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Wicked Good Sites and Activities for  ABE/ESOL Classrooms Presented by, Patty Ball Northeast SABES
Plethora of Tools There are many tools on the Internet that teachers and staff can use in their classrooms and programs Figuring out which to use can be daunting and time-consuming  Considerations: Integration - usefulness  free or low-cost low learning curve for both teachers and students
Teachers might… Try to use 'learning technologies' in classroom whenever they can, to make the learning experience relevant to students Show students how to find and access information and opportunities through technology Focus on developing students’ networking skills (both online and face-to-face) so that the students become 'connected' to people who can give them information, help them learn and keep the learning experience relevant to the student’s life 01/23/10
Desired Outcomes of Presentation Awareness of new and useful tools for ABE/ESL programs and classrooms Develop willingness to explore new tools – (tools and their usages change) Use some of these tools on a regular basis for either the program, the classroom or personal & professional development “ Become comfortable enough with technologies so that you can recognize them for what they really are - Get past the hype and to the possibilities”  (Jane Bozarth)
A quote The internet is now much more than an information source, it is a vast social network of people communicating and collaborating, so what better place could there be to learn, practice and use language There are even some dedicated networks set up so that language students can share and exchange both their culture and their language and enjoy communicating with each other  Some examples are: http:// www.livemocha.com / http:// www.babbel.com / http:// www.palabea.net / If …, people learn best with friends and within social environments, then I think the internet really is providing places where students can learn for themselves and perhaps we can just help them to consolidate those skills. 01/23/10 *Nik Peachey | Learning Technology Consultant, Writer, Trainer Teacher Development:  http:// nikpeachey.blogspot.com /
Tech Integration Online tools for: Creating Docs, Presentations, Spreadsheets *Google Docs,  Zoho , *Animoto,  Prezi Collaboration Tools (with students, educators, staff) Tools for Math, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening   Educational Games/fun, music, soundtracks My current overall favorite – how to use for awesome results
Document Creation & Collaboration Google Docs  – Patty’s fav Google apps Free online software - teachers & students collaborate on projects, assignments, & professional development allows more than 1 person to work on same doc at a time Students no longer need to e-mail files to other group members and deal with the confusion that often occurs regarding software compatibility issues  Also  Zoho
Google Docs
Google Apps for Education
Students can use  these  to: Work on files anywhere, anytime Get quick feedback from multiple people Make the full writing process visible Demonstrate their mastery of editing skills Quickly analyze and organize data Easily share data
Google Docs  and  Zoho  Writer  - the simplest tools for publishing written work to the web Create & share all of your works without leaving the program Google Docs allows to publish your documents as a webpage - then email url or post on your blog or website Zoho Writer provides extra option which generates an embed code for your documents Using the embed code will allow people to read your documents without having to leave your blog or website
Teachers can use to: Organize group work in their classes Make exercises they give students fun, since students are motivated when they are having fun Give students work to do outside of the formal setting of the classroom Take on the role of 'facilitator' rather than the role of 'giver-of-knowledge'. Collaborate with other educators 01/23/10
Presentation Creation & Embellishment * Animoto  -  Animoto  for Education Prezi 280 slides
Best Collaboration Tools Ning Classroom 2.0 Eflclassroom My  Ning EduBlogs Google sites How to Use – class websites, sharing, collaboration
Classroom 2.0
EFL Classroom
My  Ning  Site
Google Sites
Math Math Movies XP Math MathPlayground Wolfram Alpha thirteenEdOnline HoodaMath Math in Daily Life Change Maker Math Lesson Plans Practical Money Skills BBC  Skillwise  Numbers Small Housekeeper
Math XP Math Math Movies
Math Playground
Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha Enter any date (birthdate, June 23, 1988) Enter any city  Enter any two stocks – IBM Apple Enter any calculation - $250 + 15%Enter any math formula –  3 x 2 + x –7=4 x
WolframAlpha Enter any two first names - andrew, barbara enter any food 1 apple + 2 oranges enter any measurement 45 mph enter any chemical formula H2SO4 enter any musical notes C Eb G C
Step-by-Step Math Ever given up working on a math problem because you couldn’t figure out the next step?  Wolfram|Alpha  can guide you step by step through the process of solving many mathematical problems When trying to find solutions, Wolfram Alpha can break down the steps for you if you click the “Show steps” button in the Result pod
Reading English for My Job Wordle English with cartoons English Learner InfoSquares Reading/Language Arts  Powerpoint  lessons Guide to Grammar and Writing -  Powerpoint  Lessons
English for My Job
How to Use? *Have students create text about themselves and turn it into a Wordle-put the clouds up and see if students can identify each other See CD for many more Wordle activities *Nik Peachy Web2.0 Tools for Teachers
Writing Penzu * Word Magnets Business English – beginners Many Things   Many Things - videos A4ESL Elllo News English Lessons Virtual Traveler  -  BBC – Writing  - Bit size writing WordSift ESL Independent Study Lab
Writing Activities Create online materials using text & images & share w/ students Writing portfolio – set written homework tasks for students, store, review, share PD Journal – reflect on your teaching Lesson summary – record what you did with the classes and send as summary or reminder Create models for writing activities – use a new entry each time you redraft to show how text changes through process steps of brainstorming… Learner diaries Ask students to reflect on aspects of lesson and send responses using anonymous message feature Upload images ask them to create story based on them
Speaking/Listening rong-chang Listening & speaking VoiceThread   Voxopop listen-and-write Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab Howjsay ESL Go Conversation questions for esl classroom * ESLfast   ESL fast dialogues Real English English Central Videos
Conversation questions for  esl  classroom
Educational Games/Fun Xtranormal – Make movies Parade of PowerPoint Games ClassTools MoMupl   A to Z  Wordfinder  Scrabble Let them sing it for you Blip last.fm 35 Educational games Guess the Wordle
Parade of PowerPoint Games
All Resources Top ESL websites * nikpeachey  Technology Nik  Peachy links and Activities Nik  Peachy Quick Shout Activities ESL activities for adults USALearns Literacy Support Center  ESL worksheets and Lesson Plans Larry  Ferlazzo  Best of Series Many Things
All Resources (2) English for Everybody Teacher Training Videos Free Audio & Video ESL Resources  (found through Twitter btw) Daily English Activities for ESL ESL Activities online Teacher Planet *jfynetworks.edublogs  Super Teacher Tools Video training for Eng. Lang. educators Patty's bookmarks It’s overwhelming Use search Breaking News English News English Lessons (easier)
Labor Market Info MA Career Information System Occupational Outlook Handbook 01/23/10
What the Heck? At first glance, the typical response to Twitter is: I don’t get it Why would anyone want to tell others what they are doing in 140 characters? What you see, is not what you get Think of Google’s simplistic interface Twitter is an incredibly powerful tool for your personal learning, connecting with others, and engaging classroom activities
Twitter, Social Networking, and Communities of Practice Consider that the true power of Twitter and other social networking tools lies in their potential to  extend learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom community   http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/past-issues/volume13/ej50/ej50int/
Learning is a social Process Facilitated by interaction with others who are mutually engaged in the socially and culturally defined practices of the community
Social Networking Technologies Can allow second language learners to negotiate meaning and shape their identity as English speakers as they connect with and participate in the real world communities that are important to their lives
Twitter Twitter is very  easy  to sign-up for and to use Twitter is an effective  communication  tool for concise messages and news items, or links to longer messages and articles Powerful networking capacity Twitter is fun to use and may, therefore, be effective in engaging students in  discussions  who do not need to write longer essays
What Can You Do Tweet about the latest activity, or interest Inform Promote Ask for help Invite feedback Provide links Chat Post pictures, videos, music Access stream of links, ideas, opinions & resources from hand-picked selection of global professionals from anywhere
Many different ways to use Twitter in the classroom Post updates for students  Encourage students to collaborate in and out of classroom  Writing teachers have begun using Twitter as a platform for collaborative stories The teacher starts and then asks each student to continue the story through 140 character tweets Educational games
“…  Twitter saves the day. It has very quickly become my personal reboot camp, or PLN (Personal Learning Network). It is jam-packed-to-the-rafters with gifted, sharing and inspirational educators from across the globe. I have learned an incredible amount about education and classroom tools in the few months I’ve been tweeting. The oft-cited comparison between a Twitter PLN and a virtual global staff room rings loud and true. “ Sean Banville is webmaster of sites including  BreakingNewsEnglish.com  and  ListenAminute.com . He has a Master’s degree in TEFL/TESL from Birmingham University. He spent 13 years teaching in Japan and relocated to the UAE in 2006. He recently became an enthusiastic Tweeter,  @ seanbanville , and has entered the world of  blogging .
Twitter Secrets Follow – be selective (marketers?) Use Search –  http:// search.twitter.com http:// search.twitter.com /advanced http:// search.twitter.com /operators Save your searches Trending Topics Favorites Use Hashtags – a way to group tweets associated with a specific topic # # # # http:// hashtags.org / Use for a class or topic ReTweet - RT Direct Messaging D – can use on cell phones too
Twitter Tools/Apps/Clients   TweetDeck  - create Twitter groups -keep your work and personal contacts somewhat separate Twhirl  – Twitter client - desktop HootSuite  - manage multiple Twitter profiles & more Twitxr - send photos from mobile phone - great for teachers and students alike TwitPic - You can share photos on Twitter, or find photos from all around the world using this service Twitterfall Twtpoll – create polls and survey  TweetChat - easy to see only tweets with a corresponding hashtag
Follow Suggestions   WeFollow  -  WeFollow  offers a user powered Twitter directory twibes  group  adulted Twits Like Me - Find other users in education through Twits Like Me  TweepML Find someone you like, check out their followers
Twitter Resources Ultimate Twitter guide Ultimate List of Twitter Tools Mashable's  Twitter Guide Book Twitter4Teachers  wiki Just Tweet It CybraryMan  Twitter Resources
PowerPoint Twitter Feedback Slide Use Presentation Mode to view, Click this header to give mouse control back to PowerPoint, change slide, etc. © SAP 2009 / Page

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Wicked Good Online Resources and Activities for ABE/ESOL Classroom

  • 1. Wicked Good Sites and Activities for ABE/ESOL Classrooms Presented by, Patty Ball Northeast SABES
  • 2. Plethora of Tools There are many tools on the Internet that teachers and staff can use in their classrooms and programs Figuring out which to use can be daunting and time-consuming Considerations: Integration - usefulness free or low-cost low learning curve for both teachers and students
  • 3. Teachers might… Try to use 'learning technologies' in classroom whenever they can, to make the learning experience relevant to students Show students how to find and access information and opportunities through technology Focus on developing students’ networking skills (both online and face-to-face) so that the students become 'connected' to people who can give them information, help them learn and keep the learning experience relevant to the student’s life 01/23/10
  • 4. Desired Outcomes of Presentation Awareness of new and useful tools for ABE/ESL programs and classrooms Develop willingness to explore new tools – (tools and their usages change) Use some of these tools on a regular basis for either the program, the classroom or personal & professional development “ Become comfortable enough with technologies so that you can recognize them for what they really are - Get past the hype and to the possibilities” (Jane Bozarth)
  • 5. A quote The internet is now much more than an information source, it is a vast social network of people communicating and collaborating, so what better place could there be to learn, practice and use language There are even some dedicated networks set up so that language students can share and exchange both their culture and their language and enjoy communicating with each other  Some examples are: http:// www.livemocha.com / http:// www.babbel.com / http:// www.palabea.net / If …, people learn best with friends and within social environments, then I think the internet really is providing places where students can learn for themselves and perhaps we can just help them to consolidate those skills. 01/23/10 *Nik Peachey | Learning Technology Consultant, Writer, Trainer Teacher Development: http:// nikpeachey.blogspot.com /
  • 6. Tech Integration Online tools for: Creating Docs, Presentations, Spreadsheets *Google Docs, Zoho , *Animoto, Prezi Collaboration Tools (with students, educators, staff) Tools for Math, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening   Educational Games/fun, music, soundtracks My current overall favorite – how to use for awesome results
  • 7. Document Creation & Collaboration Google Docs – Patty’s fav Google apps Free online software - teachers & students collaborate on projects, assignments, & professional development allows more than 1 person to work on same doc at a time Students no longer need to e-mail files to other group members and deal with the confusion that often occurs regarding software compatibility issues Also Zoho
  • 9. Google Apps for Education
  • 10. Students can use these to: Work on files anywhere, anytime Get quick feedback from multiple people Make the full writing process visible Demonstrate their mastery of editing skills Quickly analyze and organize data Easily share data
  • 11. Google Docs and Zoho Writer - the simplest tools for publishing written work to the web Create & share all of your works without leaving the program Google Docs allows to publish your documents as a webpage - then email url or post on your blog or website Zoho Writer provides extra option which generates an embed code for your documents Using the embed code will allow people to read your documents without having to leave your blog or website
  • 12. Teachers can use to: Organize group work in their classes Make exercises they give students fun, since students are motivated when they are having fun Give students work to do outside of the formal setting of the classroom Take on the role of 'facilitator' rather than the role of 'giver-of-knowledge'. Collaborate with other educators 01/23/10
  • 13. Presentation Creation & Embellishment * Animoto - Animoto for Education Prezi 280 slides
  • 14. Best Collaboration Tools Ning Classroom 2.0 Eflclassroom My Ning EduBlogs Google sites How to Use – class websites, sharing, collaboration
  • 15. Ning
  • 18. My Ning Site
  • 20.  
  • 21. Math Math Movies XP Math MathPlayground Wolfram Alpha thirteenEdOnline HoodaMath Math in Daily Life Change Maker Math Lesson Plans Practical Money Skills BBC Skillwise Numbers Small Housekeeper
  • 22. Math XP Math Math Movies
  • 25. Wolfram Alpha Enter any date (birthdate, June 23, 1988) Enter any city Enter any two stocks – IBM Apple Enter any calculation - $250 + 15%Enter any math formula – 3 x 2 + x –7=4 x
  • 26. WolframAlpha Enter any two first names - andrew, barbara enter any food 1 apple + 2 oranges enter any measurement 45 mph enter any chemical formula H2SO4 enter any musical notes C Eb G C
  • 27. Step-by-Step Math Ever given up working on a math problem because you couldn’t figure out the next step? Wolfram|Alpha can guide you step by step through the process of solving many mathematical problems When trying to find solutions, Wolfram Alpha can break down the steps for you if you click the “Show steps” button in the Result pod
  • 28. Reading English for My Job Wordle English with cartoons English Learner InfoSquares Reading/Language Arts Powerpoint lessons Guide to Grammar and Writing - Powerpoint Lessons
  • 31. How to Use? *Have students create text about themselves and turn it into a Wordle-put the clouds up and see if students can identify each other See CD for many more Wordle activities *Nik Peachy Web2.0 Tools for Teachers
  • 32. Writing Penzu * Word Magnets Business English – beginners Many Things Many Things - videos A4ESL Elllo News English Lessons Virtual Traveler - BBC – Writing - Bit size writing WordSift ESL Independent Study Lab
  • 33.  
  • 34. Writing Activities Create online materials using text & images & share w/ students Writing portfolio – set written homework tasks for students, store, review, share PD Journal – reflect on your teaching Lesson summary – record what you did with the classes and send as summary or reminder Create models for writing activities – use a new entry each time you redraft to show how text changes through process steps of brainstorming… Learner diaries Ask students to reflect on aspects of lesson and send responses using anonymous message feature Upload images ask them to create story based on them
  • 35. Speaking/Listening rong-chang Listening & speaking VoiceThread Voxopop listen-and-write Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab Howjsay ESL Go Conversation questions for esl classroom * ESLfast ESL fast dialogues Real English English Central Videos
  • 37. Conversation questions for esl classroom
  • 38. Educational Games/Fun Xtranormal – Make movies Parade of PowerPoint Games ClassTools MoMupl A to Z Wordfinder Scrabble Let them sing it for you Blip last.fm 35 Educational games Guess the Wordle
  • 41. All Resources Top ESL websites * nikpeachey Technology Nik Peachy links and Activities Nik Peachy Quick Shout Activities ESL activities for adults USALearns Literacy Support Center ESL worksheets and Lesson Plans Larry Ferlazzo Best of Series Many Things
  • 42. All Resources (2) English for Everybody Teacher Training Videos Free Audio & Video ESL Resources (found through Twitter btw) Daily English Activities for ESL ESL Activities online Teacher Planet *jfynetworks.edublogs Super Teacher Tools Video training for Eng. Lang. educators Patty's bookmarks It’s overwhelming Use search Breaking News English News English Lessons (easier)
  • 43. Labor Market Info MA Career Information System Occupational Outlook Handbook 01/23/10
  • 44.  
  • 45. What the Heck? At first glance, the typical response to Twitter is: I don’t get it Why would anyone want to tell others what they are doing in 140 characters? What you see, is not what you get Think of Google’s simplistic interface Twitter is an incredibly powerful tool for your personal learning, connecting with others, and engaging classroom activities
  • 46. Twitter, Social Networking, and Communities of Practice Consider that the true power of Twitter and other social networking tools lies in their potential to extend learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom community http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/past-issues/volume13/ej50/ej50int/
  • 47. Learning is a social Process Facilitated by interaction with others who are mutually engaged in the socially and culturally defined practices of the community
  • 48. Social Networking Technologies Can allow second language learners to negotiate meaning and shape their identity as English speakers as they connect with and participate in the real world communities that are important to their lives
  • 49. Twitter Twitter is very easy to sign-up for and to use Twitter is an effective communication tool for concise messages and news items, or links to longer messages and articles Powerful networking capacity Twitter is fun to use and may, therefore, be effective in engaging students in discussions who do not need to write longer essays
  • 50. What Can You Do Tweet about the latest activity, or interest Inform Promote Ask for help Invite feedback Provide links Chat Post pictures, videos, music Access stream of links, ideas, opinions & resources from hand-picked selection of global professionals from anywhere
  • 51. Many different ways to use Twitter in the classroom Post updates for students Encourage students to collaborate in and out of classroom Writing teachers have begun using Twitter as a platform for collaborative stories The teacher starts and then asks each student to continue the story through 140 character tweets Educational games
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  • 54.  
  • 55. “… Twitter saves the day. It has very quickly become my personal reboot camp, or PLN (Personal Learning Network). It is jam-packed-to-the-rafters with gifted, sharing and inspirational educators from across the globe. I have learned an incredible amount about education and classroom tools in the few months I’ve been tweeting. The oft-cited comparison between a Twitter PLN and a virtual global staff room rings loud and true. “ Sean Banville is webmaster of sites including BreakingNewsEnglish.com and ListenAminute.com . He has a Master’s degree in TEFL/TESL from Birmingham University. He spent 13 years teaching in Japan and relocated to the UAE in 2006. He recently became an enthusiastic Tweeter, @ seanbanville , and has entered the world of blogging .
  • 56. Twitter Secrets Follow – be selective (marketers?) Use Search – http:// search.twitter.com http:// search.twitter.com /advanced http:// search.twitter.com /operators Save your searches Trending Topics Favorites Use Hashtags – a way to group tweets associated with a specific topic # # # # http:// hashtags.org / Use for a class or topic ReTweet - RT Direct Messaging D – can use on cell phones too
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  • 62. Twitter Tools/Apps/Clients TweetDeck - create Twitter groups -keep your work and personal contacts somewhat separate Twhirl – Twitter client - desktop HootSuite - manage multiple Twitter profiles & more Twitxr - send photos from mobile phone - great for teachers and students alike TwitPic - You can share photos on Twitter, or find photos from all around the world using this service Twitterfall Twtpoll – create polls and survey TweetChat - easy to see only tweets with a corresponding hashtag
  • 63. Follow Suggestions WeFollow - WeFollow offers a user powered Twitter directory twibes group adulted Twits Like Me - Find other users in education through Twits Like Me TweepML Find someone you like, check out their followers
  • 64. Twitter Resources Ultimate Twitter guide Ultimate List of Twitter Tools Mashable's Twitter Guide Book Twitter4Teachers wiki Just Tweet It CybraryMan Twitter Resources
  • 65. PowerPoint Twitter Feedback Slide Use Presentation Mode to view, Click this header to give mouse control back to PowerPoint, change slide, etc. © SAP 2009 / Page
  • 66.