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International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
                                                                                                          Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012

       Incorporating License Management in Cloud
                 Simulation Environment
                               Tejprakash Singh, Dept. of E & CE, IIT Roorkee, India

                                                                   the services. Because cloud is distributed environment
   Abstract— Cloud computing is a highly scalable distributed      hence how license can be issued. In simple client/ server
computing platform, and an emerging technology in IT               technique a license is issued to a single user with an
industry, in which computing resources are offered 'as a           authenticated copy but in cloud environment license is
service'. These services are categorized in three services
software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and
                                                                   provided over the internet and provider is not sure that how
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). We are free to access these    many users may ask for a particular resource because
services with some specific protocols. So these protocols are      resources are limited if all the user asked for same resource
bind together and are put together into the form of license by     at the same time then demand cannot be full filled at the
service provider. To access these services we require license, a   same time.
legal authorization through which a cloud service provider            Although there are many license management mechanism
authorized the user to use its resources on pay-per-basis and
resources are provided on demand by the service provider.          available in market but they do not support distributed
But due to lack of license management in cloud computing it is     environment. So there is a challenge to make available
a challenge to provide availability of resources to the user.      license in distributed environment from legal point of view.
This paper presents an algorithm to provide license to the         In distributed cloud environment we have resources and
user. This paper provides authenticated access to the resources    users and any user may ask for any resource we cannot
through remote license server. This license management
                                                                   expect that what is going to be in demand in coming time so
architecture can be deployed in any distributed environment.
                                                                   we have two mechanisms to issue license.
                                                                   1. License to the user:-
  Index Terms— Cloud, CloudSim, license, ISV                           In this we issue license for a user and if he/she want to
                                                                   access any service over the cloud he/she log in and ask for
                     I. INTRODUCTION                               2. License for processes:-
    In recent trend of IT users access the resources over the          Here we are issuing license for each resource as the
internet in cloud environment. Cloud computing [7] is a            resource is demanded by the user.
computing environment where the services are provided to               Despite of all the technical difficulties there are some
the users on demand over the internet. These services may          economical and legal issues. In distributed cloud
be in the form Platform-as-a-service (PaaS),                       environment an enterprise cannot estimate its revenue while
infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), software-as-a-service          in previous scenario service provider issues their codes
(SaaS).                                                            yearly basis. Users buy a fixed number of licenses as their
   Typically every service in cloud has some same                  requirement with associated features and included support.
properties                                                         So any organization can predict its revenue and it is very
     • Availability to the consumer on demand                      much stable. Unfortunately, cloud environment is in
                                                                   opposing a pay-per-use scenario. In a pay-per-use scenario
     • Fully controlled by the provider
                                                                   there is no predictable revenue for the service provider and
     • pay only for the time you used
                                                                   unless the ISV is also the license service provider. However,
   All the services in cloud environment are made available
                                                                   a pay-per-use model in cloud computing environment
to the user on demand and fully controlled by the provider
                                                                   would create a new source of revenue for service provider,
you need just use as you want and no need to know about its
                                                                   because SMEs, which so far could not afford to purchase
internal structure and you pay only for the time you used.
                                                                   licenses (for a year) can now access the licenses on a
                                                                   pay-per-use basis. Additionally, large no. of users are able
  Small enterprises do not make big setup of computing
                                                                   to increase their number of licenses during peak-demand
power, storage. They access these services over the internet
                                                                   periods. Only time will tell, whether this additional revenue
on demand in cloud environment. Now the question arises
                                                                   will be sufficient to compensate for the revenue missed due
how these services can be provided and who is the provider.
                                                                   to overprovisioning.
So to access these services provider provide license to use
                                                                      We issue license on the basis of license to the user and

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
                                                                                                       Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012

make it as smooth to adopt in cloud environment. Our
solution is based upon the following classes which are built
and has been integrated with CloudSim.
1. Double Authenticated Access
2. Accounting and Billing
3. Easy access and job submission
4. License monitoring

                   II. RELATED WORK
   Several research works have focussed on incorporating
license in Cloud infrastructure. In [1] a pay per use license
management infrastructure has been presented. This
infrastructure can be deployed in on-demand computing
scenario. The architecture enables authenticated access to a
remote license server. In [2] GenLM a license manager for
Grid and cloud environment has been presented. This
manager provides secure and robust solutions for ISVs for
extending their software to Grid and cloud environment. In
[3] a semantic resource allocation approach for job
scheduling in cloud has been presented. This approach takes
into account software licenses, enabling ISVs to distribute
their products in cloud environment. In [4] concurrent
licenses (which mean the owner can run a specified number
of application instances at the same time) are considered as                         Fig.1 Double Authentication
a soft constraint. In [5] elasticLM is based upon a layered
architecture    comprising       6   layers: Coallocation,        B. Accounting and Billing
Authentication, Administration, Management, Business,           There are some side-implications with respect to accounting
and Persistency.                                                and billing associated. In the non-distributed scenario the
                                                                bill already has been paid for in advance on yearly basis and
                                                                therefore accounting plays a minor role. The pay-per-use
                    III. SYSTEM DESIGN                          model needs to support a flexible cost unit based accounting
                                                                rather than an identity bound accounting: The reason is that
   Transition from classical license management                 usually institutions or research groups own the licenses,
mechanisms to license management solutions that work in         licenses are not owned by their individual members.
distributed environments needs to be as smooth as possible.
Hence solution satisfies the following requirements:              C. Easy access and job submission
                                                                The licensing mechanism has to be transparent for the user.
  A. Double Authenticated Access                                It should not introduce significant overhead. If a user has
   User using cloud services must have privileged to use the    enough privileges to submit a job then he/she should be
cloud service. i.e. user, may be in a company which is using    allowed access to the cloud services easily and no more
cloud services provided by an organization(i.e. Amazon,         overhead should be provided to submit the job. One user
IBM) on pay per-use- basis, must have privileges to use that    who is authorized can ask for service directly.
service and he/she must be authorized by the company
which is using cloud services. User in an organization is         D. License Monitor
authorized for using cloud services or not is decided by that   The assumption is that such a component is essential once
company not by the cloud service provider. Cloud service        the license management architecture is deployed in
provider only verifies an organization not a particular         production. It is necessary to have an efficient supervised
person. Hence organization using cloud services must have       scheduling of licenses (as is the case for other resources)
some accounts for its user. Service provider only issue a       and to provide the user with information on how many
single license for an organization and maintain account only    licenses are available on a given site before he submits his
for the organization not for the employer working in            job. The monitoring component covers the ability to
organization using cloud services and how that organization     co-schedule licenses and resources such that jobs are not
is using that license in its internal level depends on that     started before a required license is available.
organization.                                                   The License Monitor consists of two parts: The License
                                                                Monitor component and the integration of a license check
                                                                into a datacenter. The goal is a work flow like described in

                                           All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
                                                                                                           Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012

Fig. 2. Once the data center is about to submit a job that
needs licenses, a request is sent to the License Monitor
component to check the availability of the needed licenses.
If the answer of the License Monitor is positive then the
cloudlet is submitted to Virtual machine for execution,
otherwise it will not be executed.

                                                                                            Fig.3. Simulation Data flow [6]

                                                                    In the event of a match, the Datacenter broker deploys the
                                                                    application with the CIS suggested cloud. The
                                                                    communication flow described so far relates to the basic
                                                                    flow in a simulated experiment. Some variations in this flow
              Fig.2: overview of license monitor[1]                 are possible depending on policies. For example, messages
                                                                    from Brokers to Datacenters may require a confirmation
  E. CloudSim                                                       from other parts of the Datacenter, about the execution of an
The CloudSim toolkit allows simulation of a Cloud                   action, or about the maximum number of VMs that a user
Computing environment and performance evaluation of                 can create.
scheduling strategies in a repeatable and controlled way.
CloudSim implements core entities that simulate resource,                1) DatacenterBroker or Cloud Broker: This class
information service, statistics, and shutdown services.             models a broker, which is responsible for mediating
These services are used to simulate a user with application,        negotiations between SaaS and Cloud providers; and such
a broker for scheduling, etc. Interaction between these             negotiations are driven by QoS requirements. The broker
entities takes place through events. Events are used for            acts on behalf of SaaS providers. It discovers suitable Cloud
service request and service delivery. Events can be internal        service providers by querying the Cloud Information
(generated by the entity which receives it) or external             Service (CIS) and undertakes on-line negotiations for
(generated by some other entity). Figure 1 shows the                allocation of resources/services that can meet application’s
interaction between entities in a typical Cloud simulation.         QoS needs. The researchers and system developers must
The interaction between entities shown in the figure is             extend this class for evaluating and testing custom
explained below:                                                    brokering policies. The difference between the broker and
Figure 3 depicts the flow of communication among core               the Cloud Coordinator is that the former represents the
CloudSim entities. At the beginning of a simulation, each           customer (i.e., decisions of this components are made in
Datacenter entity registers with the CIS (Cloud Information         order to increase user-related performance metrics), while
Service) Registry. CIS then provides information registry           the latter acts on behalf of the data center, i.e., it tries to
type functionalities, such as match-making services for             maximize the overall performance of the data center,
mapping user/Brokers requests to suitable Cloud providers.          without considering needs of specific customers.
Next, the DataCenter Brokers acting on behalf of users
consult the CIS service to obtain the list of cloud providers            2) Datacenter: This class models the core
who can offer infrastructure services that match                    infrastructure level services (hardware) that are offered by
application’s QoS, hardware, and software requirements.             Cloud providers (Amazon, Azure, App Engine). It
                                                                    encapsulates a set of compute hosts that can either be
                                                                    homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to their
                                                                    hardware configurations (memory, cores, capacity, and
                                                                    storage). Furthermore, every Datacenter component
                                                                    instantiates a generalized application provisioning
                                                                    component that implements a set of policies for allocating
                                                                    bandwidth, memory, and storage devices to hosts and VMs.

                                                All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
                                                                                                                Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012

 F. License management in Datacenter:                                    to implement such an algorithm in which the user pays more
Following classes have been created                    for    license    gets the license and no user go in starvation.
                                                                         [1]   Raekow, Y.; Simmendinger, C.; Grabowski, P.; Jenz, D.; , "License
                                                                               Management in Grid and Cloud Computing," P2P, Parallel, Grid,
                                                                               Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2010 international
                                                                               Conference on , vol., no., pp.9-15, 4-6 Nov. 2010.
                                                                         [2]   Dalheimer, M.; Pfreundt, F.-J.; , "GenLM: License Management for
                                                                               Grid and Cloud Computing Environments," Cluster Computing and
                                                                               the Grid, 2009. CCGRID '09. 9th IEEE/ACM International
                                                                               Symposium on , vol., no., pp.132-139, 18-21 May 2009.
                                                                         [3]   Ejarque, J.; Micsik, A.; Sirvent, R.; Pallinger, P.; Kovacs, L.; Badia,
                                                                               R.M.; , "Job Scheduling with License Reservation: A Semantic
                                                                               Approach," Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing
                                                                               (PDP), 2011 19th Euromicro International Conference on , vol.,
                                                                               no., pp.47-54, 9-11 Feb. 2011
                                                                         [4]   Jim (Zhanwen) Li, John Chinneck, Murray Woodside, Marin Litoiu
                                                                               “Deployment of Services in a Cloud Subject to Memory and License
                                                                               Constraints” IEEE 2009.
                                                                         [5]   Claudio Cacciari, Francesco D’Andria, Miriam Gozalo, Bj¨orn
                                                                               Hagemeier, Daniel Mallmann, Josep Martrat,David Garc´ıa Per´ez,
       Fig.4: Class relationship diagram for license management
                                                                               Angela Rumpl, Wolfgang Ziegler, Csilla Zsigri “elasticLM: A novel
                                                                               approach for software licensing in distributed computing
                                                                               infrastructures” IEEE 2010.
                   IV. RESULTS DISCUSSION                                [6]   Rodrigo N. Calheiros,, Rajiv Ranjan, Anton Beloglazov, César A. F.
                                                                               De Rose, and Rajkumar Buyya “CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modeling
We simulated the above mechanism over CloudSim where                           and Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments and Evaluation
50 cloudlets were submitted. Each cloudlet has length 0f                       of Resource Provisioning Algorithms”IEEE2010
500 MI. The cloud environment consisted of 30 hosts in one               [7]   Marios D. Dikaiakos and George Pallis et al “Cloud Computing
                                                                               Distributed Internet Computing for IT and Scientific
datacenter. Each host has 1 processing element and one has                     Research”IEEE2009.
a CPU speed of 10 MIPS. 50 VMs were created with each
VM used for execution of one cloudlet. Out of 50 cloudlets
30 were allocated resources successfully while 20 jobs
failed due unavailability of required license or due to expiry
of license.                                                                               Tejprakash Singh, pursuing M.tech form IIT Roorkee in
                                                                                          Computer       Science   and    Engineering   having
                                                                                          specialization in Information technology. My Area of
                                                                                          interest is Cloud Computing..
                        V. CONCLUSION
   Here is an implementation of license mechanism such
that if a user want to use the services of cloud then first of all
it will be checked (i.e. license will be checked) whether the
user is authorized or not to use that service and user will pay
the bill on pay-per-use basis.
   In this mechanism when a job is submitted the
authentication of job is verified via datacenter and license
monitor monitors the availability of licenses. One important
feature of this license mechanism is the Billing and Account
part which creates the bill on pay-per-use basis. Due to
Accounting and Billing part, ISV s can monitor the features
their customers are most interested in and therefore keep in
touch with their customer base.
   Another aspect that can be considered in management of
software license is the question whether it is possible to
schedule licenses such that certain jobs get priority. A
possible scenario is the following: A customer of some
license service provider pays some more money for the
licenses he needs to the license service provider. In return he
gets the guarantee that his jobs always have higher priority
than others but in some case it may lead to starvation for
some organization. So in future work we have a challenge

                                                  All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET

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  • 1. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012 Incorporating License Management in Cloud Simulation Environment Tejprakash Singh, Dept. of E & CE, IIT Roorkee, India the services. Because cloud is distributed environment Abstract— Cloud computing is a highly scalable distributed hence how license can be issued. In simple client/ server computing platform, and an emerging technology in IT technique a license is issued to a single user with an industry, in which computing resources are offered 'as a authenticated copy but in cloud environment license is service'. These services are categorized in three services software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and provided over the internet and provider is not sure that how infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). We are free to access these many users may ask for a particular resource because services with some specific protocols. So these protocols are resources are limited if all the user asked for same resource bind together and are put together into the form of license by at the same time then demand cannot be full filled at the service provider. To access these services we require license, a same time. legal authorization through which a cloud service provider Although there are many license management mechanism authorized the user to use its resources on pay-per-basis and resources are provided on demand by the service provider. available in market but they do not support distributed But due to lack of license management in cloud computing it is environment. So there is a challenge to make available a challenge to provide availability of resources to the user. license in distributed environment from legal point of view. This paper presents an algorithm to provide license to the In distributed cloud environment we have resources and user. This paper provides authenticated access to the resources users and any user may ask for any resource we cannot through remote license server. This license management expect that what is going to be in demand in coming time so architecture can be deployed in any distributed environment. we have two mechanisms to issue license. 1. License to the user:- Index Terms— Cloud, CloudSim, license, ISV In this we issue license for a user and if he/she want to access any service over the cloud he/she log in and ask for resources. I. INTRODUCTION 2. License for processes:- In recent trend of IT users access the resources over the Here we are issuing license for each resource as the internet in cloud environment. Cloud computing [7] is a resource is demanded by the user. computing environment where the services are provided to Despite of all the technical difficulties there are some the users on demand over the internet. These services may economical and legal issues. In distributed cloud be in the form Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), environment an enterprise cannot estimate its revenue while infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), software-as-a-service in previous scenario service provider issues their codes (SaaS). yearly basis. Users buy a fixed number of licenses as their Typically every service in cloud has some same requirement with associated features and included support. properties So any organization can predict its revenue and it is very • Availability to the consumer on demand much stable. Unfortunately, cloud environment is in opposing a pay-per-use scenario. In a pay-per-use scenario • Fully controlled by the provider there is no predictable revenue for the service provider and • pay only for the time you used unless the ISV is also the license service provider. However, All the services in cloud environment are made available a pay-per-use model in cloud computing environment to the user on demand and fully controlled by the provider would create a new source of revenue for service provider, you need just use as you want and no need to know about its because SMEs, which so far could not afford to purchase internal structure and you pay only for the time you used. licenses (for a year) can now access the licenses on a pay-per-use basis. Additionally, large no. of users are able Small enterprises do not make big setup of computing to increase their number of licenses during peak-demand power, storage. They access these services over the internet periods. Only time will tell, whether this additional revenue on demand in cloud environment. Now the question arises will be sufficient to compensate for the revenue missed due how these services can be provided and who is the provider. to overprovisioning. So to access these services provider provide license to use We issue license on the basis of license to the user and All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET 8
  • 2. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012 make it as smooth to adopt in cloud environment. Our solution is based upon the following classes which are built and has been integrated with CloudSim. 1. Double Authenticated Access 2. Accounting and Billing 3. Easy access and job submission 4. License monitoring II. RELATED WORK Several research works have focussed on incorporating license in Cloud infrastructure. In [1] a pay per use license management infrastructure has been presented. This infrastructure can be deployed in on-demand computing scenario. The architecture enables authenticated access to a remote license server. In [2] GenLM a license manager for Grid and cloud environment has been presented. This manager provides secure and robust solutions for ISVs for extending their software to Grid and cloud environment. In [3] a semantic resource allocation approach for job scheduling in cloud has been presented. This approach takes into account software licenses, enabling ISVs to distribute their products in cloud environment. In [4] concurrent licenses (which mean the owner can run a specified number of application instances at the same time) are considered as Fig.1 Double Authentication a soft constraint. In [5] elasticLM is based upon a layered architecture comprising 6 layers: Coallocation, B. Accounting and Billing Authentication, Administration, Management, Business, There are some side-implications with respect to accounting and Persistency. and billing associated. In the non-distributed scenario the bill already has been paid for in advance on yearly basis and therefore accounting plays a minor role. The pay-per-use III. SYSTEM DESIGN model needs to support a flexible cost unit based accounting rather than an identity bound accounting: The reason is that Transition from classical license management usually institutions or research groups own the licenses, mechanisms to license management solutions that work in licenses are not owned by their individual members. distributed environments needs to be as smooth as possible. Hence solution satisfies the following requirements: C. Easy access and job submission The licensing mechanism has to be transparent for the user. A. Double Authenticated Access It should not introduce significant overhead. If a user has User using cloud services must have privileged to use the enough privileges to submit a job then he/she should be cloud service. i.e. user, may be in a company which is using allowed access to the cloud services easily and no more cloud services provided by an organization(i.e. Amazon, overhead should be provided to submit the job. One user IBM) on pay per-use- basis, must have privileges to use that who is authorized can ask for service directly. service and he/she must be authorized by the company which is using cloud services. User in an organization is D. License Monitor authorized for using cloud services or not is decided by that The assumption is that such a component is essential once company not by the cloud service provider. Cloud service the license management architecture is deployed in provider only verifies an organization not a particular production. It is necessary to have an efficient supervised person. Hence organization using cloud services must have scheduling of licenses (as is the case for other resources) some accounts for its user. Service provider only issue a and to provide the user with information on how many single license for an organization and maintain account only licenses are available on a given site before he submits his for the organization not for the employer working in job. The monitoring component covers the ability to organization using cloud services and how that organization co-schedule licenses and resources such that jobs are not is using that license in its internal level depends on that started before a required license is available. organization. The License Monitor consists of two parts: The License Monitor component and the integration of a license check into a datacenter. The goal is a work flow like described in 9 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET
  • 3. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012 Fig. 2. Once the data center is about to submit a job that needs licenses, a request is sent to the License Monitor component to check the availability of the needed licenses. If the answer of the License Monitor is positive then the cloudlet is submitted to Virtual machine for execution, otherwise it will not be executed. Fig.3. Simulation Data flow [6] In the event of a match, the Datacenter broker deploys the application with the CIS suggested cloud. The communication flow described so far relates to the basic flow in a simulated experiment. Some variations in this flow Fig.2: overview of license monitor[1] are possible depending on policies. For example, messages from Brokers to Datacenters may require a confirmation E. CloudSim from other parts of the Datacenter, about the execution of an The CloudSim toolkit allows simulation of a Cloud action, or about the maximum number of VMs that a user Computing environment and performance evaluation of can create. scheduling strategies in a repeatable and controlled way. CloudSim implements core entities that simulate resource, 1) DatacenterBroker or Cloud Broker: This class information service, statistics, and shutdown services. models a broker, which is responsible for mediating These services are used to simulate a user with application, negotiations between SaaS and Cloud providers; and such a broker for scheduling, etc. Interaction between these negotiations are driven by QoS requirements. The broker entities takes place through events. Events are used for acts on behalf of SaaS providers. It discovers suitable Cloud service request and service delivery. Events can be internal service providers by querying the Cloud Information (generated by the entity which receives it) or external Service (CIS) and undertakes on-line negotiations for (generated by some other entity). Figure 1 shows the allocation of resources/services that can meet application’s interaction between entities in a typical Cloud simulation. QoS needs. The researchers and system developers must The interaction between entities shown in the figure is extend this class for evaluating and testing custom explained below: brokering policies. The difference between the broker and Figure 3 depicts the flow of communication among core the Cloud Coordinator is that the former represents the CloudSim entities. At the beginning of a simulation, each customer (i.e., decisions of this components are made in Datacenter entity registers with the CIS (Cloud Information order to increase user-related performance metrics), while Service) Registry. CIS then provides information registry the latter acts on behalf of the data center, i.e., it tries to type functionalities, such as match-making services for maximize the overall performance of the data center, mapping user/Brokers requests to suitable Cloud providers. without considering needs of specific customers. Next, the DataCenter Brokers acting on behalf of users consult the CIS service to obtain the list of cloud providers 2) Datacenter: This class models the core who can offer infrastructure services that match infrastructure level services (hardware) that are offered by application’s QoS, hardware, and software requirements. Cloud providers (Amazon, Azure, App Engine). It encapsulates a set of compute hosts that can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to their hardware configurations (memory, cores, capacity, and storage). Furthermore, every Datacenter component instantiates a generalized application provisioning component that implements a set of policies for allocating bandwidth, memory, and storage devices to hosts and VMs. All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET 10
  • 4. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2012 F. License management in Datacenter: to implement such an algorithm in which the user pays more Following classes have been created for license gets the license and no user go in starvation. management. REFERENCES [1] Raekow, Y.; Simmendinger, C.; Grabowski, P.; Jenz, D.; , "License Management in Grid and Cloud Computing," P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2010 international Conference on , vol., no., pp.9-15, 4-6 Nov. 2010. [2] Dalheimer, M.; Pfreundt, F.-J.; , "GenLM: License Management for Grid and Cloud Computing Environments," Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2009. CCGRID '09. 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.132-139, 18-21 May 2009. [3] Ejarque, J.; Micsik, A.; Sirvent, R.; Pallinger, P.; Kovacs, L.; Badia, R.M.; , "Job Scheduling with License Reservation: A Semantic Approach," Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2011 19th Euromicro International Conference on , vol., no., pp.47-54, 9-11 Feb. 2011 [4] Jim (Zhanwen) Li, John Chinneck, Murray Woodside, Marin Litoiu “Deployment of Services in a Cloud Subject to Memory and License Constraints” IEEE 2009. [5] Claudio Cacciari, Francesco D’Andria, Miriam Gozalo, Bj¨orn Hagemeier, Daniel Mallmann, Josep Martrat,David Garc´ıa Per´ez, Fig.4: Class relationship diagram for license management Angela Rumpl, Wolfgang Ziegler, Csilla Zsigri “elasticLM: A novel approach for software licensing in distributed computing infrastructures” IEEE 2010. IV. RESULTS DISCUSSION [6] Rodrigo N. Calheiros,, Rajiv Ranjan, Anton Beloglazov, César A. F. De Rose, and Rajkumar Buyya “CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modeling We simulated the above mechanism over CloudSim where and Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments and Evaluation 50 cloudlets were submitted. Each cloudlet has length 0f of Resource Provisioning Algorithms”IEEE2010 500 MI. The cloud environment consisted of 30 hosts in one [7] Marios D. Dikaiakos and George Pallis et al “Cloud Computing Distributed Internet Computing for IT and Scientific datacenter. Each host has 1 processing element and one has Research”IEEE2009. a CPU speed of 10 MIPS. 50 VMs were created with each VM used for execution of one cloudlet. Out of 50 cloudlets 30 were allocated resources successfully while 20 jobs failed due unavailability of required license or due to expiry of license. Tejprakash Singh, pursuing M.tech form IIT Roorkee in Computer Science and Engineering having specialization in Information technology. My Area of interest is Cloud Computing.. V. CONCLUSION Here is an implementation of license mechanism such that if a user want to use the services of cloud then first of all it will be checked (i.e. license will be checked) whether the user is authorized or not to use that service and user will pay the bill on pay-per-use basis. In this mechanism when a job is submitted the authentication of job is verified via datacenter and license monitor monitors the availability of licenses. One important feature of this license mechanism is the Billing and Account part which creates the bill on pay-per-use basis. Due to Accounting and Billing part, ISV s can monitor the features their customers are most interested in and therefore keep in touch with their customer base. Another aspect that can be considered in management of software license is the question whether it is possible to schedule licenses such that certain jobs get priority. A possible scenario is the following: A customer of some license service provider pays some more money for the licenses he needs to the license service provider. In return he gets the guarantee that his jobs always have higher priority than others but in some case it may lead to starvation for some organization. So in future work we have a challenge 11 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCET