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For a man who is ready, this book holds tremendous power.
He who follows this advice will experience a dramatic
increase in confidence, and a subsequent, automatic
increase in the amount of women attracted to him, the
amount of men who respect him, an elevation of social
status and increased overall happiness, success and
prosperity in life.
WARNING: This newfound power can be used for good or
evil. So I ask that you use the judgment of an ethical, moral
man of modern-day masculinity and use this power only for
the greater good of your potential, and that of mankind.
You will experience incredible results and undergo an
amazing, never witnessed before transformation. That said,
I must include the following disclaimer to cover myself, just
in case someone uses this information incorrectly:
Liability Release: The information in this book is for
entertainment purposes only. No promises of more sex are
guaranteed. The reader assumes all responsibility for his
actions, and for his results. If you find yourself in a situation
that allows you to have sex, make sure you wear protection
and act morally toward your partner.
“Can I share this book?”
YES! This book was written for everyone. You are welcome
to share it.
Feel free to post it online, add it to your blog, share it on
social media, or email it to your friends. My only request is
that you don't change any part of it.
Well, enjoy man.
Your friend,
Eric Von Sydow,
The Hypnotica Community
Table of Contents
1. The Great “Confidence” Problem...............................6
A. What Is It Like To Have Low Confidence?...................6
B. What Is A Guy With Low Confidence So Afraid Of? ....7
C. Looking Foolish -- The Ego’s Pain................................7
D. What Causes Low Confidence? ................................8
E. Environmental Causes ..............................................10
F. Behavioral Causes.....................................................11
G. Beliefs, Values & Mindsets Causes .........................12
H. Identity Level Causes..............................................13
I. Spirituality Level Causes ...........................................14
J. Is Society To Blame? .................................................14
K. Are Your Friends & Family Holding You Back?..........15
L. Gossip & Negative News...........................................16
2. The Solution To Developing Unshakable Confidence 19
M. Can You Fix This By Yourself? .................................19
N. My Method: “Redesign The Way You Think” .........20
O. What Kind Of Commitment Is Required? ...............21
P. How Hypnosis Can Increase Confidence...................23
Q. This Works For Every Level Of Guy, From Beginner To
3. Three Steps To Success -- Redesigning Your Life & The
Way You Think ............................................................... 26
R. Step 1: Redesign Your Environment .........................26
S. How Your Environment Will Change Over Time .......27
T. Step 2: Redesign Your Behaviors ..............................28
U. Changing Your Behaviors Around Women .............30
V. Step 3: Redesign The Way You Think (Values, Beliefs,
W. The Collection Of Confidence -- How It Transplants
Values, Beliefs & Mindsets Directly Into Your Brain.......34
X. Take Action Now.......................................................35
4. Your Next Step ........................................................ 36
1. The Great “Confidence” Problem
A. What Is It Like To Have Low Confidence?
Women can easily pick up on a guy with low confidence. For
example: a woman notices when a man hasn’t taken time to
consider his choice of clothes, and when he has poor
personal hygiene. A low confidence guy looks worn down
and doesn’t have that air of “cool” about him. Low
confidence guys don’t have that sense of pride that
confident guys have; they lose touch with caring about their
general appearance and demeanor.
A guy lacking confidence will try and hide his low self-
esteem, to shy away and go unnoticed, but in doing so he is
actually drawing attention to himself. His awkwardness gives
him away and is easily spotted by women. He will walk with
his head down and rarely make eye contact. He will definitely
not initiate conversation, and will probably try to avoid it at
all costs. Without realizing it, he shows the world how
unconfident he is, and unbeknown to him this becomes his
B. What Is A Guy With Low Confidence So Afraid Of?
But way does he act this way? Well, because he is afraid of
looking foolish or letting himself down in front of other
people. He wants to shrink himself down in size so that he is
as small as a mouse and can walk in the shadows. He wants
to hide away from people. He doesn’t want to be seen or
heard, for fear of being judged and criticized.
He is afraid of being made fun of, not knowing what to say in
a challenging situation, and not meeting the expectations of
others. He is afraid to embrace his true self. And so he feels
small and acts small, afraid to stand tall as a man.
C. Looking Foolish -- The Ego’s Pain
When a guy looks foolish, his actions validate the fact that
he is lacking something in his social compass. Sure, we all act
the fool sometimes, but the difference is that someone with
low confidence is unable to laugh it off or make a quick
adjustment to show others that they’re just playing around,
or having a “moment”, so to speak. Instead, the low
confidence guy will concentrate on his faults and continually
remind himself of his mistakes and flaws. He will chastise
himself and mentally punish himself until he withdraws
further from social interaction. He enters an ongoing, self-
inflicted downward spiral. In a nutshell: a man with low
confidence is his own worst enemy.
D.What Causes Low Confidence?
There are a number of causes of low confidence. It can be
linked to the way in which you were brought up. If your
parents constantly belittled you, then because you were
unable to stand up for yourself at a young age, you are likely
to struggle with self-worth and have low self-esteem in
Another cause can be your environment. If you are
constantly in a negative environment among negative
people, this negativity will begin to rub off on you. It will chip
away at your ability to interact with positive people.
Eventually you will buy into what the negative people say
and your confidence will be affected. You will feel like an
outcast, as if you are different and unworthy of happiness,
success and prosperity.
Another reason can be past experiences of failure. Perhaps
you once failed at something you really wanted to succeed
in and someone made fun of you. This may have happened
multiple times in your life. Once you start believing in the
negative comments made to you by others, it is very difficult
to believe in yourself again, and as a result your confidence
begins to decline.
The only way a man can turn feelings of low confidence
around is to recognize the downward spiral he is in and start
to make his own decisions. He must become a leader, not a
passive follower. He must start believing in himself rather
than waiting for someone else to believe in him. He must
understand that the past is not the future, and that he can
help to shape and determine his future by taking action in
the now.
The past no longer exists. What you believe to be true of the
past depends entirely on you and, regardless of what you
think about the past, it is up to you whether or not you let it
dictate your future. You have to make up your mind to move
forward. You have to choose not to rehash bad experiences
in your head and let them control your life in the present.
Living in this non-reality of the past will only create a
negative outcome and drive you further into the spectrum of
low confidence.
E. Environmental Causes
There are many things in your environment capable of
causing low self-esteem. Perhaps you are surrounded by a
group of women who serve as a constant reminder of what
you can’t have because you are too afraid to try. Or perhaps
you are surrounded by a group of men who also have low
confidence and self-esteem and it has influenced you to the
point where it has become your default behavior.
Being around such groups of people will make you unhappy,
and eventually depressed and unable to thrive within
everyday society. You need to be careful about what
environment you choose to put yourself in, because it plays
a massive role in how you feel and how others perceive you.
F. Behavioral Causes
Having low confidence means that you do not take action to
achieve the things that you want in life. Low confidence
behaviors are projections of the thought processes you are
constantly developing. The negative things that happen over
and over again strengthen those neuron-synapses.
A confident person sets a standard for himself according to
his expectations, which he derives from the type of world he
wants to live in. He makes those standards and will stand up
and fight for himself and his beliefs. He will walk away from
situations that do not appear in his best interests and
present himself confidently in situations that do.
An unconfident person is likely to stay in a bad situation
because he does not think he deserves better. An
unconfident person is not able to differentiate between
good and bad because they are not consciously thinking
about it and have not the compass to steer them toward the
most positive outcome. An unconfident person no longer has
a high level of concern for their behavior or their
surroundings. They become passive, lazy and surround
themselves with people of a similar mindset.
G. Beliefs, Values & Mindset Causes
A low-confidence guy believes that he is not good enough to
establish a better life than he has, and therefore his
standards are naturally lower, as are his morals and
expectations of himself and others. His view is that the world
is limited, and that all he can do is just take what he can get.
He believes that he cannot break out of his perimeter and
that all he can do is scrape by on small crumbs of happiness.
Conversely, a confident guy knows that he can have a very
big piece of the pie and also get to share some of that pie
with those around him. He is not afraid or ashamed to be
successful, or to share his success with others.
H. Identity Level Causes
A person with low confidence will naturally have low self-
esteem. They will feel like they are not good enough, not
worthy, and undeserving, believing that trying is pointless
because they are likely to screw it up anyway.
I. Spirituality Level Causes
Einstein said that the universe is a friendly place, but this is
for a confident guy, not for an unconfident guy, because it is
related to the way in which reality is perceived. Is a guy who
lacks confidence going to have faith in himself? Is he going
to feel like he was put here to succeed or that he’s
condemned here to live? On a spiritual level, a confident guy
is very appreciative and gracious of the gift of life. He sees
life as an opportunity of laughter, joy, and happiness.
J. Is Society To Blame?
Society can be blamed to an extent. We are missing a link in
our culture. There is no longer a rite of passage for a boy
becoming a man. We do not have that tradition, and that is
a disservice to our young men as they transition to adults.
Many countries have traditions where there is a clear
elevation from boy to man.
In our society, the individual decides when he becomes a
man. It is normally an internal decision, which in some cases
can result in many years of avoidance and denial. There is no
mark in the sand whereby a boy is required to cross over and
step up and become a man. The lack of a rite of passage
means it is the individual’s responsibility. For those lacking a
strong male role model and the support of family and
friends, and a lack of internal belief in themselves, having the
confidence to grow into a man is challenging and presents
many personal difficulties.
The transition from boy to man can take many years. It takes
time to completely understand how to stand up for yourself,
to learn how to make decisions that are in your best
interests, and to start taking a genuine interest in improving
the lives of others.
K. Are Your Friends & Family Holding You Back?
Absolutely, but you probably don’t even know it. If the
people you spend a lot of time with are low on confidence
and self-esteem, you are going to be influenced by their
behaviors. Humans have a tendency to take the easy
pathway, to go along with the status quo because it seems
like the easier option.
People have a tendency to agree with other people because
they want to be part of the “social norm.” Whether it is a
comment about the weather always being bad, when
actually it isn’t, or a gym workout being too tough, when
you’re actually okay with it, a lack of confidence persuades
you to agree anyway and in turn you genuinely start to
believe in these negative thought trails.
L. Gossip & Negative News
If you surround yourself with people who lack confidence
and have a negative attitude towards life, negativity will
naturally play a major role in your life. Whether you want it
to or not, it will sneak into your consciousness and begin to
create your reality.
These negative attitudes to life will become your normal
outlook. I call this “psychic vampirism”, because you cannot
be around such an environment for long before you too are
affected. For example: if you are sitting in the middle of a
room and two guys walk in with exactly the same energy, you
will immediately pick up on that energy. In this situation, a
confident person will maintain their own energy regardless
of the impact, while an unconfident person will adopt their
energy in a bid to fit in with the status quo. If these guys have
their heads down and are lacking confidence, you will feed
off of their emotions and begin to feel the same.
Surrounding yourself with confident people will make a huge
difference to your outlook on life. The guy who lacks
confidence is not going to realize that he needs to get away
from negative people, because in that moment everything
matches the reality he has become used to. He will not have
the strength to move on and get away from that
environment. A confident person will usually surround
himself with other confident people because it feels better –
better for his mindset and better for his health.
If you’re feel like your confidence isn’t as high as you’d like it
to be, continue reading for the solution.
My personal story of my battle with low confidence is on
this page.
2. The Solution To Developing
Unshakable Confidence
M. Can You Fix This By Yourself?
It is possible for a person to fix low confidence by himself,
but the process will be quicker and a lot easier if he has help.
I believe everybody needs a coach. Not necessarily someone
who tells you what to do, but someone who offers valuable
insights; someone you respect and trust, a spiritual guide, so
to speak. I still meet with my coach once a year, just to re-
center and make sure that I am being the best that I
absolutely can be. It keeps me accountable and realigns any
kinks in the chain.
Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same
kind of thinking we used when we created them.” This is why
the insight of others is important. It is always useful to have
someone in your life that can offer you a realistic point of
view from a different standpoint, or someone who has gone
through a similar process before and can provide empathy
and alternative insight.
This is why it is important to be in the company of confident
people who have gone through the processes required to get
to the place you want to be in your life. They will have
solutions to offer, they will be able to offer positive advice,
and they will instill confidence and belief in you.
N. My Method: “Redesign The Way You Think”
To “redesign the way you think” is to continually develop as
an individual and carve out a unique life design that is
representative of your personality, talents, morals and goals.
In other words: to create a mindset for prosperity and
perpetual development.
As a child, you have a blueprint of your own design. Think
about how unique young children are in the things they say,
habits they adopt and actions they take. This is what makes
children so interesting, and funny at times. As you get older,
your environment and family heavily influence your actions.
In many ways this can be positive, such as learning respect
for others and developing a moral compass. But when
there’s too much influence and not enough space given for
individual growth and critical thinking, by the time we get to
our teens we can become passive, easily influenced, and
therefore lacking in the individual confidence to carve out
our own blueprint for the life we want to lead.
I believe that a person can achieve whatever the mind can
perceive, within the limits of scientific capability, of course.
But achieving greatness requires a process of constant
redesigning. We must continually stop and re-evaluate who
we are, what is going on around us, and where we want to
be. This is the process of redesigning.
O. What Kind Of Commitment Is Required?
If you are just starting out on your path of redevelopment
and design, you should indulge as much as possible, no
matter where you are in your life journey. You need to put a
lot of time into a garden that hasn’t been weeded for some
time. You need to get the garden to a point where it is easily
manageable again. So, when your confidence has increased
to a healthy level, you can reduce the amount of time you
work on it and put more time into enjoying the positive
interactions that come about as a result of your hard work.
As your confidence grows, you will begin to experience the
joy that you have been missing in your life. You will begin to
enjoy life on a higher plane and attract more positive people
and opportunity into your life.
When I was using life scripts as a personal development tool,
I used to read them twice a day. I would read them before I
went to bed each night and when I woke up in the morning.
I used to read them over and over again. I then came to a day
when I didn’t need to do that anymore. I would look at them
every once in a while for reinforcement, but I didn’t need to
physically read them every day because they had become
part of me and were reflected in my everyday actions.
But just because you are reading life scripts on a daily basis
it doesn’t mean that you won’t experience negative
thoughts. You will always have a mixture of positive and
negative thoughts; this is a normal human behavior. The skill
is in learning to weed out the negative thoughts from your
garden in order to allow your positive thoughts to multiply
and flourish.
P. How Hypnosis Can Increase Confidence
Hypnosis works on a far deeper level than simple advice. It
can reroute or redesign the way you are thinking. It has the
capability to create a powerful new voice that overrides the
old voice(s). Hypnosis can reinforce positive beliefs and
eliminate negative ones.
Using hypnosis, we can program new thoughts into our
mindset and create a support mechanism to help battle the
negativity from within. It is like having a guide standing next
to you when you lose your way and need some direction
through the fog of intrusive thoughts and emotions.
It is not an instant fix for confidence, but when used regularly
it can recondition the mind in a positive, sustainable way. In
Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich”, he talks about
spending 20 to 30 minutes a day focusing on what you want
and bringing that intention to the forefront of your mind,
and repeating it over and over again until it becomes a habit.
My Collection of Confidence hypnosis program works in a
similar way. Used daily, in a fairly short space of time, your
confidence will be transformed and your life will begin to
take a very powerful, positive direction.
Q. This Works For Every Level Of Guy, From
Beginner To Advanced
You might be thinking, “Sure, but confidence is for sports
jocks and model-looking guys.” But get that thought out of
you mind right now. My hypnosis methods are proven to
work for guys from all walks of life. You see; the main issue
is not in the kind of guy you are, but the way in which society
has trained our minds to be. We are led away from our
sexuality; taught to believe it’s wrong to embrace our primal
instincts. But this is what attracts women, not some timid
guy pussyfooting around and acting all shy and aloof.
Women are attracted to a confident man who knows what
he wants and goes after what he wants. Women like a man
who thinks for himself, a man who is a strong-minded
individual. Women want a man who, if they are having an off
day, will go home and read over their life script, or listen to
a hypnosis track, to re-center and get themselves back into
the right frame of mind for all-round prosperity. No woman
is attracted to a miserable, negative guy who moans about
life’s shortcomings all the time.
Check out this video for more on building massive
3. Three Steps To Success -- Redesigning
Your Life & The Way You Think
R. Step 1: Redesign Your Environment
First of all, a person who wants to change his environment
immediately needs to understand that he will have to
sacrifice things in his life. You will have to sacrifice time that
you would usually spend with friends and family. You will
have to sacrifice many of life’s easy choices in order to make
new, potentially uncomfortable ones.
You will also need to consider your friendship group and
those people with whom you spend your time. You need to
surround yourself with positive people. If you identify that
you are spending time with people that are a bad influence
on your mindset, you may have to make the difficult choice
to cut those people off.
You will have to question the places you go and decide which
are most conducive to improving your confidence. You could
stay at home and watch TV or play computer games, or you
might choose to go to more sociable place where you can
meet new people and expand your horizons; places like the
gym, seminars, meet-up groups and events related to your
interests and hobbies.
S. How Your Environment Will Change Over Time
Motivated people tend to hang around together, so when
you join such groups your social circle will rapidly expand.
You will find people with similar interests to you. You will
begin to share your growth path with like-minded people
and draw inspiration from others, which in turn will grow
your confidence three-fold.
Once you find yourself interacting regularly in new social
groups, you will begin to crave time to yourself. Every man
needs a little quiet time. We each need to find a sanctuary
away from the noise to contemplate life and re-center the
mind. This might be the library, the park, or the gym. Find
your special place, a place that reenergizes you and makes
you feel at one with the world.
T. Step 2: Redesign Your Behaviors
Secondly, you will need to begin designing and redesigning
your behaviors. You have to begin thinking for yourself and
not rely on others to take the lead for you. This sounds like a
simple step, but the majority of people just don’t do this.
You must start living through your expectations and not the
expectations of others. You must devise your own pathway
to walk toward the goals you want in life. No one can live
your life for you. You need to develop your own blueprint
based on your individual qualities, and keep redesigning and
refining those qualities to give yourself the lifestyle you
Right now you lack confidence, so primarily you need to
concentrate on improving areas of your life conducive to
increasing your confidence. If others in your social circle do
not agree with your motivations or do not want to support
your plans, then so be it, you must move forward alone,
regardless. Listen to your intuition. What feels right for you?
Follow that instinct.
When you start redesigning your behaviors, it is important
to concentrate on one at a time. This makes the redesign
process manageable and stops the risk of becoming
overwhelmed by change and lost in action paralysis. Even
Benjamin Franklin took this one-by-one approach. He picked
one thing a month and worked on it until it became a default
For example: let’s say that previously I had been drinking
nothing but Coca Cola, but now I want to be healthier and
drink one gallon of water a day instead. Drinking this water
will be the only thing I concentrate on for one month. This
goal is easily measurable because I don’t need to remember
much at all, only that I need to focus on drinking the water
each day. This will quickly become a default, normal
behavior for me. Once it’s mastered, I simply move on to the
next goal.
For the next month, instead of going to see my friends three
times a week, I am going to go to the gym and workout on
two of those days instead. Then, the month after, I am going
to cut out saturated fats from my diet and replace them with
healthier foods. You get the idea. You do it for a month, and
it becomes habit. It becomes programmed into your system.
Over the course of a year, going through this assessment and
replacement process will trigger dramatic change in your life,
especially when compared to the old you who tried to do
four or five things at once and failed to make a success of any
U. Changing Your Behaviors Around Women
Women are a huge distraction for men when they are
executing their plan to gain more confidence. Whenever a
woman comes into a man’s life, he tends to cut down on
contact with friends, neglect his interests and goals, and
focuses the majority of his time and attention on her.
A woman can be an inspiration or a distraction, depending
on where you are at on your life journey, which is why I
always say that you need to get yourself together first, then
you will be able to focus on the best parts of her while
maintaining other aspects of your personal life and staying
focused on your goals.
The other key point here is that you need to be able to
understand yourself before you can expect a woman to
understand and love who you really are. Now is the time to
concentrate on you, to step aside from society and women
and assess what improvements you need to make to become
more confident, and ultimately more successful. You need to
be comfortable with your inner man before you begin a life
journey with a woman. Moreover, when you don’t have a full
time relationship to worry about, you save a lot of mental
energy. And you can use that energy to build your
confidence and continue personal growth.
As you work on your inner programming, you become
stronger, fitter, and smarter. In essence, you become a
better man, one who will naturally begin to attract only the
best women into his life. You want to be at a point in your
life where you are able to present the best possible you to
prospective women, and you need to make sure that you
have enough confidence to do this.
V. Step 3: Redesign The Way You Think (Values,
Beliefs, Mindsets)
My Collection of Confidence program was created using the
blueprint I developed on my pathway to mastering my inner
game. I have walked an extremely difficult pathway, learning
through challenging lessons every step of the way. I now
share my experiences and advice with other men who want
to grow into themselves and be the best they can – men who
want to be masters of their own destiny, and be admired and
respected for their confidence, leadership and contribution
to life.
The Collection of Confidence is the definitive blueprint for
achieving the bulletproof confidence you crave. And what an
opportunity it is. Man, I wish I had this program during my
development. There wasn’t any self-hypnosis out there back
then because there was no Internet. There was no YouTube
or downloading of mp3s.
The fact is; if you undertake the Collection of Confidence,
and truly commit to using it, you will develop unshakable
confidence in rapid time. But before you begin, you need to
make a promise to yourself. You need to promise yourself
that you are wiling to break your current mold and move
forward toward fulfilling your potential.
If you are ready to put the energy in, I guarantee that you
will be successful and find yourself in a far more prosperous
place. But you have to be in the right mindset. You have to
believe that you can develop unshakable confidence and
that you deserve this opportunity.
W. The Collection of Confidence -- How It
Transplants Values, Beliefs & Mindsets Directly Into
Your Brain
Hypnosis requires belief. If you fighting against becoming
more confident, if you are comfortable with being negative
and resistant to change, you will not get the most out of this
There are literally thousands of guys who have completed
this program and continue to use it to keep making gains in
all areas of their lives: I’m talking better jobs, better salaries,
more women, better health, better friends, more respect
from others, and in general a happier life. You need to
believe that you can redesign yourself for the better too. You
need to believe that you are worthy of redesigning yourself.
This will be your foundation to work from. It is imperative
that you believe in yourself before you get started.
X. Take Action Now
It is only worth taking action when you believe that you are
worthy of gaining confidence. You need to believe that NOW
is the right time for you to change your actions and your
surroundings for the better. You need to stop living in the
past, and accept that tomorrow doesn’t exist. So, if you are
…NOW is the time to start making profound, positive
changes in your life. You do not need to continue to live the
way you currently do. You deserve to be happy. You deserve
unshakable confidence, high-level self-esteem, and the
respect of others.
I don’t want guys doing this program who are unsure if they
are ready to move forward. I want guys onboard who know
that they are ready to step-up to the play and start winning
in life. I want to work with guys who believe they can be the
best they can. I want guys who want to redesign their life in
the way they want it to be. I want guys who believe this
program can sky-rocket their confidence to the point where
they believe they could even run for President!
So, what are you waiting for, man? Life is moving forward.
Are you? Time waits for no man…
…There are millions of women out there waiting for the new,
confident you to appear. There are hundreds of thousands
of new jobs and promotions, tons of new friends, zillions of
new opportunities, all just waiting for you to step up.
Don’t let life pass you by. Let’s start redesigning your life and
mapping out your pathway to unshakable confidence and a
better, happier life right NOW.
4. Your Next Step
Alright man. You know how it works… Are you ready to
supercharge your confidence? Then watch this: (Click the

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Unshakable Confidence: How to Automatically Attract The Women Of Your Dreams

  • 2. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 2 Disclaimer: For a man who is ready, this book holds tremendous power. He who follows this advice will experience a dramatic increase in confidence, and a subsequent, automatic increase in the amount of women attracted to him, the amount of men who respect him, an elevation of social status and increased overall happiness, success and prosperity in life. WARNING: This newfound power can be used for good or evil. So I ask that you use the judgment of an ethical, moral man of modern-day masculinity and use this power only for the greater good of your potential, and that of mankind. You will experience incredible results and undergo an amazing, never witnessed before transformation. That said, I must include the following disclaimer to cover myself, just in case someone uses this information incorrectly:
  • 3. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 3 Liability Release: The information in this book is for entertainment purposes only. No promises of more sex are guaranteed. The reader assumes all responsibility for his actions, and for his results. If you find yourself in a situation that allows you to have sex, make sure you wear protection and act morally toward your partner. “Can I share this book?” YES! This book was written for everyone. You are welcome to share it. Feel free to post it online, add it to your blog, share it on social media, or email it to your friends. My only request is that you don't change any part of it. Well, enjoy man. Your friend, Eric Von Sydow, The Hypnotica Community http://www.mensconfidenceproject.com
  • 4. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 4 Table of Contents 1. The Great “Confidence” Problem...............................6 A. What Is It Like To Have Low Confidence?...................6 B. What Is A Guy With Low Confidence So Afraid Of? ....7 C. Looking Foolish -- The Ego’s Pain................................7 D. What Causes Low Confidence? ................................8 E. Environmental Causes ..............................................10 F. Behavioral Causes.....................................................11 G. Beliefs, Values & Mindsets Causes .........................12 H. Identity Level Causes..............................................13 I. Spirituality Level Causes ...........................................14 J. Is Society To Blame? .................................................14 K. Are Your Friends & Family Holding You Back?..........15 L. Gossip & Negative News...........................................16 2. The Solution To Developing Unshakable Confidence 19 M. Can You Fix This By Yourself? .................................19 N. My Method: “Redesign The Way You Think” .........20 O. What Kind Of Commitment Is Required? ...............21 P. How Hypnosis Can Increase Confidence...................23
  • 5. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 5 Q. This Works For Every Level Of Guy, From Beginner To Advanced........................................................................24 3. Three Steps To Success -- Redesigning Your Life & The Way You Think ............................................................... 26 R. Step 1: Redesign Your Environment .........................26 S. How Your Environment Will Change Over Time .......27 T. Step 2: Redesign Your Behaviors ..............................28 U. Changing Your Behaviors Around Women .............30 V. Step 3: Redesign The Way You Think (Values, Beliefs, Mindsets)........................................................................32 W. The Collection Of Confidence -- How It Transplants Values, Beliefs & Mindsets Directly Into Your Brain.......34 X. Take Action Now.......................................................35 4. Your Next Step ........................................................ 36
  • 6. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 6 1. The Great “Confidence” Problem A. What Is It Like To Have Low Confidence? Women can easily pick up on a guy with low confidence. For example: a woman notices when a man hasn’t taken time to consider his choice of clothes, and when he has poor personal hygiene. A low confidence guy looks worn down and doesn’t have that air of “cool” about him. Low confidence guys don’t have that sense of pride that confident guys have; they lose touch with caring about their general appearance and demeanor. A guy lacking confidence will try and hide his low self- esteem, to shy away and go unnoticed, but in doing so he is actually drawing attention to himself. His awkwardness gives him away and is easily spotted by women. He will walk with his head down and rarely make eye contact. He will definitely not initiate conversation, and will probably try to avoid it at all costs. Without realizing it, he shows the world how
  • 7. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 7 unconfident he is, and unbeknown to him this becomes his identity. B. What Is A Guy With Low Confidence So Afraid Of? But way does he act this way? Well, because he is afraid of looking foolish or letting himself down in front of other people. He wants to shrink himself down in size so that he is as small as a mouse and can walk in the shadows. He wants to hide away from people. He doesn’t want to be seen or heard, for fear of being judged and criticized. He is afraid of being made fun of, not knowing what to say in a challenging situation, and not meeting the expectations of others. He is afraid to embrace his true self. And so he feels small and acts small, afraid to stand tall as a man. C. Looking Foolish -- The Ego’s Pain
  • 8. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 8 When a guy looks foolish, his actions validate the fact that he is lacking something in his social compass. Sure, we all act the fool sometimes, but the difference is that someone with low confidence is unable to laugh it off or make a quick adjustment to show others that they’re just playing around, or having a “moment”, so to speak. Instead, the low confidence guy will concentrate on his faults and continually remind himself of his mistakes and flaws. He will chastise himself and mentally punish himself until he withdraws further from social interaction. He enters an ongoing, self- inflicted downward spiral. In a nutshell: a man with low confidence is his own worst enemy. D.What Causes Low Confidence? There are a number of causes of low confidence. It can be linked to the way in which you were brought up. If your parents constantly belittled you, then because you were unable to stand up for yourself at a young age, you are likely to struggle with self-worth and have low self-esteem in adulthood.
  • 9. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 9 Another cause can be your environment. If you are constantly in a negative environment among negative people, this negativity will begin to rub off on you. It will chip away at your ability to interact with positive people. Eventually you will buy into what the negative people say and your confidence will be affected. You will feel like an outcast, as if you are different and unworthy of happiness, success and prosperity. Another reason can be past experiences of failure. Perhaps you once failed at something you really wanted to succeed in and someone made fun of you. This may have happened multiple times in your life. Once you start believing in the negative comments made to you by others, it is very difficult to believe in yourself again, and as a result your confidence begins to decline. The only way a man can turn feelings of low confidence around is to recognize the downward spiral he is in and start to make his own decisions. He must become a leader, not a
  • 10. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 10 passive follower. He must start believing in himself rather than waiting for someone else to believe in him. He must understand that the past is not the future, and that he can help to shape and determine his future by taking action in the now. The past no longer exists. What you believe to be true of the past depends entirely on you and, regardless of what you think about the past, it is up to you whether or not you let it dictate your future. You have to make up your mind to move forward. You have to choose not to rehash bad experiences in your head and let them control your life in the present. Living in this non-reality of the past will only create a negative outcome and drive you further into the spectrum of low confidence. E. Environmental Causes There are many things in your environment capable of causing low self-esteem. Perhaps you are surrounded by a group of women who serve as a constant reminder of what
  • 11. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 11 you can’t have because you are too afraid to try. Or perhaps you are surrounded by a group of men who also have low confidence and self-esteem and it has influenced you to the point where it has become your default behavior. Being around such groups of people will make you unhappy, and eventually depressed and unable to thrive within everyday society. You need to be careful about what environment you choose to put yourself in, because it plays a massive role in how you feel and how others perceive you. F. Behavioral Causes Having low confidence means that you do not take action to achieve the things that you want in life. Low confidence behaviors are projections of the thought processes you are constantly developing. The negative things that happen over and over again strengthen those neuron-synapses.
  • 12. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 12 A confident person sets a standard for himself according to his expectations, which he derives from the type of world he wants to live in. He makes those standards and will stand up and fight for himself and his beliefs. He will walk away from situations that do not appear in his best interests and present himself confidently in situations that do. An unconfident person is likely to stay in a bad situation because he does not think he deserves better. An unconfident person is not able to differentiate between good and bad because they are not consciously thinking about it and have not the compass to steer them toward the most positive outcome. An unconfident person no longer has a high level of concern for their behavior or their surroundings. They become passive, lazy and surround themselves with people of a similar mindset. G. Beliefs, Values & Mindset Causes A low-confidence guy believes that he is not good enough to establish a better life than he has, and therefore his
  • 13. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 13 standards are naturally lower, as are his morals and expectations of himself and others. His view is that the world is limited, and that all he can do is just take what he can get. He believes that he cannot break out of his perimeter and that all he can do is scrape by on small crumbs of happiness. Conversely, a confident guy knows that he can have a very big piece of the pie and also get to share some of that pie with those around him. He is not afraid or ashamed to be successful, or to share his success with others. H. Identity Level Causes A person with low confidence will naturally have low self- esteem. They will feel like they are not good enough, not worthy, and undeserving, believing that trying is pointless because they are likely to screw it up anyway.
  • 14. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 14 I. Spirituality Level Causes Einstein said that the universe is a friendly place, but this is for a confident guy, not for an unconfident guy, because it is related to the way in which reality is perceived. Is a guy who lacks confidence going to have faith in himself? Is he going to feel like he was put here to succeed or that he’s condemned here to live? On a spiritual level, a confident guy is very appreciative and gracious of the gift of life. He sees life as an opportunity of laughter, joy, and happiness. J. Is Society To Blame? Society can be blamed to an extent. We are missing a link in our culture. There is no longer a rite of passage for a boy becoming a man. We do not have that tradition, and that is a disservice to our young men as they transition to adults. Many countries have traditions where there is a clear elevation from boy to man.
  • 15. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 15 In our society, the individual decides when he becomes a man. It is normally an internal decision, which in some cases can result in many years of avoidance and denial. There is no mark in the sand whereby a boy is required to cross over and step up and become a man. The lack of a rite of passage means it is the individual’s responsibility. For those lacking a strong male role model and the support of family and friends, and a lack of internal belief in themselves, having the confidence to grow into a man is challenging and presents many personal difficulties. The transition from boy to man can take many years. It takes time to completely understand how to stand up for yourself, to learn how to make decisions that are in your best interests, and to start taking a genuine interest in improving the lives of others. K. Are Your Friends & Family Holding You Back?
  • 16. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 16 Absolutely, but you probably don’t even know it. If the people you spend a lot of time with are low on confidence and self-esteem, you are going to be influenced by their behaviors. Humans have a tendency to take the easy pathway, to go along with the status quo because it seems like the easier option. People have a tendency to agree with other people because they want to be part of the “social norm.” Whether it is a comment about the weather always being bad, when actually it isn’t, or a gym workout being too tough, when you’re actually okay with it, a lack of confidence persuades you to agree anyway and in turn you genuinely start to believe in these negative thought trails. L. Gossip & Negative News If you surround yourself with people who lack confidence and have a negative attitude towards life, negativity will naturally play a major role in your life. Whether you want it
  • 17. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 17 to or not, it will sneak into your consciousness and begin to create your reality. These negative attitudes to life will become your normal outlook. I call this “psychic vampirism”, because you cannot be around such an environment for long before you too are affected. For example: if you are sitting in the middle of a room and two guys walk in with exactly the same energy, you will immediately pick up on that energy. In this situation, a confident person will maintain their own energy regardless of the impact, while an unconfident person will adopt their energy in a bid to fit in with the status quo. If these guys have their heads down and are lacking confidence, you will feed off of their emotions and begin to feel the same. Surrounding yourself with confident people will make a huge difference to your outlook on life. The guy who lacks confidence is not going to realize that he needs to get away from negative people, because in that moment everything matches the reality he has become used to. He will not have the strength to move on and get away from that
  • 18. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 18 environment. A confident person will usually surround himself with other confident people because it feels better – better for his mindset and better for his health. If you’re feel like your confidence isn’t as high as you’d like it to be, continue reading for the solution. My personal story of my battle with low confidence is on this page.
  • 19. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 19 2. The Solution To Developing Unshakable Confidence M. Can You Fix This By Yourself? It is possible for a person to fix low confidence by himself, but the process will be quicker and a lot easier if he has help. I believe everybody needs a coach. Not necessarily someone who tells you what to do, but someone who offers valuable insights; someone you respect and trust, a spiritual guide, so to speak. I still meet with my coach once a year, just to re- center and make sure that I am being the best that I absolutely can be. It keeps me accountable and realigns any kinks in the chain. Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” This is why the insight of others is important. It is always useful to have someone in your life that can offer you a realistic point of view from a different standpoint, or someone who has gone through a similar process before and can provide empathy and alternative insight.
  • 20. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 20 This is why it is important to be in the company of confident people who have gone through the processes required to get to the place you want to be in your life. They will have solutions to offer, they will be able to offer positive advice, and they will instill confidence and belief in you. N. My Method: “Redesign The Way You Think” To “redesign the way you think” is to continually develop as an individual and carve out a unique life design that is representative of your personality, talents, morals and goals. In other words: to create a mindset for prosperity and perpetual development. As a child, you have a blueprint of your own design. Think about how unique young children are in the things they say, habits they adopt and actions they take. This is what makes children so interesting, and funny at times. As you get older, your environment and family heavily influence your actions. In many ways this can be positive, such as learning respect for others and developing a moral compass. But when
  • 21. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 21 there’s too much influence and not enough space given for individual growth and critical thinking, by the time we get to our teens we can become passive, easily influenced, and therefore lacking in the individual confidence to carve out our own blueprint for the life we want to lead. I believe that a person can achieve whatever the mind can perceive, within the limits of scientific capability, of course. But achieving greatness requires a process of constant redesigning. We must continually stop and re-evaluate who we are, what is going on around us, and where we want to be. This is the process of redesigning. O. What Kind Of Commitment Is Required? If you are just starting out on your path of redevelopment and design, you should indulge as much as possible, no matter where you are in your life journey. You need to put a lot of time into a garden that hasn’t been weeded for some time. You need to get the garden to a point where it is easily manageable again. So, when your confidence has increased
  • 22. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 22 to a healthy level, you can reduce the amount of time you work on it and put more time into enjoying the positive interactions that come about as a result of your hard work. As your confidence grows, you will begin to experience the joy that you have been missing in your life. You will begin to enjoy life on a higher plane and attract more positive people and opportunity into your life. When I was using life scripts as a personal development tool, I used to read them twice a day. I would read them before I went to bed each night and when I woke up in the morning. I used to read them over and over again. I then came to a day when I didn’t need to do that anymore. I would look at them every once in a while for reinforcement, but I didn’t need to physically read them every day because they had become part of me and were reflected in my everyday actions. But just because you are reading life scripts on a daily basis it doesn’t mean that you won’t experience negative thoughts. You will always have a mixture of positive and negative thoughts; this is a normal human behavior. The skill
  • 23. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 23 is in learning to weed out the negative thoughts from your garden in order to allow your positive thoughts to multiply and flourish. P. How Hypnosis Can Increase Confidence Hypnosis works on a far deeper level than simple advice. It can reroute or redesign the way you are thinking. It has the capability to create a powerful new voice that overrides the old voice(s). Hypnosis can reinforce positive beliefs and eliminate negative ones. Using hypnosis, we can program new thoughts into our mindset and create a support mechanism to help battle the negativity from within. It is like having a guide standing next to you when you lose your way and need some direction through the fog of intrusive thoughts and emotions. It is not an instant fix for confidence, but when used regularly it can recondition the mind in a positive, sustainable way. In Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich”, he talks about
  • 24. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 24 spending 20 to 30 minutes a day focusing on what you want and bringing that intention to the forefront of your mind, and repeating it over and over again until it becomes a habit. My Collection of Confidence hypnosis program works in a similar way. Used daily, in a fairly short space of time, your confidence will be transformed and your life will begin to take a very powerful, positive direction. Q. This Works For Every Level Of Guy, From Beginner To Advanced You might be thinking, “Sure, but confidence is for sports jocks and model-looking guys.” But get that thought out of you mind right now. My hypnosis methods are proven to work for guys from all walks of life. You see; the main issue is not in the kind of guy you are, but the way in which society has trained our minds to be. We are led away from our sexuality; taught to believe it’s wrong to embrace our primal instincts. But this is what attracts women, not some timid guy pussyfooting around and acting all shy and aloof.
  • 25. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 25 Women are attracted to a confident man who knows what he wants and goes after what he wants. Women like a man who thinks for himself, a man who is a strong-minded individual. Women want a man who, if they are having an off day, will go home and read over their life script, or listen to a hypnosis track, to re-center and get themselves back into the right frame of mind for all-round prosperity. No woman is attracted to a miserable, negative guy who moans about life’s shortcomings all the time. Check out this video for more on building massive confidence.
  • 26. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 26 3. Three Steps To Success -- Redesigning Your Life & The Way You Think R. Step 1: Redesign Your Environment First of all, a person who wants to change his environment immediately needs to understand that he will have to sacrifice things in his life. You will have to sacrifice time that you would usually spend with friends and family. You will have to sacrifice many of life’s easy choices in order to make new, potentially uncomfortable ones. You will also need to consider your friendship group and those people with whom you spend your time. You need to surround yourself with positive people. If you identify that you are spending time with people that are a bad influence on your mindset, you may have to make the difficult choice to cut those people off. You will have to question the places you go and decide which are most conducive to improving your confidence. You could
  • 27. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 27 stay at home and watch TV or play computer games, or you might choose to go to more sociable place where you can meet new people and expand your horizons; places like the gym, seminars, meet-up groups and events related to your interests and hobbies. S. How Your Environment Will Change Over Time Motivated people tend to hang around together, so when you join such groups your social circle will rapidly expand. You will find people with similar interests to you. You will begin to share your growth path with like-minded people and draw inspiration from others, which in turn will grow your confidence three-fold. Once you find yourself interacting regularly in new social groups, you will begin to crave time to yourself. Every man needs a little quiet time. We each need to find a sanctuary away from the noise to contemplate life and re-center the mind. This might be the library, the park, or the gym. Find
  • 28. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 28 your special place, a place that reenergizes you and makes you feel at one with the world. T. Step 2: Redesign Your Behaviors Secondly, you will need to begin designing and redesigning your behaviors. You have to begin thinking for yourself and not rely on others to take the lead for you. This sounds like a simple step, but the majority of people just don’t do this. You must start living through your expectations and not the expectations of others. You must devise your own pathway to walk toward the goals you want in life. No one can live your life for you. You need to develop your own blueprint based on your individual qualities, and keep redesigning and refining those qualities to give yourself the lifestyle you want.
  • 29. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 29 Right now you lack confidence, so primarily you need to concentrate on improving areas of your life conducive to increasing your confidence. If others in your social circle do not agree with your motivations or do not want to support your plans, then so be it, you must move forward alone, regardless. Listen to your intuition. What feels right for you? Follow that instinct. When you start redesigning your behaviors, it is important to concentrate on one at a time. This makes the redesign process manageable and stops the risk of becoming overwhelmed by change and lost in action paralysis. Even Benjamin Franklin took this one-by-one approach. He picked one thing a month and worked on it until it became a default behavior. For example: let’s say that previously I had been drinking nothing but Coca Cola, but now I want to be healthier and drink one gallon of water a day instead. Drinking this water will be the only thing I concentrate on for one month. This goal is easily measurable because I don’t need to remember
  • 30. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 30 much at all, only that I need to focus on drinking the water each day. This will quickly become a default, normal behavior for me. Once it’s mastered, I simply move on to the next goal. For the next month, instead of going to see my friends three times a week, I am going to go to the gym and workout on two of those days instead. Then, the month after, I am going to cut out saturated fats from my diet and replace them with healthier foods. You get the idea. You do it for a month, and it becomes habit. It becomes programmed into your system. Over the course of a year, going through this assessment and replacement process will trigger dramatic change in your life, especially when compared to the old you who tried to do four or five things at once and failed to make a success of any one. U. Changing Your Behaviors Around Women
  • 31. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 31 Women are a huge distraction for men when they are executing their plan to gain more confidence. Whenever a woman comes into a man’s life, he tends to cut down on contact with friends, neglect his interests and goals, and focuses the majority of his time and attention on her. A woman can be an inspiration or a distraction, depending on where you are at on your life journey, which is why I always say that you need to get yourself together first, then you will be able to focus on the best parts of her while maintaining other aspects of your personal life and staying focused on your goals. The other key point here is that you need to be able to understand yourself before you can expect a woman to understand and love who you really are. Now is the time to concentrate on you, to step aside from society and women and assess what improvements you need to make to become more confident, and ultimately more successful. You need to be comfortable with your inner man before you begin a life journey with a woman. Moreover, when you don’t have a full
  • 32. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 32 time relationship to worry about, you save a lot of mental energy. And you can use that energy to build your confidence and continue personal growth. As you work on your inner programming, you become stronger, fitter, and smarter. In essence, you become a better man, one who will naturally begin to attract only the best women into his life. You want to be at a point in your life where you are able to present the best possible you to prospective women, and you need to make sure that you have enough confidence to do this. V. Step 3: Redesign The Way You Think (Values, Beliefs, Mindsets) My Collection of Confidence program was created using the blueprint I developed on my pathway to mastering my inner game. I have walked an extremely difficult pathway, learning through challenging lessons every step of the way. I now share my experiences and advice with other men who want to grow into themselves and be the best they can – men who
  • 33. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 33 want to be masters of their own destiny, and be admired and respected for their confidence, leadership and contribution to life. The Collection of Confidence is the definitive blueprint for achieving the bulletproof confidence you crave. And what an opportunity it is. Man, I wish I had this program during my development. There wasn’t any self-hypnosis out there back then because there was no Internet. There was no YouTube or downloading of mp3s. The fact is; if you undertake the Collection of Confidence, and truly commit to using it, you will develop unshakable confidence in rapid time. But before you begin, you need to make a promise to yourself. You need to promise yourself that you are wiling to break your current mold and move forward toward fulfilling your potential. If you are ready to put the energy in, I guarantee that you will be successful and find yourself in a far more prosperous
  • 34. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 34 place. But you have to be in the right mindset. You have to believe that you can develop unshakable confidence and that you deserve this opportunity. W. The Collection of Confidence -- How It Transplants Values, Beliefs & Mindsets Directly Into Your Brain Hypnosis requires belief. If you fighting against becoming more confident, if you are comfortable with being negative and resistant to change, you will not get the most out of this program. There are literally thousands of guys who have completed this program and continue to use it to keep making gains in all areas of their lives: I’m talking better jobs, better salaries, more women, better health, better friends, more respect from others, and in general a happier life. You need to believe that you can redesign yourself for the better too. You need to believe that you are worthy of redesigning yourself.
  • 35. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 35 This will be your foundation to work from. It is imperative that you believe in yourself before you get started. X. Take Action Now It is only worth taking action when you believe that you are worthy of gaining confidence. You need to believe that NOW is the right time for you to change your actions and your surroundings for the better. You need to stop living in the past, and accept that tomorrow doesn’t exist. So, if you are ready… …NOW is the time to start making profound, positive changes in your life. You do not need to continue to live the way you currently do. You deserve to be happy. You deserve unshakable confidence, high-level self-esteem, and the respect of others. I don’t want guys doing this program who are unsure if they are ready to move forward. I want guys onboard who know that they are ready to step-up to the play and start winning
  • 36. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 36 in life. I want to work with guys who believe they can be the best they can. I want guys who want to redesign their life in the way they want it to be. I want guys who believe this program can sky-rocket their confidence to the point where they believe they could even run for President! So, what are you waiting for, man? Life is moving forward. Are you? Time waits for no man… …There are millions of women out there waiting for the new, confident you to appear. There are hundreds of thousands of new jobs and promotions, tons of new friends, zillions of new opportunities, all just waiting for you to step up. Don’t let life pass you by. Let’s start redesigning your life and mapping out your pathway to unshakable confidence and a better, happier life right NOW. 4. Your Next Step
  • 37. SECRETS OF UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE | Page 37 Alright man. You know how it works… Are you ready to supercharge your confidence? Then watch this: (Click the image).