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UK CCS C Bi-annual
 Connectivity between UK academics working on or
 with CCS
 Interaction with “Industry” and “Stakeholders” on CCS

THIS MEETING (Today):                THIS MEETING (Tomorrow):
Plenary                              Plenary and results
Groups : Impact                      Industry statements
Report back                          Small groups: Impact future
      Tea                                  Tea
Small groups                         Synthesis report back 2 days
Report back                          EPSRC & DECC statements
                                       “Free” Lunch
Food and interaction                                         1
                       UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012

UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Pathways to Impact

  UK CCS Community Network Meeting
       University College London
             2 April 2012

          UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
What is an “Impact”
You (University), or
You (Industry , business, Stakeholder)
     • Get paid
     • Have to produce something
     • To a timescale
     • To standards of quality
     • Is used /useable / useful
     • Enhanced society / culture / Quality of life

               How are outputs
        used , measured, understood ?
                    UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012

• Updated UK research Map

• Investigation of the perception of Impact

• Helping you understand your impacts

   Case studies in the evaluation of impacts
                   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
What Research Councils “think”

http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/kei/impacts/Pages/home.aspx   6
                  UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
How to work with this ?
• Divide up the problem

1)Think about what we do NOW ….

Tea Break

2) Work on some of YOUR specific examples

                  UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Talk to the people around you ….
• On your left, right, front, rear

• One A3 handout between 2 (cheap !)

• Pick 5 areas UK does WELL

• Pick 5 areas the UK has MISSED (and should fix)

• TOP 5 of all areas – doing / should do/ could do

     Group feed back on ONE sheet W M T
                     UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012


W                                     W



    UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Each box on the RCUK map of Impacts was given a keyword.
The number of “votes” for each keyword was recorded, and that table of data from all the
groups in the whole meeting was displayed as a Word Cloud. That shows the centrality
and size of the keyword visually, depending on the number of votes cast

                               UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Key to Keywords used, relating to RCUK

              UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Output 1: votes for “Does well”

           UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Output 2: votes for “Essential”

           UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Output 3: votes for “Top 5”

    sustainability                         14
         UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Organisational-Effectiveness   Sustainability


Academics           Teaching           Investment






There was , not surprisingly, a strong vote for academic outputs having a strong impact

As one would expect, each group listed “commercialisation” as an essential impact which
the UK should deliver. Creating “wealth” and public “engagement” were also felt to be
important impacts which the UK should be delivering.

And, perhaps most intriguing, was the vote that “Policy” and “Commercialisation” were not
being achieved very well.

It is, of course, arguable if this academic-dominated focus group is representative or
qualified enough to have a full suite of perspectives on those two impacts.
But the concern is clear …….

                                  UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
After teabreak

   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
What to do ? …. Form groups
• It’s a bit much to expect engineers to think
about storage

(Although I’m sure that the converse is simple)

SO ………

• Move into thematic groups, focused around
expertise and problems on / with / in CCS

                   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
1) Capture (all flavours)

2) Transport (on shore, offshore, shipping)

3) Environment (land and sea and factories)

4) Storage

5) Systems

6) Social + policy + economics + legal

                   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
What to do 2 : after Tea
• Pick 2 projects (maybe 3) to work on as
EXAMPLES – something that one/more are
working on NOW

• Work out YOUR impacts across the WHOLE
table, some fields may be blank
     * Methods to define and recognise
     * How did you identify the impact

• Work out HOW you can deliver the Impact

• Does the project have impact in other CCS areas

• Timescale of (various) impacts
                    UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
              Sector Results (maybe)
                                  e                        Z
Researchers                      v
                                  T                       Industry
              M                  u
              A                  Cr
              T                  b
              T                  rr
                   N             be
              R        Q         n
                   e             o
              A        I         n
 S                 a             nT
              N        C         Rr
 y                 r
 s                     S          i
                   C                                 C
 t                 O              v                  O
 e                 2              e                  2
 m                                r

Policy and Media                                          Public
                       UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Timescale Results (maybe)
           S                                                   W
           y                                              r    e
5 - 10     s                                              e    y
           t                                              e    b
           e                                              Ri   u
           m                                              v    r
           s         M                                    e    n
                     A                                    r
                     T                           C                 A
                              P                  O                 c    N
                              A                  2                 t    e
                              C                  s                 i    a
                              T                  m                 v    r
                                                 e         H       a    C
                                                 ll   Q    y       t    O
               N                                      I    d       C    2
               Z                                      C    r       a
               E                                      S    o       r
               C                                           g       b
                                                           e       o
 10 - 25
                                                           n       1-5
                   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
Learning: Things to DO in future when
 displaying Impacts and plotting sectors
1) Display time as linear with probability function of impact along it

2) Display impact as triangle or polygon, centered on the mode, or better as a spider
diagram centred on mode.

 Probable that most impacts are much longer term than the inventors believe or know at
 this time.

Need now to look at FUTURE where do you want to be, and back-cast to present, to invest
in technologies which will help get from now to future

                                   UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012

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UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
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UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
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Ucl outputs - April 2012 Biannual Meeting, UCL

  • 1. UK CCS C Bi-annual AIM: Connectivity between UK academics working on or with CCS Interaction with “Industry” and “Stakeholders” on CCS THIS MEETING (Today): THIS MEETING (Tomorrow): Plenary Plenary and results Groups : Impact Industry statements Report back Small groups: Impact future Tea Tea Small groups Synthesis report back 2 days Report back EPSRC & DECC statements Bar “Free” Lunch Food and interaction 1 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 2. UKCCSC 2 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 3. Research and Pathways to Impact Development UK CCS Community Network Meeting University College London 2 April 2012 3 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 4. What is an “Impact” You (University), or You (Industry , business, Stakeholder) • Get paid • Have to produce something • To a timescale • To standards of quality • Is used /useable / useful • Enhanced society / culture / Quality of life How are outputs used , measured, understood ? 4 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 5. Aim • Updated UK research Map • Investigation of the perception of Impact • Helping you understand your impacts Case studies in the evaluation of impacts 5 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 6. What Research Councils “think” http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/kei/impacts/Pages/home.aspx 6 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 7. How to work with this ? • Divide up the problem 1)Think about what we do NOW …. Tea Break 2) Work on some of YOUR specific examples 7 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 8. Talk to the people around you …. • On your left, right, front, rear • One A3 handout between 2 (cheap !) • Pick 5 areas UK does WELL • Pick 5 areas the UK has MISSED (and should fix) • TOP 5 of all areas – doing / should do/ could do Group feed back on ONE sheet W M T 8 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 9. Example W W W W W 9 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 10. Results Each box on the RCUK map of Impacts was given a keyword. The number of “votes” for each keyword was recorded, and that table of data from all the groups in the whole meeting was displayed as a Word Cloud. That shows the centrality and size of the keyword visually, depending on the number of votes cast 10 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 11. Key to Keywords used, relating to RCUK diagram 11 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 12. Output 1: votes for “Does well” 12 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 13. Output 2: votes for “Essential” 13 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 14. Output 3: votes for “Top 5” sustainability 14 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 15. Organisational-Effectiveness Sustainability Knowledge Training Policy-making Academics Teaching Investment Health Society Innovation Engagement Wealth Commercialisation Research Disciplines Quality-of-life Organisations
  • 16. Analysis There was , not surprisingly, a strong vote for academic outputs having a strong impact As one would expect, each group listed “commercialisation” as an essential impact which the UK should deliver. Creating “wealth” and public “engagement” were also felt to be important impacts which the UK should be delivering. And, perhaps most intriguing, was the vote that “Policy” and “Commercialisation” were not being achieved very well. It is, of course, arguable if this academic-dominated focus group is representative or qualified enough to have a full suite of perspectives on those two impacts. But the concern is clear ……. 16 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 17. After teabreak 17 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 18. What to do ? …. Form groups • It’s a bit much to expect engineers to think about storage (Although I’m sure that the converse is simple) SO ……… • Move into thematic groups, focused around expertise and problems on / with / in CCS 18 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 19. Themes 1) Capture (all flavours) 2) Transport (on shore, offshore, shipping) 3) Environment (land and sea and factories) 4) Storage 5) Systems 6) Social + policy + economics + legal 19 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 20. What to do 2 : after Tea • Pick 2 projects (maybe 3) to work on as EXAMPLES – something that one/more are working on NOW • Work out YOUR impacts across the WHOLE table, some fields may be blank * Methods to define and recognise * How did you identify the impact • Work out HOW you can deliver the Impact • Does the project have impact in other CCS areas • Timescale of (various) impacts UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012 20
  • 21. r c o Sector Results (maybe) t i g N e Z Researchers v n a t T Industry E C M u A Cr W G a T b T rr e iP N be y R Q n beA e o A I n ueC S a nT N C Rr y r s S i C C t O v O e 2 e 2 m r s m e ll Policy and Media Public 21 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 22. Timescale Results (maybe) G S W y r e 5 - 10 s e y Now t e b e Ri u m v r s M e n A r T T C A P O c N R A 2 t e A C s i a N T m v r e H a C ll Q y t O N I d C 2 Z C r a E S o r C g b e o 10 - 25 n 1-5 n 22 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012
  • 23. Learning: Things to DO in future when displaying Impacts and plotting sectors 1) Display time as linear with probability function of impact along it 2) Display impact as triangle or polygon, centered on the mode, or better as a spider diagram centred on mode. Probable that most impacts are much longer term than the inventors believe or know at this time. Need now to look at FUTURE where do you want to be, and back-cast to present, to invest in technologies which will help get from now to future 23 UK CCS Consortium 2&3 April2012