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Web 2.0 Lesley Merritt CMASE Science Instructional Facilitator Educator’s Technology Conference,  2009
Today’s Objectives Define Web 2.0  Review the Standards for 21 st  Century Learners and Teachers Identify Web 2.0 Tools New Web Browser’s Explore Gmail & igoogle Explore Wiki’s
So what are you? Digital Immigrant Digital Native/Intuitive
Framework for 21 st  Century Learning Retrieved from  http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/
Retrieved from  http://iste.org
Retrieved from  http://iste.org
Churches, A. (2008).  Bloom’s digital taxonomy . Retrieved June 8, 2008 from http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/space/showimage/bloom's+Digital+taxonomy+v2.1.pdf
NSTA and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released the 21st Century Skills and Science Map this week at the National Education Computing Conference (NECC). The map provides educators with teacher-created models of how 21st century skills can be infused into classroom instruction and highlights the critical connections between science and specific core skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and communication NSTA and the Partnership for 21 st  Century Skills Create Framework for Integrating 21st Century Skills into Science Curriculum
http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/documents/21stcskillsmap_science.pdf http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/documents/21stcskillsmap_science.pdf
Web 2.0: The Read/Write Web Web 1.0: Read-only HTML Static pages Web 2.0: Read/Write Web The 3 Cs: Consumers Collaborators Creators
Top 15 Web 2.0 Applications Twitter Microblogging tool Delicious Social Bookmarking Tool Google Reader RSS / Feed reader Slide share Hosting Presentations Google Docs Web-based documents Wordpress Blogging tool YouTube Video hosting/sharing site Skype Instant messaging
Top 15 Web 2.0 Applications Google Search Web search tool Audacity Podcasting Firefox Web browser and extensions PowerPoint Presentation software Ning Social networking platforms Blogger/Blogspot Blogging tool Flick Photo storage/sharing site *Wikis Collaboration sites
Advantages of Firefox Less pop-ups Faster browser Less spam To download, type in  www.monzilla,com/firefox/   in your browser.  Click Firefox 3.5  Free Download . Click  Save File .
Set up a Gmail Account (or at least another personal email account) Keep all personal and school emails in separate accounts. All school email is public domain. Don’t let your friends get you in trouble!!! Possibly set up another email account for Business Perks/Accounts (spam/coupons from your businesses)
iGoogle Your personalized Google homepage.  Add news, photos, weather, and stuff from across the web to your page. Access from any computer in the world Don’t lose your favorites when your on other computers
Sign in to iGoogle Decide whether to sign in. Signing in with a Google Account before you start lets you save your iGoogle page across computers. (Certain gadgets, like Gmail and Google Reader, require that you be signed in to a Google Account.) If you don't sign in, your iGoogle page is saved just on your computer.  Sign in video
Setting up iGoogle The first time you use iGoogle, you'll see the setup wizard, which will let you 'Create your own homepage in under 30 seconds.' Choose some interests and a theme, and click  See your page , and you'll have an iGoogle page.
Add More Gadgets to Your Page Here's how to add a gadget to your page: Click  Add stuff  in the top-right corner of iGoogle. Once you find a gadget you'd like to add, click  Add it now . Click the  Back to iGoogle home  link at the upper left side of the page to get back to your page.  You can arrange gadgets by dragging and dropping them on the page (or between tabs). Video
Make igoogle your browser’s homepage Google Chrome   (Click the  Tools  menu, Select  Options,  Click the  Basics  tab, In the “Home page section, select the option “Open this page,” then enter  http://www.google.com/ig  in the text field, Click  Close ) Firefox  (Click the  Tools  menu, Select  Options , Click the  Main  tab, In the ‘startup’ sections, type  http://www.google.com/ig  in the text box, click  OK ) Safari  (Click the  Safari  menu, Select  Preferences,  Click  General ,  I n the 'Home page' section, type  http://www.google.com/ig  in the text box, Close the Preferences window To set your igoogle as your browser’s homepage, follow the instructions below for the your browser.
Wikis From the word “quick” (Hawaiian) A 3 : Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere Collaboration Wikis in Plain English “ Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.”  -Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder Richardson, W. (2006).  Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for  classrooms.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Why Wiki’s You may use this as your school website for student documents & such Allows multiple people to work on one document at the same time Collaborate with colleagues in PLC’s and track changes As the administrator of your wiki, you may choose the access level of every user Levels are Administrator, Commenter, or Reader
Wikis-Classroom Uses Classroom Projects Allows all students to share without drawing attention to themselves in the classroom Examples:  PBWorks Wiki ,  WikiSpaces My PBWorks (Lesley’s)
Create Your Free Wiki Go to  http://PBWorks.com On right hand corner click  Get Started Click on the  Educational  Apple At the bottom of the page click on  Free setup in 60 seconds Choose Basic Wiki for FREE (2 gigs of storage) Choose your address and get started Example
Contact Information Lesley Merritt, CMASE  Science Instructional Facilitator University of Arkansas [email_address] 479.575.3875 http://cmasescience.pbworks.com
Social Networking Share, connect and create with others of like minds and interests Collaborative construction of knowledge  Continuous conversation with many participating Examples: Facebook ,   SchoolTown,   Yahoo!Teachers Richardson, W. (2006).  Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for  classrooms.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking in Plain English  – a Common Craft Production (from www.teachertube.com) Way to store, search, manage, and organize bookmarks Web based bookmarks are available anywhere-not just on one computer in the favorites Share web page links with others Create “networks” of people with like interests and bookmarks Examples:  deli.icio.us , Furl, Simply, citeulike
Blogging weblog:  easily created, easily updateable website that allows author(s) to publish instantly to internet Comprised of reflections and conversations  Engage readers with ideas, questions and links Demand interaction RSS Feed Richardson, W. (2006).  Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for  classrooms.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Blogging-Classroom Uses Class portals: communicate information about class and archived course materials  “ Online filing cabinet” for student work Reflect on teaching experiences Collaborative space School websites On-line discussion Richardson, W. (2006).  Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for  classrooms.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Podcasting Easily creatable, amateur radio “ Take-out” vs “Dine-in” Podcasting in Plain English “ The power of a child’s voice” Audacity
Podcasting-Educator Uses Medium for student creativity Deliver content to students Tool for Professional Development Communicate with parents Examples:  Elementary-Radio Willow Web , iTunes
Google…a host of FREE apps Google Docs in Plain English Google Sites Google Reader Google Maps Google Translator Blogger Google Images iGoogle : Personalized start page

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Web 2.0 Etc 2009

  • 1. Web 2.0 Lesley Merritt CMASE Science Instructional Facilitator Educator’s Technology Conference, 2009
  • 2. Today’s Objectives Define Web 2.0 Review the Standards for 21 st Century Learners and Teachers Identify Web 2.0 Tools New Web Browser’s Explore Gmail & igoogle Explore Wiki’s
  • 3.  
  • 4. So what are you? Digital Immigrant Digital Native/Intuitive
  • 5.  
  • 6. Framework for 21 st Century Learning Retrieved from http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/
  • 7. Retrieved from http://iste.org
  • 8. Retrieved from http://iste.org
  • 9. Churches, A. (2008). Bloom’s digital taxonomy . Retrieved June 8, 2008 from http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/space/showimage/bloom's+Digital+taxonomy+v2.1.pdf
  • 10. NSTA and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills released the 21st Century Skills and Science Map this week at the National Education Computing Conference (NECC). The map provides educators with teacher-created models of how 21st century skills can be infused into classroom instruction and highlights the critical connections between science and specific core skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and communication NSTA and the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Create Framework for Integrating 21st Century Skills into Science Curriculum
  • 12.  
  • 13. Web 2.0: The Read/Write Web Web 1.0: Read-only HTML Static pages Web 2.0: Read/Write Web The 3 Cs: Consumers Collaborators Creators
  • 14. Top 15 Web 2.0 Applications Twitter Microblogging tool Delicious Social Bookmarking Tool Google Reader RSS / Feed reader Slide share Hosting Presentations Google Docs Web-based documents Wordpress Blogging tool YouTube Video hosting/sharing site Skype Instant messaging
  • 15. Top 15 Web 2.0 Applications Google Search Web search tool Audacity Podcasting Firefox Web browser and extensions PowerPoint Presentation software Ning Social networking platforms Blogger/Blogspot Blogging tool Flick Photo storage/sharing site *Wikis Collaboration sites
  • 16. Which one doesn’t belong? CHROME SAFARI FIREFOX INTERNET EXPLORER
  • 17. Advantages of Firefox Less pop-ups Faster browser Less spam To download, type in www.monzilla,com/firefox/ in your browser. Click Firefox 3.5 Free Download . Click Save File .
  • 18. Set up a Gmail Account (or at least another personal email account) Keep all personal and school emails in separate accounts. All school email is public domain. Don’t let your friends get you in trouble!!! Possibly set up another email account for Business Perks/Accounts (spam/coupons from your businesses)
  • 19.  
  • 20. iGoogle Your personalized Google homepage. Add news, photos, weather, and stuff from across the web to your page. Access from any computer in the world Don’t lose your favorites when your on other computers
  • 21. Sign in to iGoogle Decide whether to sign in. Signing in with a Google Account before you start lets you save your iGoogle page across computers. (Certain gadgets, like Gmail and Google Reader, require that you be signed in to a Google Account.) If you don't sign in, your iGoogle page is saved just on your computer. Sign in video
  • 22. Setting up iGoogle The first time you use iGoogle, you'll see the setup wizard, which will let you 'Create your own homepage in under 30 seconds.' Choose some interests and a theme, and click See your page , and you'll have an iGoogle page.
  • 23. Add More Gadgets to Your Page Here's how to add a gadget to your page: Click Add stuff in the top-right corner of iGoogle. Once you find a gadget you'd like to add, click Add it now . Click the Back to iGoogle home link at the upper left side of the page to get back to your page. You can arrange gadgets by dragging and dropping them on the page (or between tabs). Video
  • 24. Make igoogle your browser’s homepage Google Chrome (Click the Tools menu, Select Options, Click the Basics tab, In the “Home page section, select the option “Open this page,” then enter http://www.google.com/ig in the text field, Click Close ) Firefox (Click the Tools menu, Select Options , Click the Main tab, In the ‘startup’ sections, type http://www.google.com/ig in the text box, click OK ) Safari (Click the Safari menu, Select Preferences, Click General , I n the 'Home page' section, type http://www.google.com/ig in the text box, Close the Preferences window To set your igoogle as your browser’s homepage, follow the instructions below for the your browser.
  • 25. Wikis From the word “quick” (Hawaiian) A 3 : Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere Collaboration Wikis in Plain English “ Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.” -Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • 26. Why Wiki’s You may use this as your school website for student documents & such Allows multiple people to work on one document at the same time Collaborate with colleagues in PLC’s and track changes As the administrator of your wiki, you may choose the access level of every user Levels are Administrator, Commenter, or Reader
  • 27. Wikis-Classroom Uses Classroom Projects Allows all students to share without drawing attention to themselves in the classroom Examples: PBWorks Wiki , WikiSpaces My PBWorks (Lesley’s)
  • 28. Create Your Free Wiki Go to http://PBWorks.com On right hand corner click Get Started Click on the Educational Apple At the bottom of the page click on Free setup in 60 seconds Choose Basic Wiki for FREE (2 gigs of storage) Choose your address and get started Example
  • 29. Contact Information Lesley Merritt, CMASE Science Instructional Facilitator University of Arkansas [email_address] 479.575.3875 http://cmasescience.pbworks.com
  • 30.  
  • 31. Social Networking Share, connect and create with others of like minds and interests Collaborative construction of knowledge Continuous conversation with many participating Examples: Facebook , SchoolTown, Yahoo!Teachers Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • 32. Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking in Plain English – a Common Craft Production (from www.teachertube.com) Way to store, search, manage, and organize bookmarks Web based bookmarks are available anywhere-not just on one computer in the favorites Share web page links with others Create “networks” of people with like interests and bookmarks Examples: deli.icio.us , Furl, Simply, citeulike
  • 33. Blogging weblog: easily created, easily updateable website that allows author(s) to publish instantly to internet Comprised of reflections and conversations Engage readers with ideas, questions and links Demand interaction RSS Feed Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • 34. Blogging-Classroom Uses Class portals: communicate information about class and archived course materials “ Online filing cabinet” for student work Reflect on teaching experiences Collaborative space School websites On-line discussion Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • 35. Podcasting Easily creatable, amateur radio “ Take-out” vs “Dine-in” Podcasting in Plain English “ The power of a child’s voice” Audacity
  • 36. Podcasting-Educator Uses Medium for student creativity Deliver content to students Tool for Professional Development Communicate with parents Examples: Elementary-Radio Willow Web , iTunes
  • 37. Google…a host of FREE apps Google Docs in Plain English Google Sites Google Reader Google Maps Google Translator Blogger Google Images iGoogle : Personalized start page
  • 38.  

Editor's Notes

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