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Top Features
Of Angular 13
You Must Know
Angular 13 is a popular choice for enterprise-scale app
development. It has relieved developers, often known as
Angularities, by providing an Ivy view engine for a cleaner way
of creating components.
Are you thinking about what is the latest angular version?
Well, Angular 13 was last updated in November 2021 and is the
latest version of Google's favored TypeScript-based web
framework. Five months later, after the Angular 13 update,
Angular launched v13 available as a production release.
Angular 13
Features and
• Ivy Is The New Engine
Angular 13 no longer support the view engine as all new versions are Ivy. Ivy
engines eliminate all the codebase difficulties and maintenance fees.
The angular framework has converted tools to Ivy to ensure every transition
goes well, as Ivy assembles components individually to speed up the
development cycle. There is no need to use ngcc (Angular compatibility
compiler) for libraries developed with the latest APF version, as there is no
need for metadata and summary files.
• Typescript 4.4 Support
TypeScript 4.4 has been added in Angular 13, and TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3 are
no longer supported. TypeScript 4.4 has come up as a benefit to Angular apps
because it does not implement setters and getters to get a similar type.
• Angular Package Format Transformations
The Angular Package Format, or APF, represents the format and structure of
Angular Framework packages and View Engine metadata. It's a great way to
package third-party libraries in the web development environment.
• Angular Command-Line Interface Improvements
The CLI is undoubtedly a key aspect of angular success. Angular CLI
simplifies the development process with easy commands by removing
complex processes like configuration and initialization on a larger scale.
The Angular CLI safeguard developers and make room for unexplored
components by helping them find the right folder for the update and
the module to import the components.
• Improvements to Angular Tests
The Angular team has made a few notable improvements to TestBed, which
operates correctly to tear down test environments and modules at the end
of each test.
Because the DOM is cleaned, developers can expect memory-intensive,
optimized, interdependent, and quicker tests.
• Internet Explorer 11 Is Not Supported
Angular will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 because of the
launch of Angular 13. Dropping Internet Explorer 11 results in a smaller
bundle size and swift app loading. Furthermore, Angular can now use
technologically advanced browser features such as CSS variables and
web animations via native web APIs due to these improvements.
• New Form Classification
FormControlStatus is a new form type added in Angular v13. It gathers
all form control status strings into a single place:
For example, the type of AbstractControl.status has been modified from
string to FormControlStatus.
ObservableFormControlStatus> has changed to Observableany> as a
type of StatusChanges.
• Apis Are Ergonomics Designed
Angular v13 has decreased load time using ergonomic component-level
granular code disruption and code-splitting APIs. The latest version of
ESBuild has also improved performance.
ESBuild JavaScript bundler collaborates with terser to optimize global
scripts. It also supports CSS source maps, which allow for optimized
global CSS. This JS bundler also supports framework languages, like
Svelte, Vue, and Elm.
• Versions Of Node.Js Prior To 12.20 Are No Longer Supported.
Versions of Node.js before 12.20.0 are no longer supported in Angular
13 because the Angular use the Node.js package export feature with
subpath patterns.
• Enhancements to Localization
The $localize API is well-defined. Developers use it to produce an effective
technique for in-built internationalisation (i18n), as well as tag messages in code
and layouts for translation.
• Dependency Updates and Framework Changes
Angular 13 has undergone significant modifications. RxJS v7.4 is the default
application built with ng new. Current RxJS v6.x applications must be manually
updated with the npm install rxjs@7.4 command.RxJS 7 can now be used to create
new projects, and currently undergoing projects should continue to use RxJS 6.
• Router Changes
Routing assists us in shifting from one view to the other. It facilitates navigation by
interpreting a browser URL as a request to modify the view.
The router does not replace the browser URL when the new navigation cancels the
existing navigation.
• Angular 13 features -API Updates
Because of the improved ViewContainerRef.createComponent API, you
can now create dynamic components with less boilerplate code.
ComponentFactoryResolver is not required if you use Angular 13.
• Inline Adobe Font Support
Another highlight of Angular 13's release is inline support for Adobe
typefaces. These fonts can enhance the app's performance by accelerating the
FCP (First Contentful Paint). This edition is now accessible to everyone by
default. All you have to do is run the ng update command.
• Dependency Injection Feature Boots Efficiency
The dependency injection quality of Angular enhances code readability, making
maintenance and iterations easier. This is especially beneficial for large-scale
business systems, as it drastically reduces testing time and development costs.
• Angular 13 Cohesive Architecture
Components serve as the building blocks in Angular web development. Angular's
cohesive components are tree-like and comprise suitable elements with related
functionalities. These components are well-encapsulated and provide a clean and
smooth API to all Angular apps. The reusability and maintainability of Angular
architecture are two of its primary benefits.
1. Reusability: Agular app elements are self-contained. Once an element with a specific
feature has been created, you can reuse it in any part of the code that needs the exact
functionality. Angular's component-based reusable architecture saves developers time
while delivering consistency to the app.
2. Maintainability: Angular's other significant advantage is the framework's loosely
linked components. By collaborating with our experienced Angular JS development
professionals, you can make the process easier.
Web: www.zenesys.com
Address: 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
Frisco, Texas, United States
Email: info@zenesys.com
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Top Features Of Angular 13 You Must Know

  • 1. Top Features Of Angular 13 You Must Know
  • 2. Angular 13 is a popular choice for enterprise-scale app development. It has relieved developers, often known as Angularities, by providing an Ivy view engine for a cleaner way of creating components. Are you thinking about what is the latest angular version? Well, Angular 13 was last updated in November 2021 and is the latest version of Google's favored TypeScript-based web framework. Five months later, after the Angular 13 update, Angular launched v13 available as a production release.
  • 4. • Ivy Is The New Engine Angular 13 no longer support the view engine as all new versions are Ivy. Ivy engines eliminate all the codebase difficulties and maintenance fees. The angular framework has converted tools to Ivy to ensure every transition goes well, as Ivy assembles components individually to speed up the development cycle. There is no need to use ngcc (Angular compatibility compiler) for libraries developed with the latest APF version, as there is no need for metadata and summary files.
  • 5. • Typescript 4.4 Support TypeScript 4.4 has been added in Angular 13, and TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3 are no longer supported. TypeScript 4.4 has come up as a benefit to Angular apps because it does not implement setters and getters to get a similar type. • Angular Package Format Transformations The Angular Package Format, or APF, represents the format and structure of Angular Framework packages and View Engine metadata. It's a great way to package third-party libraries in the web development environment.
  • 6. • Angular Command-Line Interface Improvements The CLI is undoubtedly a key aspect of angular success. Angular CLI simplifies the development process with easy commands by removing complex processes like configuration and initialization on a larger scale. The Angular CLI safeguard developers and make room for unexplored components by helping them find the right folder for the update and the module to import the components. • Improvements to Angular Tests The Angular team has made a few notable improvements to TestBed, which operates correctly to tear down test environments and modules at the end of each test. Because the DOM is cleaned, developers can expect memory-intensive, optimized, interdependent, and quicker tests.
  • 7. • Internet Explorer 11 Is Not Supported Angular will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 because of the launch of Angular 13. Dropping Internet Explorer 11 results in a smaller bundle size and swift app loading. Furthermore, Angular can now use technologically advanced browser features such as CSS variables and web animations via native web APIs due to these improvements. • New Form Classification FormControlStatus is a new form type added in Angular v13. It gathers all form control status strings into a single place: For example, the type of AbstractControl.status has been modified from string to FormControlStatus. ObservableFormControlStatus> has changed to Observableany> as a type of StatusChanges.
  • 8. • Apis Are Ergonomics Designed Angular v13 has decreased load time using ergonomic component-level granular code disruption and code-splitting APIs. The latest version of ESBuild has also improved performance. ESBuild JavaScript bundler collaborates with terser to optimize global scripts. It also supports CSS source maps, which allow for optimized global CSS. This JS bundler also supports framework languages, like Svelte, Vue, and Elm. • Versions Of Node.Js Prior To 12.20 Are No Longer Supported. Versions of Node.js before 12.20.0 are no longer supported in Angular 13 because the Angular use the Node.js package export feature with subpath patterns.
  • 9. • Enhancements to Localization The $localize API is well-defined. Developers use it to produce an effective technique for in-built internationalisation (i18n), as well as tag messages in code and layouts for translation. • Dependency Updates and Framework Changes Angular 13 has undergone significant modifications. RxJS v7.4 is the default application built with ng new. Current RxJS v6.x applications must be manually updated with the npm install rxjs@7.4 command.RxJS 7 can now be used to create new projects, and currently undergoing projects should continue to use RxJS 6. • Router Changes Routing assists us in shifting from one view to the other. It facilitates navigation by interpreting a browser URL as a request to modify the view. The router does not replace the browser URL when the new navigation cancels the existing navigation.
  • 10. • Angular 13 features -API Updates Because of the improved ViewContainerRef.createComponent API, you can now create dynamic components with less boilerplate code. ComponentFactoryResolver is not required if you use Angular 13. • Inline Adobe Font Support Another highlight of Angular 13's release is inline support for Adobe typefaces. These fonts can enhance the app's performance by accelerating the FCP (First Contentful Paint). This edition is now accessible to everyone by default. All you have to do is run the ng update command. • Dependency Injection Feature Boots Efficiency The dependency injection quality of Angular enhances code readability, making maintenance and iterations easier. This is especially beneficial for large-scale business systems, as it drastically reduces testing time and development costs.
  • 11. • Angular 13 Cohesive Architecture Components serve as the building blocks in Angular web development. Angular's cohesive components are tree-like and comprise suitable elements with related functionalities. These components are well-encapsulated and provide a clean and smooth API to all Angular apps. The reusability and maintainability of Angular architecture are two of its primary benefits. 1. Reusability: Agular app elements are self-contained. Once an element with a specific feature has been created, you can reuse it in any part of the code that needs the exact functionality. Angular's component-based reusable architecture saves developers time while delivering consistency to the app. 2. Maintainability: Angular's other significant advantage is the framework's loosely linked components. By collaborating with our experienced Angular JS development professionals, you can make the process easier.
  • 12. CONTACT US Web: www.zenesys.com Address: 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300 Frisco, Texas, United States Email: info@zenesys.com Phone: +1 (323) 565-1141