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Why We Share:
 Motivations At The
 Heart of #Sharing

Share with me @angel #sharing   1
New ways to share our lives
and thoughts with each other
are being added to this
rainbow all the time. But what
makes us WANT to share?

Share with me @angel #sharing Brian Solis &Jesse Thomas available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.
I mean this kind of sharing…

Share with me @angel #sharing               3
Designers are increasingly
asked to design for social
engagement and judged by
likes and forwards. We must
understand what drives it.

                                Share Icon Project

Share with me @angel #sharing                        4

Share with me @angel #sharing          5
Jude Rolleg
                                  22 months old

                                Kids start out as selfish
                                creatures but we develop
                                egalitarian sharing by the time
                                we‟re 7. It‟s coded into our
                                culture and our DNA.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                     6
Sharing is a reciprocal dance.
                                        The warm fuzzy feeling sharing
                                        gives us is tied to our
                                        relationship types.

Share with me @angel #sharing   http://www.flickr.com/photos/pgaalien/4170397756/   7
Sharing evolved with our relationships

   that banana                     Let‟s share    You scratch my back,
     or else!                    these berries…     I‟ll scratch yours.



     Dominance                  Communality       Reciprocity

Share with me @angel #sharing                                        8
Everyone‟s jumping.
                                                      It must be safe!

     Sharing is a survival skill.

Share with me @angel #sharing   http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristenlou/1310667755/in/photostream/   9

Share with me @angel #sharing          10
Followers? Influence? Badges?

Share with me @angel #sharing            11
Cash & Prizes?

Share with me @angel #sharing                                                                                            12
Brand “Likers” say they become fans to just to receive
               discounts & promotions.

Share with me @angel #sharing                             13
Marketers are smart for
tapping into our desire
to share because we do

Share with me @angel #sharing   http://www.flickr.com/photos/wlodi/3152672560/   14
Beyond reward systems,
        sharing satisfies three
        basic human goals.

Share with me @angel #sharing     15
1. Bragging
Share with me @angel #sharing   16
It‟s not 100% narcissism.
                                Brags can have altruistic
                                content like sharing potentially
                                interesting or useful

Share with me @angel #sharing                                      17

Share with me @angel #sharing            18
Bragging seeks validation. The
                                like button Is popular because
                                it gives responders a 1-click
                                way to respond appropriately.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                    19
1 To spread valuable/entertaining content

2 To define ourselves to others

3 To nourish relationships

4 Self-fulfillment

5 To get the word out about causes or brands

                                This is ALL
                                bragging, really.
Share with me @angel #sharing                       20
2. Complaining

Share with me @angel #sharing   21
Complaining can be constructive.
                                Just ask Joshua Kaufman, who
                                blogged complaints after Oakland
                                police ignored the fact that he
                                could provide them with photos
                                of the thief and the exact location
                                of his stolen laptop.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                         22
                                    Recovered property
                                +   5k new Twitter followers

Share with me @angel #sharing                                  23
Ditto / +1 / RT
                                Complaining seeks agreement.
                                So we‟ve created short-hand
                                ways to quickly agree with
                                complaints that resonate for

Share with me @angel #sharing                                  24
3. Reaching Out

Share with me @angel #sharing   http://www.flickr.com/photos/dewberry85/1799349711/   25
Share with me @angel #sharing   26
Almost instantly, I received
                                a flood of comfort and
                                reassurance. (She‟s fine
                                now, by the way.)

Share with me @angel #sharing                                  27
I feel utterly

Share with me @angel #sharing
http://travel.3yen.com/2007-02-23/japanese-snow-monkeys/   28
Maybe we need
                                something like this.

Share with me @angel #sharing                          29
Sharing = Caring

Share with me @angel #sharing   30
Now What?

Share with me @angel #sharing     31
Knowing what motivates
 people to share means that we
 can design more optimal
 sharing mechanisms.

Share with me @angel #sharing   Illustration from Bill Verplank’s Talk at IxD11, http://hci.sapp.org/lectures/verplank/interaction/
Top 6 Social Design
 1.              Landscape
 2.              Frameworks
 3.              Social Objects
 4.              Personal Boundaries
 5.              Privacy
 6.              Friction       Give people tools to
                                brag, complain, and reach out
                                while considering these.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                   33
1. Landscape

Share with me @angel #sharing   34
The landscape is crowded.
              How will your system fit in?

Share with me @angel #sharing                35
Social Layer Cake



Professional Trust

 Share with me @angel #sharing                       36
The plethora of sharing
                                capabilities has given rise to
                                tools that let people daisy
                                chain their social networks

Share with me @angel #sharing                                    37
Cross Post
                                buttons lets
                                people share with
                                many social
                                circles without
                                abandoning what
                                they know.

Share with me @angel #sharing                   38
Google+ neglected to let
 people cross post to Facebook
 and that has negatively
 affected their adoption rate.

Share with me @angel #sharing    39
2. Frameworks

                    The frameworks you
                    design will shape the
                     way people share.

Share with me @angel #sharing               40
Relationship Frameworks

                                Will your new system
                                foster competition
     Dominance                             Communality
                                for dominance?           Reciprocity

Share with me @angel #sharing                                          41
Relationship Frameworks

                                              Show people their
                                              common interests?
     Dominance                  Communality              Reciprocity

Share with me @angel #sharing                                          42
Relationship Frameworks

                                  Or help people make
                                  exchanges of goods
                                  and services?
     Dominance                  Communality             Reciprocity

Share with me @angel #sharing                                         43
Conversation Frameworks




Share with me @angel #sharing                    44
Conversation Frameworks
                                Friendships that lead
                                to conversations.

                                Conversations that
                                lead to friendship.

                                Conversations that
                                lead to money?
Share with me @angel #sharing                           45
Friend Purgatory?

                                People who fall outside our
                                relationship frameworks end
                                up in limbo neither
                                confirmed nor deleted.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                 46
3. Social Objects

           What are the social objects
          you expect people to share?

 Share with me @angel #sharing           47
Location became a social object
 when Foursquare started
 asking, “Where are you?”

Share with me @angel #sharing      48
= social object

                                                      = meta data



                         tip                   photo


Share with me @angel #sharing                                           49
„s Social Objects:

  Asking for a new social object
  (awake/sleeping) invites new
  behavior such as recording

Share with me @angel #sharing                           50
Like most retailers, CP+B
  client Old Navy celebrates
  Thanksgiving with big sales
  on Black Friday weekend.
  Each year they have us create
  a microsite to get shoppers
  excited about the savings.

Share with me @angel #sharing     51
Irreverent Fun

                                Since Old Navy is all about fun
                                and family, each year we‟re
                                tasked with creating a fun
                                activity to celebrate the sale in
                                the hopes that the activity will
                                be shared virally.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                       52
Irreverent Fun                   Brag-worthy Value

  But this year we also gave
  shoppers tools to brag about
  each of the deals.

  Traffic doubled, Sharing
                                 Sharing tools on all 150+ deals

Share with me @angel #sharing                                53
4. Personal Boundaries

Share with me @angel #sharing   54
The tyranny of group think?

Share with me @angel #sharing               55
Your share
                                                          history is a
                                                          digital tattoo
                                                          that you can
                                                          never erase.
                                The less savvy sharers have the
                                opposite problem. One of the
                                consequences of careless sharing is
                                that every ugly word or unflattering
                                photo is out there forever.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                              56
Friends Don‟t Let Friends
               Facebook While Drunk.

                                It‟s helpful for us to consider ways to
                                of helping people maintain
                                appropriate boundaries. Tools that
                                help them avoid awkward social
                                situations and faux pas.

Share with me @angel #sharing                                             57
Like this one.

Share with me @angel #sharing                    58
Or systems like these
              where sharing is done
              among smaller, more
              intimate groups so
              people let their guard
              down without fear of

Share with me @angel #sharing          59
5. Privacy
 Our willingness to share
 personal info in public
 space is tempered by a
 need to keep some
 things available for
 certain eyes only.

 Share with me @angel #sharing   60
Trading Privacy for Value

           YOU and 5 other       Like Skinny Jeans?
           friends like Skinny   Color Jeggings are
           Jeans                 the same fit perfect
                                 for Spring!

Share with me @angel #sharing                           61
Facebook‟s Privacy Policy is longer
        than the US Constitution

Share with me @angel #sharing             62
Our Mental Models
     Don‟t Match Reality
Share with me @angel #sharing   63
Let‟s make certain that people get:

           1.        Value in the exchange
           2.        The right to choose
           3.        Straightforward options
           4.        Consent without deception

Share with me @angel #sharing                    64
6. Friction

                 Without friction, sharing
                   loses it‟s meaning.

 Share with me @angel #sharing               65
Share with me @angel #sharing   66
Stream of frictionless
Share with me @angel #sharing       67
Open Graph
                                shares are
                                on the rise.

Share with me @angel #sharing                  68
Make it easy but
                       make it meaningful.

Share with me @angel #sharing                69
The Age of UX Enlightenment.

Share with me @angel #sharing         70
Share with me @angel #sharing   71
Sharing is how we‟ll grow.
Share with me @angel #sharing   72

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Why We Share

  • 1. Why We Share: Motivations At The Heart of #Sharing Share with me @angel #sharing 1
  • 2. New ways to share our lives and thoughts with each other are being added to this rainbow all the time. But what makes us WANT to share? 2 Share with me @angel #sharing Brian Solis &Jesse Thomas available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.
  • 3. I mean this kind of sharing… Share with me @angel #sharing 3
  • 4. Designers are increasingly asked to design for social engagement and judged by likes and forwards. We must understand what drives it. Share Icon Project Share with me @angel #sharing 4
  • 5. how? Share with me @angel #sharing 5
  • 6. Jude Rolleg 22 months old Kids start out as selfish creatures but we develop egalitarian sharing by the time we‟re 7. It‟s coded into our culture and our DNA. Share with me @angel #sharing 6
  • 7. Sharing is a reciprocal dance. The warm fuzzy feeling sharing gives us is tied to our relationship types. Share with me @angel #sharing http://www.flickr.com/photos/pgaalien/4170397756/ 7
  • 8. Sharing evolved with our relationships Gimme that banana Let‟s share You scratch my back, or else! these berries… I‟ll scratch yours. Spouse Friend Dominance Communality Reciprocity Share with me @angel #sharing 8
  • 9. Everyone‟s jumping. It must be safe! Sharing is a survival skill. Share with me @angel #sharing http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristenlou/1310667755/in/photostream/ 9
  • 10. Why? Share with me @angel #sharing 10
  • 11. Followers? Influence? Badges? Share with me @angel #sharing 11
  • 12. Cash & Prizes? Share with me @angel #sharing 12 pbs.org/mediashift/2010/11/can-social-sharing-survive-the-rise-of-rewards-based-campaigns312.html
  • 13. Brand “Likers” say they become fans to just to receive discounts & promotions. Share with me @angel #sharing 13
  • 14. Marketers are smart for tapping into our desire to share because we do naturally. Share with me @angel #sharing http://www.flickr.com/photos/wlodi/3152672560/ 14
  • 15. Beyond reward systems, sharing satisfies three basic human goals. Share with me @angel #sharing 15
  • 16. 1. Bragging Share with me @angel #sharing 16
  • 17. It‟s not 100% narcissism. Brags can have altruistic content like sharing potentially interesting or useful information. Share with me @angel #sharing 17
  • 18. You‟re only human. Share with me @angel #sharing 18
  • 19. Bragging seeks validation. The like button Is popular because it gives responders a 1-click way to respond appropriately. Share with me @angel #sharing 19
  • 20. 1 To spread valuable/entertaining content 2 To define ourselves to others 3 To nourish relationships 4 Self-fulfillment 5 To get the word out about causes or brands This is ALL bragging, really. Share with me @angel #sharing 20
  • 21. 2. Complaining Share with me @angel #sharing 21
  • 22. Complaining can be constructive. Just ask Joshua Kaufman, who blogged complaints after Oakland police ignored the fact that he could provide them with photos of the thief and the exact location of his stolen laptop. Share with me @angel #sharing 22
  • 23. Success! Recovered property + 5k new Twitter followers WINNING Share with me @angel #sharing 23
  • 24. Ditto / +1 / RT Complaining seeks agreement. So we‟ve created short-hand ways to quickly agree with complaints that resonate for us. Share with me @angel #sharing 24
  • 25. 3. Reaching Out Share with me @angel #sharing http://www.flickr.com/photos/dewberry85/1799349711/ 25
  • 26. Share with me @angel #sharing 26
  • 27. Almost instantly, I received a flood of comfort and reassurance. (She‟s fine now, by the way.) Share with me @angel #sharing 27
  • 28. I feel utterly alone. Share with me @angel #sharing http://travel.3yen.com/2007-02-23/japanese-snow-monkeys/ 28
  • 29. Maybe we need something like this. Share with me @angel #sharing 29
  • 30. Sharing = Caring Share with me @angel #sharing 30
  • 31. Now What? Share with me @angel #sharing 31
  • 32. Knowing what motivates people to share means that we can design more optimal sharing mechanisms. Share with me @angel #sharing Illustration from Bill Verplank’s Talk at IxD11, http://hci.sapp.org/lectures/verplank/interaction/ 32
  • 33. Top 6 Social Design Considerations: 1. Landscape 2. Frameworks 3. Social Objects 4. Personal Boundaries 5. Privacy 6. Friction Give people tools to brag, complain, and reach out while considering these. Share with me @angel #sharing 33
  • 34. 1. Landscape Share with me @angel #sharing 34
  • 35. The landscape is crowded. How will your system fit in? Share with me @angel #sharing 35
  • 36. Social Layer Cake Conversation Family/Friends Professional Trust Intimacy Share with me @angel #sharing 36
  • 37. The plethora of sharing capabilities has given rise to tools that let people daisy chain their social networks together. Share with me @angel #sharing 37
  • 38. Cross Post buttons lets people share with many social circles without abandoning what they know. Share with me @angel #sharing 38
  • 39. Google+ neglected to let people cross post to Facebook and that has negatively affected their adoption rate. Share with me @angel #sharing 39
  • 40. 2. Frameworks The frameworks you design will shape the way people share. Share with me @angel #sharing 40
  • 41. Relationship Frameworks Will your new system foster competition Dominance Communality for dominance? Reciprocity Share with me @angel #sharing 41
  • 42. Relationship Frameworks Show people their common interests? Dominance Communality Reciprocity Share with me @angel #sharing 42
  • 43. Relationship Frameworks Or help people make exchanges of goods and services? Dominance Communality Reciprocity Share with me @angel #sharing 43
  • 44. Conversation Frameworks q Reciprocal q Asymmetric q Reciprocal Share with me @angel #sharing 44
  • 45. Conversation Frameworks Friendships that lead to conversations. Conversations that lead to friendship. Conversations that lead to money? Share with me @angel #sharing 45
  • 46. Friend Purgatory? People who fall outside our relationship frameworks end up in limbo neither confirmed nor deleted. Share with me @angel #sharing 46
  • 47. 3. Social Objects What are the social objects you expect people to share? Share with me @angel #sharing 47
  • 48. Location became a social object when Foursquare started asking, “Where are you?” Share with me @angel #sharing 48
  • 49. = social object = meta data photo location note busines s tip photo caption location Share with me @angel #sharing 49
  • 50. „s Social Objects: •Photos •People •Location •Music •Thoughts •Awake/Sleeping Asking for a new social object (awake/sleeping) invites new behavior such as recording dreams. Share with me @angel #sharing 50
  • 51. Like most retailers, CP+B client Old Navy celebrates Thanksgiving with big sales on Black Friday weekend. Each year they have us create a microsite to get shoppers excited about the savings. Share with me @angel #sharing 51
  • 52. Irreverent Fun Since Old Navy is all about fun and family, each year we‟re tasked with creating a fun activity to celebrate the sale in the hopes that the activity will be shared virally. Share with me @angel #sharing 52
  • 53. Irreverent Fun Brag-worthy Value But this year we also gave shoppers tools to brag about each of the deals. Result: Traffic doubled, Sharing TRIPLED! Sharing tools on all 150+ deals Share with me @angel #sharing 53
  • 54. 4. Personal Boundaries Share with me @angel #sharing 54
  • 55. The tyranny of group think? Share with me @angel #sharing 55
  • 56. Your share history is a digital tattoo that you can never erase. The less savvy sharers have the opposite problem. One of the consequences of careless sharing is that every ugly word or unflattering photo is out there forever. Share with me @angel #sharing 56
  • 57. Friends Don‟t Let Friends Facebook While Drunk. It‟s helpful for us to consider ways to of helping people maintain appropriate boundaries. Tools that help them avoid awkward social situations and faux pas. Share with me @angel #sharing 57
  • 58. Like this one. Share with me @angel #sharing 58
  • 59. Or systems like these where sharing is done among smaller, more intimate groups so people let their guard down without fear of embarrassment. Share with me @angel #sharing 59
  • 60. 5. Privacy Our willingness to share personal info in public space is tempered by a need to keep some things available for certain eyes only. Share with me @angel #sharing 60
  • 61. Trading Privacy for Value YOU and 5 other Like Skinny Jeans? friends like Skinny Color Jeggings are Jeans the same fit perfect for Spring! Share with me @angel #sharing 61
  • 62. Facebook‟s Privacy Policy is longer than the US Constitution Share with me @angel #sharing 62
  • 63. Our Mental Models Don‟t Match Reality Share with me @angel #sharing 63
  • 64. Let‟s make certain that people get: 1. Value in the exchange 2. The right to choose 3. Straightforward options 4. Consent without deception Share with me @angel #sharing 64
  • 65. 6. Friction Without friction, sharing loses it‟s meaning. Share with me @angel #sharing 65
  • 66. Share with me @angel #sharing 66
  • 67. Stream of frictionless shares. Share with me @angel #sharing 67
  • 68. Open Graph means frictionless shares are on the rise. Share with me @angel #sharing 68
  • 69. Make it easy but make it meaningful. Share with me @angel #sharing 69
  • 70. The Age of UX Enlightenment. Share with me @angel #sharing 70
  • 71. Share with me @angel #sharing 71
  • 72. Sharing is how we‟ll grow. Share with me @angel #sharing 72
  • 73. The more sharing done between UX leaders and the bright young talents who will carry our practice forward, the better. Share with me @angel #sharing 73
  • 74. Abi Jones Edward Tufte Joni Rustulka Nate Bolt Alan Cooper Elizabeth Bacon JoRoan Lazero Niklas Wolkert Andrea Mignolo Elizabeth Buie Josh Williams Noel Franus April Fincham Eric Dahl Josh Sieden Nuzi Barkataly Bill DeRouchey Fred Beecher Joshua Kaufman Pete Knocke Bill Moggridge Genevieve Bell Joshua Sin Rob Nero Bill Verplank Greg Petroff Julian Bleecker Robert Fabricant Chris Stone Gretchen Anderson Kaleem Khan Ron Goldin Dan Brown Haig Armen Kevin Chang Russ Unger Dan Saffer Jack Moffett Kim Goodwin Samantha Soma Dan Willis Jakob Neilson Kim Lenox Sarah Mitchell Dani Malik Janna DeVylder Kimberly Peter Steve Baty Daniel Stilman Jared Spool Luke Wroblewski Steve Calde Dana Chisnell Jennifer Bove Marc Rettig Steve Krug Dave Cronin Jenka Guurfinkel Matt Nish-Lapidus Steve Portigal David Malouf Jeremy Yuille Matt Walsh Tara Brown Denise Philipsen Johanna Kollmann Meredith Noble Tina Roth Eisenberg Diego Pulido John Labriola Mikkel Michelsen Tonia Bartz Don Norman Jon Kolko MJ Broadbent Whitney Hess Eduardo Ortiz Jonathan Knoll Nasir Barday Yohan Creemers Share with me @angel #sharing 74
  • 75. Thank You. Share with me @angel Share with me @angel #sharing 75

Editor's Notes

  1. Don’t even bother trying to read this! I wanted to include the overwhelming rainbow of ways we’re invited to share.http://www.briansolis.com/2008/08/introducing-conversation-prism/
  2. Our success as designers is often judged by how much sharing gets done. (Instagram, Path, Gobblepalooza)Even if you hate Facebook, don’t tweet, can see what the fuss is about with Instagram, human sharing behavior is something we as designers must endeavor to understand.
  3. This is my nephew Jude. He’s 2 and one of his first sentences is “No Mine!” This is not unusual.University of Zurich recently published a study based on research done with 229 Swiss children.As part of the study, kids were offered candy and choices in several scenarios.1: one piece of candy for them and one piece of candy for another child. 2: two pieces for themself, and nothing for the other child.Under age 4, only 8.7% of children chose to give another child candy. By age 7 and 8, almost 50% chose to share the candies. The results indicate that human egalitarianism has deep developmental roots.Jude will start exhibiting of altruistic sharing due to the patient teachings from my sister and his own natural evolutionary empathy.Selfishness of Younger Kids Gives Way to a More Egalitarian BehaviorWe become creatures who are very good at sharing. So much so that by the time we reach adulthood, we share all the time.The happy tendency to share resources equitably — at least with members of one&apos;s own social group — is a central and unique feature of human social life. It emerges, it seems, in middle childhood.http://children.webmd.com/news/20080826/children-learn-to-share-by-age-7-or-8http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v454/n7208/full/4541057a.html
  4. Humans are social animals with sharing coded into our DNA. Sharing is a RECIPRICAL dance in which we take turns with one another as givers and takers.Sharing our stuff and various aspects of ourselves gives us a chance to be appreciated and to find like-minded folks, thus feeling validatedThe warm fuzzy feelingcan be explained in evolutionary terms. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pgaalien/4170397756/
  5. Anthropologist Alan Fisks’s3 major human relationship typesDominance – forced sharing inherited from dominance hierarchies that are ubiquitous to primatesCommunality – Sharing with our tribes and clan, kin selection and mutualismReciprocity – business like tit for tat exchanges of goods/services typify reciprocal altruismhttp://www.barefoot-spring.net/barefoot/guerre_du_feu.jpghttp://www.flickr.com/photos/captainclaudia/2954044293/in/photostream/
  6. Life is about managing risk – A way to reduce it is to do as others - A lot of people are statistically less likely to be wrong than onesingle person. Helps us form bonds and establish our position within the group.Like most behaviors sharing has followed us into our digital lives.http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristenlou/1310667755/in/photostream/
  7. At first blush it might seem that people share because the cultures within many social networks provide reward people who share a lot.The more you share the more followers you get and influence you gainLeader boards, earn badges, even be the mayor!People love to be quantified. There is an inbuilt reflex to constantly judge ourselves with others. It is part of the build of human nature.What percentage of people are you part of? Who else is in that elite group? Who else is wearing a gold star?http://seodesk.org/rewards-in-social-media-is-sharing-caring/
  8. Maybe we share for Deals? special offers? Jamie Oliver dressed as a McNuggetfor a Chipotle campaign which awarded 7k in cash and prizes to people willing to share photos of themselves dressed as horrifying processed food products. People who &quot;like&quot; brands on Facebook have been inundated with monetary rewards and free food.http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2010/11/can-social-sharing-survive-the-rise-of-rewards-based-campaigns312.html
  9. Tapping into our desire to share is a smart play for marketers because is is something we do naturallyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/wlodi/3152672560/
  10. Sharing satisfies basic human goals that go beyond reward systems,Looking at at the KINDS of things people share, We begin to see patterns that reveal the underlying motivations that truly drive sharing behavior.
  11. Shares that broadcast how cool, clever, hard working, and sexy we areReading a smart book? Eating something delicious? Brags essentially say to the world, &quot;Look at me, I&apos;m awesome!”
  12. It’s not 100% narcissism. Brags can have altruistic content Sharing potentially interesting or useful information Orthings you think are funny or will entertain your followers.
  13. Don’t feel bad.Brag shares are an age-old human construct An extension of the public persona humans have always createdA way to communicate &quot;this is who I want you to think I am.”And I hope you like who I’m pretending to be!
  14. When we share this way, we’re looking for VALIDATION. Like button is an easy way for the sharer to see that validation. It gives the world a 1-click solution to respond appropriately.Which is why it’s so pervasive and popular.Additionally the person who likes it is also saying yes. I appreciate those cool things or the clever way you said that. (I’m awesome TOO) and I want to be on your radar around the social object you shared.
  15. NYT recently published a study that says these are the reasons we share. But I’d counter that all of this is bragging. And look at me I’m so smart for reading the NYT. Unless you hate the NYT, in which case you’d be complaining.NYT POS_PUBLIC.pdf
  16. Complaining is a universal icebreaker. Ever notice how often cocktail conversation starts out with a whine about the weather?It’s an effective why to strike a bond with strangers because misery loves company. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0846/is_9_22/ai_100106587/
  17. Complaining can be constructive. Just ask Joshua Kaufman – laptop was stolen last year he was able to set up a blog showing photos and location of the the laptop being used by person who nicked it.
  18. Not only did this help him get is property back, It also opened the door to new “Friends”5k new people started following him on twitter.
  19. Like Brags, Complaints help us initiateand grow relationships.Because they let give us an easy topic our new “common enemy”.“I hate the promoted topics in Twitter. You too? Wow, we have so much in common!” The desired response is AGREEMENT so people have created short hand ways to agree with each other like Ditto, +1, and RTThe person who responds this way is is also saying. Yes, we’re are on the same side.
  20. Final way we share is reaching out Rather than praying to a silent God, We can send our hopes, fears and sorrows out to multiple layers of friends and acquaintances for nearly instant responseshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/dewberry85/1799349711/
  21. I was on a business trip when I got the call from my sister that my mom had been hospitalized. It was hard being away from my family at that moment.
  22. I was immediately comforted by friends from around the world. It may seem like empty words, but in the moment when I was scared and alone, it was palpable reassurance.
  23. These kinds of shares are more difficult. Make us feel vulnerable. Harder to respond to. This kind of sharing seeks emotional support. We don’t have an easy online mechanism to give that just yet. My mother is now fine, by the way. But if she had died, you couldn’t like that. So how can you respond appropriately? http://travel.3yen.com/2007-02-23/japanese-snow-monkeys/
  24. Maybe we need something like this? After all, the validation, encouragement and comfort we give each other is the true magic of sharing The promise of the web – you’re never bored and you’re never alone.
  25. Think about people’s very human need to Brag, Complain and Reach Out Through the lens of these 6 characteristics to design mechanisms which help them.This is not the full list of considerations but, in my opinion these are the most important.
  26. This post struck me because it speaks to anxiousness that many of us feel wondering what to post where.
  27. Each person has an idiosyncratic way of using different sites and networksWe each form our own personal mental model of the right place to converse with acquaintancesWith friends With colleaguesAnd were we can find intimacy.What does your social layer cake look like?
  28. Daisy ChainEach person likes to share in different ways.Now there are sites like If THIS Than That that let us daisy chain our networks together.Consider making your API available so that this is possible.
  29. Cross-PostingSmart new start up-starts include cross-post features to FB. It&apos;s one of the major failures of systems like Google+ that cross-posting to FB isnon-existent.Features that let people share something in multiple networks all at once has two benefits:Lets people reach people in various social circles depending on the contextLets people try new network without abandoning the stalwart social behemoths
  30. What kind of relationships will your new product aim to support?Will the systemFoster competition for dominance? Like being the best DJ in the room, having the highest score, etc.Show people their common interests? Like being able to see what my friends are listening to or finding a partner who also enjoys snowboardingEstablish reciprocal altruism? Like being able to time-share a vacuum cleaner with people in my neighborhood in exchange for access to a blender?Relationships are key. When we share online, we’re not sharing with technology. We’re sharing with each other. Neighborgoods talk by MickiKrimmel - Sharing with neighbors has demonstrated an improvement of life in local communities, spreading into the overall economy - Exchanging visible goods creates trust in local neighborhoods because of the social value of lending - More connected, engaged citizenry comes from sharing and engaging with each other - With more risk and less guarantee, a real trusting relationship is builthttp://www.psfk.com/2011/11/micki-krimmel-sharing-is-caring-the-economy-of-collaborative-consumption-video.html#ixzz1kE0nLf5zhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/captainclaudia/2954044293/in/photostream/
  31. What kind of relationships will your new product aim to support?Will the systemFoster competition for dominance? Like being the best DJ in the room, having the highest score, etc.Show people their common interests? Like being able to see what my friends are listening to or finding a partner who also enjoys snowboardingEstablish reciprocal altruism? Like being able to time-share a vacuum cleaner with people in my neighborhood in exchange for access to a blender?Relationships are key. When we share online, we’re not sharing with technology. We’re sharing with each other. Neighborgoods talk by MickiKrimmel - Sharing with neighbors has demonstrated an improvement of life in local communities, spreading into the overall economy - Exchanging visible goods creates trust in local neighborhoods because of the social value of lending - More connected, engaged citizenry comes from sharing and engaging with each other - With more risk and less guarantee, a real trusting relationship is builthttp://www.psfk.com/2011/11/micki-krimmel-sharing-is-caring-the-economy-of-collaborative-consumption-video.html#ixzz1kE0nLf5zhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/captainclaudia/2954044293/in/photostream/
  32. What kind of relationships will your new product aim to support?Will the systemFoster competition for dominance? Like being the best DJ in the room, having the highest score, etc.Show people their common interests? Like being able to see what my friends are listening to or finding a partner who also enjoys snowboardingEstablish reciprocal altruism? Like being able to time-share a vacuum cleaner with people in my neighborhood in exchange for access to a blender?Relationships are key. When we share online, we’re not sharing with technology. We’re sharing with each other. Neighborgoods talk by MickiKrimmel - Sharing with neighbors has demonstrated an improvement of life in local communities, spreading into the overall economy - Exchanging visible goods creates trust in local neighborhoods because of the social value of lending - More connected, engaged citizenry comes from sharing and engaging with each other - With more risk and less guarantee, a real trusting relationship is builthttp://www.psfk.com/2011/11/micki-krimmel-sharing-is-caring-the-economy-of-collaborative-consumption-video.html#ixzz1kE0nLf5zhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/captainclaudia/2954044293/in/photostream/
  33. It didn’t occur to most of us to start checking in everywhere until systems like Foursquare started asking us “Where are you?”That is the social object that Foursquare asks us to share, a photo and a caption are meta information for the social object of location.
  34. That is the social object that Foursquare asks us to share, a photo and a caption are meta information for the social object of location.Instagram and others treat location as meta information.
  35. Path invites me to record my sleep and waking statesInstagram is only photosGeeklist is brag about my geek prowess
  36. In the US we have a November holiday called thanksgiving where we eat turkey and then spend the rest of the 4-day weekend shopping for ChristmasLike most US retailers, our Client OLD NAVY has a big 3 day sale.At CPB no longer create many microsites but this one has seasonal relevance so each year we try to out-do the year before.
  37. Each year the client asks us to come up with a fun idea that they hope will go viral. The previous year it was a gobble dance that people learned and shared videos of. This year it was the creation of an animated gif that makes your eyes go A-ooh-GA for the eye popping deals.But this year we ALSO added sharing to the social objects that people would want to brag put sharing tools on all 150 deals. Traffic doubled but sharing tripled! The majority of visitors shared the brag-worthy deals rather than the personalized eye poppers. This was a good example of why it’s important to pay attention to the social objects you intend to share.
  38. Each year the client asks us to come up with a fun idea that they hope will go viral. The previous year it was a gobble dance that people learned and shared videos of. This year it was the creation of an animated gif that makes your eyes go A-ooh-GA for the eye popping deals.But this year we ALSO added sharing to the social objects that people would want to brag put sharing tools on all 150 deals. Traffic doubled but sharing tripled! The majority of visitors shared the brag-worthy deals rather than the personalized eye poppers. This was a good example of why it’s important to pay attention to the social objects you intend to share.
  39. Many people have the opposite problem. Among the haunting consequences of Facebook and Twitter use is the immortality of ill-chosen words and personal pictures.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/15/please-stop-sharing/?src=me&amp;ref=general
  40. One such tool is the Social Sobriety Test. It’s a browser plugin and mobile app that protects you from using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. if you can’t pass a simple test like keeping the cursor inside a moving circle.http://www.allfacebook.com/friends-er-plugins-dont-let-friends-facebook-drunk-2010-11
  41. Some people are turning away from large social networks in favor of places where they have better control of their personal boundries because they automatically share with a smaller group. Path’s limit of only letting you “Friend” 150 people is inspired by Professor Robin Dunbar from Oxford University, whose research delves deeply into the number of trusted relationships humans can maintain throughout life. We tend to have 5 best friends, 15 good friends, 50 close friends and family, and 150 total friends.
  42. We put a lot of information into the public space but this is tempered by our need for personal privacy. Laptop Compubody Sock for privacy, warmth, and concentration in public spaces by Becky Sternhttp://sternlab.org/cv/Tim O’reilly asserted in a post blog post about Most of us are willing to give up some personal data in exchange for value
  43. I give up my location and in return I get point-by-point directionsI share my opinions on products to get personalized recommendations and even discountsThere&apos;s enormous advantage for users in giving up some privacy online.We need to be exploring the boundary conditions - asking ourselves when is it good for users, and when is it bad, to reveal their personal information.http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/05/my-contrarian-stance-on-facebook-privacy.html
  44. As a result privacy controls have become increasing complex. Facbook’s privacy policy is now longer than the U.S. Constitution.In order to make your data truly private you must click 50 buttons and choose from 170 options.http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/05/12/business/facebook-privacy.htmlPrivacy concerns are on the riseas Facebook and others become able to ingest and process more of our personal data. Yet our urge to share always seems to win out...Social sites are like Skinner boxes: we press the Like button and are rewarded with attention and interaction from our friends. It doesn&apos;t take long to get conditioned to that reward.http://www.technologyreview.com/article/39321/?p1=A1
  45. In a 2010 blog post,Danah Boyd tells a story of talking with a teenage girl about her privacy settings and noticing that she had made lots of content available to friends-of-friends. When she asked her if she made her content available to her mother. She responded with, “of course not!” I had noticed that she had listed her aunt as a friend of hers and so I surfed with her to her aunt’s page and pointed out that her mother was a friend of her aunt, thus a friend-of-a-friend. She was horrified. It had never dawned on her that her mother might be included in that grouping.People’s mental model of who can see what doesn’t match up with reality.http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2010/05/14/facebook-and-radical-transparency-a-rant.html
  46. The key to addressing this problem is not to say “public or private?” but to ask how we can make certain people are 1) informed; 2) have the right to chose; and 3) are consenting without being deceived. http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2010/05/14/facebook-and-radical-transparency-a-rant.html
  47. Mitigating complexity is core to what we do. Often that means reducing or removing friction so that it’s easier for a user to accomplish their goals. We simplify, and automate were we can. HOWEVER, when it comes to sharing, maintaining friction is important because without friction, sharing looses it’s meaning.
  48. Consider Facebook’s birthday reminders. In a way, Facebook has ruined birthdays because it’s not like all those people really care and remembered your birthday, it just that FB has commoditized that info to make it frictionless.http://socialmediacollective.org/2011/11/28/in-defense-of-friction/
  49. Last year,added feature that allows apps and Web sites to automatically. Users give a service permission to share automatically on their behalf. After that, frictionless sharingmakes sharing happen without your needing to click a button, or to even think about sharing. Amber Case – Buttons replaced with actions. and how potentially useful it could be to have your actions trigger the
  50. If true sharing (where I made some effort to share) is replaced by a constant pipeline of what&apos;s queued up in Spotify, or Foursquare, or the Huffington Post, it all becomes meaningless. Instead of sharing it’s just a computer log of everything you hear, read, or consume in any way. If this feed in is constantly updated without your volition, why do I care? It&apos;s just another form of spam, especially if I&apos;m also receiving thousands of updates every day from hundreds of other friends. Attribution, turns out, is a useful piece of information given by a system, while credit given by a person, is a signal of appreciation, one that is expected and that cannot be automated.If this trend continues, curating is going to become more important so we can make sense of the noise.
  51. The thing that makes sharing such an important reciprocal dance for humans is that I specifically chose to share this information with a special group of humans. The smaller the group, the more special and important it is that I took the time to share it.Important to turn off frictionless sharing where you can not just because they’re annoying. But because the picture of you becomes meaningless.
  52. weather we’re bragging about a cool new app we discovered,complaining about bad design, or reaching out for comfort All of the sharing that we do with each other, will help us grow individually and as a professional community.
  53. Great thing about sharing for all of us is that many of the people who are foundational to are discipline, and bright young things who will carry the practice forward are all alive right now, many are in this room! I would not be the designer I am today without the sharing that you’ve done with me. Thank you all for you sharing with me over the years.