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Josh Evans
Senior Director of Platform Service Engineering @ GitHub
November 13, 2017
Vision & Strategy
Epiphanies of a Netflix Leader
What an incredibly stupid idea!
Home rental library
Neil Hunt
17 Years Later
Netflix (1999 – 2016)
• Ecommerce (DVD  Streaming)
• Streaming - Playback Services
• Operations Engineering
Netflix Graduate
• Modern Architecture
• Operational Excellence
• Leadership
• Organization
• Culture
• Vision & Strategy
Leadership is a journey
Why is Netflix relevant?
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Why is Netflix relevant?
DVD Streaming
Global leader in subscription internet TV
Growing slate of global, original content
109  115 million members
190 countries, 10s of languages
1000s of device types
Netflix Streaming
2000% growth over 5 years!
This is no accident
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
Netflix Streaming
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
Netflix Streaming
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
Why does vision matter?
Hill Climbing
Hill Climbing
find the highest adjacent node
Hill Climbing
current = highest adjacent node
Hill Climbing
highest node found
Mountain Climbing
Local Maximum
Global Maximum
Managers climb hills
Leaders take mountains
Vision is the mountain
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
Netflix Streaming
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
What is Strategy?
Be Proactive
Envision what you want in the future so you can work and
plan towards it.
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
1. Urgent – Important
Pressing problems
Deadline-driven projects
Meetings, preparations
2. Not Urgent - Important
Preparation, prevention
Innovation, creativity
Values clarification
Relationship building
Work-life balance
3. Urgent – Not Important
Interruptions, some calls
Some mail, reports, meetings
Many popular activities
4. Not Urgent – Not Important
Trivia, busywork
Junk mail
Some calls
Time wasters
Put First Things First
1. Urgent – Important
Pressing problems
Deadline-driven projects
Meetings, preparations
2. Not Urgent - Important
Preparation, prevention
Innovation, creativity
Values clarification
Relationship building
Work-life balance
3. Urgent – Not Important
Interruptions, some calls
Some mail, reports, meetings
Many popular activities
4. Not Urgent – Not Important
Trivia, busywork
Junk mail
Some calls
Time wasters
Ok… but what is strategy?
a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions
of uncertainty
- Wikipedia
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics
without strategy is the noise before defeat.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.
- Michael Porter, economist & business strategist
goal oriented
high level
realized through tactics
informed by vision
Strategies are…
How is strategy formulated?
Strategy: a route to continuing Power
in significant markets
Power: the set of conditions creating
the potential for persistent differential
Business Strategy
Hamilton Helmer
Scale economies
Network economies
Switching costs
Cornered resource
Process power
Seven Powers
Some condition which yields material improvement in cash flow
of the power wielder via reduced cost, enhanced pricing and/or
decreased investment requirements.
Some obstacle which engenders in competitors an inability
and/or unwillingness to engage in behaviors that might over
time arbitrage out this benefit.
A business in which per unit cost declines as production
volume increases.
Benefit: lower costs
Barrier: fear of retaliation
1. Scale Economies
The value of a product to a customer is increased by the use
of the product by others
2. Network Economies
3. Counter-positioning
A newcomer adopts a new, superior business model which
the incumbent does not mimic due to anticipated damage
to their existing businesses
The value loss expected by a customer that would be
incurred from switching to an alternate supplier for
additional purchases
4. Switching Costs
The durable attribution of higher value to an objectively
identical offering that arises from historical information
about the seller.
5. Branding
Preferential access at attractive terms to a coveted asset
that can independently enhance value.
6. Cornered Resource
Embedded company organization and activity sets which
enable lower costs and/or superior product, and which can
be matched only by an extended commitment.
7. Process Power
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
Netflix Streaming
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
Home rental library
Scale economies
Network economies
Switching costs
Cornered resource
Process power
What power did Netflix have over Blockbuster?
Counter Positioning
A newcomer adopts a new, superior business model which
the incumbent does not mimic due to anticipated damage
to their existing businesses
Five-year head start
Process Power
Embedded company organization and activity sets which
enable lower costs and/or superior product, and which can
be matched only by an extended commitment.
Process Power
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
DVDs opened & inspected for cracks
DVDs are cleaned & polished
NPI First Class Mail Sorter
• Return rental
• Check for orders
• Print addresses
• Pre-sort
30,000 discs / hour
Barcode Scanner, Printer, Sorter
Envelop Stuffers - 4,200 Envelops / Hour
Conveyor - Stuff, Fold, Seal
Apply Sticker
– Address validation
– Queue & rental history
– Shipping status
– Problem reporting
– Rental returns
– Inventory management
– Shipping
Deep Integration with
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
Netflix Streaming
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
A newcomer adopts a new, superior business model which
the incumbent does not mimic due to anticipated damage
to their existing businesses
Netflix counter-positioned against itself
Become a much loved, global internet TV service
Create a highly valuable, durable business
Lead a creative revolution
Netflix Streaming Visions
Scale economies
Network economies
Switching costs
Cornered resource
Process power
What power does Netflix Streaming have?
Global leader in subscription internet TV
Growing slate of global, original content
109  115 million members
190 countries, 10s of languages
1000s of device types
Netflix Streaming
A business in which per unit cost declines as production
volume increases.
1. Scale Economies
Competitors license the same content at the same time
Inception: Non-Exclusive Studio Contracts
• Netflix
– has 50M members who will watch one title from deal
– pays $50M for a non-exclusive deal
– $50M / 50M = $1 per view
• Amazon
– has 5M members who will watch 1 title from deal
– pays $5M for a non-exclusive deal
– $5M / 5M = $1 per view
Competitors cannot license the same content at the same time
Strategy: Exclusive Studio Contracts
• Netflix
– has 50M members who will watch one title from deal
– pays 60M for an exclusive deal
– 60M / 50M = $1.20 per view
• Amazon
– has 5M members who will watch 1 title from deal
– must pay 60M for an exclusive deal
– 60M / 5M = $12 per view
Efficient, Global Exclusives
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
How do we achieve scale?
1. Ubiquity
• Jan – Windows
• May – Roku
• Oct – LG, Samsung Blu-ray
• Oct – Apple Mac
• Nov – XBox 360
• Jun – LG DTV
• Nov –Sony PS3 (disc)
• Nov – Sony Bravia
– DTV & Blu-ray
Device Ubiquity
• May – Android
• Nov – First e-readers
– Kindle Fire, Nook
Device Ubiquity
• Mar – Nintendo Wii (disc)
• Apr – Apple iPad
• Aug – Apple iPhone
• Sep – Apple TV
• Oct – Sony PS3 (no disc)
• Oct – Nintendo Wii (no disc)
• Nov – Windows Phone 7
2010 - Canada
2011 - Latin America
2012 - UK, Ireland, Nordics
2013 – Netherlands
2014 - Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland
2015 - Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Spain, Italy, Portugal
Geographic Ubiquity
• English
• Spanish (Latin American)
• Portuguese (Brazilian)
• Dutch
• French
• German
• Japanese
• Spanish (Castilian)
• Italian
• Portuguese (European)
Language Ubiquity - Subs, Dubs, UI
January 6th, 2016
Geographic Ubiquity
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Before Global
• English
• Spanish (Latin American)
• Portuguese (Brazilian)
• Dutch
• French
• German
• Japanese
• Spanish (Castilian)
• Italian
• Portuguese (European)
• Chinese
• Korean
• Arabic
Language Ubiquity – Sub, Dubs, UI
Ubiquitous Infrastructure
US-East-1US-West-2 EU-West-1
Reliably and efficiently serve any customer from any region
Eventually Consistent, Ubiquitous Data
Repl Writer
Repl Writer
1. Set or
2. send
3. poll msg
6. set or
7. read
EVCache Cross-Region Replication
Region BRegion A
Ubiquitous Traffic Management
US-East-1US-West-2 EU-West-1
Reliably and efficiently serve any customer from any region
US-East-1US-West-2 EU-West-1
US-East-1US-West-2 EU-West-1
How do we achieve scale?
2. Strategic Focus
The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.
- Michael Porter
Pay per view
Electronic sell-through
Ad supported
Netflix doesn’t do
60% price hike
No integration
New brand
Shedding Legacy
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Was this bad strategy?
Unencumbered Expansion
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Netflix vs. Blockbuster
GitHub Universe
Today’s Journey
Platform-enabled development ecosystem
The destination for software engineers
Jason Warner
From Monolith to Modern Architecture
Compute & Network – DC/Cloud
Runtime Orchestration - Kubernetes
Storage – file/object, MySQL, NoSQL, cache, Git, etc.
BrowserGitHub Architecture 3rd Party
Load Balancer/Routing Proxy
Platform Services – data access, pipelines, transformation, workflow
3rd Party
API Gateway – ecosystem public interface
Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader
Be proactive
Put first things first
Be visionary
Study strategy
Drive alignment
Make an impact!
? ?
Josh Evans
Senior Director of Platform Service Engineering @ GitHub
November 13, 2017
Vision & Strategy
Epiphanies of a Netflix Leader

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Vision and Strategy - Epiphanies of a Netflix leader

Editor's Notes

  1. Explicit, intentional work of leadership
  2. John Lasseter Steve Jobs Ed Catmul
  3. Netflix had a 5 year headstart while blockbuster clung to their existing business model Evidence of a counter positioning strategy
  4. In 2009 Hacking Netflix went on a tour of a Netflix DVD shipping center. They found this unmarked building and truck outside. 3a.m. The mail is picked up from the Postal Distribution Center and the workers start processing the DVDs.
  5. Each envelope is ripped open by hand, and the DVDs are inspected for cracks.
  6. The NPI sorter performs multiple tasks, and is even used to process employee time cards. The DVDs are run through the machine once to check them back into inventory, a second time to determine if they are being rented that day, and finally to be addressed and sorted for mailing when they are in the envelope. The Hartford shipping center has 3 of the NPI machines, and they are incredible fast and process 30,000 discs per hour.
  7. first barcode scanner, inkjet printer for addressing, and the final scanner for sorting
  8. The Stuffers load the envelope onto a conveyor, use suction to open the pocket, slide the DVD into he envelope, fold the cover over, seal the envelope, and apply the round sticker.
  9. Streaming became the disruptive startup within Netflix – funded by a profitable DVD business The vision remained the same – the only change was the delivery mechanism.