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web 2.0 and  the digital library   or  learning from  flick r steve lawson, humanities librarian colorado college, colorado springs <slawson@coloradocollege.edu> <http://stevelawson.name/seealso/>
whatever  2.0
the world wide web experience
the digital library experience
images are for use
disclaimer: porn happens
tags URLs comments & notes feeds API
sunset, blooms, ocean, beach, tide pools, plage, oc éan Half Moon Bay, HMB, Earth Day Into the Sun, HDR, wide angle, 24mm 500plus20, top-f25 Earth Day Embrace by jurvetson on Flickr
social software is stuff that gets spammed Clay  Shirky
Flickr URL:   http://flickr.com/photos/theparadigmshifter/436729333/ (54 characters)
American Memory URL: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?hawp:2:./temp/~ammem_iw2d::@@@mdb=mcc,gottscho,detr,nfor,wpa,aap,cwar,bbpix,cowellbib,calbkbib,consrvbib,bdsbib,dag,fsaall,gmd,pan,vv,presp,varstg,suffrg,nawbib,horyd,wtc,toddbib,mgw,ncr,ngp,musdibib,hlaw,papr,lhbumbib,rbpebib,lbcoll,alad,hh,aaodyssey,magbell,bbcards,dcm,raelbib,runyon,dukesm,lomaxbib,mtj,gottlieb,aep,qlt,coolbib,fpnas,aasm,scsm,denn,relpet,amss,aaeo,mffbib,afc911bib,mjm,mnwp,rbcmillerbib,molden,ww2map,hawp,omhbib,rbaapcbib,mal,ncpsbib,ncpm,lhbprbib,ftvbib,afcreed,aipn,cwband,flwpabib,wpapos,cmns,psbib,pin,coplandbib,svybib,mmorse,afcwwgbib,mymhiwebib,uncall,mfd,afcwip,mtaft,manz,llstbib,fawbib,berl,fmuever,cdn,upboverbib,mussm,cic,afcpearl,awh,awhbib,sgp,wright,lhbtnbib,afcesnbib,hurstonbib,mreynoldsbib,spaldingbib,sgproto,cola,tccc,curt,mharendt,lhbcbbib,eaa,haybib,mesnbib,fine,cwnyhs (852 characters)
ContentDM URL: http://contentdm.nitle.org/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/soc&CISOPTR=88&REC=140 (79 characters)
comments & notes
every page its feed
if it doesn't have an API, it's not worth having –  Roy   Tennant
schol r ?
what do we lack?
single-minded devotion
critical mass screenshot: 12 Nov. 2006
critical mass screenshot: 22 May 2007
enough tags  and taggers? ann arbor district  library catalog
understanding our users
“ the end” created using  spell with flickr
image credits “ cloudythinking” by Flickr user joblesslibrarian http://flickr.com/photos/68149505@N00/374076098/ license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0 “ Rote Flora” by Flickr user aemkei http://flickr.com/photos/aemkei/238401109/  license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0 “ at least things seemed normal” by Flickr user gadjoboy http://flickr.com/photos/gadjoboy/265044816/ license:  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Ranganathan trading card by Jessamyn West http://flickr.com/photos/iamthebestartist/66817517/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 (used with permission) “ Ranganathan has a posse” by Aaron Schmidt,  http://walkingpaper.org/128
image credits “ www.dirtydomains.com” by Laura Croton   http://www.universes-in-universe.de/columna/col52/img/img-01-b.jpg “ Earth Day Embrace” by Flickr user jurvetson http://flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/134466058/ license:  Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 “ grafitti NY” by Flickr user peterkellystudios http://flickr.com/photos/peterkellystudios/186867144/ license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0 “ garden of the gods VII” by Flickr user theparadigmshifter http://flickr.com/photos/theparadigmshifter/436729333/  license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0 “ Gateway, Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak” photo by L.C. McClure, Denver,  http://memory.loc.gov  [no permalink]
image credits “ Fresh Well Water” by Flickr user Eileen Delhi http://flickr.com/photos/eileendelhi/46652648/ license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0 “ Arena Chapel Satan” uploaded by Rebecca Tucker  http://www.flickr.com/photos/70979005@N00/103151479/  (viewable only by Flickr friends) “ All-Night Coding with TabascoEye” by Flickr user phil_fry http://flickr.com/photos/phil_fry/24491181/ license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs  2.0  (used with permission) “ 240 cobalt contacts: Flickr Tour 21” by Flickr user cobalt123,  http://flickr.com/photos/cobalt/47205258/ license: Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial  2.0

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Web 2.0 and the Digital Library -or- Learning from Flickr

  • 1. web 2.0 and the digital library or learning from flick r steve lawson, humanities librarian colorado college, colorado springs <slawson@coloradocollege.edu> <http://stevelawson.name/seealso/>
  • 4. the world wide web experience
  • 5. the digital library experience
  • 9. tags URLs comments & notes feeds API
  • 10. tags
  • 11. sunset, blooms, ocean, beach, tide pools, plage, oc éan Half Moon Bay, HMB, Earth Day Into the Sun, HDR, wide angle, 24mm 500plus20, top-f25 Earth Day Embrace by jurvetson on Flickr
  • 12.  
  • 13.  
  • 14. social software is stuff that gets spammed Clay Shirky
  • 15. URLs
  • 16. Flickr URL: http://flickr.com/photos/theparadigmshifter/436729333/ (54 characters)
  • 22. American Memory URL: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?hawp:2:./temp/~ammem_iw2d::@@@mdb=mcc,gottscho,detr,nfor,wpa,aap,cwar,bbpix,cowellbib,calbkbib,consrvbib,bdsbib,dag,fsaall,gmd,pan,vv,presp,varstg,suffrg,nawbib,horyd,wtc,toddbib,mgw,ncr,ngp,musdibib,hlaw,papr,lhbumbib,rbpebib,lbcoll,alad,hh,aaodyssey,magbell,bbcards,dcm,raelbib,runyon,dukesm,lomaxbib,mtj,gottlieb,aep,qlt,coolbib,fpnas,aasm,scsm,denn,relpet,amss,aaeo,mffbib,afc911bib,mjm,mnwp,rbcmillerbib,molden,ww2map,hawp,omhbib,rbaapcbib,mal,ncpsbib,ncpm,lhbprbib,ftvbib,afcreed,aipn,cwband,flwpabib,wpapos,cmns,psbib,pin,coplandbib,svybib,mmorse,afcwwgbib,mymhiwebib,uncall,mfd,afcwip,mtaft,manz,llstbib,fawbib,berl,fmuever,cdn,upboverbib,mussm,cic,afcpearl,awh,awhbib,sgp,wright,lhbtnbib,afcesnbib,hurstonbib,mreynoldsbib,spaldingbib,sgproto,cola,tccc,curt,mharendt,lhbcbbib,eaa,haybib,mesnbib,fine,cwnyhs (852 characters)
  • 25.  
  • 26.  
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  • 30. feeds
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  • 33. API
  • 34. if it doesn't have an API, it's not worth having – Roy Tennant
  • 35.  
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  • 39. what do we lack?
  • 44. enough tags and taggers? ann arbor district library catalog
  • 46. “ the end” created using spell with flickr
  • 47. image credits “ cloudythinking” by Flickr user joblesslibrarian http://flickr.com/photos/68149505@N00/374076098/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 “ Rote Flora” by Flickr user aemkei http://flickr.com/photos/aemkei/238401109/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 “ at least things seemed normal” by Flickr user gadjoboy http://flickr.com/photos/gadjoboy/265044816/ license: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Ranganathan trading card by Jessamyn West http://flickr.com/photos/iamthebestartist/66817517/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 (used with permission) “ Ranganathan has a posse” by Aaron Schmidt, http://walkingpaper.org/128
  • 48. image credits “ www.dirtydomains.com” by Laura Croton http://www.universes-in-universe.de/columna/col52/img/img-01-b.jpg “ Earth Day Embrace” by Flickr user jurvetson http://flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/134466058/ license: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 “ grafitti NY” by Flickr user peterkellystudios http://flickr.com/photos/peterkellystudios/186867144/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 “ garden of the gods VII” by Flickr user theparadigmshifter http://flickr.com/photos/theparadigmshifter/436729333/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 “ Gateway, Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak” photo by L.C. McClure, Denver, http://memory.loc.gov [no permalink]
  • 49. image credits “ Fresh Well Water” by Flickr user Eileen Delhi http://flickr.com/photos/eileendelhi/46652648/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 “ Arena Chapel Satan” uploaded by Rebecca Tucker http://www.flickr.com/photos/70979005@N00/103151479/ (viewable only by Flickr friends) “ All-Night Coding with TabascoEye” by Flickr user phil_fry http://flickr.com/photos/phil_fry/24491181/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 (used with permission) “ 240 cobalt contacts: Flickr Tour 21” by Flickr user cobalt123, http://flickr.com/photos/cobalt/47205258/ license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0
  • 50.