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The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption
Being a Retreat organised by the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) at Abuja
on Tuesday 25th July 2023.
Prof. Godwin Emmanuel
Professor of Accounting and Financial
Department of Management & Accounting
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel &
(Chartered Accountants, Tax Practitioners &
Forensic Auditors)
ND (Fin), HND (Acct.), BSc. (Acct. Ed), BSc (Fin.), BSc. (Bus. Admin), MBA (Acct. & Fin.), MSc. (Acct.), MSc. (Bus & Econs), MSc (Tax),
The Accountancy
Profession and National
Accounting and
Roles of
Professionals in
Nation Building
Corruption and
Components of
Components of a
National Anti-
Roles of
Accountants in
fighting Corruption
Strategies and the
Corruption fighting
Conclusion and
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
The accountancy profession is a crucial part of the business world,
providing financial information and analysis for decision-making,
regulatory compliance, and financial system transparency
Technological advancements have impacted accountancy profession with
utilizing automation, data analytics, Artificial Intelligence to improve
efficiency and become strategic advisors also upholding ethical standards
These efforts aim to raise awareness about the adverse effects of
corruption and promote ethical values and zero tolerance for corruption
Specialized anti-corruption agencies or commissions are established to
investigate and prosecute corruption cases, ensuring the effectiveness of
anti-corruption mechanisms
International cooperation is another important aspect of these strategies
Countries collaborate with international organizations, regional
bodies, and other nations to share best practices, exchange
information, and recover stolen assets
This cooperation strengthens legal frameworks, improves
investigative techniques, and supports efforts to combat cross-
border corruption
National Anti-Corruption Strategies provide comprehensive
frameworks to combat corruption, promote transparency, and
foster a culture of integrity
By addressing the root causes of corruption and implementing
preventive, investigative, and punitive measures, countries can
make significant progress in reducing corruption and building
fair and prosperous societies
Accounting and Accountancy Profession
Professionalism is conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, excellence, and
excellence, and always finding a way to be productive
Employers want their workers to be responsible, ethical, and team oriented, to possess strong
strong communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills the attributes expected of
of professionalism
Accounting involves the management, measurement, recognition, preparation, analysis, and
and disclosure of reliable financial and relevant non-financial information or auditing of or
or provision of assurance and advisory services on financial information and, where applicable,
applicable, non-financial information
The field of accountancy involves practice in a broad range of areas, including accounting,
accounting, financial reporting, control systems, auditing, finance, financial management,
taxation, strategic planning, business and financial advice, risk management and management
management processes for public interest
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
Accounting and Accountancy Profession
Professional skills
values, ethics,
ethics, and
Roles of Accountancy Professionals in Nation Building
businesses on
how to comply
with regulations
businesses with
with financial
financial data
financial reports
Challenges of Accounting Profession
Ethical Dilemmas
Workload and
Skill Diversification
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
Corruption and Components of Anti-Corruption Strategy
Corruption refers to the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain or the
the violation of ethical standards for dishonest or fraudulent purposes
Corruption involves the misuse or manipulation of authority, often in
positions of public or private power, to obtain undue benefits or advantages
Corruption can manifest in various forms, including bribery, embezzlement,
embezzlement, nepotism, favouritism, fraud, money laundering, and other
other illicit activities
Corruption undermines the principles of transparency, fairness, and
accountability in both public and private sectors
Corruption erodes trust in institutions, weakens the rule of law, distorts
distorts economic systems, hampers development efforts, and perpetuates
perpetuates social inequality
Corruption and Components of Anti-Corruption Strategy
The consequences of
of corruption are far-
far-reaching, as it
negatively impacts
economic growth,
and overall societal
Corruption has
severe consequences
consequences as it
undermines trust,
weakens democracy,
democracy, impedes
impedes economic
development, and
inequality, poverty,
social division, and
the environmental
Corrupt practices
encompass actions
such as bribery,
inappropriate gifts,
double-dealing, and
defrauding investors
intervention in the
economy often
contributes to
corruption, but
preventive measures
measures can be
through effective
checks and balances
represents an abuse
abuse of power,
benefiting those in
authority at the
expense of others
Classification of Corruption
• It often has a significant impact on the economy and public trust
Grand Corruption
• It involves small-scale bribery, facilitation payments, or favours in exchange for services or benefits.
Petty Corruption
• It can involve bribery, illicit campaign financing, abuse of power, or vote-buying to gain advantages in elections or policy
Political Corruption
• Systemic corruption often involves networks of corrupt officials who collude to maintain their influence and control
Systemic Corruption
• Corporate corruption refers to corrupt practices within businesses and corporations
Corporate Corruption
• Financial corruption includes illicit activities in the financial sector, such as money laundering, insider trading, or embezzlement
of funds
Financial Corruption
Anti-Corruption Strategy
Anti-corruption encompasses a broad range of actions, strategies, and measures implemented to combat corruption in
corruption in both public and private sectors
Anti-corruption strategy involves the establishment of laws, regulations, and policies aimed at promoting integrity,
integrity, transparency, and accountability while deterring corrupt practices
Anti-corruption efforts extend beyond prosecution and encompass preventive measures such as strengthening
strengthening institutions, enhancing transparency, and promoting good governance
These initiatives also raise awareness, encourage reporting of corruption, and protect whistle-blowers
International cooperation is often sought to address transnational corruption and uphold global standards of integrity
It aims to foster a culture of integrity, combat corruption's threats to economic development and social stability, and
stability, and ensure fair utilization of public resources, thereby promoting trust and accountability in society
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
Aim of Anti-Corruption Strategy
Commit public
administration and
political actors to
combat corruption
Promote the
identification of
corruption and the
transparency of decision-
Seek to improve the
ability of authorities to
hold those who have
engaged in corrupt
practices accountable for
for their actions
Facilitate the creation of
of national situation
awareness of corruption
The aim of anti-corruption strategy is to intensify
the fight against corruption in the short term,
and in the long term to build a society where
corruption has no chance of success
Components of a National Anti-Corruption Strategy
Prevention and
and Risk
Asset Recovery
Recovery and
Monitoring and
and Evaluation
and Open Data
Roles of Professional Accountant in fighting Corruption
• The preventive role of the professional accountant is targeted towards the elimination or minimization of
minimization of the opportunity factor
• It is characterized by the development and institutionalization of financial reporting standards, corporate
corporate governance structures and internal control mechanisms in line with global best practices
The Preventive Role
• The detective role of professional accountants, with reference to the forensic accountants and auditors,
auditors, involves a series of interrelated and complex concepts and processes usually carried out by
by forensic accountants and auditors
• The role weakens the strength of pressure and further serves as deterrence for the commission of any
any corrupt practice
The Detective Role
• Studies have revealed that one of the best ways to prevent corrupt practices is to enforce both preventive as
preventive as well as strong enough punitive measures
• In fulfilling this role, forensic accountants are expected to precisely document the sort of proof required for
required for successful criminal indictment; could work in a complex litigation and regulatory environment;
environment; and with reasonable accuracy, reconstruct missing, destroyed, or deceptive accounting records
accounting records
The Punitive Role
Others roles of professional accountants in combating corruption are:
Exhibit honesty and making valuable effort towards eradicating corruption in Nigeria
Create climate for good corporate governance
Promote integrity, trust and fairness as guiding principle
Improve financial accountability and probity by strong supervision
Conduct check on the internal control system to enhance compliance with relevant laws and regulation
Establish mechanism that prevents and detects flaws in place of work
Disassociate from illegal activities
Provide reliable information in both public and private sectors
Create climate for transparency
Promote professional ethnics and code of conducts
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals
Corruption poses a significant challenge to global development, eroding trust in institutions
institutions and hindering efficient resource allocation
To address this issue, many countries have implemented National Anti-Corruption Strategies
Strategies as comprehensive plans
These strategies involve collaboration between government agencies, civil society, the private
private sector, and citizens to combat corruption across different sectors
They focus on establishing strong legal frameworks, regulatory mechanisms, and anti-
corruption laws to prevent and prosecute corrupt practices
Governance reforms are also emphasized, aiming to enhance transparency, efficiency, and
and accountability in the public sector through initiatives such as e-governance systems and
systems and improved procurement procedures
Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals
Education, awareness,
awareness, and
capacity-building play a
a crucial role in
National Anti-
Corruption Strategies
A national anti-
corruption strategy is a
a coordinated plan
implemented by
governments to combat
combat corruption
It involves collaboration
collaboration among
various stakeholders to
to prevent, detect, and
and deter corruption at
at different levels of
The strategy aims to
promote transparency,
transparency, integrity,
integrity, and
accountability in both
public and private
Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals
The key components
involves include robust
legal frameworks,
governance reforms,
education and awareness
awareness initiatives,
effective anti-corruption
institutions, and
international cooperation
implementation requires
sustained commitment,
strong leadership, and
engagement from all
Monitoring, evaluation,
and periodic updates are
are crucial for its
effectiveness and the
strategy aims to reduce
corruption, build fair
accountable societies, and
and foster economic
Corruption fighting Strategies
Compliance and Risk Management
Financial Transparency and
Forensic Accounting and
Whistle-blower Protection and
Reporting Mechanisms
Capacity Building and Training
Collaboration with Government
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
The accountancy
profession plays a
crucial role in the
effectiveness of a
national anti-
auditors, and
possess the skills
and knowledge
necessary to
detect, prevent,
and combat
corrupt practices
Their expertise in
internal controls,
and risk
enables them to
identify red flags
and irregularities
that may indicate
adherence to
ethics and
transparency and
accountability in
financial reporting
Support research and
Promote robust ethical
standards and professional
Enhance capacity building
and training programmes
Encourage public-private
Providing anti-fraud training
and education for members
among other stakeholders
The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx
Prof. Godwin Emmanuel
Professor of Accounting and Financial
Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin
Emmanuel & Co
(Chartered Accountants, Tax Practitioners &
Forensic Auditors)

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The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Prof. Oyedokun.pptx

  • 1. The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy Being a Retreat organised by the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) at Abuja on Tuesday 25th July 2023. Prof. Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun Professor of Accounting and Financial Development Department of Management & Accounting Faculty of Management and Social Sciences Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel & Co (Chartered Accountants, Tax Practitioners & Forensic Auditors)
  • 2. ND (Fin), HND (Acct.), BSc. (Acct. Ed), BSc (Fin.), BSc. (Bus. Admin), MBA (Acct. & Fin.), MSc. (Acct.), MSc. (Bus & Econs), MSc (Tax), MTP (SA), PhD (Acct), PhD (Fin), PhD (FA), FCA, FCTI, FCIB, ACS, ACIS, MNIM, FCNA, FCFIP, FCE, FERP, CICA, CFA, CFE, CIPFA, CPFA, ACAMS, ABR, CertIFR, IPA, IFA, FFAR, FPD-CR, FSEAN, FNIOAM, ACIrb
  • 3. The Accountancy Profession and National Anti-Corruption Strategy
  • 4. Contents Introduction Accounting and Accountancy Profession Roles of Accountancy Professionals in Nation Building Corruption and Components of Anti-Corruption Strategy Anti-Corruption Strategy Components of a National Anti- Corruption Strategy Roles of Professional Accountants in fighting Corruption Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Profession Corruption fighting Strategies Conclusion and Recommendation
  • 6. Introduction The accountancy profession is a crucial part of the business world, providing financial information and analysis for decision-making, regulatory compliance, and financial system transparency Technological advancements have impacted accountancy profession with utilizing automation, data analytics, Artificial Intelligence to improve efficiency and become strategic advisors also upholding ethical standards These efforts aim to raise awareness about the adverse effects of corruption and promote ethical values and zero tolerance for corruption Specialized anti-corruption agencies or commissions are established to investigate and prosecute corruption cases, ensuring the effectiveness of anti-corruption mechanisms International cooperation is another important aspect of these strategies
  • 7. Introduction Countries collaborate with international organizations, regional bodies, and other nations to share best practices, exchange information, and recover stolen assets This cooperation strengthens legal frameworks, improves investigative techniques, and supports efforts to combat cross- border corruption National Anti-Corruption Strategies provide comprehensive frameworks to combat corruption, promote transparency, and foster a culture of integrity By addressing the root causes of corruption and implementing preventive, investigative, and punitive measures, countries can make significant progress in reducing corruption and building fair and prosperous societies
  • 8. Accounting and Accountancy Profession Professionalism is conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, excellence, and excellence, and always finding a way to be productive Employers want their workers to be responsible, ethical, and team oriented, to possess strong strong communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills the attributes expected of of professionalism Accounting involves the management, measurement, recognition, preparation, analysis, and and disclosure of reliable financial and relevant non-financial information or auditing of or or provision of assurance and advisory services on financial information and, where applicable, applicable, non-financial information The field of accountancy involves practice in a broad range of areas, including accounting, accounting, financial reporting, control systems, auditing, finance, financial management, taxation, strategic planning, business and financial advice, risk management and management management processes for public interest
  • 10. Accounting and Accountancy Profession Technical competence Professional skills Professional values, ethics, ethics, and attitudes
  • 11. Roles of Accountancy Professionals in Nation Building Advising businesses on how to comply with regulations Providing businesses with with financial advice Analyzing financial data Preparing financial reports Professional Development Ethical Responsibility
  • 12. Challenges of Accounting Profession Regulatory Complexity Technological Advancements Increased Accountability Ethical Dilemmas Workload and Deadlines Skill Diversification Continuous Professional Development
  • 14. Corruption and Components of Anti-Corruption Strategy Corruption refers to the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain or the the violation of ethical standards for dishonest or fraudulent purposes Corruption involves the misuse or manipulation of authority, often in positions of public or private power, to obtain undue benefits or advantages advantages Corruption can manifest in various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, embezzlement, nepotism, favouritism, fraud, money laundering, and other other illicit activities Corruption undermines the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability in both public and private sectors Corruption erodes trust in institutions, weakens the rule of law, distorts distorts economic systems, hampers development efforts, and perpetuates perpetuates social inequality
  • 15. Corruption and Components of Anti-Corruption Strategy The consequences of of corruption are far- far-reaching, as it negatively impacts governance, democracy, economic growth, and overall societal well-being Corruption has severe consequences consequences as it undermines trust, weakens democracy, democracy, impedes impedes economic development, and exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental crisis Corrupt practices encompass actions such as bribery, accepting inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, and defrauding investors investors Government intervention in the economy often contributes to corruption, but preventive measures measures can be implemented through effective checks and balances balances Ultimately, corruption represents an abuse abuse of power, benefiting those in authority at the expense of others
  • 16. Classification of Corruption • It often has a significant impact on the economy and public trust Grand Corruption • It involves small-scale bribery, facilitation payments, or favours in exchange for services or benefits. Petty Corruption • It can involve bribery, illicit campaign financing, abuse of power, or vote-buying to gain advantages in elections or policy making Political Corruption • Systemic corruption often involves networks of corrupt officials who collude to maintain their influence and control Systemic Corruption • Corporate corruption refers to corrupt practices within businesses and corporations Corporate Corruption • Financial corruption includes illicit activities in the financial sector, such as money laundering, insider trading, or embezzlement of funds Financial Corruption
  • 17. Anti-Corruption Strategy Anti-corruption encompasses a broad range of actions, strategies, and measures implemented to combat corruption in corruption in both public and private sectors Anti-corruption strategy involves the establishment of laws, regulations, and policies aimed at promoting integrity, integrity, transparency, and accountability while deterring corrupt practices Anti-corruption efforts extend beyond prosecution and encompass preventive measures such as strengthening strengthening institutions, enhancing transparency, and promoting good governance These initiatives also raise awareness, encourage reporting of corruption, and protect whistle-blowers International cooperation is often sought to address transnational corruption and uphold global standards of integrity integrity It aims to foster a culture of integrity, combat corruption's threats to economic development and social stability, and stability, and ensure fair utilization of public resources, thereby promoting trust and accountability in society
  • 19. Aim of Anti-Corruption Strategy Commit public administration and political actors to combat corruption effectively Promote the identification of corruption and the transparency of decision- decision-making Seek to improve the ability of authorities to hold those who have engaged in corrupt practices accountable for for their actions Facilitate the creation of of national situation awareness of corruption corruption The aim of anti-corruption strategy is to intensify the fight against corruption in the short term, and in the long term to build a society where corruption has no chance of success
  • 20. Components of a National Anti-Corruption Strategy Public Participation Prevention and and Risk Assessment International Conventions and Commitments Asset Recovery Recovery and Financial Investigations Whistle-blower Protection Monitoring and and Evaluation Transparency and Open Data
  • 21. Roles of Professional Accountant in fighting Corruption • The preventive role of the professional accountant is targeted towards the elimination or minimization of minimization of the opportunity factor • It is characterized by the development and institutionalization of financial reporting standards, corporate corporate governance structures and internal control mechanisms in line with global best practices The Preventive Role • The detective role of professional accountants, with reference to the forensic accountants and auditors, auditors, involves a series of interrelated and complex concepts and processes usually carried out by by forensic accountants and auditors • The role weakens the strength of pressure and further serves as deterrence for the commission of any any corrupt practice The Detective Role • Studies have revealed that one of the best ways to prevent corrupt practices is to enforce both preventive as preventive as well as strong enough punitive measures • In fulfilling this role, forensic accountants are expected to precisely document the sort of proof required for required for successful criminal indictment; could work in a complex litigation and regulatory environment; environment; and with reasonable accuracy, reconstruct missing, destroyed, or deceptive accounting records accounting records The Punitive Role
  • 22. Others roles of professional accountants in combating corruption are: Exhibit honesty and making valuable effort towards eradicating corruption in Nigeria Create climate for good corporate governance Promote integrity, trust and fairness as guiding principle Improve financial accountability and probity by strong supervision Conduct check on the internal control system to enhance compliance with relevant laws and regulation Establish mechanism that prevents and detects flaws in place of work Disassociate from illegal activities Provide reliable information in both public and private sectors Create climate for transparency Promote professional ethnics and code of conducts
  • 24. Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals Corruption poses a significant challenge to global development, eroding trust in institutions institutions and hindering efficient resource allocation To address this issue, many countries have implemented National Anti-Corruption Strategies Strategies as comprehensive plans These strategies involve collaboration between government agencies, civil society, the private private sector, and citizens to combat corruption across different sectors They focus on establishing strong legal frameworks, regulatory mechanisms, and anti- corruption laws to prevent and prosecute corrupt practices Governance reforms are also emphasized, aiming to enhance transparency, efficiency, and and accountability in the public sector through initiatives such as e-governance systems and systems and improved procurement procedures
  • 25. Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals Education, awareness, awareness, and capacity-building play a a crucial role in National Anti- Corruption Strategies A national anti- corruption strategy is a a coordinated plan implemented by governments to combat combat corruption comprehensively It involves collaboration collaboration among various stakeholders to to prevent, detect, and and deter corruption at at different levels of society The strategy aims to promote transparency, transparency, integrity, integrity, and accountability in both public and private sectors
  • 26. Anti-Corruption Strategies and the Accountancy Professionals The key components involves include robust legal frameworks, governance reforms, education and awareness awareness initiatives, effective anti-corruption institutions, and international cooperation cooperation Successful implementation requires sustained commitment, strong leadership, and engagement from all stakeholders Monitoring, evaluation, and periodic updates are are crucial for its effectiveness and the strategy aims to reduce corruption, build fair accountable societies, and and foster economic development
  • 27. Corruption fighting Strategies Compliance and Risk Management Financial Transparency and Accountability Forensic Accounting and Investigation Whistle-blower Protection and Reporting Mechanisms Capacity Building and Training Collaboration with Government Agencies
  • 29. Conclusion The accountancy profession plays a crucial role in the overall effectiveness of a national anti- corruption strategy Accountants, auditors, and financial professionals possess the skills and knowledge necessary to detect, prevent, and combat corrupt practices Their expertise in financial management, internal controls, and risk assessment enables them to identify red flags and irregularities that may indicate corruption Professional Accountants’ adherence to professional ethics and standards promotes transparency and accountability in financial reporting
  • 30. Recommendation Support research and innovation Promote robust ethical standards and professional conduct Enhance capacity building and training programmes Encourage public-private partnerships Providing anti-fraud training and education for members among other stakeholders
  • 32. Prof. Godwin Emmanuel Oyedokun Professor of Accounting and Financial Development Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria Principal Partner; Oyedokun Godwin Emmanuel & Co (Chartered Accountants, Tax Practitioners & Forensic Auditors)