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Xenogenetics for PL/SQLInfusing with Java Best Practices and Design Patterns
Xenogenetics for PL/SQLInfusing with Java Best Practices and Design Patterns
Zĕn'ə-jə-nĕt'ĭks for PL/SQLInfusing with Java Best Practices and Design Patterns
Show of hands: DBA
 BiologistSource: www.answers.com
Design Patterns
“Someone has already solved your problems”
Design by ContractEncapsulationDecouplingAssertion
procedure proc (p_name     in varchar2               ,p_sal      in number               ,p_hiredate in date               )
Expectation regarding Valid Inputprocedure proc (p_name     in varchar2               ,p_sal      in number               ,p_hiredate in date               )Agreed Contract
package dbcisAssertFail   exception;c_AssertFail constant integer := -20999;pragmaexception_init (AssertFail, -20999);   procedure assert (p_check in boolean                    ,p_msg   in varchar2 := null                    );end dbc;
procedure assert (p_check in boolean                 ,p_msg   in varchar2 := null                 )isbegin   if not nvl(p_check,false)   -- fail on null input   thenraise_application_error         ( c_AssertFail, 'Assertion Fail'           ||': '||substr( nvl(p_msg, 'No Message')                         , 1, 200)          );   end if;end assert;
Validate Inputprocedure proc (...)isbegindbc.assert (p_name is not null                        ,'The Name must be Filled'                        );dbc.assert ((p_sal is not null and p_sal > 0)              ,'The Salary must be greater than zero'              );dbc.assert (p_hiredate >= trunc (sysdate)              ,'Hiredate must be in the Future'              );   ...end proc;proc.sql
-- Description of this procedure---- %paramp_name Name of an Employee--  {*} Requirement Name must be provided---- %paramp_sal Salary of the Employee--  {*} Requirement Salary must be greater than zero---- %paramp_hiredateHiredate--  {*} Requirement Hiredate must be in the Future---- %raises DBC.AssertFail-- When a Parameter does not match the requirement
Allround Automations Plugin PLSQLDOC
(aka Inversion of Control)Advanced DecouplingDependency Injection
PL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackageHTTPLogger
PL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackagePL/SQL PackageHTTPLogger
Dependency Injection- Traditional Approach Central Package instead of hard-codingc_mailserverc_interest_ratec_vat_ratec_file_in_namec_log_levelAPP_CONSTANTSPackagePackagePackage
True InjectionConfiguration ValuespropertypackagevalueAfter Logon triggermailserverinterest_ratevat_ratefile_in_namelog_levelurl_proxyemailertax_calctax_calcloggerloggerrss_readeramislin324.517.6app_log_xdebugamisvm2…setMailServerEMAILERsetFileInNamesetLogLevelLOGGERsetUrlProxyRSS_READERDependency_InjectorTAX_CALCsetInterestRatesetVatRate
From mere Value Injection to Interface InjectionA component can specify it requires some simple configuration values to be injecteddirectory name, email address, discount percentageIt can also stipulate that it wants some ‘helpers’complete functional componentsfor example: a Logger, an Emailer, a Discount Calculation Service, an Order Validation , etc.The component will prescribe the interface the injected helper must haveReuse is promoted through injected dependencies
Interface Injection“If you give me a logger, I will write logging”Dependency_InjectorLOGGERlog_message(  p_log_level in varchar2 , p_log_origin in varchar2 , p_log_message in varchar2);set_loglevel_threshold( p_log_level in varchar2);set_file_writer( p_file_writer in varchar2HRM_SALARY_RULES/* Logger interface:p_log_level in varchar2 , p_log_origin in varchar2 , p_log_message in varchar2*/set_logger (p_logger in varchar2)
Interface Injection“If you give me a logger, I will write logging”Dependency_InjectorHRM_SALARY_RULES/* Logger interface:p_log_level in varchar2 , p_log_origin in varchar2 , p_log_message in varchar2*/set_logger (p_logger in varchar2)NEW_LOGGER_IMPLWrite_trace_message(  p_log_level in varchar2 , p_log_origin in varchar2 , p_log_message in varchar2);
JSONCross Session Communication
namespaceName : ValueName : ValueName : ValueName : ValueName : ValueName : Valuecontext1.sql
JavaScript Object NotationLightweight data-interchange format
Name : Value
Name : Value,Name : Value,Name : Value
Name : Value,Name : Value,Name : ValueName : Value,Name : Value,Name : ValueName : Value,Name : Value,Name : Value,,
{"ACCOUNTING" : {    "EMPLOYEES" : [    {"ENAME" : "KING",      "JOB" : "PRESIDENT",      "SAL" : 5000    },    {"ENAME" : "MILLER",      "JOB" : "CLERK",      "SAL" : 1300    }]  }}
<department name="ACCOUNTING">  <employees>    <employee>      <ename>KING</ename>      <job>PRESIDENT</job>      <sal>5000</sal>    </employee>    <employee>      <ename>MILLER</ename>      <job>CLERK</job>      <sal>1300</sal>    </employee>  </employees></department>
Caching sessionCachepackagesessionsessionsession
Caching sessionCachepackagekeyvalueAlertListener
WorkerSessionWorkerSessionPackage (single session)clientWorkerSessiondbms_jobWorkerSessionWorkerSession
Java Stored ProcedureUnlocking the World
ChallengesLack of InteractionHumansExternal SystemsPL/SQL is limited
1Write Functional Java2Wrap with PL/SQL3Load into Database4Set appropriate Privs5Invoke JSP via PL/SQL InterfaceSummary
From Xenophobia to XenogeneticsEstablished best practices in languages like Java can help improve use of PL/SQLDesign by Contract, Encapsulation,  Assertion, Reduced Impact of ChangesDependency Injection,  Decoupling, ReuseTechnical concepts in Java can have a meaningful counterpart in PL/SQLData and Interaction across sessions
From Xenophobia to XenogeneticsDe-facto standards – such as JSON – may make sense in a PL/SQL contextAnd open source PL/SQL libraries may existThrough Java Stored Procedures, PL/SQL can leverage Java capabilities & librariesTo interact  through additional channelsTo calculate, process, generate, interpret

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Editor's Notes

  1. … and you don’t want to be sitting here [animation] when someone down here [animation] has already written this solution.
  2. ENCAPSULATION (hide implementation from consumers)Encapsulation: wijziging van implementatiezonderuiterlijkegevolgen; netter organiserenDecoupling: views, pl/sqlapiAssertion: verifieren van afgesproken contract
  3. When developing stored procedures, you agreed upon a specific interface, the signature of the stored procedure. Implicitly you agreed upon a contract. One using the Stored Procedure will know which parameters to supply and what will be returned by the stored procedure.In order to implement the stored procedure you make certain assumption about the supplied values for the parameters.Using Assertions you can make sure that the user of the Stored Procedures is faithful to the contract.Talen: webservices, javaElementen in contractDatatype (aantal, type, eisenaaninhoud)ExceptionsReturn SLA elementen: side effects – transactions/ nietbeschikbaarFunctionelebeschrijving
  4. Deel van assertions is er, datatype
  5. Do nothing or Complain Loudly
  6. This is
  7. Nice and optimistic interpretation:We do not want to burden you with the task(s) ofcalling us, keeping up to date with our latest contact details, being familiar with our internal procedures Let us handle the nitty gritty and just tell you what you need to know when you should know it
  8. EmailDirectoryurllogging
  9. EmailDirectoryurllogging
  10. Background parallel processing; information exchange between different processesWhy would you want cross session communication?Background processes for parallel processingSharing cache resultsInter-user communication…?
  11. Background parallel processing; information exchange between different processes
  12. Javakoffie
  13. Communication across sessions: Options: DBMS_PIPE – serialized in case of Public Pipes, only one session gets the informationQueueing – quite heavy Tables – always need transaction mechanism Application Context- no transaction neededApplication Context: storing name-value pairsKunnenalleen strings in
  14. Communication across sessions: Options: DBMS_PIPE – serialized in case of Public Pipes, only one session gets the informationQueueing – quite heavy Tables – always need transaction mechanism Application Context- no transaction neededApplication Context: storing name-value pairsKunnenalleen strings in
  15. Communication across sessions: Options: DBMS_PIPE – serialized in case of Public Pipes, only one session gets the informationQueueing – quite heavy Tables – always need transaction mechanism Application Context- no transaction neededApplication Context: storing name-value pairsKunnenalleen strings in
  16. Communication across sessions: Options: DBMS_PIPE – serialized in case of Public Pipes, only one session gets the informationQueueing – quite heavy Tables – always need transaction mechanism Application Context- no transaction neededApplication Context: storing name-value pairsKunnenalleen strings in
  17. JavascriptPhpWeb wereld
  18. Very compact, with lots of information.
  19. Same information, now represented in XML – lot more text
  20. Available Open Source projects for JSON in combination with PL/SQL
  21. Available Open Source projects for JSON in combination with PL/SQL
  22. Usually, jobs can only be used for batch programming (no synchronous response). However: a task can be divided up over various jobs – where each job does part of the work – and all jobs report back their result to the original thread (session) through a pipe
  23. The job is scheduled to run every minuteIt calls upon the Java Stored Procedure to retrieve the newly arrived email-messages – in a specific accountFor each message, an email event is enqueue in the AQ Queue. The new email-messages are subsequently removed.A queue listener has been registered on the queue with email eventsEvery email (event) is dequeued and processedThe email can contain query statements – in some form – that the processor knows how to handleThe reply to the query is then sent in an email message that forms the response to the original email messageNote: other listeners could dequeue the email events and process them in other waysIncoming messages from other sources could be retrieved and processed in a similar way as email messages (VOIP, SMS, IM/Chat, Twitter)The database can both send and retrieve messages from such serversNote: Java is much better equipped than plain PL/SQL (that really only has utl_http, utl_tcp, utl_smtp) for customized, flexible, advanced interaction with a wide range of infrastructures and technologies.
  24. Screenshot:Frank sends email to Maggie – with a query on EmployeesAfter some time, a response is sent to this particular email – by the queue listener using the JSP to send(list of employee data, corresponding with “query”)
  25. Java is much better equipped than plain PL/SQL (that really only has utl_http, utl_tcp, utl_smtp) for customized, flexible, advanced interaction with a wide range of infrastructures and technologies.Java libraries can help to generate PDF, create and/or read Word and Excel etc.Through JMS – external Java applications can be accessed in a decoupled way. For example: Complex Event Processor
  26. Write functional JavaFor example in JDeveloperUsing the full richness of the IDE and of the Java Language (and libraries)Wrap with PL/SQL Map Java &amp; PL/SQL data types Load into DatabaseCustom classes and libraries (JAR-files)Set appropriate privilegesInvoke JSP through a normal PL/SQL interface
  27. Look around youThink out of the the boxKeep an open mind
  28. Leverage Java – without the need to buy/install/maintain (middletier) additional infrastructureChannels: receiving emails, Instant Messaging (chatting)Processing/Generating (statistics, Excel, PDF, images, ..)