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The Art Museum
During my visit to the Art museum I was able to look at the artwork with detail and see it in a
different perception. When I was in elementary school I used to visit the Museum of Fine Arts
frequently, at that time my teachers and guide used to tell us descriptions of the artworks, but at that
age I didn't understand the meaning of the art pieces. At that time the pieces of artwork in the
museum just seem like a piece of art, drawings, and sculptures. Now as an adult, I know that for
every artwork made there is a story behind the art. Artwork can be also a form to express feeling,
culture, or meaning. What I learn from going to the museum was that art can be created and express
in many different ways. In the museum there were many different
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The Art Museum
Philadelphia Art Museum
My trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art was really knowledgeable, joyful and informative. This
Museum of Art is the largest museum in the United States. When I arrived at the front of the
museum I was surprised and amazed how beautiful was the front entrance. The unique design and
the gigantic pillared building attracted me. The entrance had a huge statue of a lady with a bow and
arrow in her hand at the top of the Museum's Great Stair Hall known as Diana (1892 – 1893) by
Augustus Saint– Gaudens. Diana is made up with copper sheets with the height of 14 feet 6 inches. I
was fascinated with many of the exhibits they had set up. There were rooms with different groups of
art according to their type, year and location they were made. All of the art in the art museum were
interesting to look at and interpret.
There were many paintings in the museum which caught my attraction. One of the painting I ...
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Picasso was born on October 25 1881, Nationality: Spanish and the movement of his artwork were
Cubism, and Surrealism. Art is an artist's individual interpretation of the subject. Female nude is a
piece of art which makes the viewer think what is the artist trying to express by his painting. I was
really confused at first when I looked at the art work and it took me a while to figure out what the art
really means to its viewer. In general, the visual elements present in the art work like color, shape,
lines, curves, and the subject itself are most remarkable visual features. While viewing this piece of
art one thing you will notice is the color shade and the sharpen lines of the artwork attracts the
viewers and hold you up for a while. Deep color combination of the background and the bright color
frame work makes the piece look more vivid and attractive. I am still not quite sure about what is
the artist trying to express from this painting but all in all I really liked this piece of
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The Art Museum
QUT Art Museum
When visiting an exhibit space one of the first things a viewer sees is the area that the works are
exhibited in. There is more to exhibiting a work in a space than just putting in the room and
expecting that to be satisfactory. Lighting, walls, art placement, viewer interaction and many more
are an important park of how successful an exhibit can be.
When a viewer enters the QUT Art Museum they first see the reception desk with the typical white
walls that one would expect from a museum or gallery. To the right of this desk one can see a large
room with black walls that are in direct contrast to the reception area, inviting the viewer to
investigate what this room is. Walking towards the room the viewer is confronted with a large
seemingly out of place wall separating the room seen from the reception from another room on the
right with what looks like a huge bolder. The left room has what looks like a bunch of randomly
assorted objects placed on a very large black circle. These objects are arranged on the floor
purposefully lower than the viewer's natural line of sight, this work is named "Amorphology–A".
Further to the left of this one will see "Soft Shoulder" which ... Show more content on
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With over one hundred art works by eighty artists from all up the Asia Pacific as opposed to four
works from a single artist. With QAGOMA being a popular tourist attraction its target audience has
a much larger range than that of "Catacoustics 3", with people of all ages coming to see the works
sections of the gallery were made for children. As well as areas with multiple video/digital works
and huge interactive sculptures the process of installing each and every work in the spaces would
have taken teams of curators and technicians. With works that span walls that are three stories tall
and interactive installations that are similar in scale there is a sense of wonder and awe rather than
the intimate self reflective feeling of "Catacoustics
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The Art Museum
Philadelphia Art Museum Essay
The last time I ever visited The Philadelphia Art Museum was in the sixth grade. At the time, I did
not care much for art nor appreciated it. I was ignorant to how beautiful and meaningful art actually
is. Most importantly, I never recognized the talented artists within the museum. However, as I grew
older I became more interested with art. I wanted to learn the different principles, techniques, and
methods on how to create art. Taking art classes throughout high school and now college, has made
me find a new value and love for art. Art is truly a treasure.
Re–entering The Philadelphia Art Musuem almost a decade later, I entered the museum with a fresh
mind and pure admiration. I have always been more interested in European Art and The Philadelphia
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The artist created every figure clearly to show the emotions of the different figures faces. Also, he
put time into the detail of the clothing to show more emphasis and create a better work of art. All the
figures in the painting are life–sized and are to scale with their
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The Art Museum
The Museum Of Contemporary Art Cleveland
From Euclid Avenue to the east, visitors will enjoy the various buildings in Cleveland. From the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the Tower City, to the University Circle, where there are many of
amazing museums. No matter the famous Cleveland museum of art or Natural History Museum. The
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, is undoubtedly a unique one. During the day, pedestrians
and passersby see themselves reflected in the surface. As dusk sets in the building 's interior reveals
itself and guests get clear views into the building. Glass windows cut diagonally across several
facets of the building following the building 's geometry and creating banner like views into all four
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Looking inside the building, color plays a crucial role in Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
building while the buildings dark reflective exterior offers little evidence of the interior structure.
The experience inside is more open and translucent. After entering the building, guests will identify
that individual floors through pale grey striping and full glass windows that reveal different interior.
Back of house, spaces like exhibition workshops and conference rooms contrasting these light gray
bands of color the building envelope hovers above the interior space like an abstracted shell. One of
the most striking aspects of this envelope is its color. The interior is treated with an intense white
and blue fireproof paint that immerses guests in the experience of color a hue that has been the topic
of intense artistic scrutiny in modern and contemporary art(New Museum of Contemporary Art,
2015). Blue is a highly elusive color as FNMA design architect Elliott Hodge 's notes quote Farshid
Mousavi was inspired by Yves Klein in the selection of blue from interior (Grabowski, J. J., & Van
Tassel, David D, 2006). In particular, a blue that would read Dark first and blue second. visible in
almost every public space (Glasner, Barbara, and Petra Schmidt, 2011). This blue
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The Art Museum
The Museum Of Modern Art
Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious
groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society
recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th
century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible
possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their
subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct
experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds.
Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to ... Show more content on
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Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the
painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls
and would follow one swirl to another. These elements make the painting seems to be fluid and
abstract. The yellow crescent moon at the upper right corner is blight and mild. It softens the
painting to convey a sense of serenity. Compared to other Impressionist paintings, Starry Night is
somehow different: van Gogh used very expressive color and distorted form to give the viewers a
very bright picture. Van Gogh wrote a letter to his brother to point out that compared to other
Impressionist artists of that time, he utilized "exaggeration in terms of composition." He uses
techniques such as surrealism to draw those swirls. In Starry Night the landscape seems to be a way
to convey the artist's emotion. I believe that the fight van Gogh had against his mental illness is
reflected in the painting. When looking at the upper sky in the painting, there is a strong contrast
between the sky and the stars, similar to what van Gogh experienced that time: his illness and his
hope to recover. Van Gogh painted the village in dark color but on the contrary, he used bright color
to draw the windows. I think this contrast gave people the idea that finally human should have hope
and try their best to overcome the
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The Art Museum
Art Museum Vs. Private Museum
Museum Comparison This paper compares four separate museums. The first two compared, are
private art museums in the United States, compared to a private art museum in another country.
Secondly, a university natural history museum is compared to another university natural history
museum in a foreign country. The comparisons involve taking a closer look at the history, function,
staffing, and programs at museums. Many reasons can lead collectors to starting a private museum.
Whether collectors feel that a collection can serve an educational function, or perhaps to keep
control over the collection, a private museum is an option that provides the public access to their
work (Traditional Fine Arts Organization). One notable example is ... Show more content on
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The museum has a small staff of eight employees (two positions focused on education) and has an
average of two–hundred visitors on a weekly basis (Buchanan 2002). The exhibit changes twice a
year and they are considered one of the founders of the Miami art scene (Buchanan 2002). This
museum is the Rubell Collection's main mission and function is to share their vast collection of
contemporary art and support emerging artists. They have an active internship program, lecture
series, and a partnership with Miami–Dade county schools to support education (The Rubell
Collection). The museum also houses a research library with over forty–thousand volumes and a
bookstore (The Rubell Collection). In order to share their expansive collections, the Rubells also
lend their exhibits to other museums all over the world (Solway 2014). Taking a look at a private art
museum in another country, The Pinacotheque in Paris is presented. The Pinacotheque is Paris's first
private art museum and was established in 2007. Pinacotheque loosely translates into the image box
(Restellini 2011). The Pinacotheque displays art like the Rubell Collection, but they are not
displaying art from one collector, but many collectors. One exhibit included the art collection of two
prominent Hungarian families: The Esterhazys and The Romanovs, from the eighteenth century
(Restellini 2011). Their mission, like The Rubell Collection, is to make these
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The Art Museum
Cleveland Museum Of Art Analysis
The Cleveland Museum of Art possess a collection of more than 30,000 works of art that ranges
over 5,000 years (Ancient Egypt to present) from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. The
museum opened on June 6, 1916 to give people access to physically visualize works of art created
by intellectuals and to honor and appreciate the complexity of their art and legacy they left for us.
This year makes the Cleveland Museum of Art's centennial, 100–year anniversary, so institutions
around the world loaned works of art to the museum for a beautiful exhibition. In the Cleveland
Museum of Art's permanent collection, it includes one of Nicolas Poussin's greatest
accomplishment, The Holy Family on the Steps. Nicolas Poussin's The Holy Family on the
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The Art Museum
Bellevue Art Museum
I've been to many museums and art exhibitions before but this is the first time I ever attended one in
Washington. Back in my country, my parents always take me to those places on the weekend and the
passion of watching arts and crafts grew inside me since then. I first explored Bellevue Art Museum
a few weeks ago when my friend said there is a really fascinating exhibition about modern sculpture
as well as china painting materials. At first, I would never able to imagine how artists can bring
animals such as deer and crow–like bird to blend with modern culture and use imagination to
represent their idea about society. I really enjoy how visiting those places makes me appreciate the
talents of the artists, looking at those sculptures and paintings ... Show more content on
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The size of it is very small and therefore I was not expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised by
the exhibitions. Even though Bellevue Art Museum is very small–scale with only three floors but the
quality of exhibitions is incredible. When I first came in, I took the stairs to the entrance of the
museum and proceeded into it through a resolving glass door. I purchased my ticket from a really
friendly front desk woman and got the little green tab that you have to clip on to your body in order
to let securities know that you paid to get in. The building itself is light, spacious and modern. It
mostly built in concrete and glass with very sparse and open which helps audience to acknowledge
what exhibits take center stage. The main level of the museum had very good natural lighting
through skylight. On the outside, Bellevue Art Museum has a great red wall with benches therefore
it looks extremely appealing to people. The architecture is awesome in some sort of obtuse triangle
or trapezoid with variety in each wall of the
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The Art Museum
Analysis : The Art Museum
Boston Cremes. Wayne Thiebaud, 1962, (14 in. x 18 in. Crocker Art Museum)
This painting is done with oil on canvas. The painting itself holds visual texture and substance. The
repetition and sorting is well executed. With some other works, subject matter which is so simple
can come off as bland and boring. Yet Thiebaud was able to turn something so simple into a
beautiful piece of art. Wayne Thiebaud uses heavy pigment and defined shadowing. All while the
attention to detail is divine. With the well defines brushstrokes to luscious look of the frosting that
coats the pieces of cakes. The color is vivid and imminently captures your eye; with intensity and he
uses his shading properly while also using proper proportions as the pieces of pie ... Show more
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Also the subject matter on both side is not completely the same; you can sense it is an asymmetrical
The Problem We All Live With, Norman Rockwell, 1963. (36 in × 58 in, Norman Rockwell
Museum Collections)
The Crocker art museum held and exhibition titled the "American Chronicles the Art of Norman
Rockwell" Within this exhibition held Rockwell's captivating work. One of Rockwell's best pieces is
"The Problem We All Live With". It is done with oil and sets upon a canvas. The atmospheric space
of the people within the panting, makes it clean and sets attention to the appropriate subject matter.
The painting from a far may come off as simple; yet when you take a closer look you notice the
small details that really pull the painting together. The colors are quite bland yet appropriate for the
current setting. With many paintings there tends to be symbolism; and with this painting it is very
clear. The content contains an image the first African–American child to attend a recent de–
segregated school. Beyond the girl and her U.S marshall escorts you see tomatoe smudges from
tomatoes being thrown and racial slurs written on the wall. The simplicity of the photo is so
beautiful with such a raw and captivating message. Letting his work not only have his work hold
history; but also tell a story. With implied lines guiding your eyes to different areas within the
painting exposing more and more.
"Portrait of My Father" Stephen J Kaltenbach 1972–1979(114 in. x 170 3/4 in
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The Art Museum
Essay A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art I. Jan van Eyck's "Last Judgment" Jan van Eyck was
active since 1422 and died in 1441. He was the most celebrated painter of the fifteen–century in
Europe. One of his famous works is "The Last Judgment". At first sight this work immediately
attracted my attention. The painting's stunning colors and the fact that it reminded me of a previous
similar work I have seen, triggered in my mind. The material that is used is oil on canvas,
transferred from wood. The size of this work is 22 1/4 *7 2/3 in. (56.5 * 19.7cm). As I closely
approached the painting I began to realize the differences between Jan van Eyck and Michelangelo's
"Last Judgment". Contrary to Michelangelo's "Last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first sight of this painting extremely moved me. In this work, no other figures are represented
and the setting is not recognizable. In the depth of his eyes one can see the suffering and pain for our
human sacrifice. As well as this one can also see the holy look on the facial expression as he gently
carries the cross. On the cross, above the left hand in Greek letters, "domenikos theotokopoulos
epoiei" is written. "Christ Carrying the Cross" is one of the most intriguing work of art. It belongs to
Robert Lehman collection since 1953. Its size is 41 3/8 * 31 in. (105 * 79 cm) and the material used
to make it is oil on canvas. III. Pendant mask; Iyoba 16th century The artist's name is Benin and he
is from Nigeria. He lived in the 16th century. To produce this mask he used ivory, iron and copper.
The mask's height is 9 3/9 in (23.8 cm). This mask is an image of a woman. An image of a woman is
very rare in Benin's tradition. However, this work of art represents the legacy of a continuous
dynasty. This mask is believed to be designed for Benin's King's mother. It is also believed that this
mask was used to commemorate king's mother. The color of the mask is white, a symbol of purity.
On the mask, one can se the details of the face showing the impression of it. One can distinguish the
angry eyes, the big nose and the puffing lips. There are carved scarification marks on the forehead,
and below the
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The Art Museum
The Carnegie Museum Of Art
Project 1: The Carnegie Museum
The Carnegie Museum of Art was a museum created to focus on the art of tomorrow rather than
already popular art and artists of today. A necessary part for that dream of Andrew Carnegie to
become a reality is having a place to house these art pieces. While of course he could have just
found an empty warehouse and placed all the art there that would neither have given the pieces of
art justice nor would anyone want there personal collection to be placed on display there. Instead, in
order to have a successful art museum you have to house the art in a place that does it justice.
Museums heavily rely on their architecture to accurately portray and supplement the showpieces
within the museum. Carnegie's art museum ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The openness causing you to want to explore and discover what this museum has to offer.
(See Diagram 1) Going from the intense darkness of the walls and tile in the space beforehand to the
bright and engagingly light room once you open the door is a very intense chance. It creates an
awakening of excitement and alertness in your journey throughout the gallery. While this transition
is nice in this aspect that it awakens you to the art its not the most desirable simply because it is
rather drastic and can be a little to much to handle for those with sensitive eyes that need to wait to
adjust completely to the new lighting intensity. When you step out of this room to the photography
room on the right your feelings within the surrounding change once again. In the first room of the
museum the tile is white and thus reflects light, creating yet more light in the surrounding area. The
walls go from light and colorful shades to a medium tinted of gray creating a more plain mood
within the room. In the side room full of photography the flooring changes from white large stone
tiles to wood panel flooring. The opening to this second room is an opening the wall rather than
another doorway but instead of the opening stretching all the way up to the ceiling, there is a thinner
horizontal plank at the top that is an almost metallically aluminum color. The space is divided up
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The Art Museum
Art Museum
The very first time I ever went to an art museum, I was miserable. I was ten years old, and visiting
New York City for the first time, and my father who has worked tirelessly to raise my siblings and
me to have an appreciation for higher culture dragged us to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I cried
within fifteen minutes of being there. All the people made me feel claustrophobic, and I was so set
in my misery that I refused to try to enjoy the art. My mother, with all the patience that mothers are
gifted with, took me through the museum. She entertained me with stories of when her and my
father first fell in love in the city; rushed lunch dates in the museum, the halfway point between his
job and her school. Gradually, we moved away from the more heavily populated galleries, and then
it happened.
I saw the art.
I truly saw it and realized why we were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As I grew older I realized that I wanted to give everyone, but especially children, the same access to
art that I had been so privileged to have throughout my childhood. I felt, and still feel, that art serves
as a reflection of the culture we live in, and if access to art is limited then the creation of art will also
be stifled, leading to only a select few voices being recognized. If only a few voices are recognized,
then a true reflection of our culture will not be generated. Historically, wealthy white men have
dominated the art world, specifically the western art world, and I believe that because of this bias we
have missed out on many important stories from diverse backgrounds. While we cannot change the
past, it is never too late to start working towards a brighter, more inclusive future. The first step
towards this vision is by increasing the accessibility of art education to people from all backgrounds.
Art changed my life, and I believe it can change the lives of countless
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The Art Museum
Descriptive Essay: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
Esther Jacob
Ms. Logan
April 2017
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York where the closest supermarket was a 15–minute
drive. A few times a year my mom would take me and my siblings to the Big Apple and expose us to
city life. I always loved the city – the lights, the skyscrapers, the street filled with people – it
captivated me. One of the places we would visit was the Metropolitan Museum of Art, otherwise
known as the Met. I remember walking through the museum in awe – everything was so big and
beautiful. The tall ceilings, gigantic sculptures, meticulous architecture – I had never seen anything
like it, and it is safe to say that visiting the Met was the highlight of my trip. And of course ... Show
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Its name originated from the well–known architect who built the building – Marcel Breuer, known
for his sharp–edged and box shaped designs. In 1963, Breuer was given the job of building a new
museum in New York City. He built the Whitney Museum which was originally located at 945
Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side before it moved to downtown Manhattan. The Met then
took an "eight–year lease on the building from the Whitney Museum, with the option to renew
another five and a half years, until approximately 2029" (www.wikepedia.org). The Met Breuer was
created to further expand the Met's modern and contemporary art collection. As New York Times art
critic Roberta Smith said on the Met Breuer's opening, "The Met [Fifth Avenue] is huge and old,
with a history of treating contemporary art as an afterthought." The Met Breuer focuses on the
beauty of modern and contemporary art. The Met Breuer's main exhibit is called "Unfinished –
Thoughts Left Visible." This exhibit displays over 200 works of art that were left incomplete either
intentionally or unintentionally. While the Met Breuer main focus is modern and contemporary art,
this exhibits art dates from the Renaissance until today and includes artists such as Leonardo da
Vinci and Andy Warhol. Home to many other interesting exhibitions, the Met Breuer is "one of the
most recognizable modern icons in New York and one of the world's landmark arts
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The Art Museum
Longmont Art Museum
I decided to visit the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center (Image 1). The URL for this museum
is http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/museum/. My experience visiting this museum was very different
from the other museums that I have visited more recently. It provided a great deal of interesting
insight and topics for discussion for me to consider. My overall experience consists of the museum's
setting, any personal interactions that occurred, my analysis of my favorite work of art that I
encountered, and my opinions on viewing art in person rather than through other material. This
museum's setting was not at all what I had expected and was rather disappointing. Most museums
have a very solemn and academic mood that encourages silence and thoughtfulness. The Longmont
Museum, however, is set up more like a childrens play area than an actual museum. There needs to
be balance between children's' activities and adult academic learning. Children and adults should
both be able to benefit from visiting the museum. Also, earlier in the semester when I was planning
where to visit, this museum was the first search item that appeared after I Googled "Longmont Art ...
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The woman who I spoke to at the front desk was very kind and considerate. She was very friendly
and trusting and I made me very excited to see the gallery. I was also very encouraged at how many
children were present and enjoying their learning experience. I believe that the majority of
archaeology's worth comes from how the public benefits, even if it is only some joy at learning an
interesting fact. Seeing children introduced to history and archaeology so young and enjoying the
encounter is one that will always bring me a great amount of joy. So, although I wish adults could
also benefit from this museum, I truly appreciate its ability to engage childrens'
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The Art Museum
San Francisco Modern Art Museum
On October 25, the class went to San Francisco to visit the San Francisco Modern Art Museum. In
the museum, there were many interesting and fascinating art pieces. The SFMoma is a large and
spacious museum. The exhibits are large and in each exhibit there is at least one famous art piece.
My favorite floor would have been floors 5, 6,and 7 because of all the famous artworks such as
Andy Warhol's Triple Elvis and Nine Marilyns in them. The overall appearance of the museum was
One piece of art that I enjoyed in the SFMoma was the Policeman by Duane Hanson. This art piece
was made through 1992–1994. I enjoyed this art piece because this sculpture is very realistic. The
viewer could see the veins in the arms and face. You were able to see the the individual hairs on the
policeman's arms, neck, and face. On the face, there are patches of red on his cheeks. His mustache
had the overgrown look, so there was hair on his lip. His eyes look directly to the viewer. He doesn't
have much emotion on his face He has a dispassionate and stern look. The fabric he is wearing had a
cotton like texture making it believable. Duane Hanson is known for making sculptures like this
one. His style is usually related to pop art or modern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lichtenstein created this piece in 1978. This art piece was created using oil and magna on canvas. I
found this painting interesting because the art piece is very colorful and has many dots and lines
giving it the pop art/comic book look. The figures in this art piece don't stand out a lot. The lines and
dots in my opinion make the painting really pop out to the viewer. The painting is has overall happy
mood, there aren't any dark colors showing otherwise. Figures with Sunset is a cubist painting and
its genre is abstract art. Figures with Sunset is a very large piece of artwork, almost taking up an
entire wall in the museum, at 107 x 167
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The Art Museum
Case Study: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
A study case: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the best social media practices
The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is a benchmark in the innovation of digital
communication strategies and uses of social media. It has 1,272,482 followers in Facebook and
913,642 followers in Twitter. (Museum Analytics website).
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) has one of the largest and most important art collections in
the world, divided into 19 departments, each one with a specialized roster of curators, researchers
and conservators. (The Metropolitan Museum website).
The area in charge of communication, design, museography and online communities is the
Department of Creative Development. Therefore, all these areas work together. The creative ...
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The important thing is that everyone who reads their publications can understand what they do in the
museum, in addition to maintaining a constant dialogue with the public.
Brian Droitcour says in his article, The Institution as User: Museums and Social Media, published
by the electronic magazine Art in America the following:
"The Metropolitan Museum of Art uses its Twitter account like a help desk, fielding queries and
requests of all sorts from visitors to their New York home, and from curious users and other
institutions. Most queries get an instant reply, acknowledging the question and asking the user to
wait; a subsequent follow–up provides an answer. The social media manager consults with the
relevant expert at the museum and reports back: it's social media as switchboard." (Art in America
Magazine website).
The goal of the Met in social media is to remain as a reference for culture, reaching more and more
people, for this, it is important to stay close to the audience interested in our content and involved in
what we do, this is only achieved by promoting communication one by
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The Art Museum
Patricia Art Museum
The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum located in the Florida International University (FIU)
campus is a major cultural institution and has been opened since 1977. The building has three floors
and several galleries to display numerous art works. In the first floor there is a gallery exclusively
for kids. Here you can find all sorts of art stations to have kids develop and explore their creative
and artistic side. The second floor is dedicated to the traveling exhibits; during the visit of this paper
the museum had two traveling/special exhibits in display. One of the exhibits was by the Cuban
artist Carlos Luna, Green Machine and the other by a traveling photographer Richard Saxton, Creole
World. In the third floor of the museum there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Richard demonstrated the uniqueness and similarities found from major cities like New Orleans,
Ecuador, Panama, Columbia and Argentina. Added to his photography trip were also major towns
like Havana, Cienfuegos, and Santiago in Cuba and Cap Haitien, Port–au–Prince, and Marigot in
All of Richard's exhibits where of pictures taken of a trip but the most significant of all was that of a
portrait 24"x36" which consisted of a modern 25 story building that covered the portrait from top to
bottom and edge to edge. The building was the Edificio Focsa in a Varadero Neighborhood in Cuba.
In front of this massive modern building was a three story white building in ruins. Here you can see
right through it since there were no windows or doors and partial walls standing. This was an
impressive view of how modernism overwhelms the original colonial heritage architecture.
A piece of art work that can be considered as a piece to include in any home would have to be the
work done by John Sanchez, (United States, b. 1973). In his oil on canvas called A Wanted
Melancholy, 2007 depicts a night life intersection after a rain fall. As you look up close, all you see
are smudges of oil paint and colors no real detail but as you stand back the details appear. Reflection
from the street lights on the wet streets and the light from the cars shinning on the street together
with the window lights from the building above are what make this artwork come to
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The Art Museum
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay
Positioned alongside Central Park within the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of
Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive
collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The
context of museums, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a
set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings
about each individual object within a museum. By analyzing two separate works on exhibit at the
Met, I will pose the argument that museums offer a unique expression of a world view that is
dictated through every element of its construction.
An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different
meaning if it were for sale by a street vendor, such as the individuals who set up their tables only a
few feet away from the Met. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects
obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings." The different meanings that
objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object
itself and the environment that it is located in. These relationships often involve the kind of audience
that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibit is laid out. Museums
subsequently have the ability
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The Art Museum
Art Museum
When I was younger, I thought museums were boring and dull, filled with pointless, nonsensical art
work that people just pretended to understand what the artists were thinking. I thought people
interpreted imaginary meanings from the art that other people just followed and accepted because it
was the "cool" thing to do. This is one of the main reasons I avoided going to museums that were art
based. Once I got the opportunity to visit an art–based museum for myself, I actually enjoyed it. I
began to build my admiration and appreciation of art from then on. I have had the opportunity to
visit many museums but this was the first time I visited The Museum of Modern Art. I always saw
MoMA related things around New York City but was never able to ... Show more content on
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I think that is true very often because people are not willing to compromise and listen to the things
others have to say. This piece maybe in a subconscious way reminded me of a current relationship I
have and I am kind of going through the same idea of two people not understanding each other and
their spikes being unable to interlock because of the lack of communication. Along with the
description given about the piece, it is said that the male and female form are locked in violent
opposition, which somewhat similar to how I currently feel. I was also interested in this piece
because I wanted to know if by rearranging a few things and shifting a few spikes if the male and
female would ever be able to interlock with one another? Could come to an understanding and be
able to be together? The end of the story to this sculpture I thought would help me understand and
be able to access my own situation. I love, enjoy, and appreciate how much art can make you think
and reflect on yourself and your involvement and interactions with the world. I was able to reflect
on myself and a relationship from a 3D work of art that has been around for decades and has
probably sat in the same spot for years. I think visiting museums and analyzing and assessing art can
be beneficial in more ways than people
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The Art Museum
Art Galleries And Art Museums
An institution with the purpose of preserving, protecting and publically displaying collections
ranging from various paintings to different artefacts are museums. Their historical development also
led to intellectual evolution and divergence of the public thought on objects that are placed inside.
Today we question the values of seeing those objects; for an example, museum sceptics undermine
the value of museums and collections. Nevertheless, there are several main points that argue against
the beliefs of "museum sceptics" and they propose that when seeing objects in a museum we gain
value of praising and preserving the past, preserving cultural heritage and acquire an educational
Art galleries and museums are nowadays indispensable institutions mainly in important cities
around the world. The Metropolis provides the perfect social and political environment to develop
the civic ritual founded by Art Museums and its now rooted tradition. (Duncan, 1995, p.21)
However, predominant thought that questions seeing objects in a museum is proposed by the
"museum sceptics". According to Carrier, museum sceptics state that art in museums does not
survive, meaning it loses its power. Museums de facto fail to preserve the art constituted in old
objects that are collected. This belief also rejects 'time travel' in museums since they argue that it is
only an illusion. (Carrier, 2006, pp. 50–51) This is a rather philosophical approach, but it strongly
rejects the claim that old
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The Art Museum
Tacoma Art Museum
Introduction On November 27th, 2017 I visited Tacoma Art Museum (TAM) a regional museum that
inspires and builds community through art. The museum is located at1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma,
Washington State. I was opportune to view collections of Dale Chihuly glassworks, European
impressionism, Japanese prints and America art. One of the collections I will like to talk on is the
Anne Gould Hauberg exhibition which include some of Dale Chihuly collection. Anne Hauberg,
John Hauberg her husband and Dale Chihuly are co–founder of Pilchuck glass school.
Anne Gould Hauberg (1917 – 2016) was a revered collector and a patron of arts in the Northwest
who began collecting in early 1940s when she returned to Seattle to be with her family during ...
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His painting of "Cherokee Roses" of 1880s, a flower brought from Asia and found throughout the
Southeastern United States. Heads "Cherokee Rose" painting depicts the simple white flower on
velvet cloths of various colors. He uses variety of textures like glass, water, velvet, wood and flower
to show his incredible adeptness at painting the contrast of any surface. His painting also captures
the cycle of life for the delicate flower showing bud to full blooms to flowers at the end of their life.
Heade's still–life painting was celebrated during the artist's lifetime for their deceivingly life–like
perfection and realism (TAM, 2017). The texture of Edmund Charles Tarbell and Martin Johnson
Heade painting can be liken to Giorgione and Titian Venetian High Renaissance element of painting
(H. Sayre, 2011, pp
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The Art Museum
Reflection On The Tampa Museum Of Art
For this project, I chose to go to the Tampa Museum of Art. I took my eleven year old daughter
Annabelle with me, she is an aspiring young artist who loves to paint and assemble collages. This
paper will describe the museum's activities and what was on exhibit. After which, I will choose two
works of art and do an in–depth analysis on them. I will use the formal elements and the principles
of design to engage the artworks "The Great Journey" and "A Group of Cubans who left Manzanillo
are Rescued at Sea". Yesterday (Oct, 15 2016), my daughter and I went to our first art museum
together, which was the Tampa Museum of Art and I must say that it was truly interesting. The
museum was celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, so we were able ... Show more content on
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I chose this particular painting for two reasons, one it validates why I chose the "The Great Journey"
and two, it also juxtaposes it. "A Group of Cubans who left Manzanillo are Rescued at Sea" would
be better understood with a contextual analysis. Knowing the history of the Cuban people, their
political, economic, and social issues would shed some light on why so many risk their lives trying
to make it to America. This painting is made for public viewing, to memorialize and remind people
of an actual real life incident that occurred back in August of 2014. KHCO shows us Cuban
survivors being pulled from the waters after being stranded at sea between Florida and Cuba, many
died trying to reach American soil. The red resembles blood in the water, transforming feeling and
ideas into a clear symbol of those lost while trying to flee their country. The impression this painting
left on me is the same as the one the sculpture did, this unfathomable idea of living in such a place
that would force me risk not only my life but the life of my children, just to
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The Art Museum
The Philadelphia Museum Of Art Museum
The Philadelphia Museum of Art was my first time to an art museum, and overall I think it was a
good experience. When I thought of an art museum, I thought it was going to be all paintings. But as
it turns out, that idea was wrong. There were lots of other forms of art there as well. The exhibit that
I enjoyed the most was the International Pop exhibit. But there were also many other exhibits that I
enjoyed as well. Some of those include; European, American, Arms and Armor. All every interesting
exhibits that everyone should see. But those are not all, when going to this museum, every exhibit
should be looked at, all have very interesting things in them. The International pop exhibit was one
of my favorite out of all the exhibits. The "International Pop navigates a fast–paced world packed
with bold and thought–provoking imagery, revealing a vibrant period shaped by social, political, and
cultural changes". One piece of art that I found interesting was "Still Life" by "Tom Wesselmann,
American, 1931–2004". When looking at this piece if reminds me of different time. This piece
reminds me of other art works that I have seen with the same kinds of things on it as well. Another
work of art that I enjoyed was the "20th/21st–Century Tribute" by "Antônio Henrique Amaral", this
painting makes the viewer actually stop and look at it. There are many different parts to this painting
too look at. When walking through the museum, this was definitely something that catches ones'
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The Art Museum
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay
Positioned alongside Central Park in the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive
collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The
context of museum, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a
certain set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct
meanings about each individual object within the museum. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual
Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical
settings."An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly
different meaning if it was put on sale by a street vendor, like the ones who set up their tables in
close proximity to the Met. The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the
relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that surrounds it.
These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is
exhibited, and how the exhibits within a museum is planned out. Museums subsequently have the
ability to control how these relationships are established which influences the way a viewer is able
to construct meaning. When a visitor observes an object on display at the Met, they instinctively
construct a certain set of
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The Art Museum
Speed Art Museum
The Speed Art Museum, originally known as the J.B. Speed Memorial Museum, now commonly
referred to as the Speed by locals in the Louisville area, is the oldest, largest, and the primary
museum of art in Kentucky.
In 2013, the museum decided to conduct a three year renovation. The new North Building includes
an unprecedented 9,000 square foot gallery dedicated to the display of the Speed's contemporary art
collection. The museum hired architect, Kulapat Yantrasast. The architect decided to add multiple
new additions to the museum, to a state–of–the–art–cinema from and re–imagined Art Sparks to an
outdoor Art Park, the Bangkok native added new exciting additions to the museum.
The Speed includes five levels: A lower, upper, first, second and ... Show more content on
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Including artwork from the fourth millennium BC to today's world, the museum truly holds a
collection to see. From incredibly large painting created in the thirteen–hundreds to marvelous
detailed sculptures built in the early seventeen–hundreds the museum's eight collections holds a
variety of items to see.
Each of the exhibits are done very well, including a variety of items for each collection. Each
exhibit includes art pieces that fit in their category. For example, my favorite art piece of the
museum, the fifteen foot painting of ancient dutch philosophers would fit in the category, "Dutch
and Flemish".
My overall view of the museum is very positive. I truly enjoyed visiting the museum and observing
all of the various art pieces the museum holds. It was very interesting to see the large paintings in
the "Dutch and Flemish" collection because I personally have always been a painting type of person
rather than sculptures and drawings.
I would most definitely recommend the museum to others. I would mostly recommend it to those
individuals who enjoy to see artwork and are interested in historical paintings and
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The Art Museum
The Atlanta Museum Of Art
On November 7, 1883, an exhibition organized by "May Wright Sewell, her husband Theodore, and
a small group of art–minded citizens" (History, 2017) began what would one day become the
establishment now known as the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Since that first exhibition, the IMA
has gone through several identity changes. They were first named, the Art Association of
Indianapolis. Their next identity was as the John Herron Art Institute, which opened a whole new
chapter, as they became "a campus featuring both a museum and an art school." (History, 2017)
Today, the IMA is one of the largest encyclopedic art museums in the nation. The IMA has had
various leadership and staff over the years that have lent to how the museum operates today. ...
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Library and Archives
Many do not know that the IMA houses two different libraries. The Stout Reference Library and the
Horticultural Society Library provide numerous resources for their visitors, which mainly consist of
students, IMA Staff, docents, collectors, researchers and even members of the community. The Stout
Reference Library "focuses on the encyclopedia collection of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, while
also providing general information about art and art history of all periods." (Stout Reference Library,
2017) The Horticultural Society Library "houses more than 2,000 volumes, including general
reference books and books on landscaping, specific plant families and horticulture." (Horticultural
Society Library, 2017) I mention the libraries because this semester, I am technically considered a
library and archives intern at the IMA. My mentor however is the archivist, Samantha Norling. She
has done impressive work at the IMA in such a short time. She jump–started the Archives online
portal, which consists of thousands of digitized items from the archives. The IMA received a
"generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)" (Documenting Modern
Living, 2017), that allowed for 17,000 items from the Miller House and Garden archival collection
to be digitized.
Project Topic
What I have learned in such a short time, is that the most impressive work happens behind
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The Art Museum
Houston's Fine Arts Museum Analysis
The Museum of Fine Arts is one of the largest museums in the United States. Walking throughout
the museum one will see more than six thousand years of history and about sixty four thousand
works from six continents. Houston has one of the largest and most diverse art collection in the
Southwestern United States. The main reason behind my museum choice is my love and fascination
towards all the different art pieces from around the world. The major focus that can be found at
Houston's Fine Arts Museum is informing and teaching many of all ages about the history of art.
Also, positioning art and the museum as a meaningful part of a well– rounded life. Majority of the
Fine Arts Museum collection include the areas of Italian Renaissance painting,
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The Art Museum
The Importance Of Art Museums In The 21st Century
Art museums are special and they can be anything to any certain person. Art museums have always
been a place where people can advance their knowledge about history or a place to preserve special
things. You can think of it to be a place that holds precious treasures. Art museums all over the
world have been a place for people to come together and socialize about what is being observed.
There are so many interpretations what art museums can hold which is amazing knowing people
simply come to visit museums to enjoy the beauty and inspiration behind the art shown. Art
museums of the 21st century have evolved as culture evolves and has shown us what type of art is
being prioritized, changed, and re–thinks the purpose of museums, as well as how art museums are
booming in which they are being developed til this day.
Karsten Schubert's article, "The Curator's Egg", tells us about the characteristics of these "new
museums" in terms of what is prioritized, sacrificed, and how museums acting like corporations can
lead to problematic issues. Schubert states, art for all has given way to the 'democracy of spectacle':
an ambition to be attractive to the greatest number of people at all costs. It seems as if new museums
have prioritized to showcase what the visitors would appreciate. As a millennial living in the 21st
century, I have witnessed that art museums have only seem to attract people if the installations and
the artwork are instagram worthy. Instead of focus there would be
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The Art Museum
Philadelphia Art Museum Essay
The exhibit that I viewed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art was one about European Art between
the years 1100–1500. This was a series of paintings, sculptures, architecture, and tapestry of the
Medieval and Early Renaissance as well as objects from the Middle East. This exhibit was an
important part of the history of the Philadelphia Museum of Art because for the first time, Italian,
Spanish, and Northern European paintings from the John G. Johnson collection were shown. It gave
me a good idea of what the paintings were like in these four centuries and reflected ideas of both the
east and the west.
As I walked into the first gallery, I saw a wood sculpture that stood in the ... Show more content on
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The cloister stood in the heart of a medieval abbey or monetary. The example that I saw was based
on the elements of the cloister "located at Abbey of Saint–Genis–des–Fontaines in the Roussillon, a
mountainous region in Southwestern France that was fought over by Christians and Muslims for
centuries". The cloister was the center of the abbey; which connected the living quarters to the
I also observed many paintings in this gallery. One painting that caught my eye was titled, "The
Mocking of Christ" by Hieronymus Bosch. It was an early 16th century, oil on wood painting. Christ
was seen in the upper right next to Pilate and was surrounded by figured who looked more like
friends than enemies that would crucify him. These so called friends of Christ were holding
weapons and wearing bizarre headgear. In the painting, Jesus had a saddened look on his face while
the others looked jollier. Another painting that I observed was a painting by Defendate Ferrari which
showed the enthroned Virgin Mary breastfeeding the baby Jesus with Saint John the Evangelist,
Catherine of Alexandra, Anthony Abbot, and a saint reading a book. I was attracted to this painting
because I would never have thought to have seen a picture of Mary feeding Jesus in that way. This
painting was originally an oil and gold on wood and was transferred to canvas. There were so many
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The Art Museum
Tampa Museum Of Art
Back in my school years I used to visit many historical museums, where I learned a lot about the
culture and society of the past. As I have always been interested in history and arts, all that was a
breathtaking experience for me. I believe that these museums is the best way to get closer to lives of
our ancestries and it can help us to see the world in a different way. However, to be more
knowledgeable about the world we live in, it's also extremely important to be familiar with modern
art. So this time I decided to experience something new and started searching for a museum which
would contain works of contemporary artists. Tampa Museum of Art was a great option. This
Museum was founded in 1979 and since then it has curated three exhibitions covering the Classical
World to Mid–Century Modernist works, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I have read some information about the museum on its site, and decided that I should definitely go
there. When I came to the museum, the first thing that impressed me was the astonishing building: it
was a masterpiece itself. The exterior of the Tampa Museum of Art has a light installation, and all I
wanted at that moment is night to come so I could see thousands of colored lights reflected in the
surface of the river that flows near the museum. What's more, I liked the design of the museum
inside as well. There were white walls and perfect lighting, and nothing would bother
contemplation. In many museums I have visited before there was a lot of distractions, but in this
museum everything was done on the principle of simplicity, and that was very pleasing to me.
Moreover, when we came inside of the museum, it was almost empty. There were just a few visitors,
who were fascinated by various drawings and statues. Most of the visitors were teenagers, what
slightly surprised me. I
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The Art Museum
Phoenix Art Museum
Museum Report Before I went to the museum, my prospective about a museum was poor
expectations. What can a museum will offer? , this was one of the questions that I always had in
mind. For these reasons, I never thought that I could enjoy a museum tour. However, everything
change after visited the Phoenix Art Museum. I went to the trip with poor expectations, but since I
arrived in the lobby with all of my classmates and the professor. I started feel that this trip will be
sash an educational experience. First, I arrived at the Phoenix Art Museum and honestly I was going
for my grade. But my mind change as soon I get into the lobby. Everyone was exited, some people
look really knowledgeable about art, and I heard them talking about pieces of art that Mr. Bierly talk
about it. The workers were very friendly and amiable. They always smile at you making you felt
welcome and those actions made me feel more comfortable. Next, each room of art were unique.
When I get into each room, some things that surprise me that each room was very exclusive, original
and uncommon. Also, the rooms were very enlightened and I personally felt that each room had
something for everyone in the family. Another thing that I noted of the museum was the accessibility
of each floor, so anybody can go and have a great time without ... Show more content on
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I learned a lot from this trip. It was an unforgettable moment. I loved that Mr. Bierly presented all
the pieces then for a person who was the first time visited a museum, I felt that was the best and
even for others then already had been in one .I am very sure, it was better and more instructive. I
liked that we could have our time to explore more pieces then tried to apply what Mr. Bierly taught
in class. One thing that I experienced in the trip, while he was explaining each pieces of art, I was
able to understand then apply my knowledge on it. I really enjoyed time in the
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The Art Museum
Description And Reflection Of The Dallas Museum Of Art
Prof: C. Sanford
!8th November, 2017
Description and Reflection of Dallas Museum The Dallas Museum is a renowned art museum
established in 1903 and is located in Dallas, Texas (Neumann et al. 19). The Dallas Museum of art is
one of the largest art museums in the United States of America containing more than 24,000
collections of art ranging from the ancient to the modern ones (MacDonald & Brettell 112). There
are numerous things inside the museum, such as the pieces of art, museum visitors, and the
architecture, that relate to the understanding of the world outside the museum in terms of the day to
day life and the human society. My goal in this essay is to think outside the box and describe the
observations I made inside the museum and explain how they relate to my everyday life, the wider
world, or the human society. The painting work done by C. Bertram Hartman was the first piece of
art I observed inside the Dallas Museum. This painting, completed in 1930, consists of a campanile–
type tower, most likely a representation of a historic skyscraper (Walker 73). The painting applies a
fractured perspective blended on an urban look with muted color palettes accompanied by harsh
shadows (MacDonald & Brettell 117). The painting is a reflection of the dynamism and energetic
expansion of the current New York City. The geometrical arrangement of the buildings in the
painting resemble the current scenes witnessed in New York, championing a fast pace and a
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The Art Museum
Why Libraries And Art Museums Serve The World
It means knowing exactly what your institution stands for, how we want to distinguish who we are,
how do we want to deliver the very best kind of result, cost effectively to the constituents that we
serve. In that sense, competitiveness is really important. It advances distinctiveness, when it is done
well, in its control. Finally, I think all of us have a responsibility, and especially you guys, for
thoughtful advocacy for the core value of what our institutions represent. Why do libraries and art
museums serve the world in fundamentally important ways? In much the same way one might argue
why liberal education and the humanities are important. There are core skills that we all know, that
those experiences in libraries, art museums, and so forth, help students to develop and that
contribute to the world in deep and meaningful ways. Foundational skills of, visual analysis, written
communication, and all of those things that go into being a thoughtful being that can make good
decisions. Rational approaches to reasoning. All of those things, education helps us to advance and
whatever one goes on to do when they graduate. Those skills will serve them well, there is no
question. Advancing critical literacy skills, how does one engage with ways of knowing? How does
one begin to understand bodies of knowledge and the vocabulary's that are behind them? That is
something that we help them to do, and once you learn how to do that and understand that it is a
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The Art Museum
Art Museum
Many in the modern world seem to take great pride in the rapid pace which life holds for most of us.
It is as if we might squeeze a few more precious moments of life's experience for ourselves if we
move a bit faster. In reality, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the slow consideration of the
phenomena we experience everyday. Art is something static which we might use to slow us in our
perception of our world. It is not required that art be something static in motion but in thought. It is
not something to be considered with only fleeting attention. A single painting could mean millions
of different things to different people. It is the value of possibility and of perception that is so
important. The Weatherspoon Art Museum at UNCG is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
If not for the people, the museum would be only a building full of objects without meaning and
without importance. From the very young to the old, men, women, any person imaginable can be
seen viewing and appreciating the art and enjoying the experience. Many can be seen with quizzical
looks when viewing different pieces. It can be assumed that many of these looks can either be
attributed to the strangeness of what is being viewed, or perhaps because it is difficult to understand
why some of the things shown were made in the first place.
The pale walls of the gallery seem to bring the art they surround into greater relief, although if
intricate décor was interspersed between the art it would definitely distract from the main attraction.
One particular attraction that grasps much attention most firmly was the sculpture garden. It is
enough to see framed and flat painting mounted against the wall, but to see things that can be
walked around gives greater dimension to what is seen. A piece that was particularly interesting was
the Triangular Solid with circular by David Graham. It was created using translucent materials and
is really nothing more than simple geometry however the effect that is created is something quite
perplexing. It creates something that quite clearly creates the illusion of a distortion of reality. One
can walk around it several times before the illusion is complete is its
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The Art Museum
Museum Field Trips to National Gallery of Art (NGA) and...
The two sites that I have chosen to compare are the National Gallery of Art (NGA) and The
Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met). The reason I chose these specific sites was the first images
I saw which made me want to explore the webpages. I will be comparing the visual quality of the
homepage, pictures, text, and content along with the overall quality of the two sites. I will go into
detail about the differences and which site, in my opinion, would be more enjoyable based on their
website. Upon first glance of their homepages, the two sites look completely different in style.
When The Metropolitan Museum homepage loaded, I was in awe of the bold image of a man's face
covered with ink art. It was eye–catching at first, but then I noticed there was no other graphics or
pictures on the homepage. The one slide show picture did not even fill the screen from side to side
either. It left a kind of boring, bland feeling with me. Then I clicked on the link for the National
Gallery of Art homepage. As this site loaded, it filled the computer screen with side to side full
color. The background was a beautiful picture of an elegant cathedral–like building. In the middle of
this eye–catching background was a slide menu where each group had its very own beautiful
picture. Another refreshing feature is that the background image changes often so that each time I
visited it is was a different background image. Although the menu pictures were not as large as The
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The Art Museum
University Art Museum
The University Art Museum Case Analysis
Suzana Duran MNGT 372
Professor Quimei Xu
I. Relevant Facts/Background
The Art Museum is a building on the university premises that is providing a place for the art
collection of a university. The building was given to the university by an alumnus around 1929. The
wealthy son of the university's first president served as the museum's unpaid director until his death.
He brought a few extra collections to the museum during his service, and while serving as unpaid
director, none of the collections was ever shown to anybody except a few members of the
university's art history faculty. The university practically gave the position to amateur art supporter,
Miss Kirkoff, after the director's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The real issue was not that the new director opened the doors to the public, but the management
organization at the University Art Museum. There are three main points as listed by "the elderly
statesmen of the faculty" that need to be addressed and clearly defined for the museum: its mission,
its direction, and its objectives. These are clearly the focal problems in this case. What the university
has to do as a whole is to set organizational goals and develop the plans to accomplish them. The
museum is not thriving with the school as well as it has in the past, and the direction of the
university is being questioned. III. Critical Analysis
The later director wanted it to be a community resource as said in the case, and the museum gained
bad reputation during that time as an academic resource. The building was designed by Miss Kirkoff
to help university and its alumni in their pursuit of knowledge. It failed greatly to support the
university and the public. At the time, the museum expected to hire a director and allow them to
shape the museum in any way they see suitable. The university on the other hand should have
identified the direction they want the museum to head in and create guidelines for a director to
First, top managers at any organization, and in this case are the Dean and the board of directors of
the University, have to assess the opportunities and threats in external environment and internal
strengths and weaknesses as well. Next thing is to
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The Art Museum
Museum Of Art
The Getty's Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA initiative allowed to take advantage of the opportunity to
attend the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). I was able to take advantage of looking
at three different exhibitions in a span of 4 hours but will only be discussing two of them, which are,
the "Playing with Fire: Paintings by Carlos Almaraz" and "Found in Translation: Design in
California and Mexico, 1915–1985." These two exhibitions really brought forth a different
perspective through history by tying in the experience that Chicanos, Indigenous, and Latino/a folks
have had to learn to endure and navigate when Spaniard colonization and American industrialization
began to take place. Also, I was able to view and listen online to two ... Show more content on
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This was the first time in 30 years that his artwork as a Mexican–American, Chicano artist, was
displayed and put in one central location all together. He formed a part of the Chicano art movement
during the 1970's he founded an artist collective called Los Four in order to bring attention to the art
that was being created not only by them but from other Chicano/as. The artwork that Almaraz
created was meant to be cultural and political however, as he evolved and changed as person so did
his art pieces. Some seem to be giving you a more private insider to his thoughts and life, you could
tell he was an extremely complex character. Almaraz did not separate any of his cultural knowledge
and contradictory identities he carried. Instead he chose to embrace through his artwork "hybridity
and crossover" since some of his ideas even for the 1970's could potentially be seen as controversial.
The art piece called "The Struggle of Mankind" created in 1984 is very sexually and erotically
charged. It is an explicit piece that shows two naked men who are wrestlers seem to be engaging in
some sort of "homoerotic" encounter. Almaraz begins to explore themes of sexual fluidity which
was quite daring of him to publically display. This brought me to remember a part in the book of
"Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis" where in chapter one, Perversions, where the
Poet Salvador Novo affirms his sexual orientation with such
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
The Art Museum
The Museum Of Ancient Egyptian Art
The Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art collections, including artifacts and objects relating to the
different periods of ancient Egyptian history, starting from the prehistoric period until the Greek
roman period. The museum maintains an information system consisting of all the records pertaining
to the museum's collection. The principle components of this system are as following:
1. Board of Trustees Records:
The Board of Trustees Records reflect the activities of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art Board.
The records basically are pertaining to the several Broad Presidents and the Broad Members
Corporate documents such as the museum bylaws, leases, and agreements.
Documents which contain the museum's financial information.
Correspondence which contains the communications to and from the board of Trustees other than
the president.
Minutes from the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, Senior Board, and various committees. They
include resolutions, votes, correspondence, memos, and amendments to the museum's bylaws.
Trustee Manuals which contain copies of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art 's mission, code of
ethics, bylaws, collection policy, accession and deaccession policy, Museum's acquisition policy,
and strategic plan, as well as lists of museum's staff, trustees, trustee committees.
The director 's annual reports presented by the director of the Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art
to the Board of Trustees outlining the various activities of the different
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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The Art Museum

  • 1. The Art Museum During my visit to the Art museum I was able to look at the artwork with detail and see it in a different perception. When I was in elementary school I used to visit the Museum of Fine Arts frequently, at that time my teachers and guide used to tell us descriptions of the artworks, but at that age I didn't understand the meaning of the art pieces. At that time the pieces of artwork in the museum just seem like a piece of art, drawings, and sculptures. Now as an adult, I know that for every artwork made there is a story behind the art. Artwork can be also a form to express feeling, culture, or meaning. What I learn from going to the museum was that art can be created and express in many different ways. In the museum there were many different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Philadelphia Art Museum My trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art was really knowledgeable, joyful and informative. This Museum of Art is the largest museum in the United States. When I arrived at the front of the museum I was surprised and amazed how beautiful was the front entrance. The unique design and the gigantic pillared building attracted me. The entrance had a huge statue of a lady with a bow and arrow in her hand at the top of the Museum's Great Stair Hall known as Diana (1892 – 1893) by Augustus Saint– Gaudens. Diana is made up with copper sheets with the height of 14 feet 6 inches. I was fascinated with many of the exhibits they had set up. There were rooms with different groups of art according to their type, year and location they were made. All of the art in the art museum were interesting to look at and interpret. There were many paintings in the museum which caught my attraction. One of the painting I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Picasso was born on October 25 1881, Nationality: Spanish and the movement of his artwork were Cubism, and Surrealism. Art is an artist's individual interpretation of the subject. Female nude is a piece of art which makes the viewer think what is the artist trying to express by his painting. I was really confused at first when I looked at the art work and it took me a while to figure out what the art really means to its viewer. In general, the visual elements present in the art work like color, shape, lines, curves, and the subject itself are most remarkable visual features. While viewing this piece of art one thing you will notice is the color shade and the sharpen lines of the artwork attracts the viewers and hold you up for a while. Deep color combination of the background and the bright color frame work makes the piece look more vivid and attractive. I am still not quite sure about what is the artist trying to express from this painting but all in all I really liked this piece of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. QUT Art Museum When visiting an exhibit space one of the first things a viewer sees is the area that the works are exhibited in. There is more to exhibiting a work in a space than just putting in the room and expecting that to be satisfactory. Lighting, walls, art placement, viewer interaction and many more are an important park of how successful an exhibit can be. When a viewer enters the QUT Art Museum they first see the reception desk with the typical white walls that one would expect from a museum or gallery. To the right of this desk one can see a large room with black walls that are in direct contrast to the reception area, inviting the viewer to investigate what this room is. Walking towards the room the viewer is confronted with a large seemingly out of place wall separating the room seen from the reception from another room on the right with what looks like a huge bolder. The left room has what looks like a bunch of randomly assorted objects placed on a very large black circle. These objects are arranged on the floor purposefully lower than the viewer's natural line of sight, this work is named "Amorphology–A". Further to the left of this one will see "Soft Shoulder" which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With over one hundred art works by eighty artists from all up the Asia Pacific as opposed to four works from a single artist. With QAGOMA being a popular tourist attraction its target audience has a much larger range than that of "Catacoustics 3", with people of all ages coming to see the works sections of the gallery were made for children. As well as areas with multiple video/digital works and huge interactive sculptures the process of installing each and every work in the spaces would have taken teams of curators and technicians. With works that span walls that are three stories tall and interactive installations that are similar in scale there is a sense of wonder and awe rather than the intimate self reflective feeling of "Catacoustics ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Philadelphia Art Museum Essay The last time I ever visited The Philadelphia Art Museum was in the sixth grade. At the time, I did not care much for art nor appreciated it. I was ignorant to how beautiful and meaningful art actually is. Most importantly, I never recognized the talented artists within the museum. However, as I grew older I became more interested with art. I wanted to learn the different principles, techniques, and methods on how to create art. Taking art classes throughout high school and now college, has made me find a new value and love for art. Art is truly a treasure. Re–entering The Philadelphia Art Musuem almost a decade later, I entered the museum with a fresh mind and pure admiration. I have always been more interested in European Art and The Philadelphia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The artist created every figure clearly to show the emotions of the different figures faces. Also, he put time into the detail of the clothing to show more emphasis and create a better work of art. All the figures in the painting are life–sized and are to scale with their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Museum Of Contemporary Art Cleveland From Euclid Avenue to the east, visitors will enjoy the various buildings in Cleveland. From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the Tower City, to the University Circle, where there are many of amazing museums. No matter the famous Cleveland museum of art or Natural History Museum. The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, is undoubtedly a unique one. During the day, pedestrians and passersby see themselves reflected in the surface. As dusk sets in the building 's interior reveals itself and guests get clear views into the building. Glass windows cut diagonally across several facets of the building following the building 's geometry and creating banner like views into all four floors. The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Looking inside the building, color plays a crucial role in Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland building while the buildings dark reflective exterior offers little evidence of the interior structure. The experience inside is more open and translucent. After entering the building, guests will identify that individual floors through pale grey striping and full glass windows that reveal different interior. Back of house, spaces like exhibition workshops and conference rooms contrasting these light gray bands of color the building envelope hovers above the interior space like an abstracted shell. One of the most striking aspects of this envelope is its color. The interior is treated with an intense white and blue fireproof paint that immerses guests in the experience of color a hue that has been the topic of intense artistic scrutiny in modern and contemporary art(New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015). Blue is a highly elusive color as FNMA design architect Elliott Hodge 's notes quote Farshid Mousavi was inspired by Yves Klein in the selection of blue from interior (Grabowski, J. J., & Van Tassel, David D, 2006). In particular, a blue that would read Dark first and blue second. visible in almost every public space (Glasner, Barbara, and Petra Schmidt, 2011). This blue ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Museum Of Modern Art Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds. Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls and would follow one swirl to another. These elements make the painting seems to be fluid and abstract. The yellow crescent moon at the upper right corner is blight and mild. It softens the painting to convey a sense of serenity. Compared to other Impressionist paintings, Starry Night is somehow different: van Gogh used very expressive color and distorted form to give the viewers a very bright picture. Van Gogh wrote a letter to his brother to point out that compared to other Impressionist artists of that time, he utilized "exaggeration in terms of composition." He uses techniques such as surrealism to draw those swirls. In Starry Night the landscape seems to be a way to convey the artist's emotion. I believe that the fight van Gogh had against his mental illness is reflected in the painting. When looking at the upper sky in the painting, there is a strong contrast between the sky and the stars, similar to what van Gogh experienced that time: his illness and his hope to recover. Van Gogh painted the village in dark color but on the contrary, he used bright color to draw the windows. I think this contrast gave people the idea that finally human should have hope and try their best to overcome the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Art Museum Vs. Private Museum Museum Comparison This paper compares four separate museums. The first two compared, are private art museums in the United States, compared to a private art museum in another country. Secondly, a university natural history museum is compared to another university natural history museum in a foreign country. The comparisons involve taking a closer look at the history, function, staffing, and programs at museums. Many reasons can lead collectors to starting a private museum. Whether collectors feel that a collection can serve an educational function, or perhaps to keep control over the collection, a private museum is an option that provides the public access to their work (Traditional Fine Arts Organization). One notable example is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The museum has a small staff of eight employees (two positions focused on education) and has an average of two–hundred visitors on a weekly basis (Buchanan 2002). The exhibit changes twice a year and they are considered one of the founders of the Miami art scene (Buchanan 2002). This museum is the Rubell Collection's main mission and function is to share their vast collection of contemporary art and support emerging artists. They have an active internship program, lecture series, and a partnership with Miami–Dade county schools to support education (The Rubell Collection). The museum also houses a research library with over forty–thousand volumes and a bookstore (The Rubell Collection). In order to share their expansive collections, the Rubells also lend their exhibits to other museums all over the world (Solway 2014). Taking a look at a private art museum in another country, The Pinacotheque in Paris is presented. The Pinacotheque is Paris's first private art museum and was established in 2007. Pinacotheque loosely translates into the image box (Restellini 2011). The Pinacotheque displays art like the Rubell Collection, but they are not displaying art from one collector, but many collectors. One exhibit included the art collection of two prominent Hungarian families: The Esterhazys and The Romanovs, from the eighteenth century (Restellini 2011). Their mission, like The Rubell Collection, is to make these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Cleveland Museum Of Art Analysis The Cleveland Museum of Art possess a collection of more than 30,000 works of art that ranges over 5,000 years (Ancient Egypt to present) from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. The museum opened on June 6, 1916 to give people access to physically visualize works of art created by intellectuals and to honor and appreciate the complexity of their art and legacy they left for us. This year makes the Cleveland Museum of Art's centennial, 100–year anniversary, so institutions around the world loaned works of art to the museum for a beautiful exhibition. In the Cleveland Museum of Art's permanent collection, it includes one of Nicolas Poussin's greatest accomplishment, The Holy Family on the Steps. Nicolas Poussin's The Holy Family on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Bellevue Art Museum I've been to many museums and art exhibitions before but this is the first time I ever attended one in Washington. Back in my country, my parents always take me to those places on the weekend and the passion of watching arts and crafts grew inside me since then. I first explored Bellevue Art Museum a few weeks ago when my friend said there is a really fascinating exhibition about modern sculpture as well as china painting materials. At first, I would never able to imagine how artists can bring animals such as deer and crow–like bird to blend with modern culture and use imagination to represent their idea about society. I really enjoy how visiting those places makes me appreciate the talents of the artists, looking at those sculptures and paintings ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The size of it is very small and therefore I was not expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised by the exhibitions. Even though Bellevue Art Museum is very small–scale with only three floors but the quality of exhibitions is incredible. When I first came in, I took the stairs to the entrance of the museum and proceeded into it through a resolving glass door. I purchased my ticket from a really friendly front desk woman and got the little green tab that you have to clip on to your body in order to let securities know that you paid to get in. The building itself is light, spacious and modern. It mostly built in concrete and glass with very sparse and open which helps audience to acknowledge what exhibits take center stage. The main level of the museum had very good natural lighting through skylight. On the outside, Bellevue Art Museum has a great red wall with benches therefore it looks extremely appealing to people. The architecture is awesome in some sort of obtuse triangle or trapezoid with variety in each wall of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis : The Art Museum Boston Cremes. Wayne Thiebaud, 1962, (14 in. x 18 in. Crocker Art Museum) This painting is done with oil on canvas. The painting itself holds visual texture and substance. The repetition and sorting is well executed. With some other works, subject matter which is so simple can come off as bland and boring. Yet Thiebaud was able to turn something so simple into a beautiful piece of art. Wayne Thiebaud uses heavy pigment and defined shadowing. All while the attention to detail is divine. With the well defines brushstrokes to luscious look of the frosting that coats the pieces of cakes. The color is vivid and imminently captures your eye; with intensity and he uses his shading properly while also using proper proportions as the pieces of pie ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also the subject matter on both side is not completely the same; you can sense it is an asymmetrical composition. The Problem We All Live With, Norman Rockwell, 1963. (36 in × 58 in, Norman Rockwell Museum Collections) The Crocker art museum held and exhibition titled the "American Chronicles the Art of Norman Rockwell" Within this exhibition held Rockwell's captivating work. One of Rockwell's best pieces is "The Problem We All Live With". It is done with oil and sets upon a canvas. The atmospheric space of the people within the panting, makes it clean and sets attention to the appropriate subject matter. The painting from a far may come off as simple; yet when you take a closer look you notice the small details that really pull the painting together. The colors are quite bland yet appropriate for the current setting. With many paintings there tends to be symbolism; and with this painting it is very clear. The content contains an image the first African–American child to attend a recent de– segregated school. Beyond the girl and her U.S marshall escorts you see tomatoe smudges from tomatoes being thrown and racial slurs written on the wall. The simplicity of the photo is so beautiful with such a raw and captivating message. Letting his work not only have his work hold history; but also tell a story. With implied lines guiding your eyes to different areas within the painting exposing more and more. "Portrait of My Father" Stephen J Kaltenbach 1972–1979(114 in. x 170 3/4 in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Essay A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art A Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art I. Jan van Eyck's "Last Judgment" Jan van Eyck was active since 1422 and died in 1441. He was the most celebrated painter of the fifteen–century in Europe. One of his famous works is "The Last Judgment". At first sight this work immediately attracted my attention. The painting's stunning colors and the fact that it reminded me of a previous similar work I have seen, triggered in my mind. The material that is used is oil on canvas, transferred from wood. The size of this work is 22 1/4 *7 2/3 in. (56.5 * 19.7cm). As I closely approached the painting I began to realize the differences between Jan van Eyck and Michelangelo's "Last Judgment". Contrary to Michelangelo's "Last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first sight of this painting extremely moved me. In this work, no other figures are represented and the setting is not recognizable. In the depth of his eyes one can see the suffering and pain for our human sacrifice. As well as this one can also see the holy look on the facial expression as he gently carries the cross. On the cross, above the left hand in Greek letters, "domenikos theotokopoulos epoiei" is written. "Christ Carrying the Cross" is one of the most intriguing work of art. It belongs to Robert Lehman collection since 1953. Its size is 41 3/8 * 31 in. (105 * 79 cm) and the material used to make it is oil on canvas. III. Pendant mask; Iyoba 16th century The artist's name is Benin and he is from Nigeria. He lived in the 16th century. To produce this mask he used ivory, iron and copper. The mask's height is 9 3/9 in (23.8 cm). This mask is an image of a woman. An image of a woman is very rare in Benin's tradition. However, this work of art represents the legacy of a continuous dynasty. This mask is believed to be designed for Benin's King's mother. It is also believed that this mask was used to commemorate king's mother. The color of the mask is white, a symbol of purity. On the mask, one can se the details of the face showing the impression of it. One can distinguish the angry eyes, the big nose and the puffing lips. There are carved scarification marks on the forehead, and below the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Carnegie Museum Of Art Project 1: The Carnegie Museum The Carnegie Museum of Art was a museum created to focus on the art of tomorrow rather than already popular art and artists of today. A necessary part for that dream of Andrew Carnegie to become a reality is having a place to house these art pieces. While of course he could have just found an empty warehouse and placed all the art there that would neither have given the pieces of art justice nor would anyone want there personal collection to be placed on display there. Instead, in order to have a successful art museum you have to house the art in a place that does it justice. Museums heavily rely on their architecture to accurately portray and supplement the showpieces within the museum. Carnegie's art museum ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The openness causing you to want to explore and discover what this museum has to offer. (See Diagram 1) Going from the intense darkness of the walls and tile in the space beforehand to the bright and engagingly light room once you open the door is a very intense chance. It creates an awakening of excitement and alertness in your journey throughout the gallery. While this transition is nice in this aspect that it awakens you to the art its not the most desirable simply because it is rather drastic and can be a little to much to handle for those with sensitive eyes that need to wait to adjust completely to the new lighting intensity. When you step out of this room to the photography room on the right your feelings within the surrounding change once again. In the first room of the museum the tile is white and thus reflects light, creating yet more light in the surrounding area. The walls go from light and colorful shades to a medium tinted of gray creating a more plain mood within the room. In the side room full of photography the flooring changes from white large stone tiles to wood panel flooring. The opening to this second room is an opening the wall rather than another doorway but instead of the opening stretching all the way up to the ceiling, there is a thinner horizontal plank at the top that is an almost metallically aluminum color. The space is divided up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Art Museum The very first time I ever went to an art museum, I was miserable. I was ten years old, and visiting New York City for the first time, and my father who has worked tirelessly to raise my siblings and me to have an appreciation for higher culture dragged us to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I cried within fifteen minutes of being there. All the people made me feel claustrophobic, and I was so set in my misery that I refused to try to enjoy the art. My mother, with all the patience that mothers are gifted with, took me through the museum. She entertained me with stories of when her and my father first fell in love in the city; rushed lunch dates in the museum, the halfway point between his job and her school. Gradually, we moved away from the more heavily populated galleries, and then it happened. I saw the art. I truly saw it and realized why we were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As I grew older I realized that I wanted to give everyone, but especially children, the same access to art that I had been so privileged to have throughout my childhood. I felt, and still feel, that art serves as a reflection of the culture we live in, and if access to art is limited then the creation of art will also be stifled, leading to only a select few voices being recognized. If only a few voices are recognized, then a true reflection of our culture will not be generated. Historically, wealthy white men have dominated the art world, specifically the western art world, and I believe that because of this bias we have missed out on many important stories from diverse backgrounds. While we cannot change the past, it is never too late to start working towards a brighter, more inclusive future. The first step towards this vision is by increasing the accessibility of art education to people from all backgrounds. Art changed my life, and I believe it can change the lives of countless ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Descriptive Essay: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Esther Jacob POLSC 110 Ms. Logan April 2017 The Metropolitan Museum of Art I grew up in a small town in upstate New York where the closest supermarket was a 15–minute drive. A few times a year my mom would take me and my siblings to the Big Apple and expose us to city life. I always loved the city – the lights, the skyscrapers, the street filled with people – it captivated me. One of the places we would visit was the Metropolitan Museum of Art, otherwise known as the Met. I remember walking through the museum in awe – everything was so big and beautiful. The tall ceilings, gigantic sculptures, meticulous architecture – I had never seen anything like it, and it is safe to say that visiting the Met was the highlight of my trip. And of course ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its name originated from the well–known architect who built the building – Marcel Breuer, known for his sharp–edged and box shaped designs. In 1963, Breuer was given the job of building a new museum in New York City. He built the Whitney Museum which was originally located at 945 Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side before it moved to downtown Manhattan. The Met then took an "eight–year lease on the building from the Whitney Museum, with the option to renew another five and a half years, until approximately 2029" (www.wikepedia.org). The Met Breuer was created to further expand the Met's modern and contemporary art collection. As New York Times art critic Roberta Smith said on the Met Breuer's opening, "The Met [Fifth Avenue] is huge and old, with a history of treating contemporary art as an afterthought." The Met Breuer focuses on the beauty of modern and contemporary art. The Met Breuer's main exhibit is called "Unfinished – Thoughts Left Visible." This exhibit displays over 200 works of art that were left incomplete either intentionally or unintentionally. While the Met Breuer main focus is modern and contemporary art, this exhibits art dates from the Renaissance until today and includes artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Andy Warhol. Home to many other interesting exhibitions, the Met Breuer is "one of the most recognizable modern icons in New York and one of the world's landmark arts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Longmont Art Museum I decided to visit the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center (Image 1). The URL for this museum is http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/museum/. My experience visiting this museum was very different from the other museums that I have visited more recently. It provided a great deal of interesting insight and topics for discussion for me to consider. My overall experience consists of the museum's setting, any personal interactions that occurred, my analysis of my favorite work of art that I encountered, and my opinions on viewing art in person rather than through other material. This museum's setting was not at all what I had expected and was rather disappointing. Most museums have a very solemn and academic mood that encourages silence and thoughtfulness. The Longmont Museum, however, is set up more like a childrens play area than an actual museum. There needs to be balance between children's' activities and adult academic learning. Children and adults should both be able to benefit from visiting the museum. Also, earlier in the semester when I was planning where to visit, this museum was the first search item that appeared after I Googled "Longmont Art ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The woman who I spoke to at the front desk was very kind and considerate. She was very friendly and trusting and I made me very excited to see the gallery. I was also very encouraged at how many children were present and enjoying their learning experience. I believe that the majority of archaeology's worth comes from how the public benefits, even if it is only some joy at learning an interesting fact. Seeing children introduced to history and archaeology so young and enjoying the encounter is one that will always bring me a great amount of joy. So, although I wish adults could also benefit from this museum, I truly appreciate its ability to engage childrens' ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. San Francisco Modern Art Museum On October 25, the class went to San Francisco to visit the San Francisco Modern Art Museum. In the museum, there were many interesting and fascinating art pieces. The SFMoma is a large and spacious museum. The exhibits are large and in each exhibit there is at least one famous art piece. My favorite floor would have been floors 5, 6,and 7 because of all the famous artworks such as Andy Warhol's Triple Elvis and Nine Marilyns in them. The overall appearance of the museum was contemporary. One piece of art that I enjoyed in the SFMoma was the Policeman by Duane Hanson. This art piece was made through 1992–1994. I enjoyed this art piece because this sculpture is very realistic. The viewer could see the veins in the arms and face. You were able to see the the individual hairs on the policeman's arms, neck, and face. On the face, there are patches of red on his cheeks. His mustache had the overgrown look, so there was hair on his lip. His eyes look directly to the viewer. He doesn't have much emotion on his face He has a dispassionate and stern look. The fabric he is wearing had a cotton like texture making it believable. Duane Hanson is known for making sculptures like this one. His style is usually related to pop art or modern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lichtenstein created this piece in 1978. This art piece was created using oil and magna on canvas. I found this painting interesting because the art piece is very colorful and has many dots and lines giving it the pop art/comic book look. The figures in this art piece don't stand out a lot. The lines and dots in my opinion make the painting really pop out to the viewer. The painting is has overall happy mood, there aren't any dark colors showing otherwise. Figures with Sunset is a cubist painting and its genre is abstract art. Figures with Sunset is a very large piece of artwork, almost taking up an entire wall in the museum, at 107 x 167 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Case Study: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art A study case: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the best social media practices The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York is a benchmark in the innovation of digital communication strategies and uses of social media. It has 1,272,482 followers in Facebook and 913,642 followers in Twitter. (Museum Analytics website). The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) has one of the largest and most important art collections in the world, divided into 19 departments, each one with a specialized roster of curators, researchers and conservators. (The Metropolitan Museum website). The area in charge of communication, design, museography and online communities is the Department of Creative Development. Therefore, all these areas work together. The creative ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The important thing is that everyone who reads their publications can understand what they do in the museum, in addition to maintaining a constant dialogue with the public. Brian Droitcour says in his article, The Institution as User: Museums and Social Media, published by the electronic magazine Art in America the following: "The Metropolitan Museum of Art uses its Twitter account like a help desk, fielding queries and requests of all sorts from visitors to their New York home, and from curious users and other institutions. Most queries get an instant reply, acknowledging the question and asking the user to wait; a subsequent follow–up provides an answer. The social media manager consults with the relevant expert at the museum and reports back: it's social media as switchboard." (Art in America Magazine website). The goal of the Met in social media is to remain as a reference for culture, reaching more and more people, for this, it is important to stay close to the audience interested in our content and involved in what we do, this is only achieved by promoting communication one by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Patricia Art Museum The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum located in the Florida International University (FIU) campus is a major cultural institution and has been opened since 1977. The building has three floors and several galleries to display numerous art works. In the first floor there is a gallery exclusively for kids. Here you can find all sorts of art stations to have kids develop and explore their creative and artistic side. The second floor is dedicated to the traveling exhibits; during the visit of this paper the museum had two traveling/special exhibits in display. One of the exhibits was by the Cuban artist Carlos Luna, Green Machine and the other by a traveling photographer Richard Saxton, Creole World. In the third floor of the museum there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Richard demonstrated the uniqueness and similarities found from major cities like New Orleans, Ecuador, Panama, Columbia and Argentina. Added to his photography trip were also major towns like Havana, Cienfuegos, and Santiago in Cuba and Cap Haitien, Port–au–Prince, and Marigot in Haiti. All of Richard's exhibits where of pictures taken of a trip but the most significant of all was that of a portrait 24"x36" which consisted of a modern 25 story building that covered the portrait from top to bottom and edge to edge. The building was the Edificio Focsa in a Varadero Neighborhood in Cuba. In front of this massive modern building was a three story white building in ruins. Here you can see right through it since there were no windows or doors and partial walls standing. This was an impressive view of how modernism overwhelms the original colonial heritage architecture. A piece of art work that can be considered as a piece to include in any home would have to be the work done by John Sanchez, (United States, b. 1973). In his oil on canvas called A Wanted Melancholy, 2007 depicts a night life intersection after a rain fall. As you look up close, all you see are smudges of oil paint and colors no real detail but as you stand back the details appear. Reflection from the street lights on the wet streets and the light from the cars shinning on the street together with the window lights from the building above are what make this artwork come to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay Positioned alongside Central Park within the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The context of museums, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings about each individual object within a museum. By analyzing two separate works on exhibit at the Met, I will pose the argument that museums offer a unique expression of a world view that is dictated through every element of its construction. An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different meaning if it were for sale by a street vendor, such as the individuals who set up their tables only a few feet away from the Met. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings." The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that it is located in. These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibit is laid out. Museums subsequently have the ability ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Art Museum When I was younger, I thought museums were boring and dull, filled with pointless, nonsensical art work that people just pretended to understand what the artists were thinking. I thought people interpreted imaginary meanings from the art that other people just followed and accepted because it was the "cool" thing to do. This is one of the main reasons I avoided going to museums that were art based. Once I got the opportunity to visit an art–based museum for myself, I actually enjoyed it. I began to build my admiration and appreciation of art from then on. I have had the opportunity to visit many museums but this was the first time I visited The Museum of Modern Art. I always saw MoMA related things around New York City but was never able to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I think that is true very often because people are not willing to compromise and listen to the things others have to say. This piece maybe in a subconscious way reminded me of a current relationship I have and I am kind of going through the same idea of two people not understanding each other and their spikes being unable to interlock because of the lack of communication. Along with the description given about the piece, it is said that the male and female form are locked in violent opposition, which somewhat similar to how I currently feel. I was also interested in this piece because I wanted to know if by rearranging a few things and shifting a few spikes if the male and female would ever be able to interlock with one another? Could come to an understanding and be able to be together? The end of the story to this sculpture I thought would help me understand and be able to access my own situation. I love, enjoy, and appreciate how much art can make you think and reflect on yourself and your involvement and interactions with the world. I was able to reflect on myself and a relationship from a 3D work of art that has been around for decades and has probably sat in the same spot for years. I think visiting museums and analyzing and assessing art can be beneficial in more ways than people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Art Galleries And Art Museums An institution with the purpose of preserving, protecting and publically displaying collections ranging from various paintings to different artefacts are museums. Their historical development also led to intellectual evolution and divergence of the public thought on objects that are placed inside. Today we question the values of seeing those objects; for an example, museum sceptics undermine the value of museums and collections. Nevertheless, there are several main points that argue against the beliefs of "museum sceptics" and they propose that when seeing objects in a museum we gain value of praising and preserving the past, preserving cultural heritage and acquire an educational value. Art galleries and museums are nowadays indispensable institutions mainly in important cities around the world. The Metropolis provides the perfect social and political environment to develop the civic ritual founded by Art Museums and its now rooted tradition. (Duncan, 1995, p.21) However, predominant thought that questions seeing objects in a museum is proposed by the "museum sceptics". According to Carrier, museum sceptics state that art in museums does not survive, meaning it loses its power. Museums de facto fail to preserve the art constituted in old objects that are collected. This belief also rejects 'time travel' in museums since they argue that it is only an illusion. (Carrier, 2006, pp. 50–51) This is a rather philosophical approach, but it strongly rejects the claim that old ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Tacoma Art Museum Introduction On November 27th, 2017 I visited Tacoma Art Museum (TAM) a regional museum that inspires and builds community through art. The museum is located at1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington State. I was opportune to view collections of Dale Chihuly glassworks, European impressionism, Japanese prints and America art. One of the collections I will like to talk on is the Anne Gould Hauberg exhibition which include some of Dale Chihuly collection. Anne Hauberg, John Hauberg her husband and Dale Chihuly are co–founder of Pilchuck glass school. Anne Gould Hauberg (1917 – 2016) was a revered collector and a patron of arts in the Northwest who began collecting in early 1940s when she returned to Seattle to be with her family during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His painting of "Cherokee Roses" of 1880s, a flower brought from Asia and found throughout the Southeastern United States. Heads "Cherokee Rose" painting depicts the simple white flower on velvet cloths of various colors. He uses variety of textures like glass, water, velvet, wood and flower to show his incredible adeptness at painting the contrast of any surface. His painting also captures the cycle of life for the delicate flower showing bud to full blooms to flowers at the end of their life. Heade's still–life painting was celebrated during the artist's lifetime for their deceivingly life–like perfection and realism (TAM, 2017). The texture of Edmund Charles Tarbell and Martin Johnson Heade painting can be liken to Giorgione and Titian Venetian High Renaissance element of painting (H. Sayre, 2011, pp ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Reflection On The Tampa Museum Of Art For this project, I chose to go to the Tampa Museum of Art. I took my eleven year old daughter Annabelle with me, she is an aspiring young artist who loves to paint and assemble collages. This paper will describe the museum's activities and what was on exhibit. After which, I will choose two works of art and do an in–depth analysis on them. I will use the formal elements and the principles of design to engage the artworks "The Great Journey" and "A Group of Cubans who left Manzanillo are Rescued at Sea". Yesterday (Oct, 15 2016), my daughter and I went to our first art museum together, which was the Tampa Museum of Art and I must say that it was truly interesting. The museum was celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, so we were able ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I chose this particular painting for two reasons, one it validates why I chose the "The Great Journey" and two, it also juxtaposes it. "A Group of Cubans who left Manzanillo are Rescued at Sea" would be better understood with a contextual analysis. Knowing the history of the Cuban people, their political, economic, and social issues would shed some light on why so many risk their lives trying to make it to America. This painting is made for public viewing, to memorialize and remind people of an actual real life incident that occurred back in August of 2014. KHCO shows us Cuban survivors being pulled from the waters after being stranded at sea between Florida and Cuba, many died trying to reach American soil. The red resembles blood in the water, transforming feeling and ideas into a clear symbol of those lost while trying to flee their country. The impression this painting left on me is the same as the one the sculpture did, this unfathomable idea of living in such a place that would force me risk not only my life but the life of my children, just to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Philadelphia Museum Of Art Museum The Philadelphia Museum of Art was my first time to an art museum, and overall I think it was a good experience. When I thought of an art museum, I thought it was going to be all paintings. But as it turns out, that idea was wrong. There were lots of other forms of art there as well. The exhibit that I enjoyed the most was the International Pop exhibit. But there were also many other exhibits that I enjoyed as well. Some of those include; European, American, Arms and Armor. All every interesting exhibits that everyone should see. But those are not all, when going to this museum, every exhibit should be looked at, all have very interesting things in them. The International pop exhibit was one of my favorite out of all the exhibits. The "International Pop navigates a fast–paced world packed with bold and thought–provoking imagery, revealing a vibrant period shaped by social, political, and cultural changes". One piece of art that I found interesting was "Still Life" by "Tom Wesselmann, American, 1931–2004". When looking at this piece if reminds me of different time. This piece reminds me of other art works that I have seen with the same kinds of things on it as well. Another work of art that I enjoyed was the "20th/21st–Century Tribute" by "Antônio Henrique Amaral", this painting makes the viewer actually stop and look at it. There are many different parts to this painting too look at. When walking through the museum, this was definitely something that catches ones' eye. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay Positioned alongside Central Park in the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The context of museum, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a certain set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings about each individual object within the museum. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings."An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different meaning if it was put on sale by a street vendor, like the ones who set up their tables in close proximity to the Met. The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that surrounds it. These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibits within a museum is planned out. Museums subsequently have the ability to control how these relationships are established which influences the way a viewer is able to construct meaning. When a visitor observes an object on display at the Met, they instinctively construct a certain set of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Speed Art Museum The Speed Art Museum, originally known as the J.B. Speed Memorial Museum, now commonly referred to as the Speed by locals in the Louisville area, is the oldest, largest, and the primary museum of art in Kentucky. In 2013, the museum decided to conduct a three year renovation. The new North Building includes an unprecedented 9,000 square foot gallery dedicated to the display of the Speed's contemporary art collection. The museum hired architect, Kulapat Yantrasast. The architect decided to add multiple new additions to the museum, to a state–of–the–art–cinema from and re–imagined Art Sparks to an outdoor Art Park, the Bangkok native added new exciting additions to the museum. The Speed includes five levels: A lower, upper, first, second and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Including artwork from the fourth millennium BC to today's world, the museum truly holds a collection to see. From incredibly large painting created in the thirteen–hundreds to marvelous detailed sculptures built in the early seventeen–hundreds the museum's eight collections holds a variety of items to see. Each of the exhibits are done very well, including a variety of items for each collection. Each exhibit includes art pieces that fit in their category. For example, my favorite art piece of the museum, the fifteen foot painting of ancient dutch philosophers would fit in the category, "Dutch and Flemish". My overall view of the museum is very positive. I truly enjoyed visiting the museum and observing all of the various art pieces the museum holds. It was very interesting to see the large paintings in the "Dutch and Flemish" collection because I personally have always been a painting type of person rather than sculptures and drawings. I would most definitely recommend the museum to others. I would mostly recommend it to those individuals who enjoy to see artwork and are interested in historical paintings and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Atlanta Museum Of Art On November 7, 1883, an exhibition organized by "May Wright Sewell, her husband Theodore, and a small group of art–minded citizens" (History, 2017) began what would one day become the establishment now known as the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Since that first exhibition, the IMA has gone through several identity changes. They were first named, the Art Association of Indianapolis. Their next identity was as the John Herron Art Institute, which opened a whole new chapter, as they became "a campus featuring both a museum and an art school." (History, 2017) Today, the IMA is one of the largest encyclopedic art museums in the nation. The IMA has had various leadership and staff over the years that have lent to how the museum operates today. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Library and Archives Many do not know that the IMA houses two different libraries. The Stout Reference Library and the Horticultural Society Library provide numerous resources for their visitors, which mainly consist of students, IMA Staff, docents, collectors, researchers and even members of the community. The Stout Reference Library "focuses on the encyclopedia collection of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, while also providing general information about art and art history of all periods." (Stout Reference Library, 2017) The Horticultural Society Library "houses more than 2,000 volumes, including general reference books and books on landscaping, specific plant families and horticulture." (Horticultural Society Library, 2017) I mention the libraries because this semester, I am technically considered a library and archives intern at the IMA. My mentor however is the archivist, Samantha Norling. She has done impressive work at the IMA in such a short time. She jump–started the Archives online portal, which consists of thousands of digitized items from the archives. The IMA received a "generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)" (Documenting Modern Living, 2017), that allowed for 17,000 items from the Miller House and Garden archival collection to be digitized. Project Topic What I have learned in such a short time, is that the most impressive work happens behind ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Houston's Fine Arts Museum Analysis The Museum of Fine Arts is one of the largest museums in the United States. Walking throughout the museum one will see more than six thousand years of history and about sixty four thousand works from six continents. Houston has one of the largest and most diverse art collection in the Southwestern United States. The main reason behind my museum choice is my love and fascination towards all the different art pieces from around the world. The major focus that can be found at Houston's Fine Arts Museum is informing and teaching many of all ages about the history of art. Also, positioning art and the museum as a meaningful part of a well– rounded life. Majority of the Fine Arts Museum collection include the areas of Italian Renaissance painting, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Importance Of Art Museums In The 21st Century Art museums are special and they can be anything to any certain person. Art museums have always been a place where people can advance their knowledge about history or a place to preserve special things. You can think of it to be a place that holds precious treasures. Art museums all over the world have been a place for people to come together and socialize about what is being observed. There are so many interpretations what art museums can hold which is amazing knowing people simply come to visit museums to enjoy the beauty and inspiration behind the art shown. Art museums of the 21st century have evolved as culture evolves and has shown us what type of art is being prioritized, changed, and re–thinks the purpose of museums, as well as how art museums are booming in which they are being developed til this day. Karsten Schubert's article, "The Curator's Egg", tells us about the characteristics of these "new museums" in terms of what is prioritized, sacrificed, and how museums acting like corporations can lead to problematic issues. Schubert states, art for all has given way to the 'democracy of spectacle': an ambition to be attractive to the greatest number of people at all costs. It seems as if new museums have prioritized to showcase what the visitors would appreciate. As a millennial living in the 21st century, I have witnessed that art museums have only seem to attract people if the installations and the artwork are instagram worthy. Instead of focus there would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Philadelphia Art Museum Essay The exhibit that I viewed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art was one about European Art between the years 1100–1500. This was a series of paintings, sculptures, architecture, and tapestry of the Medieval and Early Renaissance as well as objects from the Middle East. This exhibit was an important part of the history of the Philadelphia Museum of Art because for the first time, Italian, Spanish, and Northern European paintings from the John G. Johnson collection were shown. It gave me a good idea of what the paintings were like in these four centuries and reflected ideas of both the east and the west. As I walked into the first gallery, I saw a wood sculpture that stood in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cloister stood in the heart of a medieval abbey or monetary. The example that I saw was based on the elements of the cloister "located at Abbey of Saint–Genis–des–Fontaines in the Roussillon, a mountainous region in Southwestern France that was fought over by Christians and Muslims for centuries". The cloister was the center of the abbey; which connected the living quarters to the church. I also observed many paintings in this gallery. One painting that caught my eye was titled, "The Mocking of Christ" by Hieronymus Bosch. It was an early 16th century, oil on wood painting. Christ was seen in the upper right next to Pilate and was surrounded by figured who looked more like friends than enemies that would crucify him. These so called friends of Christ were holding weapons and wearing bizarre headgear. In the painting, Jesus had a saddened look on his face while the others looked jollier. Another painting that I observed was a painting by Defendate Ferrari which showed the enthroned Virgin Mary breastfeeding the baby Jesus with Saint John the Evangelist, Catherine of Alexandra, Anthony Abbot, and a saint reading a book. I was attracted to this painting because I would never have thought to have seen a picture of Mary feeding Jesus in that way. This painting was originally an oil and gold on wood and was transferred to canvas. There were so many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Tampa Museum Of Art Back in my school years I used to visit many historical museums, where I learned a lot about the culture and society of the past. As I have always been interested in history and arts, all that was a breathtaking experience for me. I believe that these museums is the best way to get closer to lives of our ancestries and it can help us to see the world in a different way. However, to be more knowledgeable about the world we live in, it's also extremely important to be familiar with modern art. So this time I decided to experience something new and started searching for a museum which would contain works of contemporary artists. Tampa Museum of Art was a great option. This Museum was founded in 1979 and since then it has curated three exhibitions covering the Classical World to Mid–Century Modernist works, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I have read some information about the museum on its site, and decided that I should definitely go there. When I came to the museum, the first thing that impressed me was the astonishing building: it was a masterpiece itself. The exterior of the Tampa Museum of Art has a light installation, and all I wanted at that moment is night to come so I could see thousands of colored lights reflected in the surface of the river that flows near the museum. What's more, I liked the design of the museum inside as well. There were white walls and perfect lighting, and nothing would bother contemplation. In many museums I have visited before there was a lot of distractions, but in this museum everything was done on the principle of simplicity, and that was very pleasing to me. Moreover, when we came inside of the museum, it was almost empty. There were just a few visitors, who were fascinated by various drawings and statues. Most of the visitors were teenagers, what slightly surprised me. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Phoenix Art Museum Museum Report Before I went to the museum, my prospective about a museum was poor expectations. What can a museum will offer? , this was one of the questions that I always had in mind. For these reasons, I never thought that I could enjoy a museum tour. However, everything change after visited the Phoenix Art Museum. I went to the trip with poor expectations, but since I arrived in the lobby with all of my classmates and the professor. I started feel that this trip will be sash an educational experience. First, I arrived at the Phoenix Art Museum and honestly I was going for my grade. But my mind change as soon I get into the lobby. Everyone was exited, some people look really knowledgeable about art, and I heard them talking about pieces of art that Mr. Bierly talk about it. The workers were very friendly and amiable. They always smile at you making you felt welcome and those actions made me feel more comfortable. Next, each room of art were unique. When I get into each room, some things that surprise me that each room was very exclusive, original and uncommon. Also, the rooms were very enlightened and I personally felt that each room had something for everyone in the family. Another thing that I noted of the museum was the accessibility of each floor, so anybody can go and have a great time without ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I learned a lot from this trip. It was an unforgettable moment. I loved that Mr. Bierly presented all the pieces then for a person who was the first time visited a museum, I felt that was the best and even for others then already had been in one .I am very sure, it was better and more instructive. I liked that we could have our time to explore more pieces then tried to apply what Mr. Bierly taught in class. One thing that I experienced in the trip, while he was explaining each pieces of art, I was able to understand then apply my knowledge on it. I really enjoyed time in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. Description And Reflection Of The Dallas Museum Of Art Yudip MAINALI Prof: C. Sanford ENG–1301 !8th November, 2017 Description and Reflection of Dallas Museum The Dallas Museum is a renowned art museum established in 1903 and is located in Dallas, Texas (Neumann et al. 19). The Dallas Museum of art is one of the largest art museums in the United States of America containing more than 24,000 collections of art ranging from the ancient to the modern ones (MacDonald & Brettell 112). There are numerous things inside the museum, such as the pieces of art, museum visitors, and the architecture, that relate to the understanding of the world outside the museum in terms of the day to day life and the human society. My goal in this essay is to think outside the box and describe the observations I made inside the museum and explain how they relate to my everyday life, the wider world, or the human society. The painting work done by C. Bertram Hartman was the first piece of art I observed inside the Dallas Museum. This painting, completed in 1930, consists of a campanile– type tower, most likely a representation of a historic skyscraper (Walker 73). The painting applies a fractured perspective blended on an urban look with muted color palettes accompanied by harsh shadows (MacDonald & Brettell 117). The painting is a reflection of the dynamism and energetic expansion of the current New York City. The geometrical arrangement of the buildings in the painting resemble the current scenes witnessed in New York, championing a fast pace and a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Why Libraries And Art Museums Serve The World It means knowing exactly what your institution stands for, how we want to distinguish who we are, how do we want to deliver the very best kind of result, cost effectively to the constituents that we serve. In that sense, competitiveness is really important. It advances distinctiveness, when it is done well, in its control. Finally, I think all of us have a responsibility, and especially you guys, for thoughtful advocacy for the core value of what our institutions represent. Why do libraries and art museums serve the world in fundamentally important ways? In much the same way one might argue why liberal education and the humanities are important. There are core skills that we all know, that those experiences in libraries, art museums, and so forth, help students to develop and that contribute to the world in deep and meaningful ways. Foundational skills of, visual analysis, written communication, and all of those things that go into being a thoughtful being that can make good decisions. Rational approaches to reasoning. All of those things, education helps us to advance and whatever one goes on to do when they graduate. Those skills will serve them well, there is no question. Advancing critical literacy skills, how does one engage with ways of knowing? How does one begin to understand bodies of knowledge and the vocabulary's that are behind them? That is something that we help them to do, and once you learn how to do that and understand that it is a skillset, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Art Museum Many in the modern world seem to take great pride in the rapid pace which life holds for most of us. It is as if we might squeeze a few more precious moments of life's experience for ourselves if we move a bit faster. In reality, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the slow consideration of the phenomena we experience everyday. Art is something static which we might use to slow us in our perception of our world. It is not required that art be something static in motion but in thought. It is not something to be considered with only fleeting attention. A single painting could mean millions of different things to different people. It is the value of possibility and of perception that is so important. The Weatherspoon Art Museum at UNCG is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If not for the people, the museum would be only a building full of objects without meaning and without importance. From the very young to the old, men, women, any person imaginable can be seen viewing and appreciating the art and enjoying the experience. Many can be seen with quizzical looks when viewing different pieces. It can be assumed that many of these looks can either be attributed to the strangeness of what is being viewed, or perhaps because it is difficult to understand why some of the things shown were made in the first place. The pale walls of the gallery seem to bring the art they surround into greater relief, although if intricate décor was interspersed between the art it would definitely distract from the main attraction. One particular attraction that grasps much attention most firmly was the sculpture garden. It is enough to see framed and flat painting mounted against the wall, but to see things that can be walked around gives greater dimension to what is seen. A piece that was particularly interesting was the Triangular Solid with circular by David Graham. It was created using translucent materials and is really nothing more than simple geometry however the effect that is created is something quite perplexing. It creates something that quite clearly creates the illusion of a distortion of reality. One can walk around it several times before the illusion is complete is its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. Museum Field Trips to National Gallery of Art (NGA) and... The two sites that I have chosen to compare are the National Gallery of Art (NGA) and The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met). The reason I chose these specific sites was the first images I saw which made me want to explore the webpages. I will be comparing the visual quality of the homepage, pictures, text, and content along with the overall quality of the two sites. I will go into detail about the differences and which site, in my opinion, would be more enjoyable based on their website. Upon first glance of their homepages, the two sites look completely different in style. When The Metropolitan Museum homepage loaded, I was in awe of the bold image of a man's face covered with ink art. It was eye–catching at first, but then I noticed there was no other graphics or pictures on the homepage. The one slide show picture did not even fill the screen from side to side either. It left a kind of boring, bland feeling with me. Then I clicked on the link for the National Gallery of Art homepage. As this site loaded, it filled the computer screen with side to side full color. The background was a beautiful picture of an elegant cathedral–like building. In the middle of this eye–catching background was a slide menu where each group had its very own beautiful picture. Another refreshing feature is that the background image changes often so that each time I visited it is was a different background image. Although the menu pictures were not as large as The Metropolitan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. University Art Museum The University Art Museum Case Analysis Suzana Duran MNGT 372 Professor Quimei Xu I. Relevant Facts/Background The Art Museum is a building on the university premises that is providing a place for the art collection of a university. The building was given to the university by an alumnus around 1929. The wealthy son of the university's first president served as the museum's unpaid director until his death. He brought a few extra collections to the museum during his service, and while serving as unpaid director, none of the collections was ever shown to anybody except a few members of the university's art history faculty. The university practically gave the position to amateur art supporter, Miss Kirkoff, after the director's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The real issue was not that the new director opened the doors to the public, but the management organization at the University Art Museum. There are three main points as listed by "the elderly statesmen of the faculty" that need to be addressed and clearly defined for the museum: its mission, its direction, and its objectives. These are clearly the focal problems in this case. What the university has to do as a whole is to set organizational goals and develop the plans to accomplish them. The museum is not thriving with the school as well as it has in the past, and the direction of the university is being questioned. III. Critical Analysis The later director wanted it to be a community resource as said in the case, and the museum gained bad reputation during that time as an academic resource. The building was designed by Miss Kirkoff to help university and its alumni in their pursuit of knowledge. It failed greatly to support the university and the public. At the time, the museum expected to hire a director and allow them to shape the museum in any way they see suitable. The university on the other hand should have identified the direction they want the museum to head in and create guidelines for a director to fallow. First, top managers at any organization, and in this case are the Dean and the board of directors of the University, have to assess the opportunities and threats in external environment and internal strengths and weaknesses as well. Next thing is to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. Museum Of Art The Getty's Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA initiative allowed to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). I was able to take advantage of looking at three different exhibitions in a span of 4 hours but will only be discussing two of them, which are, the "Playing with Fire: Paintings by Carlos Almaraz" and "Found in Translation: Design in California and Mexico, 1915–1985." These two exhibitions really brought forth a different perspective through history by tying in the experience that Chicanos, Indigenous, and Latino/a folks have had to learn to endure and navigate when Spaniard colonization and American industrialization began to take place. Also, I was able to view and listen online to two ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was the first time in 30 years that his artwork as a Mexican–American, Chicano artist, was displayed and put in one central location all together. He formed a part of the Chicano art movement during the 1970's he founded an artist collective called Los Four in order to bring attention to the art that was being created not only by them but from other Chicano/as. The artwork that Almaraz created was meant to be cultural and political however, as he evolved and changed as person so did his art pieces. Some seem to be giving you a more private insider to his thoughts and life, you could tell he was an extremely complex character. Almaraz did not separate any of his cultural knowledge and contradictory identities he carried. Instead he chose to embrace through his artwork "hybridity and crossover" since some of his ideas even for the 1970's could potentially be seen as controversial. The art piece called "The Struggle of Mankind" created in 1984 is very sexually and erotically charged. It is an explicit piece that shows two naked men who are wrestlers seem to be engaging in some sort of "homoerotic" encounter. Almaraz begins to explore themes of sexual fluidity which was quite daring of him to publically display. This brought me to remember a part in the book of "Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis" where in chapter one, Perversions, where the Poet Salvador Novo affirms his sexual orientation with such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. The Museum Of Ancient Egyptian Art The Museum of Ancient Egyptian Art collections, including artifacts and objects relating to the different periods of ancient Egyptian history, starting from the prehistoric period until the Greek roman period. The museum maintains an information system consisting of all the records pertaining to the museum's collection. The principle components of this system are as following: 1. Board of Trustees Records: The Board of Trustees Records reflect the activities of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art Board. The records basically are pertaining to the several Broad Presidents and the Broad Members Corporate documents such as the museum bylaws, leases, and agreements. Documents which contain the museum's financial information. Correspondence which contains the communications to and from the board of Trustees other than the president. Minutes from the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, Senior Board, and various committees. They include resolutions, votes, correspondence, memos, and amendments to the museum's bylaws. Trustee Manuals which contain copies of Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art 's mission, code of ethics, bylaws, collection policy, accession and deaccession policy, Museum's acquisition policy, and strategic plan, as well as lists of museum's staff, trustees, trustee committees. The director 's annual reports presented by the director of the Museum of the Ancient Egyptian Art to the Board of Trustees outlining the various activities of the different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...