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April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive
by Sucharita Mulpuru
for eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
© 2011 Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Forrester, Forrester Wave, RoleView, Technographics, TechRankings, and Total Economic
content in any form without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. To purchase reprints of this document, please email clientsupport@
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based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change.
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Executive Summary
In spite of the fact that hundreds of millions of people around the world have Facebook accounts, the
ability of the social network to drive revenue for eCommerce businesses continues to remain elusive.
eBusiness professionals in retail collectively report little direct or indirect benefit from Facebook, and
social networks overall trail far behind other customer acquisition and retention tactics like paid search
and email in generating a return on investment. For some companies and brands, Facebook promises
to support branding and awareness (i.e., “top of the (marketing) funnel”) efforts, but for most eBusiness
companies in retail, Facebook is unlikely to correlate directly to near-term sales. A few pockets of
success, however, have surfaced, and a cottage industry of vendors who can support these programs will
inevitably burgeon.
table of Contents
Could Facebook Be Retail’s“Next Google”?
Three Ways That eCommerce Companies Use
Some Companies Can Drive Cottage
Businesses With Facebook Commerce
The Many Challenges Of Facebook
Transforming eCommerce
The Best Of Facebook Commerce Is Already
Google (Not Facebook) Will Be The Next
Supplemental Material
Forrester interviewed 24 vendor and user
companies, including Alvenda/8th Bridge,
Bronto Software, ChannelAdvisor, Cleverbridge,
Milyoni, TurnTo, Pavyment, PowerReviews,
Responsys, NM Incite, SAS, ShopIgniter, YardSellr,
and VML.
Related Research Documents
“US Online Retail Forecast, 2010 To 2015”
February 28, 2011
“Five Retail eCommerce Trends To Watch In 2011”
January 31, 2011
“2011: Now Social Media Marketing Gets Tough”
January 4, 2011
April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
Demystifying The Hype For Retail eBusiness Executives
by Sucharita Mulpuru
with Nate Elliott, Patti Freeman Evans, and Doug Roberge
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Could Facebook be Retail’s“Next Google”? Unlikely
“Social” has of course been the buzzword of the past few years. Now the inescapable fact that Facebook
has more users than there are Americans and that the company has made several well-publicized
moves in the commerce arena mean “social commerce” will be a popular conversation topic in the
months to come.1
Some of the boldest prognostications have been that Facebook will be “the next
The most common refrains supporting that perspective were variants of the following:
“With hundreds of millions of users, it will affect everything, including commerce.” (CEO,
social commerce vendor)
“Shopping is inherently social, so it would make sense for a social network to play
a significant role in the shopping process.” (VP, online marketing, $1 billion-plus
multichannel retailer)
However, we would be remiss to not point out that there is no shortage of skeptics when it comes to
Facebook and particularly around commerce. Computer scientist and author of the acclaimed book
You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto, Jaron Lanier disparagingly describes the mad frenzy around
Facebook as “digital Maoism.”3
Data that Forrester has collected with Shop.org for two years has
reflected that social networks fail to drive meaningful revenue for eBusiness professionals in retail,
have a questionable ROI, and are generally ineffective as customer acquisition tools (see Figure 1-1
and see Figure 1-2).
Furthermore, while Facebook proponents would argue that the best of Facebook commerce is
yet to come, the fact remains that, in spite of an open architecture and several hundred thousand
developers making efforts to develop useful social shopping applications, few, if any, have managed
to create a breakaway success. In contrast, paid search was viewed as a home run in Google’s early
days. Social networks, however, are not yet viewed quite as positively by retailers (see Figure 1-3).
To better understand these findings, we spent eight weeks interviewing nearly two dozen technology
vendors, retailers, and interactive marketers to craft a perspective on the topic. Facebook did not
respond to requests to be interviewed prior to publication of this document. The questions we set
out to answer were the following: How are eBusiness professionals in retail using Facebook? And
why hasn’t Facebook been able to generate more for eBusiness professionals in retail?
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 1 Social Tactics Continue To Be Unproven
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Social networks rank last among 10 customer acquisition tactics1-2
Social network efforts are largely about experimentation1-1
“Which of the following were your top three most effective sources used to acquire customers in 2009?”
Search engine marketing
Affiliate programs
Organic traffic
Comparison-shopping/product shopping engines
Remarketing/retargeting of shoppers
Offline advertising
Direct mail
Online marketplaces
Email to prospecting lists
Social network presence
Base: 102 online retailers
Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”a Shop.org study conducted by Forrester Research
“To what extent do you agree with the following statements?”
(4 or 5 on a scale of 1 [strongly disagree] to 5 [strongly agree])
We are pursuing social marketing strategies
because this is a great time to experiment
and learn more about what they can do
The returns on social marketing strategies are unclear
We see the primary ROI from social marketing as
listening to and better understanding our customers
We are pursuing social marketing strategies
because we do not want to be late movers
We are pursuing social marketing strategies
because there is tremendous buzz about them
We are pursuing social marketing
strategies because our competitors are
We use a specific set of metrics by
which to measure social marketing initiatives
Social marketing strategies
have helped to grow our business to date
We are pursuing a social marketing strategy because
our senior management has pressured us to do so
Base: 102 online retailers
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 1 Social Tactics Continue To Be Unproven (Cont.)
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2002”and“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”Shop.org studies
conducted by Forrester Research
Base: 116 and 108 online retailers
Usage Usage
Effectiveness Email to
house file
Email to
house file
Affiliate Affiliate
Direct search
Display ads
Display ads
Email to
prospect lists
Email to
prospect lists
Paid search
Paid search
Retailer perception of interactive
marketing (circa 2000)
Retailer perception of interactive
marketing (circa 2010)
targeting and
. . . while social networks
have been far less
effective since their
Paid search programs
were effective even at
their inception . . .
Retailers find social networks to be ineffective compared to search and email1-3
Three Ways That eCommerce Companies Use Facebook
In framing the discussion around Facebook and its role in commerce, it is critical to first set
boundaries on what will be discussed in this document. To determine these parameters, we
specifically looked at how Facebook could measurably help a retailer or seller sell more of its
products. While branding and “top of the (marketing) funnel” influence is included in this
evaluation, we do not consider other benefits of social media such as customer service, which could
be effective for post-transaction interactions.4
Furthermore, the scope of this research does not
address the impact of Facebook’s display ads on a company or brand. Given those boundaries, we
found companies engaging with Facebook in one of three ways (see Figure 2):
·	On Facebook itself. The activity that occurs when one is logged onto Facebook from a PC
or mobile device is often characterized as “within the four walls of Facebook.” Within the “on
Facebook” option rest the ubiquitous and hyped Facebook stores that companies such as
Alvenda/8th Bridge and Payvment have helped to execute, as well as wall posts about brands, Q&A
about products, and fan pages. With these use cases, Facebook is theoretically well positioned to
address something that the Internet has been notoriously bad at supporting: product discovery.
But the key challenge is that Facebook is about socializing rather than shopping.
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Key challenges: Unfortunately, eBusiness pros in retail regard this tactic as the least lucrative
of Facebook commerce opportunities as click-through and conversion rates for links from
these pages/links are anemic (see Figure 3). Furthermore, they report that commonly clicked
on features from their Facebook efforts center on coupons and promotions. This leads many
retailers to believe they are not attracting particularly valuable shoppers through Facebook
initiatives. One retailer said that its wall posts by “fans” were rarely proclamations of love and
loyalty for his business but more often critiques and gripes that any discounts or special offers
they did offer weren’t deep enough.5
Facebook stores are unable to replicate the full brand experience of a company’s official website,
which will limit the appetite of many retailers to even invest in Facebook stores. These stores are
even more challenged with the new page formats launched in Q1 2011, which appear to visually
deprioritize shopping.
Wall posts by brands to fans may supplement emails but are frequently deprioritized by Facebook’s
algorithm for relevance and are hence not always easy ways for companies to reach shoppers.
·	Off Facebook (i.e., on other sites). This aspect of Facebook commerce is the piece that takes
advantage of what is called the Open Graph. It enables shoppers to sign in to Facebook from any
site that offers the option and to push or pull information to and from Facebook. (For example,
customers can “like” a product on a retail website and that action is posted on that person’s wall
and the walls of their friends. The Open Graph also allows a website to list fans who may also
be your friends when you are browsing a site). Other implementations of this approach include
the ability to share one’s purchase with Facebook friends from a site’s shopping cart as a site like
Eventbrite offers or the ability to invite Facebook friends to chat about a product as a site like
Wet Seal offers (see Figure 4). Opportunities in this bucket continue to emerge from companies
such as TurnTo and PowerReviews and are viewed favorably by retailers because consumers
have the ability to receive social network information when they are at an online “point of sale.”
But the key challenge is that the Open Graph isn’t for everyone.
Key challenges: “Off Facebook” efforts are most effective when there is large network of users.
Amazon.com, as an example, is in a better position to showcase the products that others within
one’s social network may have viewed or purchased because the site has tens of millions of
users. But similar information on a less-trafficked site is harder to gather. Less-trafficked sites
are therefore best positioned to use generic user-generated content because there is simply more
of it, rather than content from friends (which may not even exist). This fact ultimately renders
the Open Graph (and the specific value of Facebook) inadequate for all but the very large
companies. To illustrate this challenge, most retailers have ratings/reviews for specific products
from anyone who submits a review rather than reviews from friends because in the cases of
most products, there simply would be no such reviews (an exception could be reviews for films
or a widely owned product like the iPhone).
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Facebook critics argue that Open Graph data puts too much power and customer data in the
hands of Facebook alone.6
·	Through Facebook’s data layer. Facebook has copious amounts of demographic, behavioral,
and brand data about its users. Analytics companies in particular are among the first to scrape
unstructured text to (theoretically) create richer customer profiles from Facebook content. This
process can assist with customer scoring to influence a marketer’s contact strategy or outbound
messaging. Facebook’s data is considered so rich that government organizations such as the
FBI reportedly find it a key input to tracking down criminals and criminal behavior.7
companies with CRM programs may stand to gain the most as they already have sophisticated
programs for mining data from millions of customers and could benefit from the additional
insight that online social networks are also able to provide. But the key challenge is that the data
is vast but messy and personal.
Key challenges: The unstructured nature of data from social networks (the multitude of
languages, the non sequiturs) makes it difficult for even the most sophisticated natural language
processing tools to shape meaningful conclusions. Furthermore, the inconsistent nature of
details that fans share about themselves can make the process of matching those customers back
to a master database all the more challenging.
Whenever data is available, there is a chance that it could violate privacy regulations; even
though some consumers reveal their phone numbers and addresses on Facebook, the availability
of that information in APIs is still undecided.
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways
How retailers use Facebook2-1
Greater value to
large retailers Illustration Description
Data layer
• Using Facebook data to extract
trends, identify influencers,
monitor competition, glean
customer insights
• Example retailers: Zappos.com
• Extraction of Facebook’s open
graph data onto key selling
pages,“likes”on product detail
• Example retailers: Jansport,
Levi’s, Wet Seal
• F-commerce initiatives such as
stores, fan pages, peer-to-peer
contacts“within the four walls”
of Facebook
• Example retailers: JCPenney,
1-800 Flowers
Source: Spinback website; Levi’s website; JCPenney Facebook page
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways (Cont.)
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Startups supporting Facebook commerce2-2
Approach Sample executions Example companies
Data extraction
Off Facebook
Sentiment analysis, measuring pass-alongs
Incorporating social graph onto retail sites, enabling co-
browsing with Facebook friends, integration of social
networks into ratings/reviews (capturing user-generated
content and disseminating it)
On Facebook Facebook stores, selling from posts, Facebook advertising Alvenda, Fluid, Milyoni,
Payvment, ShopIgniter, YardSellr
Fluid, PowerReviews, Quorus,
Sesh, ShopIgniter, TurnTo
BuzzLogic, Forsee, NM Incite,
SAS, Spinback
Figure 3 Key Facebook Metrics Are Weaker Than Other Online Marketing Tactics
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Facebook metrics
Click-through rate 1%
Conversion rate 2%
Average metrics for email are
11% click-through rate and
an average conversion rate of 4%.
*Base: 17,176 US online adults who have at least one social network account
Source: North American Technographics® Online Benchmark Survey, Q2 2010 (US)
*Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”a Shop.org study conducted by Forrester Research
Source: 24 retailer and technology provider interviews
Average friends per account
Average impressions per post
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 4 Open Graph Allows Users To Sign Into Facebook From Other Sites
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Eventbrite drives incremental traffic with social network sharing4-1
Source: Eventbrite website
Eventbrite calculates that each
share on Facebook generates
11 visits back to Eventbrite and
$2.52 in revenue.
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 4 Open Graph Allows Users To Sign Into Facebook From Other Sites (Cont.)
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Co-shopping with Facebook friends on Wet Seal4-2
Source: Wet Seal website
Wet Seal enables shoppers to
invite Facebook friends and get
their opinions while browsing.
Chat interface
Some Companies Can Drive Cottage Businesses With Facebook Commerce
While most of the retailers we interviewed said that they were not yet seeing direct sales from
Facebook, it would be an overstatement to say that Facebook was entirely ineffective in commerce.
In fact, several of the technology vendors cited successes among their clients. One reason for the
difference in Facebook’s effectiveness for different groups is that the technology vendors frequently
serviced niche players or brands in specific verticals that often exhibited unique characteristics that
enabled them to more effectively gain value from Facebook (see Figure 5). The types of businesses
that Facebook proponents believe are best-positioned to gain some benefit (often in some modest
way rather than through any explosion in revenue) from Facebook are companies that:
·	Are small pure plays. For small businesses looking to hang a shingle online, Facebook is the
2011 version of Yahoo Merchant Solutions or eBay ProStores. Because the online sales of these
sellers are often generated by their own word-of-mouth advertising and because Facebook
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
is essentially their eCommerce platform, it is not uncommon to hear of 100% of the online
revenues of such sellers coming through Facebook — many of Payvment’s thousands of clients,
for instance, can be described this way. Unlike Yahoo’s or eBay’s small business offerings,
Facebook allows a seller to easily promote new products or offers to one’s fans without having
to go through the more cumbersome process of collecting and managing email addresses.
The reason that Facebook could potentially grow among these sellers is that there is a cost to
maintaining even a modest eCommerce site with one’s own URL. For such small businesses, it
can be more cost-effective to direct customers to one’s fan page on Facebook rather than invest
in setting up one’s own website.
·	Have rich customer databases. Direct mail merchants, catalogers, and large retailers with their
own loyalty or proprietary credit card programs generally fall into this bucket and are well
poised to take advantage of Facebook’s data layer. Why? These are marketers with significant
quantitative insight into their shoppers’ behavior, and Facebook offers the opportunity to
append additional information to those customer profiles. Imagine being able to subcategorize
the top decile of spenders into the most influential high-spending shoppers. Also for “off
Facebook” initiatives, larger retailers are particularly well positioned to win as discussed above.
·	Sell categories that people talk about and that can be digitally distributed. Some categories
such as books, movies, and entertainment are fundamentally viral products. To this end, user-
generated content on sites like Netflix and Amazon.com have been mainstays for years but only
promise to be more effective as commerce can now be integrated to products that consumers
are most likely to discuss with their friends. For these product categories, which are also shifting
to digital distribution, friction in the sales process will be reduced even further as shoppers
can read the endorsements of their peers for, say, a movie and purchase tickets in a block for a
Friday viewing, which is what Disney’s Tickets Together Facebook application is pioneering.
·	Are virtual goods and gaming companies. The most frequently cited commerce success story
on Facebook is of course any game from Zynga, the maker of FarmVille and CityVille. Game
makers for social networks have been able to successfully persuade their most active players to
spend actual dollars to ascend to new levels within various games. This spend actually proves
to be the bulk of transactions that Facebook generates from consumers and is estimated to
be more than $5 billion in value.8
Vendors like ifeelgoods are riding the wave of this interest,
enabling retailers to provide virtual incentives to shoppers to drive conversions in lieu of
coupons or discounts.
·	Sell high-consideration goods. For products like mobile phones, PCs, consumer electronics,
or even items like sporting goods or baby gear, consumers actively seek to have their “shortlists”
validated by others. Peer-generated commentary supporting or repudiating a product, brand,
or company are reported to be effective both on Facebook and off Facebook in driving sales for
products that consumers spend time thinking about prior to purchasing.9
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
·	Sell fast-moving consumer goods. Because of the vast reach of these types of products (e.g.,
often grocery products that are household names like Pampers or Pop-Tarts), these brands
have legions of fans that provide brand managers with copious amounts of data. This not only
provides rich information that can be appended to a master contact file, but it also provides
a targeted list of customers to reach for promotions like coupons or new product launches on
Facebook. Off Facebook, the ability to indicate which friends may like a particular product can
be useful on a manufacturer’s site or on the product detail page of a retailer selling the item,
again because their reach enables a broad user network. Brand and “top of funnel” benefits,
though, are perhaps the biggest benefits that Facebook provides to these companies. The well-
publicized online success of Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice campaign is perhaps a textbook use
of social media (though its success was as much from YouTube as Facebook), where sharing of
various Old Spice videos over time drove an increase in brand sales.
·	Are limited (time or distribution) sale businesses. Flash sales in particular are well suited to
spreading their message on Facebook because the offers are often brands and products that have
a limited shelf life and are likely to be of interest to others in a given social network. One such
site Kembrel.com, which targets college students, reportedly generates 20% of its revenues from
its Facebook store, which in turn generates traffic from college students posting links about the
company’s sales on one another’s walls.10
·	Are peer-to-peer marketplaces. Individuals looking to sell things but who find the anonymity
of craigslist a bit daunting may find the ability to reach friends through Facebook to be a bit
less intimidating. Likewise, buyers in the Facebook Marketplace are more likely to find the
community more trustworthy for small or “one-off” transactions. In fact, companies like
Yardsellr (called by some “the eBay of Facebook”) are finding exactly this sort of success.11
·	Are community and local businesses. Local businesses or offers are particularly suited to
Facebook as well because individuals often have other local friends in their online social networks.
Yelp, for instance, is an example of a company focusing on local businesses and which uses
Facebook’s social data to help viewers see the activity of others in their networks. One of the
successes of ticketing site Eventbrite is that it leverages Facebook (among other social networks) to
drive consumers to local events that are likely to appeal to others in a given social network.
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 5 Opportunity For Retail Businesses To Engage Facebook In Different Ways
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Type of company
Estimated size
of opportunity*
Fast-moving consumer goods (e.g.,
cosmetics, cleaning supplies)
*Represents total consumer spend online and offline in the US. Small: less than $5 billion; medium: $5 billion-
20 billion; large: $20 billion-plus
Small pure plays Large
Media sellers (e.g., books)
CRM companies (e.g., catalogers, large
companies with loyalty programs)
Virtual goods/gaming
Hard goods and commodities (e.g., cars,
Soft goods (e.g., clothing)
Flash sales
= Company can likely engage this approach effectively
= Company can less effectively engage this approach
Gray represents greater branding benefit (i.e.,“top of the funnel”); black represents greater sales
benefit (i.e.,“bottom of the funnel”)
The Many Challenges of Facebook Transforming eCommerce
While pockets of opportunity for Facebook do exist, the likelihood that Facebook will ever be “the
next Google,” thereby becoming a key sales-driving tool for retailers and creating a reliable revenue
stream for Facebook, is unfortunately far-fetched. The most formidable challenges for Facebook are:
·	Budging the poor on-Facebook metrics. Because Facebook stores are largely ineffective,
particularly for bigger retailers, Facebook’s own account managers have evidently discouraged
retailers from investing in them, steering them instead to Facebook display ads. While the stores
have been critical to some small sites that have no other way to reach customers, on average,
Facebook stores generate less than 1% of eCommerce revenue for retailers with robust web
businesses. Even for off-Facebook efforts, such as when shoppers share items they’ve purchased
or reviews they’ve written or even products that they like, the overall influence of those actions
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
is relatively small when shared on a Facebook wall. In addition to generally low metrics,
companies need to contend with wall posts being turned off, a post getting lost on a wall, or a
post being deprioritized by Facebook’s algorithm for popularity and relevance.
·	Contending with the fact that Facebook is not a search engine. Shoppers go to sites where
they can easily find what they are looking for. Most shoppers are in fact “spearfishing” when
they shop online.12
That is why Google is so critical in the shopping process — it helps to match
shoppers’ needs with specific products and stores that can deliver against that search query.
Facebook, however, is a directory and a communication tool and, as a result, a place where
relatively few shoppers engage with brands (see Figure 6).
·	Serious challenges in the payments world. Facebook Credits was vaunted upon launch as
being the way that Facebook would keep transactions on its site. Payment systems, however, are
complex and labor-intensive to build and maintain, and retailers are unlikely to adopt another
payment form given that many have yet to even adopt PayPal, which is a far more common,
mature, and proven online standard. Furthermore, Facebook faces the same challenges with
its proprietary payment method that Google did with its Google Checkout tool — the fact
that retailers do not want to share sensitive transaction details with a company that could be
an adversary. Google Checkout continues to languish with little adoption by major retailers.
And this remains true even with a fee structure that is significantly lower than the 30% of
transactions that Facebook takes from sellers that offer Facebook Credits.
·	A reputation for apathy around privacy issues. Facebook has not yet lived down its maligned
Beacon efforts from years ago when shoppers unwittingly shared purchases with others in their
social networks as a result of a Facebook opt-in option. Even outside of commerce issues, CEO
Mark Zuckerberg has been questioned, most recently by two US congressmen, on various
questionable actions stemming from his stance that privacy is no longer a social norm.13
could risk permanently shutting out from third parties much of the useful information (e.g.,
birthday, marital status, employer, phone number) that consumers share about themselves.
Particularly on issues related to personal financial information (which would be critical to
anything commerce-related), social networks fare particularly poorly. The majority of consumers
say they would have no interest, for instance, in accessing their banking information through
social networks, with the top concerns being the safety and privacy of their personal information.14
·	A sparsity and quality problem in peer-to-peer Facebook recommendations. Even to the
degree that people are able to rely on information served through social networks for some
types of transactions, the reality is that there may simply not be enough volume to generate
meaningful peer-to-peer endorsements. Relying on a social network for information about
whether it makes sense to purchase a particular digital camera requires that others have made
a similar purchase decision in the recent past and that those buyers can be trusted to provide
credible advice about this particular purchase decision. In the case of unique products like the
iPhone or iPad, which is owned by millions of consumers, such a problem does not exist, but
most products are not owned by millions of consumers.
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Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Figure 6 Social Networks Are Primarily Communication (Versus Shopping) Tools
Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603
Using social networks for
retail or shopping
purposes is uncommon.
Base: 2,804 online consumers
(multiple responses accepted)
Source: North American Technographics® Retail Online Benchmark Recontact Survey, Q2 2010 (US)
Purchased products
Followed retailers onTwitter
Researched products
Posted comments on a retailer’s social networking page
Added a video, image, or game from a retailer’s social
networking page to my profile
Used them to meet people with common interests
Visited social networking pages set up by retailers
Used them mainly for entertainment (e.g., watch videos,
find bands)
Used them mainly for communication/
to keep up with friends and others
“Which of the following have you done on social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Myspace)
in the past three months?”
W ha t i t mea n s
The Best of facebook commerce is already here
While Facebook disciples believe that there will be something that will in the future transform
shopping, the truth is that large brands just have not experienced any sizable gains in direct
sales from Facebook. In spite of hundreds of thousands of developers (not to mention numerous
Hackathons) having been given the opportunity to create useful shopping applications or to
integrate commerce into Facebook, there has yet to be a blockbuster success. Without some
measurable success for large brands in the next 12 months, the calls that the best of Facebook is
coming risk having the credence of a cultist who insists that the world will end next year. More
likely, Facebook’s commerce successes with large retailers will be extensions of the pockets of
success that already exist on the social network — particularly, the usage of the Open Graph and
the integration of shopper data from Facebook to a master customer file. While none are likely
to be Google-killers, they promise to be solid services that help individuals and businesses make
the most of their presence and relationships on Facebook and other social networks. Some likely
outcomes will result:
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
·	Social network service providers will be winners. In the same way that the email
landscape spawned email service providers who helped companies navigate through all
the executional challenges of that medium, watch for“social network service providers”to
emerge to help execute promotional messages, optimize them for newsfeeds or other
displays, monitor performance, and leverage consumers who could be effective Facebook
direct sellers. This applies both to promising early movers (e.g., Alvenda/8th Bridge, Milyoni,
ShopIgniter, TurnTo, YardSellr) that are likely to be long-term players and even more
established companies like PowerReviews that are wisely leveraging the Open Graph to
supplement their core products.
·	A new category of“inbox marketing.” Years ago at a Forrester consumer forum, an analyst
joked that Facebook would be the end of email. Retailers and brands we interviewed said
they were using Facebook and posts to their fan walls in much the same way as email — to
disseminate timely information about sales, specials, new arrivals, and promotions. The reality
is that email continues to be an incredibly effective interactive marketing tool and in fact
is supplemented by Facebook brand posts, as email helps to drive total Facebook fans and
Facebook posts reinforce email messaging. Look for significant overlap in email lists, Facebook
fans, and mobile lists, with each serving a separate but complementary objective. Expect data
gleaned from one platform to support the content and messages in other channels.
·	Facebook’s hands-on play in commerce will be short-lived. Facebook has yet to
“show retailers the money,”but perhaps even more troubling is that it has yet to show
its shareholders any money from retailers (beyond advertising). Several of the retailers
we interviewed insisted that Facebook’s only plan for monetization (other than virtual
goods) was advertising on the site’s“right rail.”Several retailers also reported feeling little
partnership from Facebook account managers. With no clear path to monetization from
retailers, Facebook risks much of the same challenge that Google faced in its retail forays
(e.g., checkout, product search) and will likely be forced into a similar outcome: ultimately
deprioritizing commerce and focusing on higher-potential initiatives.
·	Off-Facebook winners will engage behavioral targeting. While most retail applications
“off Facebook”are about logging onto Facebook and sharing purchases, or seeing what
other friends may have done on a site, perhaps the biggest opportunity is in the growing
marketing field of behavioral targeting. This area is quickly emerging as an effective customer
acquisition tool to bolster otherwise weak-performing display ads. Already, mentioning
one’s friends in ads on Facebook has been vaunted by Facebook as widely effective. By also
layering this same Open Graph data to display ads outside of Facebook, the effectiveness is
likely to be amplified in an even broader context.
·	eBay’s marketplace may be the most at risk. Perhaps the company that stands to lose the
most from Facebook’s foray into commerce is eBay. Not only have former eBay employees
launched Facebook-friendly marketplaces, but those efforts have gained significant traction.
Whereas a significant percent of eBay’s sales depended on PowerSellers (that demarcation
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
serving as a proxy for merchant reliability and credibility), Facebook has the benefit of one’s
own friends and first-degree connections as endorsement. This achieves the same goal of
establishing merchant credibility while also expanding the universe of credible merchants to
small, local sellers, while also enabling sellers to avoid eBay’s listing fees and rules.
r ec o mme n da t i o n s
Google (not Facebook) Will Be The Next Google
While the hype around Facebook and commerce is likely to continue into the foreseeable future,
especially as companies point to growing levels of“referral”traffic, the reality is that that traffic
is unlikely to lead to any meaningful lift in sales, primarily because it just reflects the growing
amount of time all consumers are spending on Facebook versus the ability of Facebook to drive
interest in products. To that end, eBusiness executives in retail should:
·	Bet on behavioral targeting and mobile. These are two buzzwords that have earned their
hype. Retailers are already finding that investments in behavioral targeting are cost-effective.
Consumers are increasingly likely to have mobile or tablet devices and are likely to use them
even more than their PCs, particularly for features such as price comparisons (and ultimately
And with only a few years under its belt, mobile commerce is generating a
healthy single-digit percent of sales and a disproportionately higher percent of traffic to web
retailers. The truth is that the“next Google”will likely be Google, particularly as it expands its
nascent mobile search efforts.
·	Keep an eye on social metrics. While social metrics are lackluster now, they may gradually
shift over time and prove to be viable measurements. Retailers currently are most likely to
be measuring the total number of followers or growth in new fans, but other more nuanced
measures that take into account brand affinity and likelihood to purchase may be more
appropriate. New metrics altogether may emerge since traditional online marketing metrics
such as last-click attribution may simply not be as relevant.16
·	Cross-train your email team. Because email marketing is likely to be the area of biggest
overlap with social networks, eBusiness professionals in retail would be well served to direct
their teams to pay close attention to how your consumers are using Facebook for email
purposes. This effort ensures that message content, timing, and frequency are in lock-step to
maximize return.
·	Exploit social networks where they make the most sense. Across the board, virtually
all marketers we interviewed agreed that social networks were useful for promoting sales,
coupons, promotions, and specials to drive short-term sales. This channel was also effective
in disposing of excess or after-market inventory. Because this is what shoppers expect, don’t
forget to take advantage of your fan base to promote these sorts of messages.
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Supplemental MATERIAL
Companies Interviewed For This Document
Alvenda/8th Bridge
Bronto Software
NM Incite
Quantcast reported that 134 million people in the United States (approximately 40% of the population)
visited Facebook in December 2010. Source: Quantcast (http://www.quantcast.com/facebook.com).
In late December, numerous media articles appeared announcing that Facebook intended to forge formal
relationships with retailers. Source: Zak Stambor, “Facebook reaches out to retailers,” Internet Retailer,
December 22, 2010 (http://www.internetretailer.com/2010/12/22/facebook-reaches-out-retailers).
Retailers approach social networks as an interactive marketing tool that can support customer acquisition
or retention efforts. Paid search is generally regarded as the single-most effective customer acquisition
tool for online retailers. Some online retail industry insiders believe Facebook could be equally as effective.
Source: “Social: The Next Search” Gigya, June 22, 2010 (http://info.gigyahosting1.com/thankyou.php?).
The Economist attributed this expression to Lanier in its September 2, 2010 issue in an article titled “The
virtual curmudgeon.” It implies that the hype around online social media is an aggressive campaign of
groupthink pushed by social evangelists that outcasts nonbelievers. Source: “The virtual curmudgeon,” The
Economist, September 2, 2010 (http://www.economist.com/node/16909935).
Forrester has extensive research on the role of social networks in assisting customer service efforts. There
are two reports that articulately address this issue. See the October 18, 2010, “Getting Social Customer
Service Right” report, and see the May 10, 2010, “How To Create A Social Customer Service Strategy”
Razorfish authored a Digital Brand Experience Report in 2009 in which the top reason (cited by 36.9% of
respondents) that a person friended a brand on Facebook was to receive exclusive deals or offers. December
2010, Bizrate Insights Proprietary Social Commerce Survey.
A similar study executed in December 2010 by Bizrate Insights (www.bizrateinsights.com) found similar
findings. In that survey, respondents were asked specifically if they were Facebook fans/friends of a retailer
where they had recently purchased and if so, the reason. Sixty-eight percent of respondents said it was to
find out about special deals (e.g., sales, coupons).
© 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011
Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce?
For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
Open source and Google advocate Chris Messina eloquently points out the risks of Facebook’s Open Graph,
“Your identity is too important to be owned by any one company.” Source: Chris Messina, “Understanding
the Open Graph Protocol,” FactoryCity, April 22, 2010 (http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2010/04/22/
FBI director Robert Mueller supposedly visited the Facebook offices when reporter Lev Grossman was
researching his Man of the Year piece for Time. Source: Lev Grossman, “Person of the Year 2010: Mark
Zuckerberg,” Time, December 15, 2010 (http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,20366
Investors have reportedly valued Zynga, Facebook’s top application developer and leading games partner
at $5.4 billion or higher. Source: Lev Grossman, “Only Connect. Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook Are
Changing How We Interact — and What We Know about Each Other,” Time, December 27, 2010.
Restaurants were in fact the top category mentioned, but PCs and mobile phones also ranked highly.
Source: “Invoke Live! Social Commerce Key Findings Report,” presentation, SlideShare, October 15, 2010
Source: Lauren Dugan, “Facebook Shoppers have 7-10% Larger Shopping Carts,” All Facebook, December 1,
2010 (http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-shoppers-have-7-10-larger-shopping-carts-2010-12).
Count on TechCrunch for the great one-liners. Source: Erick Schonfeld, “Yardsellr Scores $5 Million Series
A From Accel To Become The eBay Of Facebook,” TechCrunch, November 22, 2010 (http://techcrunch.
Eighty percent of online consumers agree with the statement “I generally know what I’m looking for when I
search for products online.” Source: North American Technographics® Retail Online Survey, Q3 2008.
The Co-chairmen of the Congressional Privacy Caucus (Edward Markey and Joe Barton) sent Mark
Zuckerberg a letter dated February 2, 2011 requesting details on disclosing addresses and phone numbers of
Facebook account holders to application developers. Source: Jackie Cohen, “U.S. Congressmen: Don’t Turn
Facebook Into Phonebook,” All Facebook, February 2, 2011 (http://www.allfacebook.com/u-s-congressmen-
Seventy-one percent of online adults said they would be uninterested or extremely uninterested in accessing
their bank account information on any social network. Of those that were uninterested, the top reason they
were uninterested was because of a concern that hackers would access their information. See the May 19,
2010, “Banking On Social Sites Is A Work In Progress” report.
Consumers are likely to use mobile devices, including tablets, even more than PCs to research and
ultimately buy products online. See the February 15, 2011, “Location-Based Commerce: An Evolution In
Mobile Shopping” report.
Components of effective social measurement can include user impact and volume and energy related to
participation. See the October 29, 2009, “Three Steps To Measuring Social Media Marketing” report.
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Will facebook ever drive ecommerce

  • 1. Making Leaders Successful Every Day April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? by Sucharita Mulpuru for eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals
  • 2. © 2011 Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Forrester, Forrester Wave, RoleView, Technographics, TechRankings, and Total Economic ImpactaretrademarksofForresterResearch,Inc.Allothertrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners.Reproductionorsharingofthis content in any form without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. To purchase reprints of this document, please email clientsupport@ forrester.com. For additional reproduction and usage information, see Forrester’s Citation Policy located at www.forrester.com. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals Executive Summary In spite of the fact that hundreds of millions of people around the world have Facebook accounts, the ability of the social network to drive revenue for eCommerce businesses continues to remain elusive. eBusiness professionals in retail collectively report little direct or indirect benefit from Facebook, and social networks overall trail far behind other customer acquisition and retention tactics like paid search and email in generating a return on investment. For some companies and brands, Facebook promises to support branding and awareness (i.e., “top of the (marketing) funnel”) efforts, but for most eBusiness companies in retail, Facebook is unlikely to correlate directly to near-term sales. A few pockets of success, however, have surfaced, and a cottage industry of vendors who can support these programs will inevitably burgeon. table of Contents Could Facebook Be Retail’s“Next Google”? Unlikely Three Ways That eCommerce Companies Use Facebook Some Companies Can Drive Cottage Businesses With Facebook Commerce The Many Challenges Of Facebook Transforming eCommerce WHAT IT MEANS The Best Of Facebook Commerce Is Already Here recommendations Google (Not Facebook) Will Be The Next Google Supplemental Material NOTES & RESOURCES Forrester interviewed 24 vendor and user companies, including Alvenda/8th Bridge, Bronto Software, ChannelAdvisor, Cleverbridge, Milyoni, TurnTo, Pavyment, PowerReviews, Responsys, NM Incite, SAS, ShopIgniter, YardSellr, and VML. Related Research Documents “US Online Retail Forecast, 2010 To 2015” February 28, 2011 “Five Retail eCommerce Trends To Watch In 2011” January 31, 2011 “2011: Now Social Media Marketing Gets Tough” January 4, 2011 April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? Demystifying The Hype For Retail eBusiness Executives by Sucharita Mulpuru with Nate Elliott, Patti Freeman Evans, and Doug Roberge 2 13 15 17 18
  • 3. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 2 Could Facebook be Retail’s“Next Google”? Unlikely “Social” has of course been the buzzword of the past few years. Now the inescapable fact that Facebook has more users than there are Americans and that the company has made several well-publicized moves in the commerce arena mean “social commerce” will be a popular conversation topic in the months to come.1 Some of the boldest prognostications have been that Facebook will be “the next Google.”2 The most common refrains supporting that perspective were variants of the following: “With hundreds of millions of users, it will affect everything, including commerce.” (CEO, social commerce vendor) “Shopping is inherently social, so it would make sense for a social network to play a significant role in the shopping process.” (VP, online marketing, $1 billion-plus multichannel retailer) However, we would be remiss to not point out that there is no shortage of skeptics when it comes to Facebook and particularly around commerce. Computer scientist and author of the acclaimed book You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto, Jaron Lanier disparagingly describes the mad frenzy around Facebook as “digital Maoism.”3 Data that Forrester has collected with Shop.org for two years has reflected that social networks fail to drive meaningful revenue for eBusiness professionals in retail, have a questionable ROI, and are generally ineffective as customer acquisition tools (see Figure 1-1 and see Figure 1-2). Furthermore, while Facebook proponents would argue that the best of Facebook commerce is yet to come, the fact remains that, in spite of an open architecture and several hundred thousand developers making efforts to develop useful social shopping applications, few, if any, have managed to create a breakaway success. In contrast, paid search was viewed as a home run in Google’s early days. Social networks, however, are not yet viewed quite as positively by retailers (see Figure 1-3). To better understand these findings, we spent eight weeks interviewing nearly two dozen technology vendors, retailers, and interactive marketers to craft a perspective on the topic. Facebook did not respond to requests to be interviewed prior to publication of this document. The questions we set out to answer were the following: How are eBusiness professionals in retail using Facebook? And why hasn’t Facebook been able to generate more for eBusiness professionals in retail?
  • 4. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 3 Figure 1 Social Tactics Continue To Be Unproven Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Social networks rank last among 10 customer acquisition tactics1-2 Social network efforts are largely about experimentation1-1 “Which of the following were your top three most effective sources used to acquire customers in 2009?” 90% 50% 42% 16% 14% 14% 12% 11% 11% 7% Search engine marketing Affiliate programs Organic traffic Comparison-shopping/product shopping engines Remarketing/retargeting of shoppers Offline advertising Direct mail Online marketplaces Email to prospecting lists Social network presence Base: 102 online retailers Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”a Shop.org study conducted by Forrester Research “To what extent do you agree with the following statements?” (4 or 5 on a scale of 1 [strongly disagree] to 5 [strongly agree]) We are pursuing social marketing strategies because this is a great time to experiment and learn more about what they can do The returns on social marketing strategies are unclear We see the primary ROI from social marketing as listening to and better understanding our customers We are pursuing social marketing strategies because we do not want to be late movers We are pursuing social marketing strategies because there is tremendous buzz about them We are pursuing social marketing strategies because our competitors are We use a specific set of metrics by which to measure social marketing initiatives Social marketing strategies have helped to grow our business to date We are pursuing a social marketing strategy because our senior management has pressured us to do so 80% 59% 50% 47% 41% 33% 31% 28% 20% Base: 102 online retailers
  • 5. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 4 Figure 1 Social Tactics Continue To Be Unproven (Cont.) Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2002”and“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”Shop.org studies conducted by Forrester Research Base: 116 and 108 online retailers Usage Usage Effectiveness Email to house file Email to house file Affiliate Affiliate Direct search inclusions Portals Portals SEO SEO Display ads Display ads Email to prospect lists Email to prospect lists Paid search Paid search Retailer perception of interactive marketing (circa 2000) Retailer perception of interactive marketing (circa 2010) Comparison shopping engines Comparison shopping engines Behavioral targeting and remarketing Social networks . . . while social networks have been far less effective since their inception. Paid search programs were effective even at their inception . . . Retailers find social networks to be ineffective compared to search and email1-3 Three Ways That eCommerce Companies Use Facebook In framing the discussion around Facebook and its role in commerce, it is critical to first set boundaries on what will be discussed in this document. To determine these parameters, we specifically looked at how Facebook could measurably help a retailer or seller sell more of its products. While branding and “top of the (marketing) funnel” influence is included in this evaluation, we do not consider other benefits of social media such as customer service, which could be effective for post-transaction interactions.4 Furthermore, the scope of this research does not address the impact of Facebook’s display ads on a company or brand. Given those boundaries, we found companies engaging with Facebook in one of three ways (see Figure 2): · On Facebook itself. The activity that occurs when one is logged onto Facebook from a PC or mobile device is often characterized as “within the four walls of Facebook.” Within the “on Facebook” option rest the ubiquitous and hyped Facebook stores that companies such as Alvenda/8th Bridge and Payvment have helped to execute, as well as wall posts about brands, Q&A about products, and fan pages. With these use cases, Facebook is theoretically well positioned to address something that the Internet has been notoriously bad at supporting: product discovery. But the key challenge is that Facebook is about socializing rather than shopping.
  • 6. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 5 Key challenges: Unfortunately, eBusiness pros in retail regard this tactic as the least lucrative of Facebook commerce opportunities as click-through and conversion rates for links from these pages/links are anemic (see Figure 3). Furthermore, they report that commonly clicked on features from their Facebook efforts center on coupons and promotions. This leads many retailers to believe they are not attracting particularly valuable shoppers through Facebook initiatives. One retailer said that its wall posts by “fans” were rarely proclamations of love and loyalty for his business but more often critiques and gripes that any discounts or special offers they did offer weren’t deep enough.5 Facebook stores are unable to replicate the full brand experience of a company’s official website, which will limit the appetite of many retailers to even invest in Facebook stores. These stores are even more challenged with the new page formats launched in Q1 2011, which appear to visually deprioritize shopping. Wall posts by brands to fans may supplement emails but are frequently deprioritized by Facebook’s algorithm for relevance and are hence not always easy ways for companies to reach shoppers. · Off Facebook (i.e., on other sites). This aspect of Facebook commerce is the piece that takes advantage of what is called the Open Graph. It enables shoppers to sign in to Facebook from any site that offers the option and to push or pull information to and from Facebook. (For example, customers can “like” a product on a retail website and that action is posted on that person’s wall and the walls of their friends. The Open Graph also allows a website to list fans who may also be your friends when you are browsing a site). Other implementations of this approach include the ability to share one’s purchase with Facebook friends from a site’s shopping cart as a site like Eventbrite offers or the ability to invite Facebook friends to chat about a product as a site like Wet Seal offers (see Figure 4). Opportunities in this bucket continue to emerge from companies such as TurnTo and PowerReviews and are viewed favorably by retailers because consumers have the ability to receive social network information when they are at an online “point of sale.” But the key challenge is that the Open Graph isn’t for everyone. Key challenges: “Off Facebook” efforts are most effective when there is large network of users. Amazon.com, as an example, is in a better position to showcase the products that others within one’s social network may have viewed or purchased because the site has tens of millions of users. But similar information on a less-trafficked site is harder to gather. Less-trafficked sites are therefore best positioned to use generic user-generated content because there is simply more of it, rather than content from friends (which may not even exist). This fact ultimately renders the Open Graph (and the specific value of Facebook) inadequate for all but the very large companies. To illustrate this challenge, most retailers have ratings/reviews for specific products from anyone who submits a review rather than reviews from friends because in the cases of most products, there simply would be no such reviews (an exception could be reviews for films or a widely owned product like the iPhone).
  • 7. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 6 Facebook critics argue that Open Graph data puts too much power and customer data in the hands of Facebook alone.6 · Through Facebook’s data layer. Facebook has copious amounts of demographic, behavioral, and brand data about its users. Analytics companies in particular are among the first to scrape unstructured text to (theoretically) create richer customer profiles from Facebook content. This process can assist with customer scoring to influence a marketer’s contact strategy or outbound messaging. Facebook’s data is considered so rich that government organizations such as the FBI reportedly find it a key input to tracking down criminals and criminal behavior.7 Large companies with CRM programs may stand to gain the most as they already have sophisticated programs for mining data from millions of customers and could benefit from the additional insight that online social networks are also able to provide. But the key challenge is that the data is vast but messy and personal. Key challenges: The unstructured nature of data from social networks (the multitude of languages, the non sequiturs) makes it difficult for even the most sophisticated natural language processing tools to shape meaningful conclusions. Furthermore, the inconsistent nature of details that fans share about themselves can make the process of matching those customers back to a master database all the more challenging. Whenever data is available, there is a chance that it could violate privacy regulations; even though some consumers reveal their phone numbers and addresses on Facebook, the availability of that information in APIs is still undecided.
  • 8. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 7 Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways How retailers use Facebook2-1 Greater value to large retailers Illustration Description Data layer extraction Off-Facebook On-Facebook • Using Facebook data to extract trends, identify influencers, monitor competition, glean customer insights • Example retailers: Zappos.com • Extraction of Facebook’s open graph data onto key selling pages,“likes”on product detail pages • Example retailers: Jansport, Levi’s, Wet Seal • F-commerce initiatives such as stores, fan pages, peer-to-peer contacts“within the four walls” of Facebook • Example retailers: JCPenney, 1-800 Flowers Indirectsales Directsales “Topandbottomofthefunnel” Source: Spinback website; Levi’s website; JCPenney Facebook page
  • 9. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 8 Figure 2 Facebook Supports Retail eCommerce In One Of Three Ways (Cont.) Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Startups supporting Facebook commerce2-2 Approach Sample executions Example companies Data extraction Off Facebook Sentiment analysis, measuring pass-alongs Incorporating social graph onto retail sites, enabling co- browsing with Facebook friends, integration of social networks into ratings/reviews (capturing user-generated content and disseminating it) On Facebook Facebook stores, selling from posts, Facebook advertising Alvenda, Fluid, Milyoni, Payvment, ShopIgniter, YardSellr Fluid, PowerReviews, Quorus, Sesh, ShopIgniter, TurnTo BuzzLogic, Forsee, NM Incite, SAS, Spinback Figure 3 Key Facebook Metrics Are Weaker Than Other Online Marketing Tactics Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Average Facebook metrics Click-through rate 1% Conversion rate 2% Average metrics for email are 11% click-through rate and an average conversion rate of 4%. *Base: 17,176 US online adults who have at least one social network account Source: North American Technographics® Online Benchmark Survey, Q2 2010 (US) *Source:“The State Of Retailing Online 2010,”a Shop.org study conducted by Forrester Research † Source: 24 retailer and technology provider interviews Average friends per account Average impressions per post 132* 50†
  • 10. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 9 Figure 4 Open Graph Allows Users To Sign Into Facebook From Other Sites Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Eventbrite drives incremental traffic with social network sharing4-1 Source: Eventbrite website Eventbrite calculates that each share on Facebook generates 11 visits back to Eventbrite and $2.52 in revenue.
  • 11. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 10 Figure 4 Open Graph Allows Users To Sign Into Facebook From Other Sites (Cont.) Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Co-shopping with Facebook friends on Wet Seal4-2 Source: Wet Seal website Wet Seal enables shoppers to invite Facebook friends and get their opinions while browsing. Chat interface Some Companies Can Drive Cottage Businesses With Facebook Commerce While most of the retailers we interviewed said that they were not yet seeing direct sales from Facebook, it would be an overstatement to say that Facebook was entirely ineffective in commerce. In fact, several of the technology vendors cited successes among their clients. One reason for the difference in Facebook’s effectiveness for different groups is that the technology vendors frequently serviced niche players or brands in specific verticals that often exhibited unique characteristics that enabled them to more effectively gain value from Facebook (see Figure 5). The types of businesses that Facebook proponents believe are best-positioned to gain some benefit (often in some modest way rather than through any explosion in revenue) from Facebook are companies that: · Are small pure plays. For small businesses looking to hang a shingle online, Facebook is the 2011 version of Yahoo Merchant Solutions or eBay ProStores. Because the online sales of these sellers are often generated by their own word-of-mouth advertising and because Facebook
  • 12. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 11 is essentially their eCommerce platform, it is not uncommon to hear of 100% of the online revenues of such sellers coming through Facebook — many of Payvment’s thousands of clients, for instance, can be described this way. Unlike Yahoo’s or eBay’s small business offerings, Facebook allows a seller to easily promote new products or offers to one’s fans without having to go through the more cumbersome process of collecting and managing email addresses. The reason that Facebook could potentially grow among these sellers is that there is a cost to maintaining even a modest eCommerce site with one’s own URL. For such small businesses, it can be more cost-effective to direct customers to one’s fan page on Facebook rather than invest in setting up one’s own website. · Have rich customer databases. Direct mail merchants, catalogers, and large retailers with their own loyalty or proprietary credit card programs generally fall into this bucket and are well poised to take advantage of Facebook’s data layer. Why? These are marketers with significant quantitative insight into their shoppers’ behavior, and Facebook offers the opportunity to append additional information to those customer profiles. Imagine being able to subcategorize the top decile of spenders into the most influential high-spending shoppers. Also for “off Facebook” initiatives, larger retailers are particularly well positioned to win as discussed above. · Sell categories that people talk about and that can be digitally distributed. Some categories such as books, movies, and entertainment are fundamentally viral products. To this end, user- generated content on sites like Netflix and Amazon.com have been mainstays for years but only promise to be more effective as commerce can now be integrated to products that consumers are most likely to discuss with their friends. For these product categories, which are also shifting to digital distribution, friction in the sales process will be reduced even further as shoppers can read the endorsements of their peers for, say, a movie and purchase tickets in a block for a Friday viewing, which is what Disney’s Tickets Together Facebook application is pioneering. · Are virtual goods and gaming companies. The most frequently cited commerce success story on Facebook is of course any game from Zynga, the maker of FarmVille and CityVille. Game makers for social networks have been able to successfully persuade their most active players to spend actual dollars to ascend to new levels within various games. This spend actually proves to be the bulk of transactions that Facebook generates from consumers and is estimated to be more than $5 billion in value.8 Vendors like ifeelgoods are riding the wave of this interest, enabling retailers to provide virtual incentives to shoppers to drive conversions in lieu of coupons or discounts. · Sell high-consideration goods. For products like mobile phones, PCs, consumer electronics, or even items like sporting goods or baby gear, consumers actively seek to have their “shortlists” validated by others. Peer-generated commentary supporting or repudiating a product, brand, or company are reported to be effective both on Facebook and off Facebook in driving sales for products that consumers spend time thinking about prior to purchasing.9
  • 13. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 12 · Sell fast-moving consumer goods. Because of the vast reach of these types of products (e.g., often grocery products that are household names like Pampers or Pop-Tarts), these brands have legions of fans that provide brand managers with copious amounts of data. This not only provides rich information that can be appended to a master contact file, but it also provides a targeted list of customers to reach for promotions like coupons or new product launches on Facebook. Off Facebook, the ability to indicate which friends may like a particular product can be useful on a manufacturer’s site or on the product detail page of a retailer selling the item, again because their reach enables a broad user network. Brand and “top of funnel” benefits, though, are perhaps the biggest benefits that Facebook provides to these companies. The well- publicized online success of Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice campaign is perhaps a textbook use of social media (though its success was as much from YouTube as Facebook), where sharing of various Old Spice videos over time drove an increase in brand sales. · Are limited (time or distribution) sale businesses. Flash sales in particular are well suited to spreading their message on Facebook because the offers are often brands and products that have a limited shelf life and are likely to be of interest to others in a given social network. One such site Kembrel.com, which targets college students, reportedly generates 20% of its revenues from its Facebook store, which in turn generates traffic from college students posting links about the company’s sales on one another’s walls.10 · Are peer-to-peer marketplaces. Individuals looking to sell things but who find the anonymity of craigslist a bit daunting may find the ability to reach friends through Facebook to be a bit less intimidating. Likewise, buyers in the Facebook Marketplace are more likely to find the community more trustworthy for small or “one-off” transactions. In fact, companies like Yardsellr (called by some “the eBay of Facebook”) are finding exactly this sort of success.11 · Are community and local businesses. Local businesses or offers are particularly suited to Facebook as well because individuals often have other local friends in their online social networks. Yelp, for instance, is an example of a company focusing on local businesses and which uses Facebook’s social data to help viewers see the activity of others in their networks. One of the successes of ticketing site Eventbrite is that it leverages Facebook (among other social networks) to drive consumers to local events that are likely to appeal to others in a given social network.
  • 14. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 13 Figure 5 Opportunity For Retail Businesses To Engage Facebook In Different Ways Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Type of company Off Facebook On Facebook Estimated size of opportunity* Fast-moving consumer goods (e.g., cosmetics, cleaning supplies) Miscellaneous *Represents total consumer spend online and offline in the US. Small: less than $5 billion; medium: $5 billion- 20 billion; large: $20 billion-plus Small pure plays Large Large Medium Small Large Medium Large Media sellers (e.g., books) TypeofgoodsChannel/size Data extraction CRM companies (e.g., catalogers, large companies with loyalty programs) Virtual goods/gaming Hard goods and commodities (e.g., cars, refrigerators) Soft goods (e.g., clothing) Flash sales Marketplaces Community/local Small Medium Large = Company can likely engage this approach effectively = Company can less effectively engage this approach Gray represents greater branding benefit (i.e.,“top of the funnel”); black represents greater sales benefit (i.e.,“bottom of the funnel”) The Many Challenges of Facebook Transforming eCommerce While pockets of opportunity for Facebook do exist, the likelihood that Facebook will ever be “the next Google,” thereby becoming a key sales-driving tool for retailers and creating a reliable revenue stream for Facebook, is unfortunately far-fetched. The most formidable challenges for Facebook are: · Budging the poor on-Facebook metrics. Because Facebook stores are largely ineffective, particularly for bigger retailers, Facebook’s own account managers have evidently discouraged retailers from investing in them, steering them instead to Facebook display ads. While the stores have been critical to some small sites that have no other way to reach customers, on average, Facebook stores generate less than 1% of eCommerce revenue for retailers with robust web businesses. Even for off-Facebook efforts, such as when shoppers share items they’ve purchased or reviews they’ve written or even products that they like, the overall influence of those actions
  • 15. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 14 is relatively small when shared on a Facebook wall. In addition to generally low metrics, companies need to contend with wall posts being turned off, a post getting lost on a wall, or a post being deprioritized by Facebook’s algorithm for popularity and relevance. · Contending with the fact that Facebook is not a search engine. Shoppers go to sites where they can easily find what they are looking for. Most shoppers are in fact “spearfishing” when they shop online.12 That is why Google is so critical in the shopping process — it helps to match shoppers’ needs with specific products and stores that can deliver against that search query. Facebook, however, is a directory and a communication tool and, as a result, a place where relatively few shoppers engage with brands (see Figure 6). · Serious challenges in the payments world. Facebook Credits was vaunted upon launch as being the way that Facebook would keep transactions on its site. Payment systems, however, are complex and labor-intensive to build and maintain, and retailers are unlikely to adopt another payment form given that many have yet to even adopt PayPal, which is a far more common, mature, and proven online standard. Furthermore, Facebook faces the same challenges with its proprietary payment method that Google did with its Google Checkout tool — the fact that retailers do not want to share sensitive transaction details with a company that could be an adversary. Google Checkout continues to languish with little adoption by major retailers. And this remains true even with a fee structure that is significantly lower than the 30% of transactions that Facebook takes from sellers that offer Facebook Credits. · A reputation for apathy around privacy issues. Facebook has not yet lived down its maligned Beacon efforts from years ago when shoppers unwittingly shared purchases with others in their social networks as a result of a Facebook opt-in option. Even outside of commerce issues, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been questioned, most recently by two US congressmen, on various questionable actions stemming from his stance that privacy is no longer a social norm.13 This could risk permanently shutting out from third parties much of the useful information (e.g., birthday, marital status, employer, phone number) that consumers share about themselves. Particularly on issues related to personal financial information (which would be critical to anything commerce-related), social networks fare particularly poorly. The majority of consumers say they would have no interest, for instance, in accessing their banking information through social networks, with the top concerns being the safety and privacy of their personal information.14 · A sparsity and quality problem in peer-to-peer Facebook recommendations. Even to the degree that people are able to rely on information served through social networks for some types of transactions, the reality is that there may simply not be enough volume to generate meaningful peer-to-peer endorsements. Relying on a social network for information about whether it makes sense to purchase a particular digital camera requires that others have made a similar purchase decision in the recent past and that those buyers can be trusted to provide credible advice about this particular purchase decision. In the case of unique products like the iPhone or iPad, which is owned by millions of consumers, such a problem does not exist, but most products are not owned by millions of consumers.
  • 16. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 15 Figure 6 Social Networks Are Primarily Communication (Versus Shopping) Tools Source: Forrester Research, Inc.58603 Using social networks for retail or shopping purposes is uncommon. Base: 2,804 online consumers (multiple responses accepted) Source: North American Technographics® Retail Online Benchmark Recontact Survey, Q2 2010 (US) 3% 5% 7% 7% 7% 12% 13% 17% 58% Purchased products Followed retailers onTwitter Researched products Posted comments on a retailer’s social networking page Added a video, image, or game from a retailer’s social networking page to my profile Used them to meet people with common interests Visited social networking pages set up by retailers Used them mainly for entertainment (e.g., watch videos, find bands) Used them mainly for communication/ to keep up with friends and others “Which of the following have you done on social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Myspace) in the past three months?” W ha t i t mea n s The Best of facebook commerce is already here While Facebook disciples believe that there will be something that will in the future transform shopping, the truth is that large brands just have not experienced any sizable gains in direct sales from Facebook. In spite of hundreds of thousands of developers (not to mention numerous Hackathons) having been given the opportunity to create useful shopping applications or to integrate commerce into Facebook, there has yet to be a blockbuster success. Without some measurable success for large brands in the next 12 months, the calls that the best of Facebook is coming risk having the credence of a cultist who insists that the world will end next year. More likely, Facebook’s commerce successes with large retailers will be extensions of the pockets of success that already exist on the social network — particularly, the usage of the Open Graph and the integration of shopper data from Facebook to a master customer file. While none are likely to be Google-killers, they promise to be solid services that help individuals and businesses make the most of their presence and relationships on Facebook and other social networks. Some likely outcomes will result:
  • 17. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 16 · Social network service providers will be winners. In the same way that the email landscape spawned email service providers who helped companies navigate through all the executional challenges of that medium, watch for“social network service providers”to emerge to help execute promotional messages, optimize them for newsfeeds or other displays, monitor performance, and leverage consumers who could be effective Facebook direct sellers. This applies both to promising early movers (e.g., Alvenda/8th Bridge, Milyoni, ShopIgniter, TurnTo, YardSellr) that are likely to be long-term players and even more established companies like PowerReviews that are wisely leveraging the Open Graph to supplement their core products. · A new category of“inbox marketing.” Years ago at a Forrester consumer forum, an analyst joked that Facebook would be the end of email. Retailers and brands we interviewed said they were using Facebook and posts to their fan walls in much the same way as email — to disseminate timely information about sales, specials, new arrivals, and promotions. The reality is that email continues to be an incredibly effective interactive marketing tool and in fact is supplemented by Facebook brand posts, as email helps to drive total Facebook fans and Facebook posts reinforce email messaging. Look for significant overlap in email lists, Facebook fans, and mobile lists, with each serving a separate but complementary objective. Expect data gleaned from one platform to support the content and messages in other channels. · Facebook’s hands-on play in commerce will be short-lived. Facebook has yet to “show retailers the money,”but perhaps even more troubling is that it has yet to show its shareholders any money from retailers (beyond advertising). Several of the retailers we interviewed insisted that Facebook’s only plan for monetization (other than virtual goods) was advertising on the site’s“right rail.”Several retailers also reported feeling little partnership from Facebook account managers. With no clear path to monetization from retailers, Facebook risks much of the same challenge that Google faced in its retail forays (e.g., checkout, product search) and will likely be forced into a similar outcome: ultimately deprioritizing commerce and focusing on higher-potential initiatives. · Off-Facebook winners will engage behavioral targeting. While most retail applications “off Facebook”are about logging onto Facebook and sharing purchases, or seeing what other friends may have done on a site, perhaps the biggest opportunity is in the growing marketing field of behavioral targeting. This area is quickly emerging as an effective customer acquisition tool to bolster otherwise weak-performing display ads. Already, mentioning one’s friends in ads on Facebook has been vaunted by Facebook as widely effective. By also layering this same Open Graph data to display ads outside of Facebook, the effectiveness is likely to be amplified in an even broader context. · eBay’s marketplace may be the most at risk. Perhaps the company that stands to lose the most from Facebook’s foray into commerce is eBay. Not only have former eBay employees launched Facebook-friendly marketplaces, but those efforts have gained significant traction. Whereas a significant percent of eBay’s sales depended on PowerSellers (that demarcation
  • 18. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 17 serving as a proxy for merchant reliability and credibility), Facebook has the benefit of one’s own friends and first-degree connections as endorsement. This achieves the same goal of establishing merchant credibility while also expanding the universe of credible merchants to small, local sellers, while also enabling sellers to avoid eBay’s listing fees and rules. r ec o mme n da t i o n s Google (not Facebook) Will Be The Next Google While the hype around Facebook and commerce is likely to continue into the foreseeable future, especially as companies point to growing levels of“referral”traffic, the reality is that that traffic is unlikely to lead to any meaningful lift in sales, primarily because it just reflects the growing amount of time all consumers are spending on Facebook versus the ability of Facebook to drive interest in products. To that end, eBusiness executives in retail should: · Bet on behavioral targeting and mobile. These are two buzzwords that have earned their hype. Retailers are already finding that investments in behavioral targeting are cost-effective. Consumers are increasingly likely to have mobile or tablet devices and are likely to use them even more than their PCs, particularly for features such as price comparisons (and ultimately purchasing).15 And with only a few years under its belt, mobile commerce is generating a healthy single-digit percent of sales and a disproportionately higher percent of traffic to web retailers. The truth is that the“next Google”will likely be Google, particularly as it expands its nascent mobile search efforts. · Keep an eye on social metrics. While social metrics are lackluster now, they may gradually shift over time and prove to be viable measurements. Retailers currently are most likely to be measuring the total number of followers or growth in new fans, but other more nuanced measures that take into account brand affinity and likelihood to purchase may be more appropriate. New metrics altogether may emerge since traditional online marketing metrics such as last-click attribution may simply not be as relevant.16 · Cross-train your email team. Because email marketing is likely to be the area of biggest overlap with social networks, eBusiness professionals in retail would be well served to direct their teams to pay close attention to how your consumers are using Facebook for email purposes. This effort ensures that message content, timing, and frequency are in lock-step to maximize return. · Exploit social networks where they make the most sense. Across the board, virtually all marketers we interviewed agreed that social networks were useful for promoting sales, coupons, promotions, and specials to drive short-term sales. This channel was also effective in disposing of excess or after-market inventory. Because this is what shoppers expect, don’t forget to take advantage of your fan base to promote these sorts of messages.
  • 19. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedApril 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 18 Supplemental MATERIAL Companies Interviewed For This Document Alvenda/8th Bridge Bronto Software ChannelAdvisor Cleverbridge Milyoni NM Incite Payvment PowerReviews ResponsysSAS ShopIgniter TurnToVML Yardsellr Endnotes 1 Quantcast reported that 134 million people in the United States (approximately 40% of the population) visited Facebook in December 2010. Source: Quantcast (http://www.quantcast.com/facebook.com). In late December, numerous media articles appeared announcing that Facebook intended to forge formal relationships with retailers. Source: Zak Stambor, “Facebook reaches out to retailers,” Internet Retailer, December 22, 2010 (http://www.internetretailer.com/2010/12/22/facebook-reaches-out-retailers). 2 Retailers approach social networks as an interactive marketing tool that can support customer acquisition or retention efforts. Paid search is generally regarded as the single-most effective customer acquisition tool for online retailers. Some online retail industry insiders believe Facebook could be equally as effective. Source: “Social: The Next Search” Gigya, June 22, 2010 (http://info.gigyahosting1.com/thankyou.php?). 3 The Economist attributed this expression to Lanier in its September 2, 2010 issue in an article titled “The virtual curmudgeon.” It implies that the hype around online social media is an aggressive campaign of groupthink pushed by social evangelists that outcasts nonbelievers. Source: “The virtual curmudgeon,” The Economist, September 2, 2010 (http://www.economist.com/node/16909935). 4 Forrester has extensive research on the role of social networks in assisting customer service efforts. There are two reports that articulately address this issue. See the October 18, 2010, “Getting Social Customer Service Right” report, and see the May 10, 2010, “How To Create A Social Customer Service Strategy” report. 5 Razorfish authored a Digital Brand Experience Report in 2009 in which the top reason (cited by 36.9% of respondents) that a person friended a brand on Facebook was to receive exclusive deals or offers. December 2010, Bizrate Insights Proprietary Social Commerce Survey. A similar study executed in December 2010 by Bizrate Insights (www.bizrateinsights.com) found similar findings. In that survey, respondents were asked specifically if they were Facebook fans/friends of a retailer where they had recently purchased and if so, the reason. Sixty-eight percent of respondents said it was to find out about special deals (e.g., sales, coupons).
  • 20. © 2011, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited April 7, 2011 Will Facebook Ever Drive eCommerce? For eBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals 19 6 Open source and Google advocate Chris Messina eloquently points out the risks of Facebook’s Open Graph, “Your identity is too important to be owned by any one company.” Source: Chris Messina, “Understanding the Open Graph Protocol,” FactoryCity, April 22, 2010 (http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2010/04/22/ understanding-the-open-graph-protocol/). 7 FBI director Robert Mueller supposedly visited the Facebook offices when reporter Lev Grossman was researching his Man of the Year piece for Time. Source: Lev Grossman, “Person of the Year 2010: Mark Zuckerberg,” Time, December 15, 2010 (http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,20366 83_2037183_2037185,00.html). 8 Investors have reportedly valued Zynga, Facebook’s top application developer and leading games partner at $5.4 billion or higher. Source: Lev Grossman, “Only Connect. Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook Are Changing How We Interact — and What We Know about Each Other,” Time, December 27, 2010. 9 Restaurants were in fact the top category mentioned, but PCs and mobile phones also ranked highly. Source: “Invoke Live! Social Commerce Key Findings Report,” presentation, SlideShare, October 15, 2010 (http://www.slideshare.net/invokesolutions/invoke-live-social-commerce-report). 10 Source: Lauren Dugan, “Facebook Shoppers have 7-10% Larger Shopping Carts,” All Facebook, December 1, 2010 (http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-shoppers-have-7-10-larger-shopping-carts-2010-12). 11 Count on TechCrunch for the great one-liners. Source: Erick Schonfeld, “Yardsellr Scores $5 Million Series A From Accel To Become The eBay Of Facebook,” TechCrunch, November 22, 2010 (http://techcrunch. com/2010/11/22/yardsellr-5-million-ebay-facebook/). 12 Eighty percent of online consumers agree with the statement “I generally know what I’m looking for when I search for products online.” Source: North American Technographics® Retail Online Survey, Q3 2008. 13 The Co-chairmen of the Congressional Privacy Caucus (Edward Markey and Joe Barton) sent Mark Zuckerberg a letter dated February 2, 2011 requesting details on disclosing addresses and phone numbers of Facebook account holders to application developers. Source: Jackie Cohen, “U.S. Congressmen: Don’t Turn Facebook Into Phonebook,” All Facebook, February 2, 2011 (http://www.allfacebook.com/u-s-congressmen- dont-turn-facebook-into-phonebook-2011-02). 14 Seventy-one percent of online adults said they would be uninterested or extremely uninterested in accessing their bank account information on any social network. Of those that were uninterested, the top reason they were uninterested was because of a concern that hackers would access their information. See the May 19, 2010, “Banking On Social Sites Is A Work In Progress” report. 15 Consumers are likely to use mobile devices, including tablets, even more than PCs to research and ultimately buy products online. See the February 15, 2011, “Location-Based Commerce: An Evolution In Mobile Shopping” report. 16 Components of effective social measurement can include user impact and volume and energy related to participation. See the October 29, 2009, “Three Steps To Measuring Social Media Marketing” report.
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