.2 Set Reply (MSG Type 0x81)
     This message is sent as acknowledgement to a Set Field packet (Table 5.17), an error
code message type is returned in the event of a Set Field failure.

                                       Arguments (Set Reply)
                    Reserved                                                        LQI
                      1 byte                                                    1 byte
                                   Table 5.17: Describes Set Reply Packet Format

5.8.3 Get Field (MSG Type 0x05)
      This packet format will be used when reading from an input port in the board (Table
5.18), the value is returned through a Get Reply message.

                                           Arguments (Get Field)
             MAC        ProfileID      Endpoint           Cluster           Offset        Length

RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks
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RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks

  • 1. RF Management Applications Using ZigBee Networks TITULACIÓ: Enginyeria Tècnica de Telecomunicacions Especialitat en Telemàtica AUTORS: Albert Abelló Lozano. DIRECTORS: Antoni Lazaro Guillén. DATA: Maig de 2010.
  • 2.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     1 Index 1   Index ....................................................................................................................... 2   2   Objectives ............................................................................................................... 4   3   Introducing  ZigBee  Networks................................................................................... 5   3.1   What  Does  ZigBee  Mean?....................................................................................5   3.2   Licensing .............................................................................................................5   3.3   Uses ....................................................................................................................5   3.4   Specification........................................................................................................6   3.5   Battery  Life..........................................................................................................7   3.6   ZigBee  Modulation ..............................................................................................7   3.7   Device  Types .......................................................................................................8   3.7.1   ZigBee  Coordinator.............................................................................................8   3.7.2   ZigBee  Router .....................................................................................................8   3.7.3   ZigBee  End  Device ..............................................................................................9   4   ZigBee  Networking ................................................................................................ 10   4.1   Network  Topologies .......................................................................................... 11   4.2   ZigBee  Stack ...................................................................................................... 12   4.3   ZigBee  Modules................................................................................................. 13   4.3.1   Jennic  JN5148  Evaluation  Kit ............................................................................13   4.3.2   Telegesis  ETRX357DVK  Development  Kit..........................................................14   5   Cirronet  ZMN2405/HP  ZigBee  Module ................................................................... 16   5.1   Specifications .................................................................................................... 16   5.2   Describing  the  Hardware ................................................................................... 17   5.3   Texas  Instruments  CC2430................................................................................. 20   5.3.1   RF/Layout .........................................................................................................20   5.3.2   Low  Power ........................................................................................................21   5.3.3   Microcontroller.................................................................................................21   5.3.4   Peripherals........................................................................................................21   5.4   Module  Pin  Description ..................................................................................... 23   5.5   Cirronet  Standard  Module  (CSM)  API................................................................. 25   5.6   Communication  Protocol ................................................................................... 26   5.7   Clusters ............................................................................................................. 28   5.7.1   Module  I/O  Cluster  (ID  0x01)............................................................................28   5.7.2   Configuration  Cluster  (ID  0x02) ........................................................................30   5.7.3   Reset  Cluster  (ID  0x03) .....................................................................................33   5.7.4   Network  Cluster  (ID  0x07) ................................................................................34   5.7.5   RF  Cluster  (ID  0x08) ..........................................................................................35   5.7.6   Security  Cluster  (ID  0x09) .................................................................................36   5.8   Sending  Commands ........................................................................................... 37   5.8.1   Set  Field  (MSG  Type  0x01)................................................................................38   5.8.2   Set  Reply  (MSG  Type  0x81)...............................................................................38   5.8.3   Get  Field  (MSG  Type  0x05) ...............................................................................38   5.8.4   Get  Reply  (MSG  Type  0x85) ..............................................................................39   5.8.5   Send  String  (MSG  Type  0x0A) ...........................................................................39   5.8.6   Send  String  Reply  (MSG  Type  0x8A) .................................................................40   5.8.7   Get  IEEE  Address  (MSG  Type  0x10) ..................................................................40   2
  • 3.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.8.8   Get  IEEE  Address  Reply  (MSG  Type  0x90) ........................................................41   5.8.9   Discovery  Request  (MSG  Type  0x64) ................................................................41   5.8.10   Discovery  Reply  (MSG  Type  0xE4) ..................................................................42   5.8.11   Discovery  End  (MSG  Type  0x65).....................................................................42   5.8.12   Link  Announce  (MSG  Type  0xD0) ...................................................................42   5.8.13   Error  (MSG  Type  0xFF)....................................................................................43   5.9   Creating  Sample  Packets ................................................................................... 44   5.9.1   Microcontroller  Reset.......................................................................................44   5.9.2   GI  I/O  Direction.................................................................................................45   5.9.3   Receiving  Data ..................................................................................................47   5.10   Using  the  SPI  Bus............................................................................................. 49   5.11   Radio  TX  Power............................................................................................... 50   6   Using  Cirronet  ZMN2405/HP  Development  Module............................................... 52   6.1   Building  a  Simple  Network ................................................................................ 52   7   Matlab  Libraries  for  ZigBee.................................................................................... 56   7.1   Socket  Opening  (socket_openf) ......................................................................... 56   7.2   Building  the  Packet  (crear_cadena) ................................................................... 57   7.3   Reset  Code  (resetf) ............................................................................................ 57   7.4   Receiving  /  Sampling  Data  (rebre_dada_final) ................................................... 59   7.4.1   Sampling  Examples ...........................................................................................63   7.5   LQI  Test ............................................................................................................. 66   7.5.1   LQI  Test  Function ..............................................................................................66   7.5.2   Tests..................................................................................................................67   8   Radar  Sampling ..................................................................................................... 71   8.1   Theory............................................................................................................... 71   8.2   Radar  Sampling  Using  ZigBee  Network .............................................................. 75   8.2.1   Sampling ...........................................................................................................78   8.2.2   Real  Examples...................................................................................................87   9   Antenna  Array ....................................................................................................... 91   10   Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 97   11   Future  Applications ............................................................................................. 98   12   References .......................................................................................................... 99   3
  • 4.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     2 Objectives This project is the result of the aim to develop new applications for ZigBee technology. Nowadays lots of wireless technologies are available on the market but society needs demands a cheaper and more reliable technology, this is the reason to create ZigBee. This communication method allows a very low power consumption module to be able to transmit data at enough speed to be applied in most industrial and domestic sectors. In this project we will demonstrate the capability of this modules to be used in medical sectors and industrial applies. For example the use of ZigBee to monitor the vital signs of a patient or even detect buried people in a catastrophe. Being able to monitor a heart without plugging any device or even touching the patient, at the same time applying the ZigBee into those environments will help the hospital to monitor all the data into a server while connected with the doctors using some kind of portable device. All this can be done because the network topology system of the ZigBee protocol. Industries are still waiting for a reliable and secure wireless system that allows all machines to be managed without needing cables; ZigBee might be the answer. Most industry sensors and machines could be monitored and managed from a central server using only ZigBee modules distributed in the plant, all this can be done with a tiny amount of power, and considering the cost of a module, this will suppose an small amount of money investment compared with other technologies. Other markets such as building automation are also very interested in developing this technology, as told before, this system will allow a single user to control and centralize the management of a building. Home automation is becoming very popular as an access to disabled people to a proper life quality style; ZigBee technology will deliver the automated house of the future due to the network topology flexibility and the low-cost modules. ZigBee was created to address the market need for a cost-effective, standards-based wireless networking solution that supports low data-rates, low-power consumption, security and reliability. This is the only technology that addresses the unique needs of most remote monitoring and sensory network applications. Developing and showing the possibilities of this growing technology is the main aim of this project. In particular, the objectives of this project are: 1. Understanding ZigBee networks 2. Sampling data from a radar using ZigBee modules 3. Use ZigBee modules to manage an antenna array 4
  • 5.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     3 Introducing ZigBee Networks 3.1 What Does ZigBee Mean? ZigBee is a new wireless communication protocol using small, low-power digital radios based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard. This technology is considered to be simpler and less expensive than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth. ZigBee is a good option when considering a radio-frequency application that require a low data rate, long battery life and secure networking [1]. This low-cost, low-power, wireless mesh networking is a proprietary standard. Very useful when using monitoring applications, the low-power usage allows devices to run for long time with small batteries. Having a mesh type of network provides the system with a high reliability and larger range. This technology is supported by the ZigBee Alliance that publishes different profiles to be used by multiple vendors to create interoperable products. Multiple companies integrate the ZigBee Alliance: Philips, Schneider Electric, Texas Instruments, Emerson, AT&T, Cisco, etc. ZigBee is a very useful system to consider when designing Home Automation systems that require very fast communication between all devices and the main computer. This project will be focused in the Healthcare profile, which means it is designated to be used in hospitals or similar. 3.2 Licensing Luckily ZigBee specification is free for non-commercial uses, this kind of licensing is very helpful when developing new applications for a new technology like ZigBee. This part of the specification is controlled trough the ZigBee Alliance, an entry level membership called Adopter gives permission to create products for market using the specifications. This way of licensing also makes companies become friendly about this new technology because if they don’t become part of the Alliance they will not be allowed to use the specification for developing new products [2]. 3.3 Uses As said before, this protocol is focused in low-data transmission and long battery life. Even this, applications are very common in our world, due to the low-cost of this technology creating a wide network is not a problem. The resulting network will use very small amounts of power so the cost gets even more reduced when talking about battery life. Some typical areas of usage include (Figure 3.1): • Home Entertainment • Home Management • Home Awareness • Mobile Services 5
  • 6.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     • Industrial Projects • Healthcare Monitoring • Car Embedded Systems • Alarms Systems • Heating Controls Figure 3.1: ZigBee Common Applications 3.4 Specification This protocol has a rated speed of 250kbps and a range of about 500m, heavily dependent on the particular environment. It operates into the industrial, scientific and medical radio bands; 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the USA and Australia, and 2.4 GHz in most places worldwide, those bands are free of use. BPSK modulation is used in the 868 and 915 MHz bands and Offset-QPSK, two bits per symbol, is used in the 2.4 GHz band. Speed decreases from 250kbps to 40kbps when using the 915 MHz band, and 20kbps in the 868 MHz as described in Figure 3.2. Sending data efficiently is the main point in the ZigBee protocol; it uses a total of 26 different channels through the three types of frequency bands. This rich assortment of 6
  • 7.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     frequencies allows each device to be configured to work everywhere around the globe, allowing companies to easily develop new applications. A ZigBee network can join up to 65000 devices. Figure 3.2: IEE 802.15.4 Provides Three Frequency Bands 3.5 Battery Life Usually when creating any RF application the problem related to the power consumption relies to the radio. Sending data via any wireless system uses lots of energy; this is something very important when talking about ZigBee. Those modules can activate in 15ms or less, compared to any known wireless device such as Bluetooth, which takes about three seconds to wake up, makes them be very fast responding to any command even they are sleeping. Low latency results in power saving, saving power results in long battery life. Consider a typical temperature sensor, the sensor itself uses a clock at five seconds interval to calculate the ambient temperature and send the event to the radio to be sent. Analyzing any ZigBee module, it’s perfectly reliable to use the sleep system to save energy while its not sending any data. This means any ZigBee module will work for months with only one alkaline battery for sending data. 3.6 ZigBee Modulation Those types of modulations are called Phase-Shift Keying; depending on the number of bits it will be Quadrature (O-QPSK) with four bytes or Binary (BPSK). The main difference between both of them is the number of points in the constellation diagram; those modulations use a rectangular pulse [3]. The BPSK uses two phases which are separated 180º and can modulate one bit per symbol, for this reason is unsuitable for high data-rate transmissions, even that, this modulation is the most robust of all the PSK since it takes the highest level of noise or distortion to make the demodulator reach an incorrect decision. Offset-QPSK is a variant that uses 4 different values of the phase to transmit. Taking four values of the phase at the same time to construct a QPSK symbol can allow the phase of the signal to jump by as much as 180º at a time. When the signal is low-pass filtered, 7
  • 8.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     these phase-shifts result in large amplitude fluctuations, this is bad when talking about communication systems. If we offset the timing of the odd and even by one or half symbol- period, the components will never change at the same time, resulting in a much lower amplitude fluctuations that makes it more difficult to make an incorrect decision (Figure 3.3). Figure 3.3: Differences Between O-QSPK and QPSK With four phases, this modulation can encode two bits per symbol, that means double speed rate than a normal BPSK. That makes it reliable when trying to create faster transfer communications systems. 3.7 Device Types There are three different types of ZigBee devices: ZigBee Coordinator (ZC), ZigBee Router (ZR) and ZigBee End Device (ZED). The Coordinator and Router are sometimes referred to as Full Function Devices or FFDs. The End Device is sometimes called Reduced Function Device or RFD [4]. 3.7.1 ZigBee Coordinator This is the main device of any ZigBee network; the coordinator forms the root of the network three. There can be only one coordinator in each network, his work is to path the communication of all devices and receive the necessary data to be processed. He is also in charge of discovering new devices when needed and tracing them down in the network route. If a Personal Area Network ID (Pan ID) has been specified the Routers and End Devices will look for a Coordinator with the specified Pan ID, if the Coordinator has not been found or it has a different Pan ID, they will automatically jump to the next channel on its channel list until this Coordinator is found. The Coordinator will assign a 16-bit network address to any new device that joins, this address is used to route the data inside the network. 3.7.2 ZigBee Router Router function is to pass data trough all devices on the network, this module can work also as an End Device receiving data form sensors and running applications. Actually, it is very similar to the Coordinator, it also acts the same way with the Pan ID but it cannot distribute new addresses. 8
  • 9.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     3.7.3 ZigBee End Device This device is the simplest one, it only has enough functionality to communicate with any Router or Coordinator and forward all data that has been acquired, and it cannot relay data from other devices. This is the only device that can remain sleeping until it needs to be used, it will be asleep a significant amount of time. ZigBee End Devices are much cheaper to build that any other module because the amount of memory required is less than a Coordinator or Router. Sleeping Mode Its important to describe the way ZigBee manages sleeping devices. Routers and Coordinators will be always awake as other devices may attempt to communicate. On the other hand, End Devices are expected to send data for a brief period of time and then go to sleep for the majority of time. When an End Device is sleeping the Router or Coordinator holds any data addressed to it. Every time an End Device is awake it will send a request for the parent node to send any data it may be holding. End Devices can also be configured to stay permanently powered up. Sleeping End Devices will do two things: • Wake up periodically and see if their parent is holding any data for them. • Wake up periodically and perform some events 9
  • 10.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     4 ZigBee Networking ZigBee is a mesh type networking that sits on top of an 802.15.4 MAC layer radio. 802.15.4 specifies the frequency bands, the number of channels, the spreading technique and the modulation method. On the other side, ZigBee controls the way data is routed between 802.15.4 physical layer radios. ZigBee is based on a Wide Area Network (WAN) concept, so the way it resolves communication is related to layers, we will explain all different layers later on. The most important part of any ZigBee network is the Coordinator, it is responsible for setting the channel of use so any Router or End Device can join, it also assigns network addresses to the other devices keeping the routing tables updated to allow all modules to route the data trough the network. The Coordinator can work as a gateway for the data, it’s very common to plug the Coordinator into a computer to process the data received from all devices. Routers will route data from End Devices to Coordinator, they are also able to work as data input devices. Figure 4.1: Typical ZigBee Network Structure Figure 4.1 describes a typical ZigBee network, we can clearly distinguish three different levels; we have the Coordinator (C) root level and two Router (R) levels linked with some End Devices (E). Each device has different communications paths; the solid line represents the most likely one with backup paths indicated by dashed lines. This is an example of how to scale a ZigBee network. 10
  • 11.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     4.1 Network Topologies ZigBee can support three primary network topologies (Figure 4.2): • Star: Coordinator is situated in the middle surrounded by End Devices. • Cluster Tree: Coordinator is going to be the root of the network together with other Routers and End Devices. • Mesh: At least one of the nodes has more than two connections. Coordinator can be everywhere. Figure 4.2: Different ZigBee Topologies The most significant one is the Mesh networking, the main reason is that it allows the nodes to still communicate if any of the bridges is lost; this is done by searching an alternative route trough other devices. The Coordinator does the routes management. In ZigBee, devices situated in a higher and lower position on the network hierarchy are referred to as Parents and Children respectively. This hierarchy is clearly described in the Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: ZigBee Hierarchy 11
  • 12.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     4.2 ZigBee Stack ZigBee is based upon stack architecture that resembles standard OSI seven-layer model but defines only those layers relevant to achieving functionality in the intended scope (Figure 4.4). Figure 4.4: ZigBee Stack 12
  • 13.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     The ZigBee stack architecture is made up of a set of blocks called layers. Each layer performs a specific set of services for the layer above. The IEEE 802.15.4 defines the two lower layers, medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY). The ZigBee Alliance provides the Network (NWK) layer and the framework for the application layer, which includes the Application Support (APS) sub-layer, the ZigBee device object (ZDO) and the manufacturer-defined application objects [5]. IEEE 802.25.4 has two PHY layers that operate in two separate frequency ranges: 868/915 MHz and 2.4 GHz, depending on the country we will be using the device we will switch between them. The MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel using frames. The network layer provides mechanisms to join and leave network at the same time as allows security and routing for the frames. The ZigBee application layer consists of the APS sub-layer, the ZDO, and the manufacturer-defined application objects. The responsibilities of the APS include maintaining tables for binding, which is the ability to match two devices together based on their services and their needs, and forwarding messages between bound devices. ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) defines the role of the device within the network (coordinator, router or end device), discovering devices on the network and determining which application services they provide, also relies on the initiating and establishing secure relationship connection between network devices. Zigbee stack is relatively small compared with other wireless standards; it only requires about 32kb of memory for a full implementation of the stack. 4.3 ZigBee Modules For this project we will be operating with the Cirronet ZMN2405 ZigBee module but there are other models and brands available in the market. In this part of the project we will compare some kits and modules we can find in the market today. Lots of expensive kits of about 2500$ are available on the market but those won’t be explained in here, we will just compare the ones we consider similar to the Cirronet. 4.3.1 Jennic JN5148 Evaluation Kit Probably this is one of the best options when considering which kit to buy for development, but for our application the Cirronet kit fits better. Probably the Jennic kit provides too many functions for what we were looking for. This kit can include up to 7 ZigBee modules (5 standard power and 2 high power modules), it also incorporates an LCD screen and all needed software, this is one of the most complete kit available in the market. Nodes come with pre-programmed software for demonstrating purposes. AT commands are available for communicating with the devices [6] 13
  • 14.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Figure 4.5: Jennic Development Kit Content description of Figure 4.5: • JN5148 modules o 2 x standard power PCB antenna o 3 x standard power uFl connector • JN5148 high power uFl connector modules for extended range • Onboard temperature, light level and humidity sensors • JN5148 IO expansion port • 2 x USB cables for PC connection • Battery or external power supply • 1 node with bitmapped LCD Price: 649$ 4.3.2 Telegesis ETRX357DVK Development Kit This kit from Telegesis introduces the new ETRX357 ZigBee module that comes from the old ET357 chip. That kit is very complete and offers you a good option for ZigBee developing, it offers the option of AT commands to communicate with the modules which allows the user to configure them without complex software engineering. It also works with three parties software such as Hyperterminal or similar. As an especial characteristic it allows the module to be used under Windows, Linux or MacOS. Lots of support inside the company website, documents and software available for downloading. 14
  • 15.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Figure 4.6: Telegesis Development Kit The kit contents and the module board connectors are well explained on the product website [7] (Figure 4.6). • 3 x USB Development Boards • 2 x ETRX357 on Carrier-Board • 2 x ETRX357HR on Carrier-Board • 2 x ETRX357LR on Carrier-Board • 2 x ETRX357HR-LR on Carrier-Board • 1 x ETRX2USB stick • 2 x Large Antenna • 2 x Small Stubby Antenna • 3 x USB Cable Price: 348$ est. 15
  • 16.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5 Cirronet ZMN2405/HP ZigBee Module 5.1 Specifications For this project we had available a brand new ZMN2405/HP Cirronet ZigBee kit, this kit contains everything needed to create a versatile and fast network. The contents of the kit are (Figure 5.1): • ZigBee Coordinator device. • ZigBee Router device. • Pair of dipole antennas. • Pair of patch antennas. • Two batteries. • Two power adaptors. • CD that includes software and manuals. Figure 5.1: Kit ZMN2405/HP We should distinguish the difference between the ZMN2405 and the ZMN2405/HP model, the main difference between them is the output power, the first one provides about 1mW of RF power while the ZMN2405/HP provides 65mW. If we combine this module with a 2dB dipole antenna we should be able to get 100mW in the case of ZMN2405/HP. The one we are using in this project is the ZMN2405/HP; we will appreciate this point when taking measurements of the LQI between the devices. This amount of output power provides this kit with a high performance RF system that can be used trough very noisy environments. The only problem with the ZMN2405/HP is related with the battery consumption due to the high output power, so probably if we are interested on a limited battery network we should consider using the ZMN2405 model [8]. 16
  • 17.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     This kit is specially developed to create fast-versatile low-cost networks that require a fast and reliable data platform for measuring systems. With the high power output delivered with the supplied antennas we’ll be able to get a strong network. We also have the possibility to configure the Router device as an End Device downloading the code supplied with the CD into the module. 5.2 Describing the Hardware As this kit enables the user to set the board configuration using his/her own criteria we only need to describe one board, so we have a development board labelled as router and another one as coordinator. We can describe those boards using a block diagram (Figure 5.2). Figure 5.2: Development Board Block Diagram For connecting the board to the PC we have the USB and the RS-232 interfaces. Only one input can be used at a time, so if the USB connection is used the RS-232 will be electrically locked out. Our choice for connecting the board will be the USB protocol that has a hardware flow control implemented on it. Inside the board we have some devices that will be used to test the correct working condition of the board and also to retrieve some test data. The thermistor will allow the user to get the ambient temperature and the potentiometer to retrieve the constant data we want to set on it. Of course, we have some inputs and outputs in the pins connectors. We are also provided with two demonstration LEDs so we can check the way to send parameters and activate orders on the device. We can see the real board component locations (Figure 5.3). 17
  • 18.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Figure 5.3: Development Board Components Location As we said before the GPIOx LEDs are used for demonstration purposes, we also have the JP1 and JP2 rows of pins to connect into the board (Table 5.1); we are going to take care of them later on. JP1 Connector Pin Signal Module Pin 1 Ground 2 2 +3.3V 1 3 PWMA 3 4 PWMB 4 5 GPIO0 5 6 GPIO1 6 7 GPIO2 7 8 GPIO3 8 9 GPIO4 9 10 GPIO5 10 11 Link/TDO 12 12 Ground 2 JP2 18
  • 19.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Connector Pin Signal Module Pin 1 Ground 2 2 +5V NC 3 SPI_/MISO 32 4 SPI_MOSI 31 5 SPI_SCLK 30 6 SPI_EN 29 7 ADCZ 27 8 ADCY 26 9 ADCX 25 10 UTX 22 11 URX 21 12 Ground 2 Table 5.1: Board Pin Description We also have a pair of important LEDs to consider in the Table 5.2. LED Function Link On the coordinator, illuminates when a clear channel has been detected and the coordinator is ready to associate with other devices. Activity Indicates RF data sending activity. Table 5.2: LEDs Description In the board diagram we can also distinguish two jumpers which are very important for us: JP3 and JP4, those jumpers are related to the potentiometer and thermistor signals. Those signals are connected to the ADCX and ADCY pins of the module, if we wish to use the pins for any off-board signal we will have to remove the jumpers from the board allowing the module to assume the input signal of the pin. This kit is able to transmit at a data rate of 250Kbps and using a O-QPSK modulation, we have 15 different channels available in the HP version of the board. The transmit power of the board is also software adjustable but considering the maximum amount we are talking of a range -7 dBm until +18 dBm. We also need to consider operating temperatures of the hardware if we want to use it outdoors or in industry environment. The minimum operating temperature is -40º, but the normal operating temperature should be around 25º, it will stop working at 85º. 19
  • 20.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.3 Texas Instruments CC2430 All signals on the ZMN2405HP module are directly connected to the input pins of the CC2430. This chip is designed by Texas Instruments and the characteristics are described in the Table 5.3 [10]. Flash/RAM 128kb/8kb Frequency (Min) (MHz) 2400 Frequency (Max) (MHz) 2483.5 Operating Voltage (Min) 2V Operating Voltage (Max) 3.6 V Pin/Package 48VQFN Operating Temperature Range (Celsius) 40 to 85 Device Type System-on-Chip Frequency Range 2.4 GHz Tx Power (dBm) 0 Rx Current (Lowest) (mA) 27 Sensitivity (Best) (dBm) -92 Wake Up Time (PD  RX/TX) (uS) 645 Data Rate (Max) (Kbps) 250 Table 5.3: Describes Characteristics Of CC2430 Module This CC2430 chip is available in three different versions CC2430F32/64/128, with 32/64/128 KB of flash memory respectively. This is a System-On-Chip (SoC) tailored for the IEEE 802.14.5 that makes it perfect for ZigBee applications such as home monitoring, industry, healthcare etc. it combines a 8050 MCU with the industry leading ZigBee protocol stack (Z-Stack) from Texas Instruments. The price of this chip is between 3 – 6 USD; the CC2430 provides one of the market’s most competitive ZigBee SoC solutions. 5.3.1 RF/Layout • 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver (CC2430 radio core). o 250 kbps data rate, 2 MChip/s chip rate. o Reference designs comply with worldwide radio frequency regulations covered by ETSI EN 300 328 and EN 300 440 class 2 (Europe), FCC CFR47 Part 25 (US) and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan). Transmit on 2480MHz under FCC is supported by duty-cycling, or by reducing output power. • Excellent receiver sensitivity and robustness to interferers. • Few external components, most parts are integrated into the chip. 20
  • 21.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     • RoHS compliant 7x7 mm QLP58 package. • Only a single crystal needed for mesh network systems. • IEEE 802.15.4 MAC hardware support. o Automatic preamble generator. o Synchronization word insertion/detection. o CRC-16 computation and checking over MAC payload. o Clear Channel Assessment. o Energy detection / digital RSSI. o Link Quality Indication. 5.3.2 Low Power • Low current consumption (RX: 27 mA, TX: 27 mA, microcontroller running at 32MHz). o System clock source can be 16 MHz RC oscillator or 32 MHz crystal oscillator. The 32 MHz oscillator is used when radio is active. • Only 0.5 uA current consumption in powerdown mode, where external interrupts or the RTC can wake up the system. o Low-power fully static CMOS design. • 0.3uA current consumption in stand-by mode, where external interrupts can wake up the system. • Very fast transition times from low-power modes to active mode enables ultra low average power consumption in low dutycycle systems. • Wide supply voltage range (2 V – 3.6 V) 5.3.3 Microcontroller • High performance and low power 8051-microcontroller core. • 8 KB RAM, 4 KB with data retention in all power modes. o 32/64/128 KB of non-volatile flash memory in-system programmable through a simple two-wire interface or by the 8051 core.  Worst-case flash memory endurance: 1000 write/erase cycles.  Programmable read and write lock of portions of Flash memory for software security. o 4096 bytes of internal SRAM with data retention in all power modes. • Powerful DMA functionality. • Watchdog timer. • One IEEE 802.15.4 MAC timer, one general 16-bit timer and two 8-bit timers. • Hardware debugs support. 5.3.4 Peripherals • CSMA/CA hardware support. o Power On Reset/Brown-Out Detection. o Real time clock with 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. o True random number generator. • Digital RSSI/LQI support. • Battery monitor and temperature sensor. • 12-bit ADC with up to eight inputs and configurable resolution. 21
  • 22.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     • AES security coprocessor. • Two powerful USARTs with support for several serial protocols. • 21 general I/O pins, two with 20 mA sink/source capabilities. Now we can appreciate the block diagram of the microcontroller in the Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4: CC2430 Block Diagram After considering the block diagram the Figure 5.5 represents the top view of the processor, this will be important if we need to build new systems or upgrade our board. The modules can be roughly divided into one of three categories: CPU-related modules, modules related to power, test and clock distribution, and radio related modules. 22
  • 23.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Figure 5.5: CC2430 Pinout Top View The exposed die attached pad must be connected to a solid ground plane, as this is the ground connection for the chip. For the exact pinout overview please check the CC2430 full datasheet available on Texas Instruments webpage. 5.4 Module Pin Description Those are the pins we have on the ZigBee module, we cannot use them for test but we do know how they work in case we need to repair or replace the module (Figure 5.6). Pin No. Name Description 1 Vcc Supplies +3.3Vdc to +5.5Vdc. 2,11, 17- GND Power supply grounds, all grounds must be connected to circuit 20, 28, grounds. 33, 34, 36, 37, 39 3, 4 PWMA-B Two-pulse width modulated outputs that can be used to create an analogue output with the addition of simple RC filters. 5-10 GPIO0-5 Those are just general-purpose input/output pins, we need to configure them as an input or output using the software. 23
  • 24.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     12 LINK/TDO Indicates the module link status. 13 RST Reset input, tied to pin 24. 14 NA Not available 16 ADC REF This pin is used to module the +3.3V supply, for use in ratiometric ADC readings. 21 UART_RX Receive data input signal of module UART. Data to be sent is transmitted on this pin. 22 UART_TX Transmit data output signal of module UART. Data received by the module will be transmitted on this pin. 23 NA Not available. 24 RESET Module hardware reset input. 25-27 ADCX-Z Three 10-bit analogues to digital inputs. Inputs are limited to 0Vdc to +2.5Vdc. 29 SPI_EN Active low chip enable output for SPI bus devices. 30 SPI_SCLK SPI port for clock signal. 31 SPI_MOSI SPI port for data output. 32 SPI_MISO SPI port for data input. 35 NA Not available 38 RF RF output pin to connect antenna or antenna connector using a 50 ohm microstrip line. Figure 5.6: ZMN2405HP Module Pin Description 24
  • 25.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.5 Cirronet Standard Module (CSM) API When we talk about a ZigBee developing kit we pretend to be able to send commands to interact with it, the way to do it is using the integrated API of the specific model we are using. The way to do that is using the resident firmware application to control the module; this is called profile in the ZigBee parlance. Cirronet has developed the Cirronet Standard Module (CSM) profile to allow us to access to all the resources on the module, such as AD converters, inputs, LEDs, etc. All communications with the ZigBee module are made though the UART interface using a message/command protocol. Those commands will be used to set configuration parameters, send and receive data, errors, reset, LEDs, etc. the strong point of using this method relies on the common packet structure to be sent every time we need to communicate with the device. This CSM is divided into clusters (Figure 5.7), every cluster contains different kind of commands, and every command is set with an offset into the cluster. ZigBee Module Module I/O Cluster (ID 0x01) Configuration Cluster (ID 0x02) Reset Cluster (ID 0x03) Network Cluster (ID 0x07) RF Cluster (ID 0x08) Security Cluster (ID 0x09) Figure 5.7: All Module Clusters 25
  • 26.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.6 Communication Protocol This kit uses a serial protocol for external communication. This protocol allows the user to send new commands; configurations, status and data transfer to the local device or remote devices. This will be very important when trying to configure big networks that require multiple routers or end devices. This protocol uses the standard packet format described below; we should separate the SOP (Start Of Packet) and the single-byte fields from the Arguments. Multi-byte parameters are sent using the LSB (Less Significative Byte) first, we need to remember this to transform the packets we receive prior using them. 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Multiple SOP (0xFD) Length TransID MSG Type Arguments Table 5.4: Sample Packet The first four fields of the packet will contain the SOP, Length, TransID and MSG Type. The SOP contains always the same data (0xFD); the Length field is the total number of bytes in the remainder of the packet after the length field (Table 5.4). When talking about ZigBee protocol we have the possibility of multiple replies, most cases when data is returned no ACK is sent back to the board so we will need to change the TransID number in case we want to send more data back to the module. This problem happen when the ACK is not received in the board so the sender assuming that the data was not received and keeps the channel open and sends the same data back again. To avoid this happen and determine which data is redundant and needs to be omitted the TransID field must be auto-incremented or changed every time we need to send more commands to the board. This will allow the module to differentiate multiple replies in an interleaved command/reply application. The MSG Type will determine what kind of operation is to be performed or what data is being returned; we will know the value of this field taking a look at the Table 5.5. This structure will also be the same when we get the reply back from the device, we should consider this to be aware of errors. Field Description SOP Beginning of the packet. Value: 0x0FD. Length Number of bytes in the packet after the Length byte. TransID This field will be used to differentiate different replies in an interleaved command/reply application. MSG Type Will determine what type of operation is to be performed or what data is being returned: • 0x01: Set Field • 0x05: Get Field • 0x0A: Send String • 0x0C: Send SPI • 0x10: Get IEEE Address 26
  • 27.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     • 0x11: Get NWK Address • 0x64: Discovery Request • 0x65: Discovery End • 0x81: Set Reply • 0x85: Get Reply • 0x8A:Send String Reply • 0x8E: Receive String • 0x90: Get IEEE Address Reply • 0x91: Get NWK Address Reply • 0x95: Receive Field Event • 0xD0: Link Announce • 0xE4: Discovery Reply • 0xF0: Device Registration • 0xFF: Error Arguments Actual data used in performing the message function. Table 5.5: Packet Fields Description Now we are going to describe the rest of the packet (Table 5.6), the Argument field, it will contain the information to write the data into the module: 8 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte Multiple MAC/NWK ProfileID Endpoint Cluster Offset Length Data Address Table 5.6: Last Section of the Packet Those fields will complete the packet we described before, in the first position we have the address of the device we are sending the command to, and we can set it with the MAC or the Network address of the board. This is an 8-byte field, as we know any MAC address is 8 bytes long but if we want to use the network address (2 bytes) we will need to fill the rest of the bytes. If we are using Cirronet devices the IEEE address prefix assigned will be 00:30:66, so the most significant byte will always be 00. If we want to use the network address we need to fit 80 with the network address in the two most significant bytes, the rest will be set to 00. The ProfileID field is very useful when combining different kinds of modules, in our case we will always use 0xC000 for this field, if we want to communicate with other devices using another kind of profiles we will need to change this field. Endpoint will be set always as 0x01, but it will be used if we want to treat a single module as multiple logical devices, this only will happen if we create our own profile, with the CSM profile it will only accept a single endpoint (0x01). The Cluster is directly related with the Offset, in the ZigBee module we will need to store data for the configuration of every independent board, this data is going to be stored into some different Clusters. Those Clusters are sets of data that include the variables to be used for the module, those variables are called Offsets, and the Cluster type and an Offset into the cluster will specify the location of those variables. Some of those clusters will not 27
  • 28.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     be erased every time we plug the device, some others will be emptied every time we restart the board. We can define Offset as an index into an array of elements in a data field and can be found by referring to a particular Cluster. The Length will tell us the amount of bytes in the Data field. Every time we receive a reply from the device it will contain also the LQI, this number will indicate the quality of the signal. 5.7 Clusters Now we will describe all the clusters with their offsets, some of them will be only readable, but depending on the meaning of the offset we might also want to write. The reset row will indicate when it will be returned to default mode; some offsets will contain the configuration of the board so we should take care of those when restarting the module. Cluster ID Table Page Module I/O Cluster 0x01 5.8 29 Configuration Cluster 0x02 5.9 30 Reset Cluster 0x03 5.10 34 Network Cluster 0x07 5.12 35 RF Cluster 0x08 5.13 36 Security Cluster 0x09 5.14 37 Table 5.7: Cluster Index 5.7.1 Module I/O Cluster (ID 0x01) This cluster contains the In/Out information to be configured; this includes two DACs, three ADCs, six I/O lines for general purpose, a SPI port and a UART port. We can say the I/O cluster defines the way we are going to manipulate all the lines and ports (Table 5.8). Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Reset Description ADC X 0x0000 2 R N On board 10-bit A/D converter channel X (Pin 25) ADC Y 0x0002 2 R N On board 10-bit A/D converter channel Y (Pin 26) ADC Z 0x0004 2 R N On board 10-bit A/D converter channel Z (Pin 27) DAC A 0x0006 2 R/W N On board 10-bit D/A converter channel A (Pin 3) 28
  • 29.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     DAC B 0x0008 2 R/W N On board 10-bit D/A converter channel B (Pin 4) GP I/O 0 0x000A 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 0 (Pin 5) GP I/O 1 0x000B 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 1 (Pin 6) GP I/O 2 0x000C 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 2 (Pin 7) GP I/O 3 0x000D 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 3 (Pin 8) GP I/O 4 0x000E 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 4 (Pin 9) GP I/O 5 0x000F 1 R/W N General purpose I/O line 5 (Pin 10) SPI Port 0x0010 Varies R/W N SPI Port data register UART Port 0x0011 Varies R/W N UART Port data register – Send ASCII data GP I/O Direction 0x0012 1 R/W N This bit sets the GP I/O port direction, input or output. Default = 0 = input, 1 = output GP I/O Init 0x0013 1 R/W Y The GP I/O initialization register is a non-volatile setting for the value of all the I/O output pins. Bits 0..5 correspond to GPIO0..GPIO5. If a pin is set as an input, then the corresponding bit in the register is a “don’t care”. The individual bit level is the corresponding bit output level. DAC A Init 0x0014 1 R/W Y 16-bit value that defines DAC Channel A power up value. Default = 0x0000 DAC B Init 0x0016 1 R/W Y 16-bit value that defines DAC Channel B power up value. Default = 0x0000 Status/GP I/O 0x0018 1 R/W Y Bitmap that selects alternate function Alternate mode for Status signals and GP I/O pins. Function Enable GPIO Interrupts 0x0019 1 R/W N Bitmap that allows GPIO0-GPIO3 to be used as interrupts that send a RECEIVE_Field packet to device’s gateway. Each GPIO uses two bits in the register. Bit 0 – 1: GPIO 0 Bit 2 – 3: GPIO 1 Bit 4 – 5: GPIO 2 Bit 6 – 7: GPIO 3 Table 5.8: Describes I/O Cluster Functions 29
  • 30.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.7.2 Configuration Cluster (ID 0x02) This is probably the most important cluster to care when trying to set up a complex network (Table 5.9). Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Reset Description Firmware 0x0000 2 R Y This field will allow the module firmware Version version to be read. This version is displayed in three separated numbers, for example, v1.2.3. The first byte will contain (1), the second one will be separated into Upper Nybble and Lower Nybble. The Upper Nybble is the second number (2) and the Lower Nybble is the third one (3). Device 0x0002 1 R Y Indicates the mode of the module, this will Mode allow as to set up the module with the configuration we want. 0x00 = Coordinator 0x01 = Router 0x02 = End Device Serial Mode 0x0003 2 R/W N We can set up the baud rate we wish to communicate with the device; this is helpful in order to match with different hosts. 1200 = 0x03 2400 = 0x04 4800 = 0x05 9600 = 0x06 19200 = 0x07 38400 = 0x08 (Default) 57600 = 0x09 115200 = 0x0B Model 0x0005 2 R N/A This field identifies the Cirronet device and is Number read-only. It’s important to note that the Upper Nybble represents the ZigBee device type. 0x0XXX = Coordinator 0x1XXX = Router 0x2XXX = End Device 30
  • 31.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Friendly 0x0007 16 R/W N This is a user defined 16-byte field to identify Name the devices. When using a custom application this field must be written. This field can be read from the other network devices. Sleep Mode 0x0017 1 R/W N This is used on End Devices only to enable End Device sleeping. 0x00 = Disabled = Default 0x01 = Enabled This is useful when staying in a saving battery environment UART Data 0x0018 1 R/W N This parameter will switch the board from Mode Transparent Mode to Protocol Mode. The Transparent Mode (0x00) has no packet format so all data received into the UART port is directly sent to the coordinator. The Protocol Mode (0x01) uses the UART packet format. To exit Transparent Mode don’t sent any data for 2 seconds. Then send the following escape sequence: 0xED 0xAE 0xF9 0x2B 0x07 0x62 0x3C 0xED Default = 0x01 = Protocol Mode Option 0x0019 1 R/W N Depending on the bit status this parameter will Settings 1 control various devices options. Bit 0 = Device Registration When selecting this bit high, the device will send a Device Registration packet for every new device that joins the network, enabled by default. Bit 1 = Link Announcement The device will output a Link Announce packet on the UART port when setting this bit high, enabled by default. Bit 2 = Interrupt Sleep When using an End Device setting this bit high means the device can only be awakened by an interrupt. This bit turns off the Check Parent function as the Reporting Mode. Bit 3 = I/O Sleep State Setting this bit high causes the module to change the GPIO lines to the direction selected 31
  • 32.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     by SleepIODDRstate, and when selected as an output, to the level selected by SleepIOState. When selected as an input, the like is high impedance. This is beneficial if the I/O happens to be connected to low impedance devices. Bit 4, 5, 6 & 7 = GPIO0 – 3 Message Enable Setting this bit high causes the module to issue various messages when GPIO0 is set as an interruptible input. When the input changes from high to low, one message (defined by Option Settings 2) will be transmitted to the gateway. This is enabled by default. Message 0x001A 1 R/W N This register will keep the message options for Options the interruptible inputs we described above. (Option 0 – 1 = Message Options for GPIO0 Settings 2) 2 – 3 = Message Options for GPIO1 4 – 5 = Message Options for GPIO2 6 – 7 = Message Options for GPIO3 Only one below can be selected. 0b00: Button Message 0b01: Device Announce Message 0b11: Reserved Default = 0x00 Reporting 0x001B 1 R/W N This is used when we want the module to report Mode all the I/O ports in an interval rate, the rate is indicated below. This works for all kind of devices. 0x00 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled = Default Reporting 0x001C 4 R/W N This is a 32 bit value that sets the reporting Rate interval for the I/O to be send, this value must be set in 1ms increments and may vary anywhere from 1000ms (0x000003E8) to 49.7 days (0xFFFFFFFF). Default = 0x000003E8 Check 0x0020 2 R/W N This is a 32 bit value that sets the interval when Parent Rate the End Device will be awaken to ask its parent (End for any queued messages. The setting resolution Devices is in ms with a default of 1 second. 32
  • 33.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Only) Reserved 0x0022 2 R/W N Reserved for future use. Wake 0x0024 2 R/W N These 16-bit setting controls the length of time Duration a Timer Sleep End Device will remain awake after it has sent data. The setting resolution is in milliseconds with a default of 100 milliseconds. Sleep I/O 0x0026 1 R/W N The six LSBs of this byte are used to control the Direction direction of the GPIOs during a device’s sleep (End period. This will help the user to minimize the Devices power consumption. Bits 0 – 5 correspond to Only) GPIO0 – GPIO5. 0 = Input, 1 = Output Default = 0x00 Sleep I/O 0x0027 1 R/W N The six LSBs of this byte are used to set the Output output leel of the GPIOs selected as outputs by Level (End SleepIODDR when IOSleepState is enabled Devices during a device’s sleep period. Bits 0 – 5 Only) correspond to GPIO0 – GPIO5. 0 = Low, 1 = High Default = 0x3F Table 5.9: Describes Configuration Cluster Functions We must remember that in multiple byte fields data must be entered LSB (least significant bit) first. 5.7.3 Reset Cluster (ID 0x03) Its important to understand the way the board resets the module, which data is restored as factory default and which one stays (Table 5.10). When sending one of these instructions the module will reset automatically (Table 5.11). Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Reset Description Microcontroller 0x0000 1 W Auto Resets the microcontroller on the module. Reset 0x5A is the value to write to reset the radio. Reset Factory 0x0001 1 W Auto Resets all Cluster parameters to factory Defaults default values then resets the microcontroller. Table 5.10: Describes Reset Cluster Functions 33
  • 34.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     Factory Defaults Parameter Default Value Friendly Name • Coordinator • ZigBee Coord • Router • ZigBee Router • End Device • ZigBee End Dev Mode • Coordinator • 0x00 • Router • 0x01 • End Device • 0x03 Model Number 0x?000 ? = Mode Baud Rate 38400 Sleep Enable 0x00 (Disabled) Protocol Mode 0x01 (Enabled) DAC A Initial Value 0x0000 DAC B Initial Value 0x0000 GPIO Initial Output Values 0x00 GPIO Direction 0xFC (All set to outputs) Table 5.11: Describes Some Factory Default Fields 5.7.4 Network Cluster (ID 0x07) Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Reset Description MAC 0x0000 8 R N/A Returns factory programmed MAC address. Address Network 0x0008 2 R N/A This register contains the network address Address assigned by the coordinator/router. Gateway 0x000A 8 R/W Y This field will contain the 8-byte MAC Address address of the gateway to be used after powering up; this helps the device during power outages. Static 0x0012 1 R/W Y We can force the device to remain in the Network same network configuration every time it powers up. If we set the register to 0x01 the device will use a static network. When 0x00 is set the device is allowed to join the 34
  • 35.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     network in a different manner every time it restarts. Default = 0x00 = Disabled Default PAN 0x0013 2 R/W Y Setting this variable to anything other than ID 0xFFFF will force a Router or End Device to search for a network with that specific PAN ID. All other networks will be rejected. A coordinator will start a network using this variable as the PAN ID. The two high order bits are currently masked, so a PAN ID of 0x7FFF will be the same as 0x3FFF. A value of 0xFFFF causes a Coordinator to form a network with a random PAN ID and a Router or End Device will join any PAN ID. Link Status 0x0015 1 R N/A This variable informs the user about the link status of the device. Values: 0x01 – Device is initialized but not connected 0x02 – device is discovering PANs 0x03 – Device is joining a PAN 0x04 – Device has joined but is not authenticated yet 0x05 – Device has been authenticated and has joined as an End Device 0x06 – Device has been authenticated and has joined as a Router 0x07 – Device is starting the network 0x08 – Device has started a network as the Coordinator 0x09 – Device has been orphaned Table 5.12: Descries Network Cluster 5.7.5 RF Cluster (ID 0x08) Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Reset Description Channel List 0x0000 4 R/W Y This variable allows the user to give the device a choice of channels for a Coordinator to form a network or a Router 35
  • 36.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     (and End Device) to search for a network. This is a bitmap that represents the frequency channels. The lowest channel is 0x00000800 (2405MHz). the highest channel is 0x04000000 (2480MHz). Default = 0x00004000 = Channel 12 Channel 0x0004 1 R N/A Represents the channel that the radio is Used using. TX Power 0x0005 1 R/W N This will allow the user to set up the power level that the radio is transmitting. For example, if regulations require lower output power, this variable can reduce the nominal module transmit power by as much as 25dB. 0x00 = 0 dB 0x21 = -1 dB 0x23 = -3 dB 0x25 = -5 dB 0x27 = -7 dB 0x2A = -10 dB 0x2F = -15 dB 0x39 = -25 dB Default = 0x00 = 0 dB Network 0x0006 1 R/W Y Energy detected above the corresponding Formation power level will stop the Coordinator from Threshold starting a PAN in the tested channel. Helpful when forcing a network in an area with a lot of RF noise. PdBm = -45 + Threshold Default = 0x56 = -2 dBm Table 5.13: Describes RF Cluster Fields 5.7.6 Security Cluster (ID 0x09) Parameter Offset Bytes R/W Description Security Code 0x0000 10 W The security code is used to provide network and link level security. If it is used, every device in the network must use the same code and level of 36
  • 37.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     security. Security Pin 0x0010 4 W When set to anything other than the default, all clusters are locked and cannot be written to or read from. Default = 0x76543210 Table 5.14: Describes Security Cluster Fields 5.8 Sending Commands When sending commands into the device we will likely get an answer message form the ZigBee module, the way those messages are sent will be described in this section. Before doing the examples we should take a look at the most commonly used commands and the way the packets are built prior sending. Its very important to take care when processing the replies from the device, some of them might be different from others, sending packets is actually much easier and standard than receiving them. For this project we will commonly use Set Field and Get Field message types, but all of them are created the same way as shown. Here we will describe the most important ones (Table 5.15). Name MSG Type Page Description Set Field 0x01 38 Puts value into a field Set Reply 0x02 38 Is send as ACK to Set Field message Get Field 0x03 38 Used for reading an input port Get Reply 0x04 39 Returns the value of the port Send String 0x0A 39 Sends data string to the UART output Send String Reply 0x8A 40 Message returned if Send String is successful Get IEEE Address 0x10 40 Request the MAC Address Get IEEE Address Reply 0x90 41 Returns the MAC Address Discovery Request 0x64 41 Device Discovery process Discovery Reply 0xE4 42 Answer to Discovery Request command Discovery End 0x65 42 Indicates the end of the timeout for Discovery command Link Announce 0xD0 42 It is generated when a device joins the network Error 0xFF 43 Error code when returned Figure 5.15: Message Types Used 37
  • 38.   RF  Management  Applications  Using  ZigBee  Network     5.8.1 Set Field (MSG Type 0x01) Set Field writes the data to the specified cluster item (Table 5.16). The reply from the device is provided through a Set Reply message. Arguments (Set Field) MAC ProfileID Endpoint Cluster Offset Length Data Address 8 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 byte LSB first Table 5.16: Describes Set Field Packet Format • MAC Address: the destination address of the packet. If the device is connected (local), then the MAC Address = 0x0000000000000000. • ProfileID: 0xC000 • Endpoint: 0x01 • Cluster: the cluster containing the field to be set. • Offset: the one desired from the cluster above. • Length: number of bytes that follow. • Data: data elements. Once we put all that data inside the fields we are ready to send the packet and wait for the reply. 5.8.2 Set Reply (MSG Type 0x81) This message is sent as acknowledgement to a Set Field packet (Table 5.17), an error code message type is returned in the event of a Set Field failure. Arguments (Set Reply) Reserved LQI 1 byte 1 byte Table 5.17: Describes Set Reply Packet Format 5.8.3 Get Field (MSG Type 0x05) This packet format will be used when reading from an input port in the board (Table 5.18), the value is returned through a Get Reply message. Arguments (Get Field) MAC ProfileID Endpoint Cluster Offset Length 38